
The Story Of Ham: 1st Chimp In Space
Moving. heroic and even sad.. The forgotten story of our first chimp in space. Subscribe....
published: 22 Sep 2009
author: PopeFlores
The Story Of Ham: 1st Chimp In Space
The Story Of Ham: 1st Chimp In Space
Moving. heroic and even sad.. The forgotten story of our first chimp in space. Subscribe.- published: 22 Sep 2009
- views: 26200
- author: PopeFlores

Ham the Chimp Goes to Space!
http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/NASA45/textonly/history.html On January 31, 1961 NASA la...
published: 29 Apr 2009
author: Humanoidity
Ham the Chimp Goes to Space!
Ham the Chimp Goes to Space!
http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/NASA45/textonly/history.html On January 31, 1961 NASA launched a Mercury Redstone rocket with Ham the chimpanzee on board. ...- published: 29 Apr 2009
- views: 13374
- author: Humanoidity

Chimp Astronauts: "Pioneers of the Vertical Frontier" pt1-2 1967 USAF Aeromedical Research Lab
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ Use of primates (chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys) in sp...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: Jeff Quitney
Chimp Astronauts: "Pioneers of the Vertical Frontier" pt1-2 1967 USAF Aeromedical Research Lab
Chimp Astronauts: "Pioneers of the Vertical Frontier" pt1-2 1967 USAF Aeromedical Research Lab
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ Use of primates (chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys) in space medicine (bioastronautics) research. Includes the launch of Mer...- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 2352
- author: Jeff Quitney

ham goes into space
January 31,1961 - Ham ,the chimp, becomes the first hominid launched into outer space. all...
published: 28 Feb 2008
author: mailordermonster
ham goes into space
ham goes into space
January 31,1961 - Ham ,the chimp, becomes the first hominid launched into outer space. all footage is public-domain. Music by me.- published: 28 Feb 2008
- views: 9736
- author: mailordermonster

Teaser "HAM, A Chimp Into Space"
He was born in the jungles of Africa. He trained for two years on a secret air force base....
published: 15 Apr 2010
author: BOREALESProductions
Teaser "HAM, A Chimp Into Space"
Teaser "HAM, A Chimp Into Space"
He was born in the jungles of Africa. He trained for two years on a secret air force base. He proved to be among the best. He flew into space and came back a...- published: 15 Apr 2010
- views: 4511
- author: BOREALESProductions

Trailblazer In Space
This newsreel records in detail saga of ham, little chimp's 18 minute ride thru heavens....
published: 25 Sep 2007
Trailblazer In Space
Trailblazer In Space
This newsreel records in detail saga of ham, little chimp's 18 minute ride thru heavens.- published: 25 Sep 2007
- views: 648

HAM Space Chimp Grave in Alamogordo
This is the Grave site of the first monkey in space HAM Ham (July 1957 -- January 19, 1983...
published: 22 Jun 2008
author: dioxviad
HAM Space Chimp Grave in Alamogordo
HAM Space Chimp Grave in Alamogordo
This is the Grave site of the first monkey in space HAM Ham (July 1957 -- January 19, 1983), also known as Ham the Chimp and Ham the Astrochimp, was the firs...- published: 22 Jun 2008
- views: 4765
- author: dioxviad

The Amazing Adventures of Ham the Space Chimp
Tragedy befell this poor little champion on his maiden voyage to the stars. Grossly over-a...
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: viceroybandito
The Amazing Adventures of Ham the Space Chimp
The Amazing Adventures of Ham the Space Chimp
Tragedy befell this poor little champion on his maiden voyage to the stars. Grossly over-administered amphetamines unfortunately got the better of Ham and co...- published: 01 Apr 2011
- views: 3668
- author: viceroybandito

Ham, Chimp, NASA Ape-O-Naut. Flew Mercury-Redstone 2 mission 1/31/61....
published: 11 Jan 2007
author: conradsh451
Ham, Chimp, NASA Ape-O-Naut. Flew Mercury-Redstone 2 mission 1/31/61.- published: 11 Jan 2007
- views: 6906
- author: conradsh451

Ham the space chimp
Ham has traveled the world now he went to Gainesville for a Gator's game....
published: 26 Sep 2010
author: Giuliano De Portu
Ham the space chimp
Ham the space chimp
Ham has traveled the world now he went to Gainesville for a Gator's game.- published: 26 Sep 2010
- views: 43
- author: Giuliano De Portu

Radio Orphans - Monkeys Dance
Radio Orphans music video "Monkeys' Dance" contains the story of "Ham" the space monkey.Th...
published: 26 Jun 2006
author: RadioOrphans
Radio Orphans - Monkeys Dance
Radio Orphans - Monkeys Dance
Radio Orphans music video "Monkeys' Dance" contains the story of "Ham" the space monkey.The race for space is in full swing. Watch as Ham partakes in Project...- published: 26 Jun 2006
- views: 11617
- author: RadioOrphans

Ham the Astrochimp
Old video on Ham the Astrochimp. Ham (July 1956 - January 1983), nicknamed 'Ham the Chimp'...
published: 28 Apr 2012
author: okrajoe
Ham the Astrochimp
Ham the Astrochimp
Old video on Ham the Astrochimp. Ham (July 1956 - January 1983), nicknamed 'Ham the Chimp' and 'Ham the Astrochimp', was the first chimpanzee launched into o...- published: 28 Apr 2012
- views: 554
- author: okrajoe
Youtube results:

Chimp Astronauts: "Pioneers of the Vertical Frontier" pt2-2 1967 USAF Aeromedical Research Lab
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ Use of primates (chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys) in sp...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: Jeff Quitney
Chimp Astronauts: "Pioneers of the Vertical Frontier" pt2-2 1967 USAF Aeromedical Research Lab
Chimp Astronauts: "Pioneers of the Vertical Frontier" pt2-2 1967 USAF Aeromedical Research Lab
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ Use of primates (chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys) in space medicine (bioastronautics) research. Includes the launch of Mer...- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 1608
- author: Jeff Quitney

Space Chimp: 1ste aap 50 jaar geleden de ruimte in
Het is maandag precies 50 jaar geleden dat een aap, als eerste mensachtige de ruimte in we...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: zoominnl
Space Chimp: 1ste aap 50 jaar geleden de ruimte in
Space Chimp: 1ste aap 50 jaar geleden de ruimte in
Het is maandag precies 50 jaar geleden dat een aap, als eerste mensachtige de ruimte in werd geschoten. 'Ham, the Astro Chimp', schreef daarmee geschiedenis ...- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 1718
- author: zoominnl

Space Chimps 2 Zartog Strikes Back
Space Chimps was a 2008 All-CGI Cartoon movie about astronaut chimpanzees sent on a missio...
published: 09 Jan 2014
Space Chimps 2 Zartog Strikes Back
Space Chimps 2 Zartog Strikes Back
Space Chimps was a 2008 All-CGI Cartoon movie about astronaut chimpanzees sent on a mission to outer space. It was produced by Vanguard Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. In the movie, a NASA space probe called "Infinity" that was sent to look for life in other planets falls through a wormhole and lands on the planet Malgor. A Malgorian called Zartog then uses the Earth vehicle to force his people to obey him, on threat of being dipped by its robotic arms into a substance that turns them into living statues. Meanwhile, a US Senator decides to have the have the wormhole studied, but in order not to expose humans to the wormhole's possible dangerous effects, they decide to instead send the chimpanzees that they have been training. The chimps (who didn't know that their training was purely a show to entertain tourists; humans cannot understand what they say) are elated. However, the Senator wants more publicity for the event, and forces Ham III, the grandson of Ham, the first chimp in space (in real life as well) to join the mission against his will. The group is composed of: Titan, a large, boastful male chimp; Luna, a female, wise one, and Comet, a young one who is an expert with technology. Comet is forced to stay on Earth since Ham was given his seat. Ham starts hitting on Luna, who dislikes his immature attitude, and Titan is mocked openly by Ham.- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 10

Space Chimp Home And Dry (1961)
Space Chimp home and Dry. United States of America.
L/S The Red stone missile on the la...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Space Chimp Home And Dry (1961)
Space Chimp Home And Dry (1961)
Space Chimp home and Dry. United States of America. L/S The Red stone missile on the launching pad at Cape Canaveral. Angle shot ditto. L/S Two men coming out of trailer carrying a container in which "Ham" the chimpanzee is strapped the lid has not yet been put on the container two men stop in front of camera and Ham looks at the camera and shows his teeth. C/U Ham strapped in the container. L/S The rocket on the pad. M/S The container now with the lid on being put into a lift which runs up the side of the rocket. M/S Three men watching. M/S The lift ascending. C/U Two men watching. M/S The container being loaded into the nose cone of the rocket. C/U Man receiving directions over phone. M/S The container being put into the nose cone. C/U The container inside the nose cone. M/S The hatch in the nose cone being closed. L/S The rocket on the pad ready for launching the support starts to fall away the rocket motors starts and the rocket starts to climb it goes out of picture. L/S Ground to air the rocket moving through black sky leaving vapour trail. L/S The rocket moving through sky. L/S The rocket now just a speck in the sky the nose cone is jettisoned and it starts to fall towards earth. G. Air the U.S. Navy's destroyer "Ellison" sailing in the Atlantic. L/S The nose cone floating in the sea. Helicopter picking up the nose cone. L/S From the deck of the ship as the helicopter comes in with the nose cone suspended by rope. M/S as the helicopter lands the nose cone on the deck. C/U The nose cone moving along the deck on a sort of cushion. L/S Ditto. C/U Man having opened the hatch starting to lift the container out of the cone. M/S Men lifting the container onto the deck. M/S Men taking the lid off the container and we see that ham is still alive. C/U The chimp in the container as he looks around. M/S Man stroking chimps head. C/U Chimp laying in the container while sailors hold his hands. C/U The chimp. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:1710.08- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 3