State Secretary Korčok on involving regions in Slovakia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU ...

Edit Public Technologies 27 Nov 2015
' onmouseover='this.title='State Secretary Ivan Korčok, Milan Belica, President of the Nitra region and mayor of Nitra Jozef Dvonč during the press conference.'' onclick='this.title='State Secretary Ivan Korčok, Milan Belica, President of the Nitra region and mayor of Nitra Jozef Dvonč during the press conference....

Fraudster Csonka extradited from Mexico to Slovakia

Edit Topix 25 Sep 2015
ROMAN Csonka, who committed extensive fraud at the former transport, post and telecommunications ministry in 1998 and who absconded after being sentenced to six years and six months in prison by a court in Nitra, was extradited from Mexico to Slovakia on September 23 ... Csonka, 48, was arrested in Mexico on January 21, 2015 based on an international arrest warrant issued by Nitra Regional Court in 2013.... ....

Railways want to be paid for providing luxury even though travellers do not get it

Edit Topix 21 Aug 2015
RAIL passengers do not get what they pay for, with inspectors from the Transport, Construction and Regional Development Ministry finding dirt and rubbish when inspecting trains, the Sme daily reported on August 20. One unhappy passenger is Tibor Villanyi, who travelled to Levice in the Nitra region during the recent extreme heatwave in first class but without air conditioning ... ....

New record for average day temperature is set

Edit Topix 24 Jul 2015
HIGH temperatures recorded in Slovakia on July 22, set a new nationwide record in terms of average temperature, TASR reported. The Slovak Hydrometeorological Office detected record values at Topolcany in Nitra region, where average day air temperature reached 30 degrees Celsius, thus breaking former record from July 22, 2007, when 29.8 degrees Celsius was recorded in Vysoka nad Uhom village ... ....

Worker dies of argon poisoning in Mochovce nuclear power plant

Edit Topix 29 May 2015
A WORKER involved in the construction of the third and fourth blocks of the Mochovce nuclear power plant in Nitra region died on May 28 after inhaling the gas argon, the TASR newswire learnt from the website. The report was also confirmed by electricity utility Slovenske Elektrarne spokesperson Jana Burdova and spokesman of the Emergency Services Operation Centre Boris Chmel.


Pojmovnik Eurovoc

Edit Minds 26 Apr 2015
... 721 pašni tov pasture fattening Weidemast 5042 patent patent Patent 1640 patentna dozvola patents licence Patentlizenz 550 patentno pravo patent law Patentrecht 1315 paušalni porez flat-rate tax Pauschalsteuer 8307 Pazardžiška regija Pazardzhik region Region Pazardzhik 2115 pčelarstvo apiculture Bienenzucht 4585 PDV VAT MwSt....

Raising charges against Malina shocking (Government of the Republic of Hungary)

Edit noodls 11 Apr 2014
(Source. Government of the Republic of Hungary) ... The Slovak chief prosecutor's office raised charges against Malina at the Nitra regional court for alleged false testimony last week. Malina, an ethnic Hungarian, suffered a beating by two skinheads in the town of Nitra in August 2006 - allegedly due to her ethnicity. Later on, she was charged with providing false testimony ... (noodl....