- published: 10 Jan 2017
- views: 3808
A ritual "is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and performed according to set sequence." Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a community, including a religious community. Rituals are characterized by formalism, traditionalism, invariance, rule-governance, sacral symbolism, and performance.
Rituals are a feature of all known human societies. They include not only the worship rites and sacraments of organized religions and cults, but also rites of passage, atonement and purification rites, oaths of allegiance, dedication ceremonies, coronations and presidential inaugurations, marriages and funerals, school "rush" traditions and graduations, club meetings, sporting events, Halloween parties, veterans parades, Christmas shopping and more. Many activities that are ostensibly performed for concrete purposes, such as jury trials, execution of criminals, and scientific symposia, are loaded with purely symbolic actions prescribed by regulations or tradition, and thus partly ritualistic in nature. Even common actions like hand-shaking and saying hello may be termed rituals.
Gunung Padang is a megalithic site located in Karyamukti village, Cianjur regency, West Java Province of Indonesia, 50 km southwest of the city of Cianjur or 6 kilometers from Lampegan station. It has been called the largest megalithic site in all of Southeastern Asia, and has produced carbon dating results which, if confirmed, suggest it is extraordinarily old. The survey believes that Gunung Padang was built in four different eras.
The existence of the site was mentioned in Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige Dienst (ROD, "Report of the Department of Antiquities") in 1914. The Dutch historian N. J. Krom also mentioned it in 1949. Employees of the National Archeology Research Centre visited the site in 1979 for a study of its archaeology, history, and geology.
Located at 885 metres above sea level, the site covers a hill in a series of terraces bordered by retaining walls of stone that are accessed by about 400 successive andesite steps rising about 95 metres. It is covered with massive rectangular stones of volcanic origin. The Sundanese people consider the site sacred and believe it was the result of King Siliwangi's attempt to build a palace in one night. The asymmetric Punden Berundak faces northwest, to Mount Gede and was constructed for the purpose of worship. Based on various dating techniques, the site was completed by 5000 BC and quite likely much earlier.
Data (/ˈdeɪtə/ DAY-tə, /ˈdætə/ DA-tə, or /ˈdɑːtə/ DAH-tə) is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, pieces of data are individual pieces of information. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.
Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, is a collection of numbers, characters; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled in situ environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
The Latin word "data" is the plural of "datum", and still may be used as a plural noun in this sense. Nowadays, though, "data" is most commonly used in the singular, as a mass noun (like "information", "sand" or "rain").
A ritual is the scripted performance of ceremonial action, usually for a perceived supernatural purpose.
Ritual(s) or The Ritual may also refer to:
Richard Austin Quest (born 9 March 1962) is an English journalist and a CNN International anchor and reporter, based in New York City, New York.
He anchors Quest Means Business. In addition to anchoring the five-times-weekly business programme, Quest hosts the monthly programme CNN Business Traveller and CNN Marketplace Europe. He formerly anchored the monthly show Quest and the daily show CNN Today which was geared towards morning audiences in Europe.
Quest is a native of Liverpool, Merseyside, England, having been born and partly brought up there.
He was educated at the state comprehensive Roundhay School in Leeds, followed by Airedale and Wharfedale College and the University of Leeds, where he studied law, taking his degree in 1983 (Law LLB Hons.), and was called to the Bar. He had already gained broadcasting experience when he spent the 1983–84 academic year in the United States at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. As news director for campus radio station WRVU, he built the reporting staff from scratch.
Delerium - Ritual (ft. Phildel) Wykonawca: Delerium Wokal: Phildel Album: Mythologie Data wydania: 2016 Data Officialnej Premiery: 2017 Gatunek: Ambient Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlueDjsTeam 〱Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bluedjsteam 〱Page: http://www.bluedjsteam.strefa.pl/ ᗍ Follow: https://soundcloud.com/bluedjsteam Photo: Google.
- VAMOS TENTAR BATER 100 LIKES DE NOVO GALERA, PQ ESSE VIDEO TA FODA, E NÃO SEI COMO, MAS VOLTAMOS NESSA CASA MALDITA ! - Tudo nesse video é REAL, nós não batemos nenhuma porta, e nem desenhamos essas coisas na parede. ******** Redes Sociais ******** Twitter Oreia - @oreiaweslley Twitter Data - https://www.Twitter.com/Data_rar Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DataFFA Xbox live - Data TG PSN - Data_rar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******** Symbol Ascent ******** https;//www.Youtube.com/SymbolAscent https;//www.twitter.com/SymbolAscent
Bit Float aka John Nixon is next up on his own Snail Juice Recordings label with his first solo release on it. The Detroit man serves up a pair of fantastic club cuts that very much announce he is a talent worth watching. He is relatively new to the dance music game, but has long been turning heads with his other styles of music. In all he has put out five albums since the 90s, and has worked as 7and5 amongst other aliases. He is also the A&R; manager at Blu Line Records where he has music coming up soon, but first come these two top cuts. Deep Bleu is our Debut Transmission today and also the stern opener, with its hard hitting and high impact drums. This is meaty tech for the peak of the night with dark vocals, rumbling bass and the sort of heavyweight groove that makes people march...
- NÃO SEI COMO, MAS VOLTAMOS NESSA CASA PELA TERCEIRA VEZ ! - Tudo nesse video é REAL, nós não batemos nenhuma porta, e nem desenhamos essas coisas na parede. ******** Redes Sociais ******** Twitter Oreia - @oreiaweslley Twitter Data - https://www.Twitter.com/Data_rar Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DataFFA Xbox live - Data TG PSN - Data_rar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******** Symbol Ascent ******** https;//www.Youtube.com/SymbolAscent https;//www.twitter.com/SymbolAscent
RITUAL PUTERNIC PENTRU A DOMINA ORICE PERSOANA SA FACA CE VREI TU O data pe zi te uiti la poza si spui: RUGACIUNE In numele lui Dumnezeu eu te chem, spiritul Nelinistii si al disperarii, spiritul Dragosteispiritul celor 4 vanturi, spiritul sfintei Marta si sf Elena din Ierusalim, eu vachem toate spiriteleca sa ma ajutati sa domin cele 5 simturi , ganduri, mintea, judecata, spiritul viu si vointa lui--------------cer asta ingerului pazitor al lui ....................din ziua in care s-a nascut si in care l-au botezat pana in ziua in care va muri. Ajutama ca el ................... sa nu poata sta nici manca nici dormi nici trai linistit fara ca el sa nu se gandeasca la mine care ma numesc............. pana cand va veni la picioarele mele plin de iubiire pentru mine, de dorinta de a ma vedea...
Ne-am intors cu un nou episod din seria ''intunecata'', unde intru, singur de data asta, intr-un pod parasit si dau de.... Ramaneti pana la final Like pentru mai multe episoade ;) Music credit: Disfigure - Blank [NCS Release] (320 kbps) (eMP3z.com) www.purple-planet.com www.bensound.com Interactionam si ne spunem ''oful'': https://www.facebook.com/people/Viata-Masca/100014591144826
"The Ritual" is the newest game room at Mystery Makers in Copenhagen. It deals with secret societies conducting evil rituals in strange locations, but the set design and the gameplay doesn't deliver an immersive experience. Find out why in our review. Data: Room: The Ritual Company: Mystery Makers, Hammerensgade 6, Copenhagen Website: http://mysterymakers.dk Languages available: English – maybe Danish, too? Game time: 60 minutes Price: Various price levels depending on schedule: From DKK 200,- to DKK 400,- per person. This review: Game date: 20 August 2017 Number of players: 4 (Mystery Makers want you to be 4-9 players, but to be fair there’s no room nor enough puzzles to keep 9 people engaged. Nor 5 people, for that matter. If you are experienced escape-room players you will be able t...
Imagine-se saindo para uma festa, um encontro ou para comemorar uma data especial, você pensou em todo seu look, mas não arrumou seus cabelos e nem fez a maquiagem... Sabe aquela sensação de que tem ‘algo faltando’? Sua pele sente o mesmo quando você não cumpre o ‘ritual’.
Artist: Atezu Track:03 - Wild Ritual bpm: 148 Album: Deep Insights EP Release on: Dnoir Records (IT) Release Data: 10/June/2016 Mastering by: Biomekanik Artwork by: Acid Key Lab Buy on : http://www.dnoir.net/1/ep_deep_insight_by_atezu_11088020.html Follow the official page : https://www.facebook.com/Atezuproject/?ref=bookmarks Follow on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/atezu
-VAMOS TENTAR BATER 100 LIKES, PQ ESSE VIDEO TA FODA ! ******** Redes Sociais ******** Twitter Oreia - @oreiaweslley Twitter Data - https://www.Twitter.com/Data_rar Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DataFFA Xbox live - Data TG PSN - Data_rar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******** Symbol Ascent ******** https;//www.Youtube.com/SymbolAscent https;//www.twitter.com/SymbolAscent
Ritual : Una storia psicomagica Regia: Giulia Brazzale - Luca Immesi Data uscita: 08/05/2014 Cast: Desirèe Giorgetti - Ivan Franek - Anna Bonasso - Alejandro Jodorowsky - Cosimo Cinieri - Patrizia Laquidara - Roberta Sparta - Fabio Gemo - Nicola Arabi - Gaia Ziche Trama: La giovane e fragile Lia si trova coinvolta in un rapporto masochista con Viktor, un sadico e narcisista avvocato 40enne. Il loro equilibrio malato viene rotto quando Lia rimane incinta e l'uomo le impone una scelta: "o me o il bambino". Lia abortisce e va in pezzi. Gravemente depressa si reca da una zia guaritrice che tenta di curarla con un atto psicomagico jodorowskiano, ma qualcosa va storto... Il flm è liberamente tratto da La Danza della Realtà di Alejandro Jodorowsky
Hey guys in this episode of FTB we do our second ritual and do some upgrading. Don't forget if your enjoying the content smash those buttons guys Subscribe ✔ Comment ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Want access to early content? The Donator Rank might Be for you help support your favorite youtuber http://goo.gl/HWbuCm Want to play on Data's Official Fan Server? nothing easier, just become a registered member at the website http://www.dataless822.net •••••• Follow me on your favorite Social Media! •••••• Twitter https://twitter.com/Dataless822 Facebook http://goo.gl/qhNvkZ Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/Dataless822 •••••• Useful Links And Info •••••• My Website: http://www.dataless822.net Data's FAQs: http://goo.gl/cD9446 Plotz: http://www.plotz.co.uk/plotz.php Texture Pack: http://f32.me/ Mod Pack: h...
This video, discusses in conspiratorial detail, the ritual codes and many details that are a part of the MH370 missing jet liner event data. Links to all background data and sources considered, are provided for your review. MK-ULTRA, Mind control code 34 is revealed and shown in the co-pilot's personal data and is moderately discussed as it relates to the timing and disappearance of Flt MH370. 239 days duration finding http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=7&d1;=6&y1;=2013&m2;=3&d2;=1&y2;=2014&ti;=on 539 days-77 weeks duration finding http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=9&d1;=14&y1;=2012&m2;=3&d2;=7&y2;=2014 http://my.news.yahoo.com/mas-aircraft-goes-missing--says-airline- 023820132.html http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/search-off-wa-for-missing-ma...
On the heels of his stellar debut LP, Boxwork returns to Shades Recordings with a cast of quality remixers for the Dive Left Remixes EP. Our Debut Transmission is remix from Throwing Snow - whose own Embers LP has been making serious waves of late - takes on Ritual, twisting it into a tough, hardcore-inflected slice of digital dancehall which manages to sound both cutting-edge and deeply rooted in UK dance music history. Elsewhere, HERETIC head honcho and frequent Boxwork collaborator Cloaka offers up a wistful, classy take on Honest Loose reminiscent of vintage Sepalcure, and Shades co-founder and art director Fybe:one drives Portland Push into moody, deep garage territory. Shades alum Duct's impeccably woozy dub techno rework of Automatic rounds out the package on a high. Follow...
Hey guys in this episode of FTB we do our first ritual and fix some problems with our tree farm. Don't forget if your enjoying the content smash those buttons guys Subscribe ✔ Comment ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Want access to early content? The Donator Rank might Be for you help support your favorite youtuber http://goo.gl/HWbuCm Want to play on Data's Official Fan Server? nothing easier, just become a registered member at the website http://www.dataless822.net •••••• Follow me on your favorite Social Media! •••••• Twitter https://twitter.com/Dataless822 Facebook http://goo.gl/qhNvkZ Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/Dataless822 •••••• Useful Links And Info •••••• My Website: http://www.dataless822.net Data's FAQs: http://goo.gl/cD9446 Plotz: http://www.plotz.co.uk/plotz.php Texture Pack: http://f...
Ritual onde tem o objetivo de acessar um canal através da estática e nesse canal vamos ver pessoas que conseguiram chegar ao paraíso ver a data de nossa morte, entre outros. Henrique Grosse Caixa postal n° 23509 CEP 81130-970 Curitiba - PR REDES SOCIAIS - Twitter: http://twitter.com/clone - Instagram: http://instagram.com/henriquegrosse - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/henrique.grosse - Email: henriquegrh@hotmail.com
Ritual onde tem o objetivo de acessar um canal através da estática e nesse canal vamos ver pessoas que conseguiram chegar ao paraíso ver a data de nossa morte, entre outros. Henrique Grosse Caixa postal n° 23509 CEP 81130-970 Curitiba - PR REDES SOCIAIS - Twitter: http://twitter.com/clone - Instagram: http://instagram.com/henriquegrosse - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/henrique.grosse - Email: henriquegrh@hotmail.com
Demons: Occult Rituals Caught on Camera
O objetivo desse ritual é através da estática acessarmos um canal e nesse canal vamos ver pessoas que conseguiram chegar ao paraíso, vamos ver a data de nossa morte entre outros Henrique Grosse Caixa postal n° 23509 CEP 81130-970 Curitiba - PR REDES SOCIAIS - Twitter: http://twitter.com/clone - Instagram: http://instagram.com/henriquegrosse - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/henrique.grosse - Email: henriquegrh@hotmail.com
Episode 37 - Misteri Indonesia Situs Gunung Padang Situs ini Tepatnya berada di perbatasan Dusun Gunungpadang dan Panggulan, Desa Karyamukti, Kecamatan Campaka, Kabupaten Cianjur. Lokasi ini dapat dicapai sejauhm 20 kilometer dari persimpangan kota kecamatan Warungkondang, dijalan antara Kota Kabupaten Cianjur dan Sukabumi. Luas kompleks utamanya kurang lebih 900 m², terletak pada ketinggian 885 m dpl, dan areal situs ini sekitar 3 ha, menjadikannya sebagai kompleks punden berundak terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Bila memang di dalam situs gunung padang ada bangunan semacam piramida Giza maka piramida Gunung Padang tentu saja lebih tua. Dan akan banyak mengubah peta peradaban dunia. Bahwa nenek moyang Indonesia di masa lalu ternyata sangat hebat dalam membangun bangunan seperti ini melebihi dar...
This video, discusses in conspiratorial detail, the ritual codes and many details that are a part of the MH370 missing jet liner event data. Links to all background data and sources considered, are provided for your review. MK-ULTRA, Mind control code 34 is revealed and shown in the co-pilot's personal data and is moderately discussed as it relates to the timing and disappearance of Flt MH370. 239 days duration finding http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=7&d1;=6&y1;=2013&m2;=3&d2;=1&y2;=2014&ti;=on 539 days-77 weeks duration finding http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=9&d1;=14&y1;=2012&m2;=3&d2;=7&y2;=2014 http://my.news.yahoo.com/mas-aircraft-goes-missing--says-airline- 023820132.html http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/search-off-wa-for-missing-ma...
Hey guys in this episode of FTB we do our second ritual and do some upgrading. Don't forget if your enjoying the content smash those buttons guys Subscribe ✔ Comment ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Want access to early content? The Donator Rank might Be for you help support your favorite youtuber http://goo.gl/HWbuCm Want to play on Data's Official Fan Server? nothing easier, just become a registered member at the website http://www.dataless822.net •••••• Follow me on your favorite Social Media! •••••• Twitter https://twitter.com/Dataless822 Facebook http://goo.gl/qhNvkZ Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/Dataless822 •••••• Useful Links And Info •••••• My Website: http://www.dataless822.net Data's FAQs: http://goo.gl/cD9446 Plotz: http://www.plotz.co.uk/plotz.php Texture Pack: http://f32.me/ Mod Pack: h...
Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recent lecture regarding the Wikileaks 'Vault 7' release which has given the public a glimpse into the CIA's cyber hacking and data mining capabilities. Later we discuss his talk on Malachi Martin's Keys of This Blood, a book that examines the Vatican's role in 20th century geopolitics and the infiltration of the Catholic Church by Masonic and Satanic groups. Jay is the host of Jay's Analysis. He is the author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults, and Symbols in Film - Purchase here: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/
É bem verdade que muitas pessoas não entendem os termos e expressões utilizadas no dia a dia dos tribunais. O chamado "juridiquês" pode mesmo não ser tão compreensível e confundir quem não atua no meio jurídico. No programa Academia desta semana vamos conhecer um estudo que busca demonstrar a função e as finalidades da linguagem adotada profissionalmente pelos operadores do Direito com os clientes. Leia a íntegra da sinopse http://goo.gl/Tl58kP
Hey guys in this episode of FTB we do our first ritual and fix some problems with our tree farm. Don't forget if your enjoying the content smash those buttons guys Subscribe ✔ Comment ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Want access to early content? The Donator Rank might Be for you help support your favorite youtuber http://goo.gl/HWbuCm Want to play on Data's Official Fan Server? nothing easier, just become a registered member at the website http://www.dataless822.net •••••• Follow me on your favorite Social Media! •••••• Twitter https://twitter.com/Dataless822 Facebook http://goo.gl/qhNvkZ Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/Dataless822 •••••• Useful Links And Info •••••• My Website: http://www.dataless822.net Data's FAQs: http://goo.gl/cD9446 Plotz: http://www.plotz.co.uk/plotz.php Texture Pack: http://f...
This Part 1 video, discusses in detail,the most important future ritual event, that I feel we all should be aware of, which is the Yellowstone Super Volcano that could soon suffer a major eruption. Part 2 of 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLUnBjhelxc ALERT: Pentagon Moves Nuclear Missiles From Yellowstone Blast Area https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzQnr2JJmws http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/05/haeds-up-alert-pentagon-moves-nuclear-missiles-from-yellowstone-blast-zone-video-2957194.html http://thecelestialconvergence.blogspot.com/2014/01/major-global-volcanism-alert-if-volcano.html FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners.I am making such material available in an effort t...
This video updates the recent Shadow of the Sun Ritual findings, discussed in previous video offerings, regarding the April 28/29 Solar Eclipse of the Sun. Discussion regarding the Shadow of the October 23 Solar Eclipse, is also discussed, along with MH370 ritual code findings, supporting such a conspiratorial discussion. Links to background material: Duration Counter http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=4&d1;=29&y1;=2014&m2;=10&d2;=23&y2;=2014&ti;=on Prince George Background data: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_George_of_Cambridge Pregnant with Twins: http://www.ibtimes.com/kate-middleton-pregnant-twins-duchess-reportedly-expecting-two-babies-prince-william-1560072 Solar Eclipse 2014 Data http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2014.html FAIR USE NOTICE: This video conta...
Non-Human entities manage the Earth society as an energy harvesting matrix for lower energy. One could say this is Phase 1 information because this deals with the corruption, however because this includes information on advanced technology, non-terrestrial planes, and non-human entities this is actually 1,2, and 3. However, the ultimate picture is that the entire plane is corrupted, there is literally no end to Phase 1 and they are all connected. And ignore the part at the end, that's my opinion in exaggeration, anyone can understand this stuff, they're just concepts. The focus was on some Event coming that will change everything. There was an underground battle they parallel jumped timelines to get to this parallel. There are memory wipes in this current system. A team of people are ...
Shri Hairakhandi, Hairakhandi, Hairakhandi bol ! Ishvara sata chita ananda bol ! Shri Samba SadaShiva, Samba SadaShiva, Samba Sada Shiva bol. Palaka preraka jaga pati bol ! Jaya Jaya Hairakhana bihari, Jaga kalyana hetu avatari ! Tuma hi ho mama Sadaguru deva Alakha agochara Shiva mahadeva Parama dayamaya hridaya tumharo Sharana gata ko shigrah uvaro Shri Hairakhandi . . . . . . . . . . Kona so kashta munindra hai jaga mai Dura no hoya daya se china mai ? Bolata vachana sada bhayahari Baba manasa fale tumhari Shri Hairakhandi . . . . . . . . . . Mangala bhavana amangala Hari Prabhu tere charana kamala balihari Shri Hairakhandi . . . . . . . . . . Mridu bhashi muni parama udara Bodha vakya hai gyana ko sara Shri Haidakhandi . . . . . . . . . . Satya sanatana dharma udara Gyana nihita shu...
This video continues the ongoing MH370 Ritual discussion by showing the recently discovered, Ritual Pentagram, and the NWO Circle of Protection, associated with the MH370 Ritual event and world's deception of its disappearance. In addition, a brief conspiratorial and ritual discussion regarding Diego Garcia, is discussed, relative to the ongoing theory, that MH370 and the 239 passengers and crew, made it to Diego Garcia alive. As such, this theory, then allows us to understand that the Twin MH370 crashed in the Gulf of Thailand, and that the real MH370, is located in the Bay of Bengal. This then suggests that because the 777 was placed in the Bay of Bengal, that the 239 passengers were first removed from Flt MH370 and then systematically ritually sacrificed, later, as needed, in the Sac...
Happy Easter Higherside Chatters! A most appropriate show for today: When we examine sacred sites scattered around the world, oral traditions passed down through generations and disjointed clues of our fragmented history buried by organized religion, the path to reconnect the dots seems daunting. And without the proper context, putting our past into perspective can appear impossible. Luckily, today's guest, Freddy Silva, has spent his years studying a cornucopia of esoteric traditions from ancient societies ranging from extinct systems of knowledge and initiation rituals to Jesus and crop circles. Silva has written several books including, "The Divine Blueprint" and "First Templar Nation", to help bestow ancient wisdom for modern times. Subscribe to the plus show to hear the extended ep...
MINECRAFT ATIVIDADE SOBRENATURAL, MUITOS FENÔMENOS ESTRANHOS VEM ACONTECENDO NO MINECRAFT, MUITO CUIDADO QUANDO JOGAR VOCÊ PODE FICAR MUITO ASSUSTADO! JÁ SAIU UMA NOVA ATUALIZAÇÃO DO MINECRAFT Veja todos os episódios dessa série: https://goo.gl/91KgME Celulares, Tablets, Consoles e PC que tem no Canal: Ipad Pro Iphone 6S Plus Iphone 7 Plus LG G5 Galaxy S7 Galaxy NOTE Xperia Z5 Tablets Xperia Z4 Consoles: PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Xbox 360 Xbox One Nintendo Wii Meu Computador: PC i7 4790K , 16 GB de Ram , 6 SSD Raid 0 , GTX 1080 8GB Microfone: Razer Seirēn Pro 10 Curiosidades sobre o Minecraft Pocket Edition: 1- É possível tingir as armaduras de couro para cavalo utilizando corantes. 2- É possível ficar de cabeça para baixo. 3- A versão mobile do Minecraft é a única que tem o ...
Sacrificios son Rituales, el Espiritismo no acepta Ritos ni Cultos. Libro de Los Espíritus. Sacrificios 669. La práctica de los sacrificios humanos data de la más remota antigüedad. ¿Cómo pudo el hombre ser inducido a creer que semejantes cosas podrían agradar a Dios? “En primer lugar, porque no comprendía a Dios como la fuente de la bondad. En los pueblos primitivos la materia prevalece sobre el espíritu. Esos pueblos se entregan a los instintos de los irracionales; razón por la cual suelen ser crueles, pues el sentido moral aún no se ha desarrollado en ellos. En segundo lugar, los hombres primitivos debían de creer, naturalmente, que una criatura animada tenía mucho más valor ante Dios que un cuerpo material. Eso los indujo, al principio, a inmolar animales y más tarde hombres, puesto ...
RITUAL DO CONSELHO KARMICO - O ÚLTIMO DO ANO. Com Eliana Matthos do Espaço Luz Cristica. Este Ritual foi realizado ao vivo no dia 28.12.2016 e você pode fazê-lo até o dia 31.12.2016! A Meditação começa aos 46min54s. Você pode ir direto para ela, se desejar. O que antecede a Meditação são orientações passadas para as pessoas que fizeram ao vivo e que transcrevo aqui: Você precisará de 2 folhas em branco (pode ser folha pautada ou não) e um lápis (ou caneta, se não tiver lápis). * Na primeira folha escreverá tudo que não deseja mais na sua vida. Deve ser datada do dia que você estiver fazendo o Ritual e dirigida aos Senhores Membros do Concelho Kármico. Assine no final. * Na segunda folha você deve datar de 31 de março de 2017 (data do próximo Ritual do Concelho Kármico) e agradecer tu...
SCP-2480 appears to be centered around Bodfel Manor, home of the late Cornelius P. Bodfel III (b. 1866 - d. 1952) - millionaire industrialist with an acute interest in the occult. Prior to his death, Bodfel was the leader of a secret society known as Adytum's Wake. Dismissed by the Foundation in 1932 as simply being a "decadent upper-class social club", their anomalous capabilities were not recognized until the November 28, 1952 incident. Read along with me! ♣Read along: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2480 "Rites" - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ My SCP readings Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xFp1HRmSQ&list;=PLWbMmdyBjyTxAdPDhu-K3KbOuG-cebCvL Season 2: https://www.youtube.c...
This video discusses the ritual code found in the Oregon Shooting Spree, along with new ritual code findings for the shooter Jared Michael Padgett and the victim, Emilio Hoffman. Only after reviewing the ritual code in detail, was I able to see and determine, that I would have to show both shooter and victim codes, to present my conspiratorial thoughts, as to what a Jared Ritual Phase start implies, in relationship to Yellowstone erupting, in some false flag type of method, known only to the NWO. The recent Magnetic anomalies noted over the Yellowstone Caldera are to be noted. Other media reports of Russia, attempting to scientifically determine what is going on under Yellowstone are also noted as to the ritually timed introduction of a Yellowstone anomaly. A possible pole shift, alon...
The movie begins with an underworld don Billa , featured on Interpol's criminal list, hiding and operating out of Malaysia. Krishnamoorthy has spent the last few years looking for Billa, leaving behind a life in India. During a chase with the police Billa is severely wounded after an accident and dies in front of the ACP. The ACP then secretly holds a burial of Billa. Interpol Officer Dharmendra is assigned to work with the ACP to capture the elusive Billa as no-one knows of Billa's death. The ACP keeps the death of Billa as a secret even from his fellow officers, and tracks down a look-alike called Swami Ranga, a petty thief based in Visakhapatnam. He asks Ranga to infiltrate Billa's gang by pretending to be Billa. In return he will make sure that the children Ranga adopted, Lakshmi and ...
In Left Hand Path for the HTC Vive you Cast spells, perform rituals, learn terrible truths and try not to die in this Dark Souls-inspired roomscale RPG. You awaken in a darkened castle – or is it something else? – full of dangerous creatures, a history of tragedy, and arcane powers that you can wield. From there, you’ll delve into the weird landscape of the Well Of All Rewards... While playing Left-Hand Path, You Will Learn arcane gestures to cast powerful spells: fling missiles, strike your foes with lightning, and conjure flaming boulders from the ground. Master a complex ritual magic system based on historical Hermetic magic. Become part of a history of human greed and ambition, tragedy, sacrifice in the name of love, and lust for power. Fight lethal monsters that will test both yo...
Sacred inception aligned to the sway
Allegiance to tranquility
Quenching the twinge and unbounding fantods
Illuminate skies with the solace above
There's a straining oblivion
From the rituals of dominion
The eternal desire of obtrusion
There's a straining oblivion