Local News

Pool pulls the plug

Pool pulls the plug

A PORT Macquarie institution has wound up the lane dividers and shut its doors, after a quarter of ...

Engineers walk off the job

Engineers walk off the job

A GROUP of Essential Energy employees used a four-hour work stoppage on Wednesday for a seminar that touched ...

Coronial inquest launched

Coronial inquest launched

AN inquest into the death of Port Macquarie man Jacob Berry will be conducted by the Auckland Coroner's ...

Bye bye birdie

Bye bye birdie

HASTINGS Birdwatchers will mark World Migratory Bird Day with a visit to Pelican Island.

Region's nurses honoured

Region's nurses honoured

THURSDAY was International Nurses Day with the Port Macquarie Base Hospital hosting a special morning tea to recognise ...

Clarence St suite sale

Clarence St suite sale

TWO suites in a Clarence Street commercial building will go under the hammer on May 17.

Latest News

Regional Focus

Gore returns for Sharks

Gore returns for Sharks

WHAT does Port Sharks coach Joe Cudmore make of Harley Gore's return? He's looking forward to it.

TV Guide

  • {!= date.text !}
  • {!= show.name !}
    {!= show.start !} - {!= show.end !}


Get happy and volunteer

Get happy and volunteer

ANNETTE Baxter hasn't looked back since she began volunteering with St Vincent de Paul seven years ago.


Life & Style


LETTER: Who is going to benefit?

THE Australia Institute is an independent research body. It has identified electorates with their proportion of constituents earning ...


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