- published: 19 May 2006
- views: 2652159
Ibar may refer to:
iBar - largest multitouch touchscreen
DJ Tommy đánh căng đét, xung quá Ibar 15-6-2014
This is iBar! Pattaya - Walking Street
60 minutos: Pablo Ibar
I Hurt My Back!! | IBAR PRANK!!
Nuevas pruebas incriminatorias en el "Caso Pablo Ibar"
Anulada la sentencia de muerte contra el español Pablo Ibar en Florida
Tit Deejay mix IBar đêm 2-6-2014
Pablo Ibar: "No acepté la cadena perpetua porque soy inocente y eso no es vida" - Enviado Especial
El vídeo por el que piden la pena de muerte para Pablo Ibar - Enviado especial
There is no better place to enjoy the end of the night than in iBar. Drinks, shots, dancing and music, beautiful people and fun times with friends, iBar has it all. Music used in this video was created by Gunnar Olsen. The song is called -- First to last The music was found on the Youtube website in the Audio Library of the Creation Tools section. I have permission to use this music for the purposes of this video. (see excerpt below) Your use of this music library (including the music files in this library) is subject to the YouTube Terms of Service. Music from this library is intended solely for use by you in videos and other content that you create. You may use music files from this library in videos that you monetize on YouTube.
60 minutos: Pablo Ibar. A finales de junio de 1994 el propietario de un club de alterne y dos modelos son golpeados y asesinados de un tiro en la nuca en Florida. Las imágenes fueron grabadas por una cáma oculta que había en la vivienda dónde se produjeron los hechos. Unas semanas más tarde, el joven de ascendencia guipuzcoana, Pablo Ibar, es detenido por otro delito. La policía cree que la cara de la persona que aparece en las imágenes del asesinato guarda gran parecido con el detenido. Tras 6 años de aplazamientos, Pablo Ibar es hallado culpable y condenado a muerte por ese triple asesinato. Pablo Ibar lleva ya 14 años encerrado en el corredor de la muerte. Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.com/ Más vídeos interesantes en http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom/ Televisión a la carta http...
THE GAME ► http://gamejolt.com/games/ibar/88293 WARNING HEADPHONE USERS!!!!!! OCULUS RIFT DK2 PLAYLIST ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMjgE-kk6k8cRmDk6FkwC7s_lb7sEiyTh Follow My Stream Here► http://www.twitch.tv/poiised Follow me on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/POiiSED Follow me on FB FAN Page ► https://www.facebook.com/poiised?ref=... Follow me on FB ► https://www.facebook.com/slenderman.i...
Tras la presentación, por parte de la Fiscalía, de nuevas pruebas en el caso del vasco Pablo Ibar, nuestra abogada de Bilbao Olga Rodríguez Marcos, analiza en "Qué Me Estás Contando" las peculiaridades de este largo proceso penal y del sistema procesal estadounidense.
Miami (EE.UU.), 4 feb (EFE).- El Tribunal Supremo de Florida anuló hoy la condena a la pena capital dictada en el año 2000 contra el español Pablo Ibar, que lleva casi 22 años preso, 15 de ellos en el corredor de la muerte en una cárcel de este estado. El dictamen emitido por la máxima instancia judicial de Florida implica la celebración de un nuevo juicio contra Ibar, condenado por los asesinatos de tres personas, el dueño de un local nocturno y dos modelos, cometidos en 1994. Con cuatro votos a favor y tres en contra, el Tribunal Supremo de Florida se pronunció en contra de la condena por asesinato en primer grado y sentencia de muerte, "ante la ausencia de pruebas físicas que conecten a Ibar con el triple asesinato", señaló el Supremo en el documento de 27 páginas que fue divulgado ...
El equipo de Enviado especial consigue entrar en la cárcel de Raifrod para entrevistar a Pablo Ibar, el único español sentenciado a la inyección letal en EEUU. El condenado a muerte ha rechazado dos veces un acuerdo para ser condenado a cadena perpetua declarandose culpable, sin embargo no lo ha aceptado porque asegura ser "inocente".
Jalis de la Serna entrevista a Benjamin Waxman, el abogado de Pablo Ibar en Florida, quien enseña en Enviado especial el vídeo que se ha aceptado como prueba para condenar al español al corredor de la muerte. En la imagen se reconocen hasta cinco discrepancias faciales entre Pablo y el asaltante del vídeo.
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around
there's a new sheriff in town
ah yeah surprise surprise
bet you never thought you'd see me burn so bright
yo soy caliente como el sol
bet you didn't know what i would be like
when i found my pride
when i hit my stride
don't even try put out the fire
you lie estupido
oh no
not even a notion of emotion
with the motion of the ocean
on my soul
get me down
your foolish ways will only serve to make you drown
that's right
whatever trick
tu lo veras
you'll see
i pee pee now
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around
there's a new sheriff in town
hay cono
can you tell me why
there's always got to be some fucking negativity
basta ya
you'd think by now and after everything we've been through
we'd put our differences aside
and say whassup fool
but nevermind
i'm not here for preaching
just for rock 'n roll
a little dash of azuquita sweeten up my flow
latina mama finally got her time
pave the way
cock the glock
you will obey
now muevete
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around
there's a new sheriff in town
que pasa dude
te sorprende que yo
he llegado a tanto
como los tiempos han cambiado
a mi no me importa lo que diga la gente
no me importa lo que piensen
las malas lenguas siempre seguiran hablando y criticando
a mi no me ofenden
los que se dediquen a rebajar a los demas
son los mismos que pagaran
y algun dia se tendran
que enfrentar con la verdad
no escupes pa' arriba
porque en la cara te caera
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around
there's a new sheriff in town
that's just the way it is
that's just the way it is
that's just the way it is
no no no no no no no no no
what's the matter what's the matter
lost your swagger
now you're fronted out
thought you'd be all the rage
assuming you could keep me down
i know
it's such a blow to your self-confidence
you got no defense
too bad
you should've recognized the opportunity you had
you could've been an ally
now you're all alone and mad
mopin' around outside my gigs
watchin' my peoples comin' in
party on
oppera house packed
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around
there's a new sheriff in town
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around
there's a new sheriff in town
that's just the way it is
made my way back to the top
never thought you'd see me again
but guess who's beatin'
that's just the way it is
played the game and now you're gone
open your eyes and look around