
Warren Maus
Director of Development and Marketing
Warren (at)

Joined KKFI in September 2009. Prior to that Warren was director of external affairs at Union Station. He also has served as Vice President of Marketing and Development for KCPT Public Television, publisher and editor of Kansas City Live! magazine, and taught at Johnson County Community College and the University of Maryland’s European Division.

Bill Sundahl
Special Events, Volunteer, Underwriting Coordinator
BillSundahl (at)
(816) 994-7869

Bill Sundahl joined KKFI 90.1 FM in May of 2014. Prior to that he was owner of Spice of Life Productions. For more than a decade he has produced the Crossroads Music Fest, the Spring Dance, The Donkey Show. and many more great Kansas City events . He is also a working musician, playing bass and singing in the Starhaven Rounders.

Bill was honored with an Urban Hero Award from the Kansas City Downtown Council in 2007 and has won two Pitch Music Awards. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Midwest Music Foundation.

Mike Murphy
Chief Operator/Traffic Coordinator
Mike.Murphy (at)

Mike has served as Chief Operator/Traffic Coordinator at KKFI 90.1 FM since 2010. He has also worked in technology and customer service positions for Sprint and ADS, as well as for the US Census Bureau. He serves on the program committee for the American Friends Service Committee and is a board member of Sustain Our Spaces.

Barry Lee
Station Manager
Barry (at)

Barry grew up in Independence, Missouri, and became infatuated with radio at the age of 6 years old, when he was given a portable Zenith radio by his grandmother. Barry eventually began buying 45 RPM records and creating his own list of weekly top ten songs, thus insuring that some day he would be a DJ. He achieved his dream by hosting a radio show in the fall semester of 1973 at radio station KRC at Rockhurst College.

Barry graduated from UMKC in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and then worked for the U.S. government, including work at the Social Security Administration in Kansas City as a Benefit Authorizer, as well as an Operations Supervisor and Manager at the Social Security field office in Topeka, Kansas.

Barry hosts Signal To Noise, a long-running music program on KKFI, which airs Sundays at 8:00 p.m.

To learn more about Supporting KKFI and spreading the word that you do Click Here.

For New Underwriting Organizations in Missouri please contact:
Colin Blunt
Colin (at)

For New Underwriting Organizations in Kansas please contact:
Diana Linn Ennis
Diana (at)

NEW MUSIC SUBMISSIONS to the Music Library:
newmusic (at )
PO Box 32250
Kansas City, MO 64171

If for any reason you need more help please contact the Underwriting Coordinator.
816-994-7869 or email BillSundahl (at)


Office: 816.931.3122
On-air Studio: 816.931.KKFI (816.931.5534)
Toll-free: 888.931.0901
Fax: 816.931.7078
Business Address:
3901 Main Street, Suite 203
Kansas City, MO 64111

Mailing Address:
PO Box 32250
Kansas City, MO 64171