- published: 10 Nov 2013
- views: 6307505
Fart is a word in the English language most commonly used in reference to flatulence. The word fart is often considered unsuitable in formal situations as it may be considered vulgar or offensive. Fart can be used as a noun or a verb. The immediate roots are in the Middle English words ferten, feortan and farten, kin of the Old High German word ferzan. Cognates are found in old Norse, Slavic and also Greek and Sanskrit. The word fart has been incorporated into the colloquial and technical speech of a number of occupations, including computing.
The English word fart is one of the oldest words in the English lexicon. Its Indo-European origins are confirmed by the many cognate words in some other Indo-European languages: It is cognate with Greek πέρδομαι (perdomai), as well as the Latin pēdĕre, Sanskrit pardate, Avestan pərəδaiti, Italian fare un peto, French "péter", Russian пердеть (perdet') and Polish "pierd" << PIE *perd [break wind loudly] or *pezd [the same, softly], all of which mean the same thing. Like most Indo-European roots in the Germanic languages, it was altered under Grimm's law, so that Indo-European /p/ > /f/, and /d/ > /t/, as the German cognate furzen also manifests.
Generally, a battle "is a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatants. A war sometimes consists of many battles. Battles generally are well defined in duration, area, and force commitment.
Wars and military campaigns are guided by strategy, whereas battles take place on a level of planning and execution known as operational mobility. German strategist Carl von Clausewitz stated that "the employment of battles ... to achieve the object of war" was the essence of strategy.
The definition of a battle cannot be arrived at solely through the names of historical battles, many of which are misnomers. The word battle is a loanword in English from the Old French bataille, first attested in 1297, from Late Latin battualia, meaning "exercise of soldiers and gladiators in fighting and fencing", from Late Latin (taken from Germanic) battuere "beat", from which the English word battery is also derived via Middle English batri, and comes from the staged battles in the Colosseum in Rome that may have numbered 10,000 individuals.
Fart Battle (ItsJerryAndHarry)
Fart Battle 2 (ItsJerryAndHarry)
Fart Battle
Fart battle
Mega Fart Battle - Andrew's Games #5
Minions Fart Battle
FART BATTLE (Coding with J&H;) #3
Spiderman vs Joker - Toilet Fart Battle! w/ Frozen Elsa and Pink Spidergirl Superhero Fun :)
Spiderman vs Venom - Toilet Battle in Real Life | Fart Battle
WATCH TO SEE THESE TWO BROTHERS FACE OFF IN AN EPIC FART BATTLE TO SEE WHO IS THE ULTIMATE FART KING! Server IP: play.itsjerryandharry.com Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/itsjerryandharry2 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ItsJerryAndHarry Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JerryAndHarry Fart buddies: Saul: http://youtube.com/saul1337ftw Hai: http://youtube.com/whatthehai Potato: http://youtube.com/thepwnagepotato Maps used in this video: http://pastebin.com/A5Ha0jBs Extra credits: http://incompetech.com/ http://audiomicro.com/ http://machinimasound.com/ http://minecraftforum.net/topic/72747-faithful-32x32-pack-updatemore-ctm-tweaks-mobs-saddles-15/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1544257-164162shaders-mod-v201-beta-18-updated-by-karyonix/ http://rudoplays.com/shaders/ htt...
THE SEQUEL TO FART BATTLE! Enjoyed the video? Support us by leaving a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to never miss a video! Hey guys! Finally a new video on the main channel, it was about time. We apologize for the lack of content, we were busy with finals. We are done now (not sure yet if we graduated). Thank you guys for sticking around for so long and being awesome fans =D. We are almost at 1 million subscribers, so make sure to tell your friends to subscribe xD. ►Watch Part 1 first!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-w2ZCfPZ0 ►Previous video (Life of a YouTuber): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvrRGtEAL3E ►GAMING CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/jerryvsharry ►SERVER IP: play.itsjerryandharry.com ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/ItsJerryAndHarry ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/JerryAndHarry ===CREDI...
We all have that one gassy friend. This situation turned into an EPIC Fart Battle. Watch to find out who comes out victorious! Please Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment Below! FOLLOW: Lethal Giggles Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/lethalgiggles Bronson Varde on Vine/Instagram/Twitter - @VARDEBIGBODY Russell Satele on Vine/Instagram/Twitter - @RussellSatele Video edited by Bronson Varde
Andrew and his sister take their rivalry to the next level, aka a battle for the biggest fart. There fart war leave a messy green trail of fart. Be glad you weren't there when it happened. BUY YOUR ANDREW'S GAMES T-SHIRT HERE: http://bit.ly/2a6Qqds Want More Andrew's Games: http://bit.ly/1REmSPV Subscribe to FXated: http://bit.ly/20qRSKx Also check out our other super rad Fxated Series! Van the Man http://bit.ly/29dCA8R Super Horse http://bit.ly/29geEi0 Miscellaneous Debris http://bit.ly/291hX9Y Sneaky Shorts http://bit.ly/29aAaYb Andrew's Games http://bit.ly/296vqzg Field Test http://bit.ly/29zJxN2 Fxated -- Where genius meets stupid Still haven't gotten your fix? Go to https://www.FXated.com!
Enjoyed the video? Support us by leaving a LIKE and consider SUBSCRIBING! ► Subscribe and never miss a video! http://bit.ly/1WJCkzI ► Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSxVLBKEeS0 ► Connect to our server using IP: play.itsjerryandharry.com ► Machinimas Channel: http://youtube.com/itsjerryandharry ► Facebook: http://facebook.com/ItsJerryAndHarry ► Twitter: http://twitter.com/JerryAndHarry ===CREDITS=== ► Music and sound effects from: Monstercat: Rogue - Adventure Time Neil Cicierga - Brodyquest
Hey Guys This is our first video , Please enjoy and tell us what do you think about it ? :) Please SUBSCRIBE , SHARE & LIKE It means a lot to us ^_^ Thank You Come find us at : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ProkidzGenZ?ref_type=bookmark Email : zgengeneration2002@gmail.com
Spiderman vs Joker - Toilet Fart Battle! w/ Frozen Elsa and Pink Spidergirl Superhero Fun :) Epic Toilet Fart Battle!! Spiderman and the Joker are locked in a toilet battle but there are others with plans of their own. Can Spidey win with the Joker stinking up the room. Can anyone stand the smell? Watch and find out?? Check Out Our Channel - Please Subcribe :) UCtinMvHylejGpNWO5MMI-rQ Spiderman & Elsa vs Zombie Pizza - in Real Life Superhero Movie!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95d5zMYJc3k&index;=3&list;=PLEefjHURWMmzC0sL0fhmZJ77gbahAv5VR Frozen Elsa Turns into Doll - Joker Prank in Real Life Superhero Movie!! https://youtu.be/zDJfY5S8pII Zombie Spiderman vs Pink Storm - in Real Life Superhero Movie!! https://youtu.be/a_E1KlUVpdI Zombie Ghost & Werewolf vs Spiderman - in Real L...
Spiderman vs Venom - Toilet Battle in Real Life | Fart Battle Spiderman eats a batch of poisoned tea bags which ends with some disastrous toilet time results. The poisoned tea bags transform spiderman into the evil venom!! Manic Polka by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100168 Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Real Hulk vs Joker Toilet Fart Battle! w/ Spiderman, Frozen Elsa, Mermaid! Superhero Fun Real Hulk is fighting with joker. He starts to fart and run to the toilet. Real Hulk is farting joker is also farting and coming to the toilet. It smells there really bad so joker faints. Real hulk farts. Watch other superhero movies: Pregnant Frozen Elsa vs Pregnant Frozen Anna Sick vs Spiderman Doctor, Hulk! Superhero Fun https://youtu.be/ZhYzkhUBTKM Pregnant Frozen ELsa POO COLORED BALLS w/ Spiderman vs Joker! Funny Superheroes in Real Life https://youtu.be/lyrw4paut4A Spiderman vs Giant Water Balloon! w/ Frozen Elsa, Joker Funny Superheroes https://youtu.be/p5NlCcE9Vno Pregnant Frozen Elsa vs Pregnant Anna vs Spiderman! Doctor & Ultrasound Superhero Fun https://youtu.be/2acW7HTdP6k Frozen E...
Batman vs Fart Battle vs Poo Prank - Fun Superheroes In Real Life For more Superheroes Fun In Real Life Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/8besfU MORE SUPERHEROES IN REAL LIFE VIDEOS FROZEN ELSA vs BATMAN - FROG IN FOOD PRANK - Funny Superheroes Movie in Real Life IRL - https://youtu.be/WfmAdz-mACA BATMAN vs Joker w/ Cream Pie Face - Superhero Movie Battle in REAL LIFE - https://youtu.be/xUTX7hgIzts
Batman vs Fart Battle vs Poo Prank - Fun Superheroes In Real Life This is video Superhero in real life for kids of SpiderMan SuperHero TV
Spiderman vs Joker! Toilet Poo & Fart Battle w/ Hulk, Superman, Frozen Elsa & Ariel Mermaid :) Subscribe to HeroesTEAM! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP1q... Watch more of our Superheroes in Real Life! MINIONS Goes to JAIL & SPIDERMAN vs Joker w/ Frozen Elsa, Pink Spidergirl & Candy Fun Superhero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPwSB... Spiderman Becomes Lion vs Joker! w/ Frozen Elsa, Pink Spidergirl, Ariel Mermaid & Candy Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZOVH... Spiderman & Frozen Elsa & PINOCCHIO NOSE! w/ Pink Spidergirl, Joker, Maleficent & Candy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-K_e... Spiderman vs Joker vs Shark Attack! w/ Frozen Elsa, Ariel Mermaid, Pink Spidergirl & Frozen Baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vAT6... Frozen Elsa Baby Sick & Poo w/ Spiderman, Doctor, ...
hope u like the battle and the plot twist Social Media: https://twitter.com/Viper101_ https://www.instagram.com/viper_10156/?hl=en https://plus.google.com/+Viper101
기다리고 기다리던 ItsJerryAndHarry, 일명 '제리해리'의 방구 배틀!! 오래 기다리셨습니다, 여러분. 재미있게 시청해주세요! 방구 배틀 1편 (한글자막) - https://youtu.be/vMAUeiExoH0 원본 영상 - https://youtu.be/slnnTALR9Ho 【아래는 ItsJerryAndHarry 님이 작성하신 원곡 동영상 설명입니다】 방구 배틀의 속편! 동영상이 재미있으셨나요? 앞으로도 재미있는 영상을 원하신다면 '좋아요'와 '구독'으로 저작자를 도와주세요! 안녕하세요, 여러분! 오랜만에 메인 채널에 새로운 동영상이 올라왔네요. 기말고사 준비로 저희가 바빠 컨텐츠가 부족한 점에 대해 사과드립니다. (졸업이 확실치는 않지만) 기말은 끝낸 상태예요. 아주 오래 기다려주신 멋진 팬 여러분들, 정말 감사드립니다 ㅎㅎ 어느새 백 만 구독자가 가까워졌네요. 친구분들 이 채널 구독하게 만드는거 잊지 마세요 ㅋㅋ ▶1편 먼저 보세요!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-w2ZCfPZ0 ▶이전 동영상 (유튜버의 일상): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvrRGtEAL3E ▶게임 채널: http://youtube.com/jerryvsharry ▶서버 IP: play.itsjerryandharry.com ▶페이스북: http://facebook.com/ItsJerryAndHarry ▶트위터: http://twitter.com/JerryAndHarry ===제작진=== ▶배우 http://youtube.com/user/P...
Captain America Spiderman FIGHTS Bad hombre Black Spiderman Venom in real life! Check out more Superhero Farts and battles in real life!! #spiderman #captainamerica #venom #joker #elsa #superheroes #funny #battles #fart #epic #episode #americanspiderman #marvel #badhombres #badguy Watch more of our Spiderman farts and battles in real life: Frozen Elsa School DANCE w/ Amazing Spiderman Joker - Fart battle in real life - Funny Superheroes https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=684wbA8Ln_g Suicide Squad Joker Girl (Harley Quinn) w/ Elsa vs The Joker - Funny Superhero Toilet Battle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjRrcHobEq0 Spider-man vs Joker in Funny TOILET Battle! Superhero Pranks in Real Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH0-VgxfrnE Epic Real Life Superhero POOL battle - Spide...
link videos: http://urlgreen.com//375 link videos: http://urlgreen.com//375
We finally dive into the misty fog and fix the curse! SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2HZ6A_jScWdijaeKWwQTaw REDDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/huttsgaming QUOTES: http://huttssays.com TWITTER: @HuttsLP TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/huttsgaming Schedule: 3PM Central Tuesday and Thursday Optional Weekend Streams MERCH: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/huttsgaming/
Cartman your going down. Im the new kid not the douchebag! Man that was short lived.
Use the dart monkey, monkey ace, and submarines to have an epic battle. What do you think about the gameplay? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks to Bruno and Locky for the fun Bloons fart challenge idea! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCew1zXuzyugIWKFYTtZyvNg
DanTDM (TheDiamondMinecart) is a popular YouTube channel operated by Daniel Middleton, a commentator from Northamptonshire, England.[1] Dan has several channels on YouTube, his most popular channel, "TheDiamondMinecart // DanTDM" has currently more than 7 million subscribers and more than 3 billion views. Daniel Trayaurus Middleton, or more well known as DanTDM is a British Minecraft YouTuber well known for reviewing mods on his main channel, TheDiamondMinecart and making vlogs on his secondary channel, MoreTDM. Dan has 7,205,033 subscribers Daniel Middleton (born 8, November 1991) also known as TheDiamondMinecart or DanTDM, is a very popular and family friendly Minecraft YouTuber that does Minecraft Mods, along with TDM Vlogs and TDM Plays. DanTDM DiamondMinecart DanTDM TDM dantdm tdm ...
Gas Out Game Elsa vs Anna vs Tiana Frozen vs Princess and the Frog play the Wild Farting Game Subscribe: http://goo.gl/F6BqkQ Welcome back Disney Toys Fans! Are you ready for a good old-fashioned board game with three of your favorite Disney girls? Well get excited because this week we've got sisters from Arendelle Queen Elsa and Princess Anna and a beautiful princess all the way from New Orleans who likes to kiss frogs, Miss Tiana in to play a fierce game of Gas Out!! This is a brand-new board game where our girls try not to pass gas! The way it works is each girl takes turns drawing a card and pressing Guster (the tooting game board) as many times as the card tells them to. If Guster doesn't toot then the princess gets to keep her card, but if Guster lets out a big stinky one then the c...
All the fart super moves in Eight Marbles 2X! I did each super move three times. There are still about three supers that I have no idea how to pull off for Mononobe, Megaira, and Kara, but hopefully I'll figure them out soon. I'll also do a video of all the farting special moves soon hopefully, so stay tuned! Enjoy! Download for updated Eight Marbles 2X: https://box.yahoo.co.jp/guest/viewer?sid=box-l-bgen2qqrcwyndyhmqpozvbib7q-1001&uniqid;=c25b5762-4727-4fba-9a02-5e1ddbdeffa9 Official site: http://akiba.geocities.jp/maiga858/manual02Xtop.html