The Vermont senator was adamant that Clinton pick a hardline progressive for vice president if she successfully secures the Democratic nomination for president....
FIFA's recently elected PresidentGianni Infantino told its governing council a salary offer made to him by the soccer group's compensation committee was "insulting," according to report by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The newspaper's report, based on the leak of a recording... ....
Donald Trump. A federal judge ordered the release of Trump University internal documents, including marketing "playbooks," connected with an ongoing fraud lawsuit against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's now-defunct series of courses on real estate and investing, The Washington Post reported. In his decision, JudgeGonzalo Curiel ordered the documents, totaling about 1,000 pages, must be released by June 2 ... ....
(Source. Blackburn RoversFootball & Athletic plc). Feeling the pinch? Fancy winning £500 for just £1 per week in our Rovers Readies draw?. Rovers Readies is a weekly draw that guarantees one lucky winner £500 each week and at the same time you will also be supporting our valuable YouthAcademy... Payment can also be made in cash or cheque over the counter at The LotteryOffice within Roverstore at Ewood Park. Latest winners. ... D ... 1243 - M....
(Source. Town of San Anselmo, CA). San Anselmo's franchise agreement previously provided for 2 on-call pickups during each calendar year for residential customers for either ...Marin Sanitary proposed and the Council approved, eliminating the two on-call pickups and replacing them with two other programs. ... Original documenthttp.// ... (noodl. 33804468) ....
(Source. Reed Elsevier plc). 24 May 2016. ISSUED ON BEHALF OF RELX PLC AND RELX NV. Transactions in own shares. RELX PLC announces that today, it purchased (through UBSLimited) 205,000 RELX PLC ordinary shares at a price of 1243.2811p per share ... (noodl. 33772254) ....
(Source. District of Columbia Taxicab Commission) The DC Taxicab Commission (DCTC) announces a pilot program in partnership with online ordering platform to offer consumers expanded access to on-demand delivery of food, laundry, and other goods and services. The soft launch of the program will initially focus on lunch-hour food delivery in select areas ... 'This program is truly a win-win for the District ... 1243GoodHope Rd SE....
(Source. ISE - The Irish Stock Exchange plc). Morgan Stanley & Co. Int'l plc. FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI). PUBLIC DEALING DISCLOSURE BY AN EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER WITH RECOGNISED INTERMEDIARY STATUS DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY. Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the 'Code'). 1. KEY INFORMATION. (a) Name of exempt principal trader.. Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc ... Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree ... Yes. 2 ... 28 ... 110.1243EUR ... 110.1243 EUR....