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PORTOVENERE IL TURISTA - Il meraviglioso golfo dei Poeti
Portovenere vista da un drone - View from a drone
Cinque Terre Italy Highlights ( Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso  )
Portovenere, Italy
Portovenere vista da un drone - Portovenere Aerial Footage - Wonderful Italian Masterpiece Landscape
portovenere 2015
Portovenere an der ligurischen Küste am Golf von la Spezia
Grand Hotel Portovenere

location on Google Map

Porto Venere (until 1991 Portovenere) is a town and comune (municipality) located on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the three villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Porto Venere, and the three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Porto Venere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The ancient Portus Veneris is believed to date back to at least the middle of the 1st century BC. It has been said that the name refers to a temple to the goddess Venus which was sited on the promontory where the church of Peter the Apostle now stands. The name has also been linked to that of the hermit Saint Venerius. In Roman times the city was essentially a fishing community.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Radio Stations - Porto Venere

Rai International - SatelRadio Easy,Talk Italy
Radio 2.0 Valle Brembana Varied Italy
Canale Italia Adult Contemporary Italy
Lolliradio Italia Pop,World Europe Italy
Radio Grüne Welle Christian Contemporary,Christian Italy
Radio Cortina Varied Italy
Virgin Rock 80 Rock Italy
Toast!Radio Alternative,Varied,Indie Italy
Golden Hit Radio Varied Italy
Radio Peter Flowers 80s,Oldies,Classic Rock Italy
Studio 5 FM Adult Contemporary Italy
RAI Sender Bozen Varied Italy
Kiss Radio Olbia Pop Italy
Italia 90s,80s,70s Italy
RTL 102.5 Guradia Costiera Varied Italy
Radio Articolo 1 News Talk,News,Talk Italy
Radio Viva FM Italy Dance Italy
Radio Flash 97.6 Indie Italy
Rai WR 8 Varied Italy
Radio Babboleo News News Italy
Muzak Electro Electronica Italy
Network Studio 5 - Hit Radio For You Top 40 Italy
GR Italian Parliament News Italy
Radio Attiva Nonantola Alternative Italy
Radio Venti Adult Contemporary Italy
Radio Sorrriso Varied Italy
Italopower 80s Italy
Radio Fusion Varied Italy
DeeGay Club Dance,World Europe Italy
Disco Radio Atlanta 70s Italy
Radio80 Italia 90s,80s,70s Italy
Radio Popolare Milano News Italy
Radio Onda1 Varied Italy
Musica Italiana Folk Italy
Radio Sound 95 Varied Italy
Radio Mondo 106 Pop Italy
Lolliradio Happy Station Varied,Pop,World Europe Italy
Radio Bari Adult Contemporary Italy
RAI Isoradio News Italy
Delta Radio Contemporary Italy
RadioMusic Dance Dance Italy
Radio Sportiva Sports Italy
Radio Monterosa Varied Italy
Radio Dancefloor Dance Italy
Futura FM Contemporary Italy
RMC 2 (Radio Monte Carlo) Varied Italy
RADIO LIVE MUSIC Pop,Dance,Top 40 Italy
Radio Lupo Solitario Rock,Alternative Italy
Love FM Puglia Varied Italy


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  • PORTOVENERE IL TURISTA - Il meraviglioso golfo dei Poeti

    Terza puntata del piccolo programma documentaristico che racconta alcune delle più belle località italiane. Protagonista di questo video è Porto Venere, nella magnifica Liguria e il fantastico Golfo dei Poeti. Conduce Fabrizio Felappi
  • Portovenere vista da un drone - View from a drone

    Special Thanks for this magnificent show to "Drone Arezzo"
  • Cinque Terre Italy Highlights ( Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso )

    Cinque Terre is one of the most beautiful regions in Italy. A series of five hard-to-reach towns nestle on the hills along the Mediterranean. In this video you see highlights of Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso and the ferry passing all along Cinqque Terre. This was during a shore excursion with Crystal Cruises. Gary Bembridge's Tips for Travellers provides inspiration, advice & tips on finding and having a luxurious travel experience on land and at sea. For more tips for travellers: - visit the site: - follow on Facebook: - follow on Twitter: - sign up to the monthly tips for travellers newsletter:
  • Portovenere, Italy

    Get Lost with Kelley Ferro in Italia! Portovenere is my favorite Ligurian city and you can see why. It's a stunning seaside town with ancient Roman temple to Venus, picture perfect multi-colored streets and a serious addiction to very local seafood--mussels anyone? MUST visit
  • Portovenere-Italy Leave Cinque Terre and continue a few miles further south for a bonus -- Portovenere, yet another cute seaside village you do not want to miss! 66. The only practical way to get to Portovenere from Cinque Terre is by boat, since there is no train service and the hiking trail from Riomaggiore is seven miles long. The ferry arrives at an ultra-picturesque little harbor, dotted with small craft at anchor and framed by a picturesque row of pastel-colored facades lining the waterfront.
  • Portovenere vista da un drone - Portovenere Aerial Footage - Wonderful Italian Masterpiece Landscape

    Immagini di Portovenere effettuate all'alba dopo la festa della Madonna Bianca con ancora qualche luminaria accesa. Riprese effettuate con un drone classe 450 - Gimbal Zenmuse H3-3D - GoPro

    Porto Venere sorge allestremità meridionale di una penisola che delimita ad occidente il Golfo della Spezia. Il tratto di mare che lambisce questo frastagliato lembo di costa è punteggiato da tre isole, Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto davanti alle quali una piccola statua della madonna Stella maris accoglie coloro che arrivano dal mare. Lisola del Tinetto, la più piccola, è uno scoglio privo di vegetazione, che ospita i resti di un antico edificio religioso distrutto dai saraceni, le cui frequenti incursioni rappresentavano un vero e proprio incubo per le popolazioni locali. A poca distanza dal Tinetto si trova lisola del Tino, interamente riservata a zona militare e visitabile solo in occasione della festa di San Venerio il 13 settembre. È un oasi naturalistica incontaminata che ospitò il sa...
  • portovenere

    Portovene vista dall'alto.....

    Il paese di Porto Venere sorge all'estremità meridionale di una penisola, la quale, staccandosi dalla frastagliata linea di costa della riviera ligure di levante, va a formare la sponda occidentale del golfo della Spezia o detto anche "golfo dei Poeti". Alla fine di questa penisola si trovano tre piccole isole: la Palmaria, il Tino e il Tinetto; solo l'isola Palmaria, che sorge proprio di fronte al borgo di Porto Venere al di là di uno stretto braccio di mare, è in piccola parte abitata. Confina a nord con il comune della Spezia e a sud, ovest ed est è bagnato dal mar Ligure. Dista 12 km a sud della Spezia e 117 km ad est di Genova. Oltre al capoluogo, fanno parte del territorio comunale le due frazioni di Fezzano e Le Grazie, nonché l'arcipelago formato dalle isole Palmaria, Tino e Tinet...
  • portovenere 2015

    18/07/15 portovenere traversata palmaria
  • Portovenere an der ligurischen Küste am Golf von la Spezia

    Portovenere gehört nicht mehr direkt zu den Dörfern der Cinque Terre. Schon früh erkannte die Seerpublik Genua die strategische Lage von Portovenere am Golf von La Spezia. Besonders spektakulär ist der Höhenwanderweg von Levanto nach Portovenere, insbesondere der letzte Abschnitt von Campiglia über die Felsen und der Abstieg nach Portovenere.
  • Grand Hotel Portovenere

    Filcasa presenta la sua ultima realizzazione, che i suoi ospiti definiscono "un sogno", "un angolo di paradiso", "un gioiello", "un 4 stelle che ne vale 6": il Grand Hotel di Portovenere. Situato all'estremità sud delle Cinque Terre e meta di villeggiatura d’élite da oltre un secolo, Portovenere è stato dichiarato dall'Unesco "Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità". Il Grand Hotel si trova nel punto più suggestivo del paese, direttamente affacciato sul mare e proprio di fronte all’isola Palmaria, meta di affascinanti escursioni. Già sede di un convento francescano del 1600 e poi trasformato in albergo nel 1970, ha riaperto i battenti dopo essere stato interamente ristrutturato, con arredi nuovissimi, ambienti di grande eleganza e dettagli di stile. Una particolare cura è stata posta nel mante...
  • Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 2015 by SpeziaTriathlon

    SpeziaTriathlon gara di Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 9 maggio 2015
  • Ultra enduro Portovenere PS3

    With yt capra
  • Matrimonio Ciro e Sara a Portovenere - Trailer con drone

    Nella splendida cornice di Portovenere siamo stati testimoni delle nozze di Ciro e Sara. In questo video, realizzato da terra e dall'alto, tutta la poesia di un giorno destinato a rimanere impresso nella memoria:. Realizzato in collaborazione con: BLVideo *** Rendi magico il video delle tue nozze e realizzalo anche tu con l'utilizzo dei nostri droni. * * * Sorvolare srl è la tua agenzia partner per realizzare servizi fotografici e video con riprese sia tradizionali che dall'alto con l'utilizzo di droni radiocomandanti. Vuoi saperne di più? Scopri i nostri servizi su ******************************­*********­­­*********************­********** Seguici sui social! Facebook: Twit...
  • Alta Marea a Portovenere

    SpeziaTV.Alta Marea a Portovenere
  • TREKKING IN LIGURIA - Da Riomaggiore a Portovenere

    L'itinerario di oggi inizia dalla stazione di Riomaggiore, il paese più antico delle 5 Terre, si esce dalla stazione e si prende a destra la galleria che porta nel cuore del borgo. Si percorre in salita la via principale fino ad incrociare la strada che proviene da La Spezia. Prendiamo il sentiero numero 3, destinazione Santuario della Madonna di Montenero- e Monte Telegrafo. Ci inoltriamo lungo l'ampia mulattiera che percorre la valle di Riomaggiore, per i pendii, a terrazzamenti strappati alla montagna dal faticoso lavoro dell'uomo. Dopo un primo tratto in decisa salita il cammino si fa meno faticoso. Dopo circa un'ora di cammino arriviamo al Santuario della Madonna di Montenero a quota 341m. luogo ideale per una sosta. Da qui possiamo ammirare in tutta la sua bellezza la costa delle...
  • Gulf of La Spezia: Porto Venere | Italia Slow Tour

    Porto Venere is a precious pearl at the north-western extremity of the Gulf of La Spezia, UNESCO site since 1997. Visit the seaside village on Monday to enjoy local market and reach the island of Palmaria, located just in front. Cover pic by Flickr User Pank Seelen ► Liguria itineraries on Italia Slow Tour: ► Your travel in Italy continues on Italia Slow Tour ► Become our Ambassador and be our guest in your next trip to Italy ► Subscribe Italia Slow Tour youtube channel ► Subscribe Italia Slow Tour mailing list
  • Mareggiata a Portovenere

  • Porto Venere, Italy

    Porto Venery is the 6th village of Cinque Terre national park, near La Spezia town.
  • Riomaggiore - Portovenere - 29 Marzo 2014 - Parte 1

    Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube (
  • Marco Caggiati Triathlon Sprint Portovenere 2015

    Viaggio dentro il Triathlon Sprint di Portovenere 2015. Ti sei mai chiesto cosa si provi a fare una gara di Triathlon..? Guarda "da dentro" come si svolge.. ;-)
  • fuochi d'artificio a portovenere visti dal drone

    Fuochi d'artificio a Portovenere
PORTOVENERE IL TURISTA - Il meraviglioso golfo dei Poeti

PORTOVENERE IL TURISTA - Il meraviglioso golfo dei Poeti

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:16
  • Updated: 11 Oct 2014
  • views: 4366
Terza puntata del piccolo programma documentaristico che racconta alcune delle più belle località italiane. Protagonista di questo video è Porto Venere, nella magnifica Liguria e il fantastico Golfo dei Poeti. Conduce Fabrizio Felappi Il Turista Il Meraviglioso Golfo Dei Poeti
Portovenere vista da un drone - View from a drone

Portovenere vista da un drone - View from a drone

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:41
  • Updated: 20 Jun 2014
  • views: 10912
Special Thanks for this magnificent show to "Drone Arezzo" Vista Da Un Drone View From A Drone
Cinque Terre Italy Highlights ( Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso  )

Cinque Terre Italy Highlights ( Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso )

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:39
  • Updated: 22 Sep 2014
  • views: 6190
Cinque Terre is one of the most beautiful regions in Italy. A series of five hard-to-reach towns nestle on the hills along the Mediterranean. In this video you see highlights of Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso and the ferry passing all along Cinqque Terre. This was during a shore excursion with Crystal Cruises. Gary Bembridge's Tips for Travellers provides inspiration, advice & tips on finding and having a luxurious travel experience on land and at sea. For more tips for travellers: - visit the site: - follow on Facebook: - follow on Twitter: - sign up to the monthly tips for travellers newsletter: Terre Italy Highlights ( Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso )
Portovenere, Italy

Portovenere, Italy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Updated: 18 Feb 2013
  • views: 1410
Get Lost with Kelley Ferro in Italia! Portovenere is my favorite Ligurian city and you can see why. It's a stunning seaside town with ancient Roman temple to Venus, picture perfect multi-colored streets and a serious addiction to very local seafood--mussels anyone? MUST visit, Italy


  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Updated: 20 Mar 2013
  • views: 4423 Leave Cinque Terre and continue a few miles further south for a bonus -- Portovenere, yet another cute seaside village you do not want to miss! 66. The only practical way to get to Portovenere from Cinque Terre is by boat, since there is no train service and the hiking trail from Riomaggiore is seven miles long. The ferry arrives at an ultra-picturesque little harbor, dotted with small craft at anchor and framed by a picturesque row of pastel-colored facades lining the waterfront. Italy
Portovenere vista da un drone - Portovenere Aerial Footage - Wonderful Italian Masterpiece Landscape

Portovenere vista da un drone - Portovenere Aerial Footage - Wonderful Italian Masterpiece Landscape

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:29
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2015
  • views: 3560
Immagini di Portovenere effettuate all'alba dopo la festa della Madonna Bianca con ancora qualche luminaria accesa. Riprese effettuate con un drone classe 450 - Gimbal Zenmuse H3-3D - GoPro Vista Da Un Drone Portovenere Aerial Footage Wonderful Italian Masterpiece Landscape


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:59
  • Updated: 23 Oct 2009
  • views: 11036
Porto Venere sorge allestremità meridionale di una penisola che delimita ad occidente il Golfo della Spezia. Il tratto di mare che lambisce questo frastagliato lembo di costa è punteggiato da tre isole, Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto davanti alle quali una piccola statua della madonna Stella maris accoglie coloro che arrivano dal mare. Lisola del Tinetto, la più piccola, è uno scoglio privo di vegetazione, che ospita i resti di un antico edificio religioso distrutto dai saraceni, le cui frequenti incursioni rappresentavano un vero e proprio incubo per le popolazioni locali. A poca distanza dal Tinetto si trova lisola del Tino, interamente riservata a zona militare e visitabile solo in occasione della festa di San Venerio il 13 settembre. È un oasi naturalistica incontaminata che ospitò il santo che qui visse in eremitaggio fino alla sua morte, avvenuta nel 630. In suo onore furono costruiti un santuario e un monastero i cui resti si possono vedere costeggiando il lato settentrionale dellisola. Tra i muretti a secco dell'isola è possibile scorgere il Tarantolino, il più piccolo geco italiano e specie endemica. I versanti sono caratterizzati ad occidente da una chiara ed inviolabile falesia sulla cui vetta si trova il faro militare, da sempre guida dei naviganti Venere


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 20 Jan 2015
  • views: 829
Portovene vista dall'alto.....


  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:37
  • Updated: 12 Apr 2014
  • views: 1840
Il paese di Porto Venere sorge all'estremità meridionale di una penisola, la quale, staccandosi dalla frastagliata linea di costa della riviera ligure di levante, va a formare la sponda occidentale del golfo della Spezia o detto anche "golfo dei Poeti". Alla fine di questa penisola si trovano tre piccole isole: la Palmaria, il Tino e il Tinetto; solo l'isola Palmaria, che sorge proprio di fronte al borgo di Porto Venere al di là di uno stretto braccio di mare, è in piccola parte abitata. Confina a nord con il comune della Spezia e a sud, ovest ed est è bagnato dal mar Ligure. Dista 12 km a sud della Spezia e 117 km ad est di Genova. Oltre al capoluogo, fanno parte del territorio comunale le due frazioni di Fezzano e Le Grazie, nonché l'arcipelago formato dalle isole Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto per un totale di 7,7 km2 Molto rinomate le spiagge del comprensorio, grazie all'acqua cristallina e alla forte corrente del mar Ligure, che in prossimità della costa raggiunge repentinamente discrete profondità. Da segnalare le spiagge del lato nordovest dell'Isola Palmaria, citate peraltro nella Guida Blu del Touring Club Italiano e Legambiente. Sul borgo antico del paese, sulla falesia e sulle isole dell'arcipelago insiste il parco naturale regionale di Porto Venere, gestito dall'omonimo ufficio comunale.Anche se le origini più antiche del borgo vengono fatte risalire sino al VI secolo a.C. con la presenza dei popoli Liguri[6], le prime datazioni storiche di Porto Venere risalgono a Claudio Tolomeo (150 d.C.[6]) e all'Itinerario Marittimo (Itinerarium Maritimum Imperatoris Antonini Augusti) dell'imperatore Antonino Pio del 161 d.C. dove viene segnalato il borgo tra le località di Sestri Levante e Luni[7]. Il nome del borgo (Portus Veneris[6]) derivava da un tempio dedicato alla dea Venere Ericina, sito esattamente nel luogo in cui ora sorge la chiesa di San Pietro[6]. Il nome era probabilmente legato al fatto che, secondo la tradizione, la dea era nata dalla spuma del mare, abbondante proprio sotto quel faraglione.
portovenere 2015

portovenere 2015

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:51
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2015
  • views: 655
18/07/15 portovenere traversata palmaria 2015
Portovenere an der ligurischen Küste am Golf von la Spezia

Portovenere an der ligurischen Küste am Golf von la Spezia

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 03 May 2010
  • views: 8524
Portovenere gehört nicht mehr direkt zu den Dörfern der Cinque Terre. Schon früh erkannte die Seerpublik Genua die strategische Lage von Portovenere am Golf von La Spezia. Besonders spektakulär ist der Höhenwanderweg von Levanto nach Portovenere, insbesondere der letzte Abschnitt von Campiglia über die Felsen und der Abstieg nach Portovenere. An Der Ligurischen Küste Am Golf Von La Spezia
Grand Hotel Portovenere

Grand Hotel Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:22
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2014
  • views: 365
Filcasa presenta la sua ultima realizzazione, che i suoi ospiti definiscono "un sogno", "un angolo di paradiso", "un gioiello", "un 4 stelle che ne vale 6": il Grand Hotel di Portovenere. Situato all'estremità sud delle Cinque Terre e meta di villeggiatura d’élite da oltre un secolo, Portovenere è stato dichiarato dall'Unesco "Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità". Il Grand Hotel si trova nel punto più suggestivo del paese, direttamente affacciato sul mare e proprio di fronte all’isola Palmaria, meta di affascinanti escursioni. Già sede di un convento francescano del 1600 e poi trasformato in albergo nel 1970, ha riaperto i battenti dopo essere stato interamente ristrutturato, con arredi nuovissimi, ambienti di grande eleganza e dettagli di stile. Una particolare cura è stata posta nel mantenimento delle caratteristiche architettoniche originarie, rivisitate però in chiave contemporanea per offrire agli ospiti il massimo comfort. In questo angolo protetto di Liguria il visitatore si trova immerso nell'atmosfera di un antico borgo marinaro dove la natura regala ancora emozioni indimenticabili: spiaggette appartate e baie silenziose incastonate nel litorale come gioielli, acque limpidissime, fondali marini di un azzurro intenso, monti solcati da muretti a secco che racchiudono terrazzamenti coltivati a vite e ulivo, un delizioso porticciolo turistico incorniciato da case variopinte. Ancora oggi il fascino di questo territorio incontaminato stupisce e incanta con i suoi colori e profumi, uniti alle tracce di un’antichissima storia. Per info e prenotazioni: Hotel Portovenere
Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 2015 by SpeziaTriathlon

Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 2015 by SpeziaTriathlon

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:51
  • Updated: 13 May 2015
  • views: 653
SpeziaTriathlon gara di Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 9 maggio 2015 Sprint Porto Venere 2015 By Speziatriathlon
Ultra enduro Portovenere PS3

Ultra enduro Portovenere PS3

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 03 Oct 2015
  • views: 691
With yt capra Enduro Portovenere Ps3
Matrimonio Ciro e Sara a Portovenere - Trailer con drone

Matrimonio Ciro e Sara a Portovenere - Trailer con drone

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:22
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2014
  • views: 3165
Nella splendida cornice di Portovenere siamo stati testimoni delle nozze di Ciro e Sara. In questo video, realizzato da terra e dall'alto, tutta la poesia di un giorno destinato a rimanere impresso nella memoria:. Realizzato in collaborazione con: BLVideo *** Rendi magico il video delle tue nozze e realizzalo anche tu con l'utilizzo dei nostri droni. * * * Sorvolare srl è la tua agenzia partner per realizzare servizi fotografici e video con riprese sia tradizionali che dall'alto con l'utilizzo di droni radiocomandanti. Vuoi saperne di più? Scopri i nostri servizi su ******************************­*********­­­*********************­********** Seguici sui social! Facebook: Twitter: Google Plus: Ciro E Sara A Portovenere Trailer Con Drone
Alta Marea a Portovenere

Alta Marea a Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:54
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 142 Marea A Portovenere
TREKKING IN LIGURIA - Da Riomaggiore a Portovenere

TREKKING IN LIGURIA - Da Riomaggiore a Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:05
  • Updated: 12 Jun 2012
  • views: 6567
L'itinerario di oggi inizia dalla stazione di Riomaggiore, il paese più antico delle 5 Terre, si esce dalla stazione e si prende a destra la galleria che porta nel cuore del borgo. Si percorre in salita la via principale fino ad incrociare la strada che proviene da La Spezia. Prendiamo il sentiero numero 3, destinazione Santuario della Madonna di Montenero- e Monte Telegrafo. Ci inoltriamo lungo l'ampia mulattiera che percorre la valle di Riomaggiore, per i pendii, a terrazzamenti strappati alla montagna dal faticoso lavoro dell'uomo. Dopo un primo tratto in decisa salita il cammino si fa meno faticoso. Dopo circa un'ora di cammino arriviamo al Santuario della Madonna di Montenero a quota 341m. luogo ideale per una sosta. Da qui possiamo ammirare in tutta la sua bellezza la costa delle 5 Terre, dal promontorio di Punta Mesco sopra Monterosso fino alla penisola di Portovenere. Il nostro sentiero nr.3 prosegue alle spalle del Santuario in un bosco distrutto dagli incendi, in circa 20 minuti raggiungiamo la località denominata Lemmen: alcune case intorno a una chiesetta che guarda verso il mare. In circa circa 40 minuti di cammino arriviamo al Telegrafo (quota 510 m.), qui si incrociano il sentiero nr. 1 e la strada che proviene da Biassa; c'è anche un bar-ristorante, ci fermiamo per il pranzo. Le salite sono sostanzialmente terminate: da qui in poi ci attende una lunga discesa, con qualche saliscendi qua e là. Ci immettiamo nell'ampio sentiero nr. 1 che si addentra nella folta pineta; seguendo i segnavia bianco-rossi arriviamo in circa 1 ora a Campiglia. Dalla piazza antistante la chiesa si riprende il sentiero che ci porta in circa 2 ore a Portovenere. In più punti si incrocia la strada carrozzabile e se ne percorre qualche piccolo tratto per poi tornare sempre su sentiero (i segnali bianco-rossi sono quasi sempre abbastanza visibili); ora ci aspetta la parte più emozionante e selvaggia dell'itinerario, a tratti siamo a picco sul mare e sovrastati dalle vertiginose falesie del Muzzerone, mentre le forme sinuose delle isole Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto si fanno sempre più vicine. Il sentiero che ci porta a Portovenere si fa decisamente più ripido e conclude con una lunga gradinata che aggira l'imponente castello e sbuca proprio nel centro del paese. La piazza è preso d'assato dai turisti anche per un raduno di auto d'epoca. Percorrimo la strada lungo mare fino all'uscita del paese, qui prendiamo il pullman per La Spezia. In Liguria Da Riomaggiore A Portovenere
Gulf of La Spezia: Porto Venere | Italia Slow Tour

Gulf of La Spezia: Porto Venere | Italia Slow Tour

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:38
  • Updated: 06 May 2015
  • views: 375
Porto Venere is a precious pearl at the north-western extremity of the Gulf of La Spezia, UNESCO site since 1997. Visit the seaside village on Monday to enjoy local market and reach the island of Palmaria, located just in front. Cover pic by Flickr User Pank Seelen ► Liguria itineraries on Italia Slow Tour: ► Your travel in Italy continues on Italia Slow Tour ► Become our Ambassador and be our guest in your next trip to Italy ► Subscribe Italia Slow Tour youtube channel ► Subscribe Italia Slow Tour mailing list Of La Spezia Porto Venere | Italia Slow Tour
Mareggiata a Portovenere

Mareggiata a Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:52
  • Updated: 16 Dec 2011
  • views: 3744 A Portovenere
Porto Venere, Italy

Porto Venere, Italy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:50
  • Updated: 11 Jun 2015
  • views: 268
Porto Venery is the 6th village of Cinque Terre national park, near La Spezia town. Venere, Italy
Riomaggiore - Portovenere - 29 Marzo 2014 - Parte 1

Riomaggiore - Portovenere - 29 Marzo 2014 - Parte 1

  • Order:
  • Duration: 17:36
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2014
  • views: 1812
Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube ( Portovenere 29 Marzo 2014 Parte 1
Marco Caggiati Triathlon Sprint Portovenere 2015

Marco Caggiati Triathlon Sprint Portovenere 2015

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:57
  • Updated: 11 May 2015
  • views: 670
Viaggio dentro il Triathlon Sprint di Portovenere 2015. Ti sei mai chiesto cosa si provi a fare una gara di Triathlon..? Guarda "da dentro" come si svolge.. ;-) Caggiati Triathlon Sprint Portovenere 2015
fuochi d'artificio a  portovenere visti dal drone

fuochi d'artificio a portovenere visti dal drone

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 19 Sep 2014
  • views: 1028
Fuochi d'artificio a Portovenere D'Artificio A Portovenere Visti Dal Drone
  • Portovenere Travel

    Portovenere Travel - Portovenere is a town and comune (municipality) located on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the three villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Portovenere, and the three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Portovenere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. ( source Wikipedia ) Enjoy Your Portovenere Travel!
  • Italy Travel: Cinque Terre and Portovenere

    Italy Travel click;_genre=&ref;_item=379 Cinque Terre and Portovenere travels to Portovenre Liguria region of Italy. Cinque Terre is defined as the five ancient hamlets Monterosso in East, West to Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. The Liguria area is known for its pine nuts from the pine trees in the Cinque terre national forest, basil, whch combined with olive oil is the pesto sauce loved worldwide. Pesto sauce recipe in Cinque Terre is a Italy travel food delight. Borought to you by Italian Broadcasting Company,, your camera into Italy.
  • Porto Venere boat trip to the Cinque Terre - LVBO Travel

    Porto Venere is a town on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the 3 villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Porto Venere, and the 3 islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Porto Venere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
  • Porto Venere boat leaves Harbor for Cinque Terre - Travel with LVBO

    Porto Venere boat leaves harbor for trip to the Cinque Terre 5 villages along the coast. Visit Castello Doria which has fantastic views over Porto Venere Italy. Cruise boats leave from Porto Venere to visit the Cinque Terre area of the Italian Riviera.
  • PM TRAVEL a Portovenere

    Pm Travel in una splendida giornata a Portovenere, in un video che presenta parte della sua flotta.
  • Travel to France, Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy, Isles HD

    Travel to France, Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy, Isles HD World Travel Travel to France & Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles | Grand Circle Cruise Line Vacation to Italy and France aboard this Grand Circle Small Ship Cruise Tour. As you cruise the rivieras, sojourns to Florence, the Cinque Terre, Elba Island, Corsica, and Cannes await you. The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles Florence • VolterraLivorno • Elba Island • Corsica • Marina di CarraraPorto Venere • Cinque Terre • Santa Margherita LigureNice • Cannes Day by Day Itinerary There's something magical about the light in this part of the world, and there's an azure beauty in the water unlike anywhere else. On this special vacation to Italy and France, you'll jo...
  • Italy and France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours HD

    Italy and France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours HD World Travel France, Italy & the Isles Vacation to Italy and France aboard this Grand Circle Small Ship Cruise Tour. As you cruise the riviera, sojourns to Florence, the Cinque Terre, Elba Island, Corsica, and Cannes await you. Watch our video of travelers experiencing France, Italy, and the isles of Corsica and Elba as they cruise the rivieras aboard our privately owned river ship, the M/V Arethusa—ranked #1 in Condé Nast Traveler's "Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World" 2013 Readers' Poll. While discovering this storied region, you'll: Sample pastries from Santa Margherita Enjoy a Home-Hosted Visit on Elba Island Explore Carrara's marble quarries The R...
  • FILMCARDS: Portovenere

    LE VIDEOGUIDE FILMCARDS PER IPHONE SONO SU APP STORE! Sono le uniche a contenere la visita a tutti i luoghi di interesse, centinaia di foto, ore di filmati, audioguide, ricostruzioni grafiche 3D, folclore, gastronomia, alberghi, ristoranti e ogni informazione turistica sulla località, GPS e navigatore compresi! Sul sito potrete scoprire tutte le guide già disponibili (Todi, Orvieto, Capri, Ischia, Pompei, Roma Antica, Assisi, Iran, Uzbekistan, Palermo e un demo gratis, Anteprime). Aspettiamo i vostri giudizi e suggerimenti.
  • "Italy - Day 4 - Vernazza-Montorossa & Porto Venere" Vhenschke's photos around Portovenere, Italy

    Preview of Vhenschke's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos:
  • Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy

    Porto Venere is located on the Gulf of Poets' in Liguria, Italy. It has a small harbour lined with cafes and restaurants, a beach and cobbled paths leading uphill past boutiques to the Chiesa di Lorenzo. Background music is Smooth Ridin by Huma Huma.
  • La Spezia to Palmaria (Porto Venere) by boat

    This is a boat trip from La Spezia town to Palmaria island (Porto Venere) for beautiful nature of Cinque Terre.
  • Portovenere-Riomaggiore

    Escursione da Portovenere a Riomaggiore e ritorno in battello - Trekking from Portovenere to Riomaggiore coming back with the boat.
  • Church of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe

    The Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic church in Lazzaro Spallanzani, Portovenere, Italy, in the Gulf of Poets in the province of La Spezia. It was officially consecrated in 1198. The part in white and black bands dating from the thirteenth century (probably made between 1256 and 1277), and was restored between 1931 and 1935. This part was derived from an older body, which consists of the early church, but left the bell tower is based on the chapel left of the presbytery. The original church is a work of fifth-century realized in Syriac type, with rectangular plan and semicircular apse. It lost the title of parish in the late fourteenth century, in favor of the Church of San Lorenzo, and officiated by the secular clergy until 1798.
  • byerrebi Vstrom Cinque Terre, Lerici, Porto Venere

    Gran giro in moto fino a Lerici, Porto Venere e poi le Cinque Terre. Totale 382 km.
  • Arpaia Cave, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe

    Among the natural places of the territory of Portovenere famous are the beautiful sea caves. Palmaria Island there are 36. Of the caves is said during the tour "Tour of the Islands", indeed the ferry enters into some caves to show tourists all their beauty. The Arpaia Cave is located on the mainland, near the church of San Pietro. From the church square there is a descent to the square of observation at the cave.
  • Portovenere e le Cinque Terre

  • Portovenere La Spezia Italy

    A little town at the southwest point of the gulf of La Spezia in Italy. It conserves a 12th century castle and the Gothic church of San Pietro. Nice view of the Cinque Terre and the La Spezia Gulf. Nearby is the island of Tino.
  • Porto Venere Traversata GoPro Hd

  • wonderful walk in private park, Portovenere Italy

    Portovenere Gulf of Poets Directly on the Sea. Located on the first floor of a Villa supplied with an invaluable private landing stage on the sea, this property overlooks Portovenere an UNESCO world heritage village, Palmaria Island and Lerici with Alpi Apuane and the Versilia's landscape on the background. The location provides the ideal base for a relaxing holiday and here you will experience one of the most striking views of the Ligurian sea. The apartment is ideally equipped for holidays, its wide openspace with sleeping loft and the twin-bed room have large windows bring the outdoors in. Two large and huge terraces protect from the surrounding chaos and dominate the highly colorful landscape of the garden with Mediterranean pine trees, holm-oaks, myrtles and bouganville flowers. The p...
  • Porto Venere - City Itinerary
  • Federica Wagne Tour Guide to French and Italian Rivieras

    French and Italian Rivieras Small Ship Cruise Tour with Federica Wagne Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Brightly hued harbors, winding medieval paths, and inviting fishing villages beckon you to The Rivieras: France, Italy, & the Isles. On this Small Ship Cruise Tour—newly enhanced for 2015 with walking tours of Porto Venere and Portofino, and a minature-train tour in Cannes—you'll also enjoy additional free time for independent discoveries in several ports including Nice, Florence, and Bastia, Corsica. Begin your enriching land discoveries during three days in picturesque Cannes before joining us aboard our award-winning M/V Arethusa—ranked #2 in Condé Nast Traveler’s “Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World” 2014 Readers’...
  • Italy Tour: Cinque Terre Vacations

    Plan your Northern Italy vacation to tour the Cinque Terre located along Italian Riviera in the region of Liguria. The five villages, as Cinque Terre refers, are located in ravines between the cliffs and the Ligurian sea. These villages remain authentically unique -each with its own customs, dialect, and history. Today the Cinque Terre is a National Park. If the Cinque Terre is part of your Italy tour itinerary plan to relax, taste the local gelato, and hike or boat among the towns, and indulge in the local wine, seafood, and pastas. Pesto sauce was native to the area, as is great wines and seafood. The five towns Riomaggiore, Monterosso, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Manarola may be accessed by train, boat, and hiking. Cars are not required and ca...
Portovenere Travel

Portovenere Travel

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2014
  • views: 16
Portovenere Travel - Portovenere is a town and comune (municipality) located on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the three villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Portovenere, and the three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Portovenere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. ( source Wikipedia ) Enjoy Your Portovenere Travel! Travel
Italy Travel: Cinque Terre and Portovenere

Italy Travel: Cinque Terre and Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:08
  • Updated: 31 Aug 2008
  • views: 824
Italy Travel click;_genre=&ref;_item=379 Cinque Terre and Portovenere travels to Portovenre Liguria region of Italy. Cinque Terre is defined as the five ancient hamlets Monterosso in East, West to Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. The Liguria area is known for its pine nuts from the pine trees in the Cinque terre national forest, basil, whch combined with olive oil is the pesto sauce loved worldwide. Pesto sauce recipe in Cinque Terre is a Italy travel food delight. Borought to you by Italian Broadcasting Company,, your camera into Italy. Travel Cinque Terre And Portovenere
Porto Venere boat trip to the Cinque Terre - LVBO Travel

Porto Venere boat trip to the Cinque Terre - LVBO Travel

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:19
  • Updated: 04 Dec 2014
  • views: 46
Porto Venere is a town on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the 3 villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Porto Venere, and the 3 islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Porto Venere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Venere Boat Trip To The Cinque Terre Lvbo Travel
Porto Venere boat leaves Harbor for Cinque Terre - Travel with LVBO

Porto Venere boat leaves Harbor for Cinque Terre - Travel with LVBO

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:43
  • Updated: 04 Dec 2014
  • views: 49
Porto Venere boat leaves harbor for trip to the Cinque Terre 5 villages along the coast. Visit Castello Doria which has fantastic views over Porto Venere Italy. Cruise boats leave from Porto Venere to visit the Cinque Terre area of the Italian Riviera. Venere Boat Leaves Harbor For Cinque Terre Travel With Lvbo
PM TRAVEL a  Portovenere

PM TRAVEL a Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 29 May 2015
  • views: 19
Pm Travel in una splendida giornata a Portovenere, in un video che presenta parte della sua flotta. Travel A Portovenere
Travel to France, Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy, Isles HD

Travel to France, Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy, Isles HD

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:13
  • Updated: 29 Jan 2014
  • views: 665
Travel to France, Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy, Isles HD World Travel Travel to France & Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles | Grand Circle Cruise Line Vacation to Italy and France aboard this Grand Circle Small Ship Cruise Tour. As you cruise the rivieras, sojourns to Florence, the Cinque Terre, Elba Island, Corsica, and Cannes await you. The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles Florence • VolterraLivorno • Elba Island • Corsica • Marina di CarraraPorto Venere • Cinque Terre • Santa Margherita LigureNice • Cannes Day by Day Itinerary There's something magical about the light in this part of the world, and there's an azure beauty in the water unlike anywhere else. On this special vacation to Italy and France, you'll join us aboard our award-winning M/V Arethusa—ranked #1 in Condé Nast Traveler's "Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World" 2013 Readers' Poll. The gems of this region will be yours to explore, starting with Florence—Tuscany's capital—rich with Renaissance architecture, and Volterra, where you'll witness ancient Etruscan artifacts. You'll then cruise to Elba Island, Corsica, Porto Venere, the Cinque Terre, and Nice, where you'll enjoy guided tours and ample time to make your own discoveries. Then you'll arrive in Cannes, world-renowned host of the annual Cannes Film Festival, where you'll be greeted by palm-fringed avenues and picturesque beaches. Join us in 2014 to experience the jewels of the Mediterranean. ============================ Travel France, Travel Italy, Rivieras, Grand Circle Cruise Line, Florence, Volterra, Livorno, Elba Island, Corsica, Marina di Carrara, Porto Venere, Cinque Terre, Santa Margherita Ligure, Nice, Cannes To France, Italy | The Rivieras France, Italy, Isles Hd
Italy and France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours HD

Italy and France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours HD

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:23
  • Updated: 08 Jan 2014
  • views: 459
Italy and France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours HD World Travel France, Italy & the Isles Vacation to Italy and France aboard this Grand Circle Small Ship Cruise Tour. As you cruise the riviera, sojourns to Florence, the Cinque Terre, Elba Island, Corsica, and Cannes await you. Watch our video of travelers experiencing France, Italy, and the isles of Corsica and Elba as they cruise the rivieras aboard our privately owned river ship, the M/V Arethusa—ranked #1 in Condé Nast Traveler's "Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World" 2013 Readers' Poll. While discovering this storied region, you'll: Sample pastries from Santa Margherita Enjoy a Home-Hosted Visit on Elba Island Explore Carrara's marble quarries The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles Florence • VolterraLivorno • Elba Island • Corsica • Marina di CarraraPorto Venere • Cinque Terre • Santa Margherita LigureNice • Cannes Explore colorful ports and two enchanting isles as you cruise the Italian & French rivieras. On this Small Ship Cruise Tour, you'll experience: 8 included tours, such as Portofino Corsica & Cinque Terra 31 meals, including wine aboard ship Day by Day Itinerary There's something magical about the light in this part of the world, and there's an azure beauty in the water unlike anywhere else. On this special vacation to Italy and France, you'll join us aboard our award-winning M/V Arethusa—ranked #1 in Condé Nast Traveler's "Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World" 2013 Readers' Poll. The gems of this region will be yours to explore, starting with Florence—Tuscany's capital—rich with Renaissance architecture, and Volterra, where you'll witness ancient Etruscan artifacts. You'll then cruise to Elba Island, Corsica, Porto Venere, the Cinque Terre, and Nice, where you'll enjoy guided tours and ample time to make your own discoveries. Then you'll arrive in Cannes, world-renowned host of the annual Cannes Film Festival, where you'll be greeted by palm-fringed avenues and picturesque beaches. Join us in 2014 to experience the jewels of the Mediterranean. ========================================= River Cruise, Small Ship Cruise, Land Tour Videos, Grand Circle, The Rivieras, France, Italy, the Isles, Florence, Volterra, Livorno, Elba Island, Corsica, Marina di Carrara, Porto Venere, Cinque Terre, Santa Margherita Ligure, Nice, Cannes, Travel to France, Travel to Italy, Vacation to Italy, Vacation to France, Italy Travel, France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours HD And France Travel, Vacation, Cruise, Tours Hd
FILMCARDS: Portovenere

FILMCARDS: Portovenere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2009
  • views: 5234
LE VIDEOGUIDE FILMCARDS PER IPHONE SONO SU APP STORE! Sono le uniche a contenere la visita a tutti i luoghi di interesse, centinaia di foto, ore di filmati, audioguide, ricostruzioni grafiche 3D, folclore, gastronomia, alberghi, ristoranti e ogni informazione turistica sulla località, GPS e navigatore compresi! Sul sito potrete scoprire tutte le guide già disponibili (Todi, Orvieto, Capri, Ischia, Pompei, Roma Antica, Assisi, Iran, Uzbekistan, Palermo e un demo gratis, Anteprime). Aspettiamo i vostri giudizi e suggerimenti. Portovenere
"Italy - Day 4 - Vernazza-Montorossa & Porto Venere" Vhenschke's photos around Portovenere, Italy

"Italy - Day 4 - Vernazza-Montorossa & Porto Venere" Vhenschke's photos around Portovenere, Italy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:37
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2010
  • views: 433
Preview of Vhenschke's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos: Day 4 Vernazza Montorossa Porto Venere Vhenschke's Photos Around Portovenere, Italy
Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy

Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:42
  • Updated: 24 Jan 2012
  • views: 581
Porto Venere is located on the Gulf of Poets' in Liguria, Italy. It has a small harbour lined with cafes and restaurants, a beach and cobbled paths leading uphill past boutiques to the Chiesa di Lorenzo. Background music is Smooth Ridin by Huma Huma. Venere, Liguria, Italy
La Spezia to  Palmaria (Porto Venere) by boat

La Spezia to Palmaria (Porto Venere) by boat

  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:13
  • Updated: 11 Jun 2015
  • views: 166
This is a boat trip from La Spezia town to Palmaria island (Porto Venere) for beautiful nature of Cinque Terre. Spezia To Palmaria (Porto Venere) By Boat


  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:22
  • Updated: 17 May 2011
  • views: 1163
Escursione da Portovenere a Riomaggiore e ritorno in battello - Trekking from Portovenere to Riomaggiore coming back with the boat. Riomaggiore
Church of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe

Church of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:34
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2012
  • views: 149
The Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic church in Lazzaro Spallanzani, Portovenere, Italy, in the Gulf of Poets in the province of La Spezia. It was officially consecrated in 1198. The part in white and black bands dating from the thirteenth century (probably made between 1256 and 1277), and was restored between 1931 and 1935. This part was derived from an older body, which consists of the early church, but left the bell tower is based on the chapel left of the presbytery. The original church is a work of fifth-century realized in Syriac type, with rectangular plan and semicircular apse. It lost the title of parish in the late fourteenth century, in favor of the Church of San Lorenzo, and officiated by the secular clergy until 1798. Of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe
byerrebi Vstrom Cinque Terre, Lerici, Porto Venere

byerrebi Vstrom Cinque Terre, Lerici, Porto Venere

  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:59
  • Updated: 26 Feb 2014
  • views: 720
Gran giro in moto fino a Lerici, Porto Venere e poi le Cinque Terre. Totale 382 km. Vstrom Cinque Terre, Lerici, Porto Venere
Arpaia Cave, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe

Arpaia Cave, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:50
  • Updated: 24 Oct 2012
  • views: 169
Among the natural places of the territory of Portovenere famous are the beautiful sea caves. Palmaria Island there are 36. Of the caves is said during the tour "Tour of the Islands", indeed the ferry enters into some caves to show tourists all their beauty. The Arpaia Cave is located on the mainland, near the church of San Pietro. From the church square there is a descent to the square of observation at the cave. Cave, Porto Venere, Liguria, Italy, Europe
Portovenere e le Cinque Terre

Portovenere e le Cinque Terre

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:03
  • Updated: 08 Jun 2013
  • views: 98 E Le Cinque Terre
Portovenere La Spezia Italy

Portovenere La Spezia Italy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 02 May 2008
  • views: 14962
A little town at the southwest point of the gulf of La Spezia in Italy. It conserves a 12th century castle and the Gothic church of San Pietro. Nice view of the Cinque Terre and the La Spezia Gulf. Nearby is the island of Tino. La Spezia Italy
Porto Venere Traversata GoPro Hd

Porto Venere Traversata GoPro Hd

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2015
  • views: 83 Venere Traversata Gopro Hd
wonderful walk in private park, Portovenere Italy

wonderful walk in private park, Portovenere Italy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:56
  • Updated: 25 Apr 2011
  • views: 804
Portovenere Gulf of Poets Directly on the Sea. Located on the first floor of a Villa supplied with an invaluable private landing stage on the sea, this property overlooks Portovenere an UNESCO world heritage village, Palmaria Island and Lerici with Alpi Apuane and the Versilia's landscape on the background. The location provides the ideal base for a relaxing holiday and here you will experience one of the most striking views of the Ligurian sea. The apartment is ideally equipped for holidays, its wide openspace with sleeping loft and the twin-bed room have large windows bring the outdoors in. Two large and huge terraces protect from the surrounding chaos and dominate the highly colorful landscape of the garden with Mediterranean pine trees, holm-oaks, myrtles and bouganville flowers. The private park has a very scenic staircase where you can reach the sea, enjoy a peaceful swim, go snorkeling, canoing or sailing around. Walk In Private Park, Portovenere Italy
Porto Venere - City Itinerary

Porto Venere - City Itinerary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:40
  • Updated: 05 Nov 2014
  • views: 86 Venere City Itinerary
Federica Wagne Tour Guide to French and Italian Rivieras

Federica Wagne Tour Guide to French and Italian Rivieras

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 29 Dec 2014
  • views: 249
French and Italian Rivieras Small Ship Cruise Tour with Federica Wagne Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Brightly hued harbors, winding medieval paths, and inviting fishing villages beckon you to The Rivieras: France, Italy, & the Isles. On this Small Ship Cruise Tour—newly enhanced for 2015 with walking tours of Porto Venere and Portofino, and a minature-train tour in Cannes—you'll also enjoy additional free time for independent discoveries in several ports including Nice, Florence, and Bastia, Corsica. Begin your enriching land discoveries during three days in picturesque Cannes before joining us aboard our award-winning M/V Arethusa—ranked #2 in Condé Nast Traveler’s “Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World” 2014 Readers’ Poll—to cruise the region’s azure waters. You’ll also enjoy exclusive Discovery Series events, including a new pesto-making lesson—and feel the warmth of an Italian welcome during a Home-Hosted Visit in Elba. Enjoy guided tours and ample time to make your own discoveries in Santa Margherita Ligure, Florence, and more. Wagne Tour Guide To French And Italian Rivieras
Italy Tour: Cinque Terre Vacations

Italy Tour: Cinque Terre Vacations

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:46
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2015
  • views: 196
Plan your Northern Italy vacation to tour the Cinque Terre located along Italian Riviera in the region of Liguria. The five villages, as Cinque Terre refers, are located in ravines between the cliffs and the Ligurian sea. These villages remain authentically unique -each with its own customs, dialect, and history. Today the Cinque Terre is a National Park. If the Cinque Terre is part of your Italy tour itinerary plan to relax, taste the local gelato, and hike or boat among the towns, and indulge in the local wine, seafood, and pastas. Pesto sauce was native to the area, as is great wines and seafood. The five towns Riomaggiore, Monterosso, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Manarola may be accessed by train, boat, and hiking. Cars are not required and can;t even make it to Vernazza. Levanto and Portovenere bookend the towns to the north and south respectively. A little further south in Tuscany is where you'll find Pisa, Lucca, and Pietrasanta some of the close by attractions when touring Cinque Terre. And around the Italian Riviera to the north is Portofino, Santa Margherita and finally Genoa. For more about planning your Cinque Terre Italy vacation click Tour Cinque Terre Vacations
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    PORTOVENERE IL TURISTA - Il meraviglioso golfo dei Poeti

    Terza puntata del piccolo programma documentaristico che racconta alcune delle più belle località italiane. Protagonista di questo video è Porto Venere, nella magnifica Liguria e il fantastico Golfo dei Poeti. Conduce Fabrizio Felappi
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      Portovenere vista da un drone - View from a drone
    • Cinque Terre Italy Highlights ( Porto Venere, Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso  )
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    • Portovenere vista da un drone - Portovenere Aerial Footage - Wonderful Italian Masterpiece Landscape
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    • Portovenere an der ligurischen Küste am Golf von la Spezia
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    POR­TOVENERE IL TUR­ISTA - Il mer­av­iglioso golfo dei Poeti
    Terza pun­ta­ta del pic­co­lo pro­gram­ma doc­u­men­taris­ti­co che rac­con­ta al­cune delle più belle l...
    pub­lished: 11 Oct 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    Por­tovenere vista da un drone - View from a drone
    Spe­cial Thanks for this mag­nif­i­cent show to "Drone Arez­zo"
    pub­lished: 20 Jun 2014
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    Cinque Terre Italy High­lights ( Porto Venere, Ma­n­aro­la, Ver­naz­za, Mon­terosso )
    Cinque Terre is one of the most beau­ti­ful re­gions in Italy. A se­ries of five hard-to-reach...
    pub­lished: 22 Sep 2014
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    Por­tovenere, Italy
    Get Lost with Kel­ley Ferro in Italia! Por­tovenere is my fa­vorite Lig­uri­an city and you ca...
    pub­lished: 18 Feb 2013
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    http://​tourvideos.​com/​ Leave Cinque Terre and con­tin­ue a few miles fur­ther south for a bo...
    pub­lished: 20 Mar 2013
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    Por­tovenere vista da un drone - Por­tovenere Aeri­al Footage - Won­der­ful Ital­ian Mas­ter­piece Land­scape
    Im­mag­i­ni di Por­tovenere ef­fet­tuate all'alba dopo la festa della Madon­na Bian­ca con an­co­ra ...
    pub­lished: 30 Sep 2015
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    Porto Venere sorge allestrem­ità merid­ionale di una peniso­la che de­limi­ta ad oc­ci­dente il G...
    pub­lished: 23 Oct 2009
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    Por­tovene vista dall'alto.....
    pub­lished: 20 Jan 2015
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    Il paese di Porto Venere sorge all'es­trem­ità merid­ionale di una peniso­la, la quale, stac­ca...
    pub­lished: 12 Apr 2014
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    por­tovenere 2015
    18/07/15 por­tovenere traver­sa­ta pal­maria
    pub­lished: 19 Jul 2015
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    Por­tovenere an der lig­urischen Küste am Golf von la Spezia
    Por­tovenere gehört nicht mehr di­rekt zu den Dörfern der Cinque Terre. Schon früh erkan­nte...
    pub­lished: 03 May 2010
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    Grand Hotel Por­tovenere
    Fil­casa pre­sen­ta la sua ul­ti­ma re­al­iz­zazione, che i suoi os­pi­ti definis­cono "un sogno", "u...
    pub­lished: 13 Nov 2014
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    Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 2015 by Spezi­a­Triathlon
    Spezi­a­Triathlon gara di Triathlon Sprint Porto Venere 9 mag­gio 2015
    pub­lished: 13 May 2015
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    Ultra en­duro Por­tovenere PS3
    With yt capra
    pub­lished: 03 Oct 2015
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    Portovenere Travel

    Portovenere Travel - Portovenere is a town and comune (municipality) located on the Ligurian coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It comprises the three villages of Fezzano, Le Grazie and Portovenere, and the three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto. In 1997 Portovenere and the villages of Cinque Terre were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. ( source Wikipedia ) Enjoy Your Portovenere Travel!
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    Por­tovenere Trav­el
    Por­tovenere Trav­el - Por­tovenere is a town and co­mune (mu­nic­i­pal­i­ty) lo­cat­ed on the Lig­uri...
    pub­lished: 10 Aug 2014
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    Italy Trav­el: Cinque Terre and Por­tovenere
    Italy Trav­el click http://​www.​webvisionitaly.​com/​category.​php?​id=291&​ref;_genre=&ref;_item=3...
    pub­lished: 31 Aug 2008
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    Porto Venere boat trip to the Cinque Terre - LVBO Trav­el
    Porto Venere is a town on the Lig­uri­an coast of Italy in the province of La Spezia. It com...
    pub­lished: 04 Dec 2014
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    Porto Venere boat leaves Har­bor for Cinque Terre - Trav­el with LVBO
    Porto Venere boat leaves har­bor for trip to the Cinque Terre 5 vil­lages along the coast. V...
    pub­lished: 04 Dec 2014
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    PM TRAV­EL a Por­tovenere
    Pm Trav­el in una splen­di­da gior­na­ta a Por­tovenere, in un video che pre­sen­ta parte della su...
    pub­lished: 29 May 2015
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    Trav­el to France, Italy | The Riv­ieras: France, Italy, Isles HD
    Trav­el to France, Italy | The Riv­ieras: France, Italy, Isles HD World Trav­el https://www.y...
    pub­lished: 29 Jan 2014
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    Italy and France Trav­el, Va­ca­tion, Cruise, Tours HD
    Italy and France Trav­el, Va­ca­tion, Cruise, Tours HD World Trav­el https://​www.​youtube.​com/​u...​
    pub­lished: 08 Jan 2014
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    FILM­CARDS: Por­tovenere
    LE VIDEOGU­IDE FILM­CARDS PER IPHONE SONO SU APP STORE! Sono le uniche a con­tenere la visi­ta...
    pub­lished: 28 Apr 2009
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    "Italy - Day 4 - Ver­naz­za-Mon­torossa & Porto Venere" Vhen­schke's pho­tos around Por­tovenere, Italy
    Pre­view of Vhen­schke's blog at Trav­el­Pod. Read the full blog here: http://​www.​travelpod.​co...
    pub­lished: 19 Dec 2010
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    Porto Venere, Lig­uria, Italy
    Porto Venere is lo­cat­ed on the Gulf of Poets' in Lig­uria, Italy. It has a small har­bour li...
    pub­lished: 24 Jan 2012
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    La Spezia to Pal­maria (Porto Venere) by boat
    This is a boat trip from La Spezia town to Pal­maria is­land (Porto Venere) for beau­ti­ful na...
    pub­lished: 11 Jun 2015
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    Es­cur­sione da Por­tovenere a Ri­omag­giore e ri­torno in bat­tel­lo - Trekking from Por­tovenere ...
    pub­lished: 17 May 2011
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    Church of St. Peter, Porto Venere, Lig­uria, Italy, Eu­rope
    The Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic church in Laz­zaro Spal­lan­zani, Por­tovenere, It...
    pub­lished: 25 Oct 2012
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    by­er­re­bi Vstrom Cinque Terre, Leri­ci, Porto Venere
    Gran giro in moto fino a Leri­ci, Porto Venere e poi le Cinque Terre. To­tale 382 km.
    pub­lished: 26 Feb 2014
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    photo: AP / Rex Features
    Liverpool players celebrate at the end of the game after the UEFA Europa League Quarter Final Second Leg match between Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund played at Anfield

    Istanbul 2005 Final Inspires Liverpool to Beat Dortmund in Seven-goal Thriller

    Edit Community news 15 Apr 2016
    11 years ago after Liverpool triumph in Turkey, Liverpool survived to another huge scare before winning one of the most entertaining Europa League knockout phase of the day to seal a 5-4 on aggregate win over Dortmund. Dortmund had managed the perfect start to the match ... Just after the break, Origi well tried and hit back at (48', 1-2) ... d'ALMEIDA. ....
    photo: US DoD / Cherie Cullen
    File - North Korean soldiers watch as South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young speak to members of the press outside the T2 buildings in Panmunjom, the demilitarized zone that separates the two Koreas since the Korean War, north of Seoul, South Korea, July 21, 2010.

    Average North Koreans will be hit hardest by sanctions

    Edit Al Jazeera 15 Apr 2016
    Times have never been so tough for North Korea. Starting in early March, the North Korean state found itself the subject of a set of unprecedented international sanctions. The United Nations sanctions banned or severely restricted North Korea's ability to engage in foreign trade. North Korea is not permitted to export such minerals such as gold, vanadium, titanium and rare earths ... China's participation ... ALSO READ ... Mining sector ... Source ... ....
    photo: AP / Sergey Ponomarev
    An eldery Japaneese man observes the area devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in the port town of Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, Japan, on Monday, April 11, 2011. Exactly a month ago today a massive earthquake and tsunami ravaged Japan's northeastern coastal region.

    [UPDATE] Powerful Japan Earthquake Kills 3, Injures 200

    Edit 14 Apr 2016
    Local authorities in Kumamoto said they received a number of reports of people trapped under collapsed buildings, according to NHK ... As a result, there was no tsunami, but the shaking at the epicenter was especially strong.In Mashiki, groups of people gathered in parking lots, parks and other open spaces after fleeing their homes, as powerful aftershocks continued to rattle the region....
    photo: AP / Seth Wenig
    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, left, gestures towards Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., at the start of a break during the CNN Democratic Presidential Primary Debate at the Brooklyn Navy Yard on Thursday, April 14, 2016 in New York.

    Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders clash in biting, high-stakes debate

    Edit The Wichita Eagle 15 Apr 2016
    Debate in Brooklyn comes days before New York primary vote. Tension between the two on campaign trail spills onto stage. Conflicts over crime, Wall Street, guns and minimum wage ... ....
    photo: AP / Ahn Young-joon
    North Korea fired a short-range missile into the sea

    Missile launch to mark North Korea founder's birthday 'has failed'

    Edit Belfast Telegraph 15 Apr 2016
    A North Korean launch of a missile on the birthday of its revered founder appears to have failed, US defence officials said. The launch was on Friday's birthday anniversary of the late Kim Il Sung, the current leader's grandfather and the nation's founder. Share Go To ... A senior US defence official said US Strategic Command systems had detected and tracked what officials assessed as a failed North Korean missile launch ... ....

    Why Cinque Terre Is The Most Magnificent Part Of Italy

    Edit Huffington Post 30 Mar 2016
    Vernazza, like all the towns of Cinque Terre in Liguria, faces an onslaught of tourists during the day. Many—both individuals and associations—are in favor of limiting the number of visitors so they can enjoy a more human way of life ... From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., steer clear ... For dinner ... Piazza Marconi 1 ... A number of ferries linking Riomaggiore with Monterosso and Portovenere dock here, offering an alternative to taking the train ... ....

    SeaDream Yacht Club 2016: French & Italian Riviera Voyages (SeaDream Yacht Club)

    Edit Public Technologies 10 Mar 2016
    (Source. SeaDream Yacht Club). SeaDream Yacht Club 2016. French & Italian Riviera Voyages ... Departing from Rome on October 1, SeaDream I will transport guests to the ports of Elba, Livorno, Portovenere and Portofino, Italy and St ... When visiting St ... While stopping in Portovenere, guests can enjoy a guided village walk or hike to experience Cinque Terre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site compromised of five villages and the surrounding hillsides....

    A Naturalista's Adventures Through Europe And Black "Herstory" Perspectives, Part I--Monaco and France!

    Edit Huffington Post 09 Feb 2016
    It is befitting to write about a naturalista's experience in Europe because no matter where I go, on this earth, as a Black woman, it becomes a part of black "herstory." Why, because I'm a sister. So here goes my journey, through Europe, from a Black "herstory" perspective, Part I ... The trip included Monte Carlo, Monaco, Villefranche, France, Portovenere and Portofino Italy, St. Florent, Corsica, St ... Monaco ... France ... Corsica ... Tahiti Beach, St....

    SeaDream yachts bound for secluded cruise ports in the Med

    Edit The Examiner 15 Sep 2015
    Patmos, Greece. Kotor, Montenegro. Cassis, France. Most cruise ships are too big to call at these secluded Mediterranean ports, but SeaDream Yacht Club vessels are a perfect fit. These and other less-visited destinations are featured in SeaDream's just-announced 2016 itineraries aboard the 112-guest SeaDream I and SeaDream II ocean yachts ... Tropez, France; Portofino and Portovenere (Cinque Terre), Italy; and Monte Carlo, Monaco ... ....

    SeaDream Yacht Club’s 2016 Mediterranean Season (SeaDream Yacht Club)

    Edit Public Technologies 15 Sep 2015
    (Source. SeaDream Yacht Club) SeaDream Yacht Club's 2016 Mediterranean Season. SeaDream Yacht Club's 2016 Mediterranean Season. -Exclusive Ports and Harbors Await-. 's 2016 season will sail to the Mediterranean's most secluded destinations, visiting ports so small that only the 112-guest twin luxury mega-yachts, SeaDream I and SeaDream II can enter ... Tropez, France; Portofino and Portovenere (Cinque Terre), Italy; and Monte Carlo, Monaco....

    Best Hotels in the World for Fall, 2015

    Edit Huffington Post 15 Sep 2015
    Juxtaposition keeps life interesting, but not so much when it comes to hotels ... At least in your memory ... Mine has three provinces ... 4) Grand Hotel, Portovenere, Italy ... Opening the floor-to-ceiling French windows, on the third floor, I look out to what no Renaissance painter ever adequately rendered, the hyper-blue Portovenere Bay, its bawdy harbor, a piazza free of any structured brush work, and the marine gateway to the Cinque Terra ... ....

    Cultural Crossroads Takes You Around the World with... the Globe!

    Edit Seattle Post 15 May 2015
    Upcoming in a few days there will be an exclusive tour to Cinque Terre and the Back Roads of Tuscany, a 10-day trip taking an intimate group of travelers with unparalleled cuisine commentary by Boston Globe Food Editor Sheryl Julian! Visits to a special winery, cooking classes and demonstrations, and enjoying sights of Lucca, Vernazza, Fosdinovo, Pisa, Portovenere and Camogli for a memorable journey to treasure forever....

    Around Northern Italy by Train

    Edit Huffington Post 01 May 2015
    The Italians are many wonderful things - but slow, safe and sane drivers, they are not. Italian highways resemble race tracks more than roads, and cars can be expensive and a hassle in the country's ancient, pedestrian-oriented cities ... Bellagio & Lake Como ... Venice ... Florence ... Ferries can take you south around the coast on a scenic 40 minute trip to perhaps the most gorgeous town of all, Portovenere, this one capped by an ancient fortress ... ....

    What Is Slow Travel?

    Edit 03 Mar 2015
    There is a new trend in travel and it's moving very slowly. Just like the slow food movement, there is a slow travel movement ... The theory essentially is that, by staying longer in one place and living rather than visiting, travelers can enjoy a deeper connection to their new environment ... Hotels on the trip are luxurious and include the Grand Hotel Portovenere, the Hotel Miramare Sestri Levante and Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi ... ....


    Edit noodls 06 Jan 2015
    (Source. SeaDream Yacht Club) SEADREAM YACHT CLUB ANNOUNCES 2015 WINE VOYAGES. SEADREAM YACHT CLUB ANNOUNCES 2015 WINE VOYAGES. - Boutique Ports Paired with Intimate Culinary Experiences -. MIAMI, Jan. 06, 2015 - After the successful debut of SeaDream Yacht Club's Wine Voyages in 2014, eight vino-intensive voyages have been added to the 2015 season ... 23 to Nov ... Seven days including ports of St ... Tropez, Portofino and Portovenere (Italy) ... 12 ... 26....

    Make Your Lives Extraordinary

    Edit Huffington Post 15 Aug 2014
    Sunset in Lerici, Gulf of Poets ... Here, many of the world's most celebrated poets and novelists came, and even died, from Percy Bysshe Shelley and his wife Mary Shelley, and from Lord Byron to Italian poets Dante, Petrarch and Montale, who spoke of the natural beauty of the Gulf, of the villages of Lerici, Tellaro, Portovenere and La Spezia, Italy ... Like in Good Morning Vietnam, DJ Adrian Cronauer was building morale for the U.S ... Or Dr....

    Don't want to grow older: Ranveer Singh ahead of 29th b'day

    Edit Headlines India 05 Jul 2014
    Mumbai, July 5. Bollywood entertainer Ranveer Singh, who will turn 29 Sunday, doesn't wish to grow older. He's loving his time in Bollywood movies and making the most of his journeys across the world thanks to his work ... "Pretty lil' ones...Civitaveccia, La spezia, Olbia, Portovenere/ Big ol' ones...Rome, Naples, Barcelona," said Ranveer, who has been gorging on foodie delights too ... ....

    26 Castles That Have Reached Fairytale Status

    Edit Huffington Post 24 May 2014
    Castles are already pretty spectacular but put one on top of a mountain or hanging over the edge of a cliff and they get elevated to fairytale status. From Scotland to Syria, the amazing architecture and jaw-dropping views are sure to impress any traveler. Swallow's Nest, Gaspra, Crimea. Aragonese Castle, Ischia, Italy. Doria Castle, Portovenere, Italy. Alc�zar of Segovia, Segovia, Spain. Gyantse Fortress, Gyantse, Tibet ... ....