The Mumbai Police Crime Branch arrested three men on Saturday for allegedly robbing a courier company in CST last week. They had threatened an employee with a knife and left him unconscious with chloroform before running away with goods worth Rs. 4.9 lakh.
On April 25, four men had forcibly entered the courier firm office and assaulted the employee, the police said, adding that footage from a CCTV camera showed one of the men forcing a cloth dabbed with liquid onto the employee’s face.
The other three men are seen tearing apart two large packages with big knives.
After the employee regained consciousness, the police said, he immediately approached the L T Marg police station, where an offence of robbery and house-trespass was registered.
On April 30, however, officers from the Crime Branch’s property cell received information that three of the four attackers were in Bhiwandi and laid a trap for them. The three arrested men are Sheshanth Upadhyay (52) of Basti in Uttar Pradesh, Haiderali Shaikh (42) of Jaunpur in UP and Bipinchandra Bisht (31) of Nainital in Uttarakhand.
In November last year, an officer said, Upadhyay was released after serving a 10-year jail term for a crime.
The accused have reportedly confessed to have committed armed robberies in Mumbai, Nashik and Beed in the past.