Eric B. Lorber

Shadow Government

The Coming Wave of Sanctions

The United States isn't the only financial power looking to throw its weight around.

Shadow Government

Obama’s Sanctions Flip-Flop

Now that the deal is signed, the president has a whole new pitch on how unilateral sanctions can keep Tehran in line.

Shadow Government

The Sanctions Two-Step

Since the remarkable news from last week about a preliminary framework for a deal to rein in the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for the ...

Shadow Government

The Problem With Obama’s Strategy of Graduated Escalation Toward Russia

President Obama has chosen his strategy for dealing with Putin: "graduated escalation." But will it achieve the administration's explicit and implicit objectives? Most likely not. ...

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About Eric B. Lorber

Eric Lorber is an adjunct Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a Senior Associate at the Financial Integrity Network.



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