Film on parts of life of Imam Ali. (ENG SUBTITLES) HD.
Imam Ali in the eyes of non Muslims and non
Henry Stubbe
(1632-1676) Classicist, polemicist, physician, and philosopher.
"He had a contempt of the world, its glory and pomp, he feared God much, gave many alms, was just in all his actions, humble and affable; of an exceeding quick wit and of an ingenuity that was not common, he was exceedingly learned, not in those sciences that terminate in speculations but those which extend to practice."
[An Account of the
Rise and
Progress of Mahometanism, 1705, p. 83]
Gerald de Gaury
(1897 -
1984) A distinguished soldier and diplomat.
"He had been wise in counsel and brave in battle, true to his friends and magnanimous to his foes. He was to be for ever the paragon of Muslim nobility and chivalry."
Rulers of Mecca,
London, 1951, p. 49]
Wilferd Madelung
Professor of
Arabic at
Oxford University
"In face of the fake
Umayyad claim to legitimate sovereignty in
Islam as God's Vicegerents on earth, and in view of Umayyad treachery, arbitrary and divisive government, and vindictive retribution, they came to appreciate his honesty, his unbending devotion to the reign of Islam, his deep personal loyalties, his equal treatment of all his supporters, and his generosity in forgiving his defeated enemies."
[The succession to
Muhammad: a study of the early caliphate,
1997, pp. 309-310]
Simon Ockley
(1678-1720) Professor of Arabic at the
University of Cambridge.
"One thing particularly deserving to be noticed is that his mother was delivered of him at
Mecca, in the very temple itself; which never happened to any one else."
History of the Saracens, London, 1894, p. 331]
Washington Irving
Well-known as the "first
American man of letters".
"He was of the noblest branch of the noble race of Koreish. He possessed the three qualities most prized by
Arabs: courage, eloquence, and munificence. His intrepid spirit had gained him from the prophet the appellation of
The Lion of God, specimens of his eloquence remain in some verses and sayings preserved among the Arabs; and his munificence was manifested in sharing among others, every Friday, what remained in the treasury. Of his magnanimity, we have given repeated instances; his noble scorn of everything false and mean, and the absence in his conduct of everything like selfish intrigue."
[Lives of the Successors of Mahomet,
London, 1850, p. 165]
George Jordach, the famous
Christian writer from
Egypt in his book Ali (
A.S.) speaker of
Human Rights asks, Have you heard about any king among the kings of the world, who had all the wealth and resources at his disposal which no other ruler could get and then too he chooses for himself a life of sufferings and sorrows though he belongs to the noblest of all the clans and his gynecology was accepted as the most pious among the world and he says, "No honour is nobler than humility and kindness." Advising his friends he said, "If you are my friend then wear the dress of a destitute." About himself he prayed, "O
Lord forgive me for my mistakes the people are not aware of." While he punished his admirers for calling him god, he gave brotherly advice to his enemies, he did not approve of its and reprimanded them for their misbehaviors. His opponents created enmity with him, wronged him, spoke ill of him and came to fight with him still people heard him saying, "Oblige your brothers by warning them, correct them by showing favours and giving them favours." He said , "You should tie the knot of love and affection with your brother, remembering that your brother is not strong enough to break the knot nor is he capable of harming you." When the people advised him to treat the oppressors (who had become very strong in the previous regimes) kindly, so that they may not weaken his government, Ali (A.S.) replied, "Your friend is he who saves you from ills and your enemy is he who induces you to do bad deeds. Adopt truthfulness even if you are the loser, and avoid telling lies even if you are profited by it."