Fishing Angler Ron has reel stories to tell

FROM croc encounters to bucketloads of barra, veteran Cairns angler Ron Gallo has ticked just about every box.

Swirl of success for Innisfail

Swirl of success for Innisfail

ONE minute he was a student at Good Counsel College in Innisfail and the next he was a national television sensation.

Council Leaking water as levels fall

Leaking water as levels fall

THE Cairns water supply has taken a hit after a failed wet season as council launches a new audit to search for water leaks at every property in the city.

GROUP STORY - solar power family

Rising prices Good news for solar powered homes

REGIONAL Queenslanders with solar will receive a boost to their solar feed-in tariff to help offset rising electricity prices.

Police Alleged hoon reverses into police car

Alleged hoon reverses into police car

POLICE have charged a Machans Beach man after he allegedly reversed into a police car in his own drive way.

NASA photos Pics show the world is screwed

Pics show the world is screwed

THINK the science of climate change is not settled? These confronting before and after photos of shrinking glaciers will change your mind.

Gruesome find Bodies found ‘covered in flies’

Bodies found ‘covered in flies’

UPDATE: POLICE are investigating whether a double drug overdose may be behind the discovery of two bodies in a tent at a popular north Queensland camping spot.

Crazy ants Rivals step up to fight crazy ants

Rivals step up to fight crazy ants

FEDERAL funding has finally been found to combat yellow crazy ants in the Wet Tropics, in a dramatic turn of political argy-bargy over the acid-spraying pests.

Crocodiles Croc stars will be a hit in new home

ELVIS has left the building.

Environment Illegal reptile trade thrives

THE Far North’s black market trade in native animals seems to be thriving, with Environment Department officers making roughly 11 seizures each month.

Resignation Fremantle’s Liberal candidate quits

LIBERAL candidate for Fremantle Sherry Sufi has pulled out of the Federal election amid claims he mocked his boss, WA MLA Michael Sutherland.

Decision Parents win right NOT to treat son

THE parents of a six-year-old boy, who have been fighting against giving him treatment, will not be forced to give him radiotherapy.

EgyptAir EgyptAir MS804 wreckage found

BREAKING: The Egyptian army has confirmed finding parts of the missing plane and personal belongings off the coast of Egypt.

Super threat Superbugs could claim 10m lives per year

THERE are superbugs that are going to cause more deaths than cancer and it will kill one person every three seconds.