10 May 2016
After Syriza imposes billions in new cuts
EU plans decades of austerity for Greece
By Alex Lantier, 10 May 2016
In the face of mass strikes and protests, Syriza is accepting decades of cuts under cover of restructuring Greek debt.
Greek workers strike against Syriza’s austerity policies
UK prime minister invokes militarism and war to argue for EU membership
By Julie Hyland, 10 May 2016
Cameron made clear that he was speaking not only on behalf of the UK, but for all the major imperialist powers
UK elections intensify crisis in Labour Party
The political significance of the campaign for an active boycott of the Brexit referendum
Brazil’s post-Rousseff cabinet to include advocate of police repression
By Miguel Andrade, 10 May 2016
Each year, the Military Police headed by Moraes kills more people than all the fatalities inflicted by all of the police departments in the United States combined.
Brazil’s impeachment crisis and the debacle of the Workers Party
Verizon striker run down as New York cops protect scabs
By Sandy English, 10 May 2016
A Verizon striker was stuck by a van carrying scabs from a hotel in the borough of Queens in New York City. Strikers say the vehicle was driven by a uniformed cop.
New York Verizon strikers seek to break isolation of struggle
Clinton campaign lurches to the right
By Barry Grey, 10 May 2016
Clinton is tacking to run in the general election as the trusted and experienced candidate of the corporate and political establishment, the Pentagon and the CIA.
Republican split deepens over Trump nomination
Mass repression being prepared for Cleveland Republican convention
US Treasury rejects plan for slashing Teamsters pensions, calling for deeper cuts
By Shannon Jones, 10 May 2016
The attack on pensions is the result of the collaboration of the unions, the Obama administration and the Democratic Party, which conspired to enact pension “reform” legislation in 2014.
Fascistic candidate Rodrigo Duterte wins Philippine presidential election
By Joseph Santolan, 10 May 2016
Responsibility for the successful political career of Duterte rests with the anti-working class and nationalist Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).
Austrian Chancellor Faymann resigns
By Markus Salzmann, 10 May 2016
After Faymann’s resignation, the Social Democrats move even closer to the far-right Freedom Party.
IDF major general compares Israel with pre-Holocaust Germany
By Jean Shaoul, 10 May 2016
General Yair Golan’s statements cut across the official narrative of Israel as the victim of a hostile world bent on its destruction.
Volkswagen board pockets €63 million in 2015
By Dietmar Henning, 10 May 2016
Despite the exhaust emissions scandal and record losses, the nine members of the VW Executive Board were paid €10 million more in 2015 than the previous year.
The Berlin Senate’s inhuman deportation policy
By Carola Kleinert, 10 May 2016
Refugees in Germany are being crammed into inhumane camps, bullied and brutally deported.
Venezuela on the knife’s edge as economy collapses
By Neil Hardt, 10 May 2016
Eighty percent of the country is impoverished, infrastructure has collapsed and a constitutional crisis looms.
Thousands of jobs cut in Australia as slump deepens
By Terry Cook, 10 May 2016
Major companies continue to slash jobs, restructuring their operations to cut costs as the economic situation worsens.
New in French
Grève des travailleurs grecs contre la politique d'austérité de Syriza
Par Christoph Vandreier, 10 mai 2016
La reprise de la lutte par la classe ouvrière grecque doit prendre comme point de départ les leçons politiques de l’amère expérience faite en 2015 avec le gouvernement Syriza.
Les feux de forêt continuent de semer la dévastation en Alberta
Par Roger Jordan, 10 mai 2016
Tandis que le capitalisme canadien exploitait d'immenses richesses dans la région de Fort McMurray, peu était fait pour contrer le danger des feux de forêt, un danger qui a été prédit depuis longtemps.
New in Spanish
Movilización Internacional del Primero de Mayo del 2016: Informe introductorio de David North
Por David North, 9 mayo 2016
Publicamos los comentarios introductorios a la movilización internacional del Día Internacional del Trabador, de David North, presidente del Comité de Redacción Internacional del WSWS y presidente nacional del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad de Estados Unidos.
Primero de Mayo 2016: Las tareas políticas que enfrentan los trabajadores del subcontinente indio
Por Wije Dias, 9 mayo 2016
Los obreros y trabajadores del subcontinente indio deben unirse con sus hermanos y hermanas de clase de todo el mundo en la lucha por contra la guerra imperialista y por el socialismo.
Dos candidatos de la derecha pasan a segunda vuelta en las elecciones presidenciales de Perú
Por Armando Cruz y Cesar Uco, 9 mayo 2016
Especuladores nacionales e internacionales aplauden los resultados; los dos candidatos en la segunda vuelta apoyan medidas para mejor explotar al proletariado peruano.
New in German
Obama in Flint: Lasst sie Blei trinken
Von Andre Damon, 7. Mai 2016
Präsident Obamas kaltschnäuzige Erklärung, für die vergifteten Kinder in Flint (Michigan) „wird alles gut werden“, drückt die ganze Verachtung aus, die Amerikas Finanzoligarchie für die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung empfindet.
Europa: Wachsende Beunruhigung über Trumps Aufstieg
Von Ulrich Rippert, 7. Mai 2016
Während Ursachenforschung und mahnende Worte über die Konsequenzen rechter nationalistischer Politik den Ton angeben, gibt es auch erste Stimmen, die einen Wahlsieg von Donald Trump unterstützen.
Türkei: Ministerpräsident Davotoglu tritt zurück
Von Halil Celik, 7. Mai 2016
Handgreiflichkeiten im türkischen Parlament. Abgeordnete der Regierungspartei gingen auf Abgeordnete der pro-kurdischen DHP los.
VW-Vorstand kassiert 63 Millionen Euro
Von Dietmar Henning, 7. Mai 2016
Trotz Abgasskandal und Rekordverlust verdienten die neun Vorstandsmitglieder des VW-Konzerns 2015 63 Millionen Euro, zehn Millionen mehr als im Vorjahr.
Billiglohnarbeit am Frankfurter Flughafen
Von Helmut Arens und Marianne Arens, 7. Mai 2016
Die Lufthansa-Cargo-Tochter handling counts ist „eine reine Leiharbeitsfirma, deren einziger Sinn und Zweck darin besteht, weniger Geld für die Löhne auszugeben“.
May Day 2016: Der Konflikt zwischen den USA und China und die politische Krise in Lateinamerika
Von Bill Van Auken, 7. Mai 2016
Bill Van Auken, WSWS-Redakteur für Lateinamerika, hielt im Rahmen der internationalen Online-Maiversammlung die folgende Rede.
Mehring Verlag veröffentlicht „Die Tragödie der chinesischen Revolution“ von Harold Isaacs
Von unserem Korrespondenten, 7. Mai 2016
Die zweite chinesische Revolution der Jahre 1925 bis 1927 zählt zu den prägenden Ereignissen des 20. Jahrhunderts, die bis heute nachwirken.
Die amerikanische ISO deckt den Verrat der Gewerkschaften im Verizon-Streik
Von Tom Hall, 7. Mai 2016
Die International Socialist Organization (ISO) setzt die eigennützigen Interessen der Gewerkschaftsbürokratie mit den Interessen der Arbeiter gleich.
Other Languages
- Obama in Flint: Lasst sie Blei trinken (07.05.2016)
- Europa: Wachsende Beunruhigung über Trumps Aufstieg (07.05.2016)
- Türkei: Ministerpräsident Davotoglu tritt zurück (07.05.2016)
- VW-Vorstand kassiert 63 Millionen Euro (07.05.2016)
- Billiglohnarbeit am Frankfurter Flughafen (07.05.2016)
- May Day 2016: Der Konflikt zwischen den USA und China und die politische Krise in Lateinamerika (07.05.2016)
- Mehring Verlag veröffentlicht „Die Tragödie der chinesischen Revolution“ von Harold Isaacs (07.05.2016)
- Die amerikanische ISO deckt den Verrat der Gewerkschaften im Verizon-Streik (07.05.2016)
- Trumps Sieg: Ein gefährlicher Wendepunkt in der amerikanischen Politik (06.05.2016)
- Obama in Flint: Trinkt das Wasser und seid still (06.05.2016)
- Français
- Qu'est-ce qui explique le soutien pour Trump chez les mineurs de Virginie-Occidentale? (09.05.2016)
- Air France annonce des baisses de salaires pour les pilotes (09.05.2016)
- Un responsable américain attise les tensions à la frontière entre l'Inde et la Chine (09.05.2016)
- L'Inde ouvre des pourparlers avec les Etats-Unis sur une guerre contre les sous-marins chinois (09.05.2016)
- Nuit debout, un ramassis de mouvements politiquement « récupérés » et anti-ouvriers (07.05.2016)
- Turquie: démission du premier ministre Davutoglu sur fond de crise gouvernementale croissante (07.05.2016)
- Les contradictions au sein de l’économie mondiale s’approfondissent (07.05.2016)
- Des séparatistes et des dissidents chinois soutenus par les Etats-Unis se réunissent à Dharamsala, en Inde (07.05.2016)
- Sur fond de coupures d'eau et de crise de l'eau à Flint
Les enseignants de Détroit ferment les écoles pour protester contre le non-paiement de leurs salaires (07.05.2016) - La victoire de Trump: un tournant dangereux de la politique américaine (06.05.2016)
- Español
- Dieciocho profesores encarcelados mientras policías reprimen protestas en México (05.05.2016)
- La Guerra, el Partido Demócrata y las elecciones del 2016 (29.04.2016)
- ¡Opongámonos a la guerra imperialista! ¡Únanse al acto del Día Internacional del Trabajador! (29.04.2016)
- ¿Es la propuesta de Sanders de dividir a los bancos una demanda socialista? (26.04.2016)
- El Partido Socialista por la Igualdad anuncia su campaña presidencial (26.04.2016)
- Colonia: un centro de eliminación de los enemigos del estado bajo Pinochet (26.04.2016)
- El Congreso Mexicano establece la fundación legal de la ley marcial (12.04.2016)
- El cambio de alianzas de Obama en América Latina (07.04.2016)
- Crisis económica aumenta tensiones sociales en Venezuela (06.04.2016)
- Crear una “vanguardia” artística genuina requiere confrontar cuestiones históricas críticas (06.04.2016)
- Русский
- Дэвид Уолш выступает на тему «Искусство, война и социальная революция» на митингах в Калифорнии (07.05.2016)
- 25 лет назад: Более половины населения СССР за чертой бедности (07.05.2016)
- Крах «политической революции» Сандерса (05.05.2016)
- 100 лет назад: Немецкий революционер Карл Либкнехт обличает войну на Первомайской демонстрации (05.05.2016)
- Партия Социалистического Равенства объявляет о начале избирательной кампании
Поддержите Уайта и Нимута в 2016 году! (29.04.2016) - Комментарий по поводу деморализованных оппортунистов (27.04.2016)
- Выступайте против империалистической войны! Присоединяйтесь к Первомайскому онлайн митингу! (26.04.2016)
- Марксизм и псевдо-левые: Интервью Дэвида Норта на Лейпцигской книжной ярмарке (22.04.2016)
- 75 лет назад: Сталин цепляется за страны «оси» (22.04.2016)
- Премьер-министр Украины Яценюк уходит в отставку на фоне углубляющегося политического кризиса (20.04.2016)
- Português
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
Construir um Movimento Internacional da Classe Trabalhadora e da Juventude Contra o Imperialismo! (25.04.2016) - A pressão pelo impeachment e os perigos com que se defronta a classe trabalhadora brasileira (25.04.2016)
- Os cinco anos da Revolução Egípcia (12.02.2016)
- Governo brasileiro reprime protestos em São Paulo contra o aumento do transporte (30.01.2016)
- Estudantes brasileiros ocupam escolas de São Paulo contra plano de reorganização (22.12.2015)
- As lições políticas da traição do Syriza na Grécia
Declaração do Comitê Internacional da Quarta Internacional (08.12.2015) - Vinte e cinco anos desde a queda do Muro de Berlim: uma avaliação (10.10.2015)
- O caminho para os trabalhadores automotivos dos EUA (03.10.2015)
- Um mundo convulsionado por crises (23.09.2015)
- Desastres da “Fortaleza Europa”: refugiados morrem na terra e no mar (23.09.2015)
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
- 中文
- >>
A further eruption of US militarism in the Middle East
10 May 2016
A century after the Sykes-Picot agreement dividing the Middle East between imperialist powers, the volcanic eruption of US militarism has shattered the nation-state system created by that accord.
The SEP 2016 Election Campaign
Socialist presidential candidate Jerry White: Obama says Flint crisis is no big deal
By Jerry White, 9 May 2016
Jerry White, the Socialist Equality Party’s 2016 presidential candidate, responds to Obama’s declaration that the poisoning of thousands of children in Flint, Michigan is not a major issue.
Who’s who in the Flint water crisis: Part one
Angry reaction to Obama’s speech in Flint
An interview with LeeAnne Walters
Obama in Flint: Let them drink lead
More on the SEP 2016 election campaign »
UN Ambassador Samantha Power hails Sri Lanka as human rights champion
By Kumaran Ira, 10 May 2016
Lying through her teeth, Power hailed the Sri Lankan regime Washington installed in Colombo as part of the “pivot to Asia” for overseeing a flowering of democracy.
Canadian capitalism and the Fort McMurray wildfire
By Roger Jordan, 10 May 2016
The Fort McMurray wildfire is not a natural, but a man-made disaster for which the capitalist profit system bears responsibility.
Devastation from Alberta wildfire continues to spread
Fort McMurray teacher describes chaotic evacuation
A philosophy professor muses about eliminating the right to vote
By Alexander Fangmann, 7 May 2016
US Defense Department announces deployment of troops in Yemen
By Thomas Gaist, 9 May 2016
Australian PM announces “double-dissolution” election for July 2
By James Cogan, 9 May 2016
Trump’s rise causes disquiet in Australian ruling circles
By Mike Head, 9 May 2016
Army captain’s lawsuit challenges legality of Obama’s war against ISIS
By Tom Carter, 9 May 2016
Arts Review
Everybody Wants Some!!—Richard Linklater goes to college
By Hiram Lee, 10 May 2016
Everybody Wants Some!! is the latest coming-of-age tale from the American independent film director.
Looking for Grace—a strangely cold story about a teenager leaving home
By John Harris, 9 May 2016
Retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York
Are the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet a genuine alternative to contemporary filmmaking?
By David Walsh, 7 May 2016
Elvis & Nixon, A Hologram for the King: Trivializing culture, history
David Walsh speaks on “Art, War and Social Revolution” at meetings in California
The Verizon Strike
“Workers in the Philippines and Mexico are not our enemies”
New York Verizon striker explains need for international strategy
9 May 2016
The Communications Workers of America, corporatism and the Verizon strike
International May Day 2016
May Day 2016: Introductory report by David North
By David North, 2 May 2016
- May Day 2016: The Brexit referendum and the struggle against nationalism and war
- May Day 2016: The refugee crisis and the age of perpetual war
- May Day 2016: Once again, German militarism is rearing its ugly head
- May Day 2016: The crisis of the European Union and the drive towards war
- May Day 2016: The political tasks facing the workers and toilers of the Indian sub-continent
- May Day 2016: Oppose the drive to war in the Asia-Pacific
- May Day 2016: The glorification of war and the preparation for future conflicts
- May Day 2016: The US-China conflict and the political crisis in Latin America
- May Day 2016: War and the 2016 US elections
- May Day 2016: The international working class is an immense social force
May Day 2016 and the future of socialism
By Joseph Kishore, 4 May 2016
Committee minutes reveal anti-democratic discrimination against IYSSE at University of Melbourne
By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 9 May 2016
Workers Struggles
Workers Struggles: The Americas
10 May 2016
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
The Defense of Public Education
Detroit Federation of Teachers backs right-wing attack on public education
By Nancy Hanover, 9 May 2016
Michigan state House passes draconian attack on public education
Video: Detroit teachers speak on the struggle to defend education
Working to impose concessions, Chicago Teachers Union calls off strike date
By Kristina Betinis, 9 May 2016
More on the defense of public education »
The 2016 US Elections
What accounts for Trump’s support among West Virginia miners?
By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 7 May 2016
Trump’s victory: A dangerous turning point in American politics
Trump names hedge fund boss as finance chairman
By Patrick Martin, 7 May 2016
Trump’s “America First” speech and the US war election
Clinton launches appeal for right-wing Republican support
By Tom Hall, 6 May 2016
The demise of Sanders’ “political revolution”
By Patrick Martin, 30 April 2016
Socialist Alternative: Charlatanry and lies in support of Sanders’ “political revolution”
Sanders’ phony “Medicare for All” proposal
More on the 2016 US elections »
Meeting in Paris May 15
The socialist struggle against war and the bankruptcy of Tamil nationalism
3 May 2016
SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!
4 April 2016
SEP (Germany) Election Campaign
Berlin elections: Workers and students speak out against war
By our reporters, 28 April 2016
Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!
By the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 25 April 2016
Follow the WSWS