- published: 26 Dec 2016
- views: 22
Gustav Diessl (30 December 1899 – 20 March 1948) was an Austrian artist, and film and stage actor.
Diessl was born Gustav Karl Balthasar in Vienna. In 1916, he was an extra on different stages in Vienna but was soon recruited into the army for World War I. During his military service, he was held prisoner for a year.
After the war, Diessl started training as a stage designer but left to pursue a professional career in acting. Meanwhile, he played for a touring company and in 1921 had his first fixed engagement at the Neue Wiener Bühne. That same year he appeared in his film debut, G. W. Pabst's In Banne der Kralle. He logged a large number of films, usually romantic comedies, among them several in war-time Italy. One of his most famous roles was in the German 1944-45 propaganda epic Kolberg designed to strengthen peoples' morale at the time of great military reverses.
After his first marriage ended, Diessl lived with actress Camilla Horn for several years. After this, he married a second time in 1938 to soprano Maria Cebotari. Diessl died in 1948 following two strokes.
Westfront 1918 (German: Vier von der Infanterie) is a German film, set mostly in the trenches of the Western Front during World War I. It was directed in 1930 by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, from the novel Vier von der Infanterie by Ernst Johannsen, and deals with the impact of the war on a group of infantrymen. It featured an ensemble cast led by screen veterans Fritz Kampers and Gustav Diessl; Diessl had been a prisoner of war for a year during the war.
The film bears resemblance to its close contemporary, the All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), an American production, although it has a bleaker tone consistent with Pabst's New Objectivity work through the late 1920s. It was particularly pioneering in its early use of sound—it was Pabst's first "talkie"—in that Pabst managed to record live audio during complex tracking shots through the trenches.
Westfront 1918 was a critical success when it was released, although it was often shown in truncated form. With the rise of National Socialism, the film quickly became considered by the German authorities as unsuitable for the people, notably for its obvious pacifism, and for its clear denunciation of war. This was an attitude that propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels would soon label as "cowardly defeatism".
Maria Cebotari (10 February 1910 – 9 June 1949) was a celebrated Romanian soprano and actress, one of Europe's greatest opera stars in the 1930s and 1940s.
Beniamino Gigli considered Cebotari one of the greatest female voices he ever heard.Maria Callas was compared to her, and Angela Gheorghiu named Maria Cebotari among the artists she admires the most.
Her funeral was "one of the most imposing demonstrations of love and honor any deceased artist has ever received" in the history of Vienna, with thousands of people attending.
Cebotari was born at Chişinău, studied singing at the Chişinău Conservatory, and in 1929 joined the Moscow Art Theater Company as an actress. Soon she married the company's leader, Count Alexander Virubov.
Moving to Berlin with the company, she studied singing with Oskar Daniel for three months and made her debut as an operatic singer by singing Mimi in Puccini's opera La Bohème at Dresden Semperoper on 15 March 1931. Bruno Walter invited her to the Salzburg Festival, where she sang Euridice in Gluck's opera Orfeo ed Euridice.
Starke Herzen is a German television series.
La Jana is a municipality in the comarca of Baix Maestrat in the Valencian Community, Spain. The Cervera Mountains rise just east of the town extending southwards.
It is an agricultural town located west of the Muntanyes de Cervera surrounded by cultivated plots, mainly almond, carob and olive trees, as well as some cereal fields. La Jana is part of the Taula del Sénia free association of municipalities.
Gustav Diessl - Leben und Wirken
SOS Eisberg - Gustav Diessl, Leni Riefenstahl (1933) m
Gustav Diessl
Opera in German Films (I): TOSCA/Vissi d´arte - Maria Cebotari in "Starke Herzen" 1938
Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse (1933) - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΙ ΥΠΟΤΙΤΛΟΙ.
Westfront 1918
Il Bravo di Venezia -1941
Film Westfront 1930
La Jana, 1940. Pedro Amorim, "Poucas e Boas", 2001.
S.O.S. Eisberg ist ein deutscher Spielfilm von Arnold Fanck aus den Jahren 1932/1933, in dem sich Elemente des Bergfilmdramas und des Katastrophenfilms
Gustav Diessl Gustav Diessl (30 December 1899 – 20 March 1948) was an Austrian artist, and film and stage actor. =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Author-Info: Utente:Vabbè Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Calafuria_film.jpg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1Vw7wM2jos
Opera in German Films//Oper in deutschen Filmen Part 1/Teil 1 - TOSCA/Vissi d´arte - Puccini Fragment from "Starke Herzen" (1937/38). On the eve of the Revolution, the opera Tosca will be shown. Operastar Marina Marti (Maria Cebotari) loves his partner René Areno (Hermann Waolder) and refused Alexander von Harbin (Gustav Diessl). You see Marina singing Vissi d´arte from Tosca in german - "Nur der Schönheit weiht ich mein Leben". This film was made 1937/38 and was not shown for political reasons. His premiere was 1953. Am Vorabend der Revolution soll die Oper Tosca aufgeführt werden. Die Hauptdarstellerin Marina Marta (Maria Cebotari, 1910-1949) und ihr Partner René Areno (Hermann Wolder) lieben sich aus diesem Grunde weist sie die Liebe des Rittmeister Alexander von Harbin (Gustav Diess...
Drama - Gedreht unter unvorstellbaren Strapazen in den Alpen. Der 1929 noch stumm gedrehte Film wurde 1935 mit einer Tonspur unterlegt. Bei der Besteigung des Piz Palue verliert Dr. Johannes Krafft (Gustav Diessl; 1.) seine Frau. Jahre spaeter fuehrt er das junge Paar Maria (Leni Riefenstahl; r.) und Hans (Ernst Petersen) zum Gipfel. Wieder bahnt sich ein Unglueck an. Der Film war ein Kassenschlager: In Deutschland spielte er ueber eine Million Reichsmark ein - umgerechnet etwa 3,3 Millionen Euro. Weltweit kamen noch zwei Millionen Reichsmark dazu. R: Arnold Fanck, Georg Wilhelm Pabst D: Gustav Diessl, Leni Riefenstahl, Ernst Petersen, Ernst Udet. Miz-zi Götzel, Otto Spring, Kurt Gerron
ΕΠΕΞΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ VIDEO - EΝΣΩΜΑΤΩΣΗ ΥΠΟΤΙΤΛΩΝ:DEATON-NIKOLAOS. Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse. Director: Fritz Lang. Writers: Norbert Jacques (characters), Fritz Lang. Stars: Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Otto Wernicke, Gustav Diessl.
Westfront 1918 (German: Vier von der Infanterie) is a German film, set mostly in the trenches of the Western Front during World War I. It was directed in 1930 by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, from the novel Vier von der Infanterie by Ernst Johannsen, and deals with the impact of the war on a group of infantrymen. It featured an ensemble cast led by screen veterans Fritz Kampers and Gustav Diessl; Diessl had been a prisoner of war for a year during the war. The film bears resemblance to its close contemporary, the All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), an American production, although it has a bleaker tone consistent with Pabst's New Objectivity work through the late 1920s. It was particularly pioneering in its early use of sound—it was Pabst's first "talkie"—in that Pabst managed to record live au...
regia & sceneggiatura: Carlo Campogalliani assistente alla regia: Ugo Amadoro costumi: Domenico Gaido cast: Gustav Diessl - Rossano Brazzi - Paola Barbara - Valentina Cortese - Carlo Duse - Eugenio Duse - Erminio Spalla - Roberto Bianchi Montero il regista Campogalliani e il costumista Domenico Gaido sono stati entrambi registi nell' epoca del muto
Film Westfront 1918 Westfront 1918 -- Vier von der Infanterie ist ein deutscher Antikriegsfilm unter der Regie von Georg Wilhelm. Schauspieler: Fritz Kampers: Der Bayer Gustav Diessl: Karl Hans-Joachim Moebis: Der Student Claus Clausen: Der Leutnant Gustav Püttjer: Der Hamburger Jackie Monnier: Yvette Hanna Hoessrich: Karls Frau Else Heller: Karls Mutter Carl Ballhaus: Schlachtergeselle Wladimir Sokoloff: Proviantmeister Handlung: Frankreich 1918. In den letzten Monaten des Ersten Weltkriegs verbringen vier Infanteristen -- der Bayer, der Student, Karl und der Leutnant -- ein paar Ruhetage hinter der Front. Dabei verliebt sich der Student in das französische Bauernmädchen Yvette. Wieder an der Front erleiden die vier aufs Neue den Kriegsalltag mit Entbehrungen, Schmutz und Todesgefahr. ...
La Jana, 1940. Pedro Amorim, "Poucas e Boas", 2001 Informações: cenas do filme "Stern von Rio", 1940, direção Karl Anton, roteiro Hans F. Köllner e Felix von Eckardt. Imagens destaque de La Jana, além de Harald Paulsen, Gustav Diessl, Harry Hardt, outros artistas. Áudio do clip: "Poucas e Boas", composição Pedro Amorim, interpretação Pedro Amorim (violão tenor), Carlinhos 7 Cordas (Violão 7 Cordas), Luciana Rabello (Cavaquinho), Luiz Flávio Alcofra (Violão), Márcio Gomes (Pandeiro) e Zé Paulo Becker (Violão). Disco Violão Tenor, lançado em 2001, faixa 3, gravadora Acari Records e fragmento "Stern von Rio", composição Kurt Feltz e Willy Engel-Berger, original do filme. Acervo e Produção Criativa: Rádio Educativa Mensagem - radiosantos (REM).
S.O.S. Eisberg ist ein deutscher Spielfilm von Arnold Fanck aus den Jahren 1932/1933, in dem sich Elemente des Bergfilmdramas und des Katastrophenfilms
ΕΠΕΞΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ VIDEO - EΝΣΩΜΑΤΩΣΗ ΥΠΟΤΙΤΛΩΝ:DEATON-NIKOLAOS. Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse. Director: Fritz Lang. Writers: Norbert Jacques (characters), Fritz Lang. Stars: Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Otto Wernicke, Gustav Diessl.
Film Westfront 1918 Westfront 1918 -- Vier von der Infanterie ist ein deutscher Antikriegsfilm unter der Regie von Georg Wilhelm. Schauspieler: Fritz Kampers: Der Bayer Gustav Diessl: Karl Hans-Joachim Moebis: Der Student Claus Clausen: Der Leutnant Gustav Püttjer: Der Hamburger Jackie Monnier: Yvette Hanna Hoessrich: Karls Frau Else Heller: Karls Mutter Carl Ballhaus: Schlachtergeselle Wladimir Sokoloff: Proviantmeister Handlung: Frankreich 1918. In den letzten Monaten des Ersten Weltkriegs verbringen vier Infanteristen -- der Bayer, der Student, Karl und der Leutnant -- ein paar Ruhetage hinter der Front. Dabei verliebt sich der Student in das französische Bauernmädchen Yvette. Wieder an der Front erleiden die vier aufs Neue den Kriegsalltag mit Entbehrungen, Schmutz und Todesgefahr. ...
Westfront 1918 (German: Vier von der Infanterie) is a German film, set mostly in the trenches of the Western Front during World War I. It was directed in 1930 by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, from the novel Vier von der Infanterie by Ernst Johannsen, and deals with the impact of the war on a group of infantrymen. It featured an ensemble cast led by screen veterans Fritz Kampers and Gustav Diessl; Diessl had been a prisoner of war for a year during the war. The film bears resemblance to its close contemporary, the All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), an American production, although it has a bleaker tone consistent with Pabst's New Objectivity work through the late 1920s. It was particularly pioneering in its early use of sound—it was Pabst's first "talkie"—in that Pabst managed to record live au...
Der Sieg des Glaubens (Inglés: Victoria de la Fe) (1933) es la primera película documental dirigida por Leni Riefenstahl, que fue contratado a pesar de la oposición de los oficiales nazis que resentían el empleo de una mujer - y un miembro que no sea Parte también. Su película narra la Quinta Reunión del partido del partido nazi, que tuvo lugar en Nuremberg 30 de agosto al 3 de septiembre de 1933.
Documentary film. A daring snowshoe expedition reveals the beauty of the glaciers and the lonely mountain peaks in a height of 4.200 metres. Furthermore, the film shows the artistic skills of the dare-devil skiers on their downhill runs at breakneck speed and acrobatic jumps over crevasses. The skiers set of avalanches while the film shows those unique impressions of the winter landscapes of the black Forest and the Swiss Alps with gentle and calm shots.
Mehr Info: http://klassikfilm.de/2015/09/das-testament-des-dr-mabuse-1933-fritz-lang/ Produktionsland Deutschland Originalsprache Deutsch Erscheinungsjahr 1933 Länge 115 Minuten Altersfreigabe FSK 12 Regie: Fritz Lang Drehbuch: Thea von Harbou Produktion: Fritz Lang, Seymour Nebenzal Musik: Hans Erdmann Kamera: Fritz Arno Wagner, Karl Vass Schnitt: Lothar Wolff, Conrad von Molo Besetzung: Rudolf Klein-Rogge: Dr. Mabuse Oscar Beregi Sr.: Prof. Dr. Baum Paul Bernd: Erpresser Henry Pleß: Bulle Gustav Diessl: Thomas Kent Paul Henckels: Lithograph Oskar Höcker: Bredow Georg John: Baums Diener Adolf E. Licho: Dr. Hauser Theo Lingen: Karetzky Theodor Loos: Dr. Kramm Karl Meixner: Hofmeister Klaus Pohl: Müller Rudolf Schündler: Hardy Ludwig Stössel: Arbeiter Hadrian Maria Netto: Nicolai Grifori...
A 1937 German-Japanese drama film directed by Arnold Fanck and Mansaku Itami. Starring Setsuko Hara, Ruth Eweler and Sessue Hayakawa. As Fanck and Itami clashed a great deal during the film's production, and in effect created two separate versions for release in their respective countries. The Daughter of the Samurai & The New Earth It was the first of two co-productions between Japan and Nazi Germany.
Nella Repubblica di Venezia del Cinquecento, Marco Fuser torna in incognito per vedere il figlio Guido che ignora la sua vita da bandito dovuta a un delitto passionale avvenuto anni prima. Il ragazzo, impiegato nello studio del pittore Veronese, è innamorato di Alina, figlia dell'usuraio Zaccaria alla quale è interessato anche Alvise Guoro, legato alla nobile Leonora, inutilmente corteggiata da Gualtiero.
Westfront 1918 (German: Vier von der Infanterie) is a German film, set mostly in the trenches of the Western Front during World War I. It was directed in 1930 by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, from the novel Vier von der Infanterie by Ernst Johannsen, and deals with the impact of the war on a group of infantrymen. It featured an ensemble cast led by screen veterans Fritz Kampers and Gustav Diessl; Diessl had been a prisoner of war for a year during the war. The film bears resemblance to its close contemporary, the All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), an American production, although it has a bleaker tone consistent with Pabst's New Objectivity work through the late 1920s. It was particularly pioneering in its early use of sound—it was Pabst's first "talkie"—in that Pabst managed to record live au...
Mehr Info: http://klassikfilm.de/2015/09/das-testament-des-dr-mabuse-1933-fritz-lang/ Produktionsland Deutschland Originalsprache Deutsch Erscheinungsjahr 1933 Länge 115 Minuten Altersfreigabe FSK 12 Regie: Fritz Lang Drehbuch: Thea von Harbou Produktion: Fritz Lang, Seymour Nebenzal Musik: Hans Erdmann Kamera: Fritz Arno Wagner, Karl Vass Schnitt: Lothar Wolff, Conrad von Molo Besetzung: Rudolf Klein-Rogge: Dr. Mabuse Oscar Beregi Sr.: Prof. Dr. Baum Paul Bernd: Erpresser Henry Pleß: Bulle Gustav Diessl: Thomas Kent Paul Henckels: Lithograph Oskar Höcker: Bredow Georg John: Baums Diener Adolf E. Licho: Dr. Hauser Theo Lingen: Karetzky Theodor Loos: Dr. Kramm Karl Meixner: Hofmeister Klaus Pohl: Müller Rudolf Schündler: Hardy Ludwig Stössel: Arbeiter Hadrian Maria Netto: Nicolai Grifori...
LA DONNA DEL PECCATO ANNO: 1942 REGIA: Harry Hasso ATTORI: Alberto Capozzi, Vasco Creti, Joyce Colley, Gustav Diessl, Liana Del Balzo, Viveca Lindfors, Nino Marchesini, Carlo Monteaux, Totò Mignone, Renato Navarrini, Giulio Panicali, Giovanni Petti, Carlo Ranieri, Tatiana Farnese, Armando Furlai, Leo Garavaglia, Amelia Bissi, Ruggero Capodaglio, Otello Toso, Giuseppe Varni SCENEGGIATURA: Tomaso Smith FOTOGRAFIA: Renato Del Frate MONTAGGIO: Giancarlo Cappelli Un losco avventuriero ha per moglie una giovane donna d'indole non cattiva, ma che profondamente innamorata di lui ha finito col divenire la sua complice. Così si presta al criminoso tentativo di rubare ad un ingegnere i piani di una importante invenzione. L'ingegnere che ha conosciuto in treno la donna e la crede signorina, s'innamor...
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse - German: Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse is a 1933 German crime film directed by Fritz Lang. The movie is a sequel to Lang's silent film Dr. Mabuse the Gambler - 1922 - and features many cast and crew members from Lang's previous films. The film features Rudolf Klein-Rogge as Dr. Mabuse who is in an insane asylum where he is found frantically writing his crime plans. When Mabuse's criminal plans begin to be implemented, Inspector Lohmann - played by Otto Wernicke - tries to find the solution with clues from gangster Thomas Kent - Gustav Diessl -, the institutionalized Hofmeister -Karl Meixner- and Professor Baum - Oscar Beregi Sr.- who becomes obsessed with Dr. Mabuse. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse was based on elements of author Norbert Jacques' novel Mabuse's Co...
Dies ist ein Film des beruehmten Geologen, Himalayaforschers und Bergsteigers Guenther Oskar Dyhrenfurth ( 1888 - 1975 ), des Vaters von Norman G. Dyhrenfurth. Eine europaeische Himalaya - Expedition kaempft mit den Waffen der Ratio gegen die Bergdaemonen des Himalaya. An der Handlungsschnur des Films sind viele einzigartige Landschaftsbilder und ethnographisch bedeutsame Dokumente aufgereiht. Der Film, damals eine Sensation, ist bis heute der einzige Spielfilm, der direkt am Himalaya auf bis zu ueber 6.000 m Hoehe gedreht wurde. Alle Mitglieder der Expedition spielten im Film an der Seite der damals beruehmten Filmstars Gustav Diessl und Jarmila Marton. Die Aussenaufnahmen wurden zwischen April und September 1934 in Indien und Tibet gedreht. Diese Bilder beeindruckten Martin Scorsese so s...
http://www.cineclublarosa.blogspot.com "Lulú" ó "La caja de Pandora", de G.W. Pabst, con Louise Brooks, proyectada en 16mm. LULÚ / LA CAJA DE PANDORA (Die Büchse der Pandora, Alemania, 1929, 115 minutos) Dirección: Georg Wilhelm Pabst. Guión: Ladislaus Vajda, sobre las obras Erdgeist y Die Büchse der Pandora, de Frank Wedekind. Producción: Heinz Landsmann. Dirección de Fotografía: Günther Krampf. Montaje: Joseph Fleisler. Dirección de Arte: Andrej Andrejew, Gottlieb Hesch y Ernö Metzner. Música: Curtis Ivan Salke. Elenco: Louise Brooks, Fritz Körtner, Francis Lederer, Carl Goetz, Krafft-Raschig, Alice Roberts, Daisy D'Ora y Gustav Diessl. Miércoles 16 de enero de 2013, Cineclub La Rosa, Buenos Aires, Argentina http://www.carlossviamonte.com.ar
SOS! Iceberg! Her husband's polar expedition comes to disaster in the frozen wilderness. The wife (Leni) flies a seaplane to rescue him, but crashes. It looks hopeless, but here comes famed pilot Ernst Udet (photo right) in his seaplane to organize an Eskimo force to rescue them all. There are actual flying scenes by Ernst Udet in this film and the film is spoken in English Run time is 1 hour 18 minutes Order DVD-111 from SHARKHUNTERS INTERNATIONAL at www.sharkhunters.com
A 1937 German-Japanese drama film directed by Arnold Fanck and Mansaku Itami. Starring Setsuko Hara, Ruth Eweler and Sessue Hayakawa. As Fanck and Itami clashed a great deal during the film's production, and in effect created two separate versions for release in their respective countries. The Daughter of the Samurai & The New Earth It was the first of two co-productions between Japan and Nazi Germany.
Gujarati language Gujarati /ɡʊdʒəˈrɑːti/ (ગુજરાતી Gujarātī [ɡudʒəˈɾɑːt̪i]) is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat.It is part of the greater Indo-European language family. =======Image-Copyright-Info======== License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0) LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 Author-Info: Zakuragi Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gujaratispeakers.png =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgk54h7HyYk