Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) is a type of random-access memory that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor within an integrated circuit. The capacitor can be either charged or discharged; these two states are taken to represent the two values of a bit, conventionally called 0 and 1. Since even "nonconducting" transistors always leak a small amount, the capacitors will slowly discharge, and the information eventually fades unless the capacitor charge is refreshed periodically. Because of this refresh requirement, it is a dynamic memory as opposed to static random-access memory (SRAM) and other static types of memory. Unlike flash memory, DRAM is volatile memory (vs. non-volatile memory), since it loses its data quickly when power is removed.
DRAM is widely used in digital electronics where low-cost and high-capacity memory is required. One of the largest applications for DRAM is the main memory (colloquially called the "RAM") in modern computers; and as the main memories of components used in these computers such as graphics cards (where the "main memory" is called the graphics memory). In contrast, SRAM, which is faster and more expensive than DRAM, is typically used where speed is of greater concern than cost, such as the cache memories in processors.
Please find your place
The room grows scarce
Once we’re all inside
The service can begin
For a moment, if you please
Forget what you believe
And naked, you will see
That we are all the same
But how, your kiss
Your words, your lips
Your flesh, your bones
Exactly what you need
Your flesh, your bones
Exactly what you need
Drum beats louder
Drum beats louder
Why should I feel intrusion?
Why be afraid of what we do not understand?
To eliminate exclusion
Cut out the differences to feel like we belong
Drum beats louder
Drum beats louder
Open up your head
Open up you primitive
Open up your mouth
Open up your head
Your sweet primitive
Open up your mouth
It's coming out
Out there, no food or drink
How many days do you think you’d last
On your diamonds and your pearls?
I’m not a king, no, not a hero, not a fool
I'm not perfect, I'm flesh and bone
And I'm exactly what you need
Drum beats louder
Open up your head
Open up you primitive
Open up your mouth
Open up your head
Your sweet primitive
Open up your mouth
It's coming out
Open up your head
Scream, you sweet primitive
Tell me what you said
But how, your kiss
Your words, your lips
Not a gun to your head
You're gonna die before you're dead
Not sad, when you're gone
But when your light’s still on
Your dreams wont let you fly
Don't be dead before you die
Hunger, till fed, give love instead
When it gets inside, watch the dead man squirm
Above all things
If kindness is your king