- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 849
Francis Ng Chun-yu (born 21 December 1961) is a Hong Kong actor and director. He is known for the TVB series, Triumph in the Skies and for films such as Young and Dangerous, Once Upon a Time in Triad Society and The Mission.
Ng was born in Hong Kong to a family with ancestry from Panyu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. He is the uncle of a member of the Hong Kong national football team, Ng Wai Chiu
Ng revealed in a stand-up comedy, saying that when he was a child he told his mother that his dream was to get a job that does not need any academic qualification, without a fixed working hours and high pay. Then, his mother asked him to become a beggar. So, he went to Wong Tai Sin, a famous temple in Hong Kong, to observe those beggars there. He realised that becoming beggar is too busy and need to perform manual labour, which does not suit his free and unconstrained attitude. Consequently, he gave up and decided to become a movie star because being a movie star fulfilled all the condition he requested.
“绝世好男”吴镇宇Francis Ng:疼老婆多过儿子
独家专访:难以捉摸的吴镇宇Francis Ng 爸爸去哪儿2 吴妈
爸爸去哪儿2吴镇宇Francis Ng太太王丽萍首度神秘现身 演员出身 眉眼神似黎姿
《看看星闻》:吴镇宇Francis NG首度携子亮相 Feynman眼部伤疤明显 Kankan News【SMG新闻超清版】
It's a Wonderful Life (Francis Ng as Boss Kwan)
天天向上-吴镇宇Francis Ng做客天天向上曝做菜秘籍 Feynman和龙凤胎"姐姐"甜蜜献唱-【湖南卫视官方版1080P】 20140801
PAY BACK Official Trailer (2016) - Francis NG, Siu-wong Fang, Chang Cheng
"The Mission" interview w/ Francis Ng in Japan 吳鎮宇《鎗火》(1999) 日本採訪【粵語日字】
Francis Ng's requirements for a wife
Francis Ng(吳鎮宇) VS Anthony Wong(黄秋生)
吴镇宇今天现身北京宣传新剧,在片中饰演“土豪”的他,认为这类群体非常可爱。另外,提到儿子,吴镇宇表示随着费曼的长大,自己不会再那么严厉。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Sh...
对于网友称其为“吴妈”,他就笑说不喜欢也不讨厌,“这个称号其实挺可爱的, 吴三岁 才是我本人的性格,所以怎样都行”。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑...
在最新一期的第二季《爸爸去哪儿》中,颇受期待的吴镇宇老婆王丽萍、费曼的妈妈终于露脸了。于是,就有网友扒出王丽萍早年的照片,原来费曼妈妈早年也是演艺圈中人,模特出道、参演过多部新加坡电视剧,以清纯玉女形象示人。网友惊呼费曼妈妈年轻时如此清纯,眉眼间还有些黎姿的味道。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playl...
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn 5月23日,吴镇宇携儿子费曼亮相北京出席某品牌活动。此前吴镇宇就曾公开表示要在这次活动上说清情况。当天吴镇宇特意带着费曼来向公众说明。但是费曼眼角的伤痕十分明显,让不少现场媒体有些心疼。费曼的左眼还是有些肿,伤疤处贴着小胶布,眉毛处可明显见到有断痕。 对于与湖南卫视商谈的结果,吴镇宇表示非常感谢湖南卫视,并拿出了诚意来解决此事,湖南卫视高层还专程飞来处理此事,他也表示非常 感谢。他同时表示此事并没有影响到他和湖南卫视的关系。吴镇宇也详细透露了费曼的伤情,称费曼的视力目前还可以接受,接下来还会定期检查。只是受伤处的皮肤,被太阳照射后会不舒服。而对于曹格此前发布的疑似冷嘲热讽的微博,吴镇宇表示没有看到。他也不希望这件事牵扯到其他小朋友,毕竟发生的这种事情在很多小孩子身上都会发生。 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海量视频新闻搜索。我们的一线记者会采集娱乐、民生等很多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语新闻线索,尽在看看新闻! SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7.KanKan News will provide news clips in all different kinds of area. Please subscribe ...
From the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" starring Ronald Cheng.
Feynman及龙凤胎姐姐龙凤胎“破天荒”合照!导演得知,陈奕迅是姐弟同门大师兄,姐姐在香港每周追看爸爸去哪儿 ,并首度合作大秀歌技! Feynman and his "twin" sister sing and take a photo on stage together! 《天天向上》(Day Day UP)是由湖南卫视推出的一档大型礼仪脱口秀节目。该节目以礼仪、公德为主题,分为歌舞、访谈、情景戏三段式,氛围欢快轻松幽默。该节目于2008年8月 4日首播《天天向上前传》,8月7日正式播出,节目以传承中华礼仪,公德为主,也经常邀请一些明星、企业知名人士,来讨论礼仪,并有专门环节用搞笑的方式 诠释古代礼仪。主持人由汪涵、欧弟(欧汉声)、田源、钱枫、俞灏明、矢野浩二、小五(金恩圣)组成,采用全国第一支偶像男子团体的概念,用各种形式来传播 中国千年礼仪之邦的礼仪文化。节目氛围欢快轻松幽默,获得高收视率的同时,也受到了广大观众的好评。曾获得《新周刊》2008中国电视节目榜最佳娱乐秀; 第三届"《综艺》年度节目暨电视人"评选年度节目奖、网友最喜爱电视节目奖;第25届中国电视金鹰奖获得优秀文艺节目奖。 Day Day UP is a hilarious, over-the-top talk and variety show produced by Hunan TV featuring VIPs, celebrities as well as common people. Etiquette and moral are the theme of the show, which features singing and dancing, interviews and humorous skits. The shows' host are Wang Han, Ou Di (O Han ...
Available on DVD & Digital HD 4/5/16. Pre Order on 3/2/16! When mafia fall guy Zhang Jin finally gets released from prison, he's nearly assassinated. In an effort to survive, Zhang becomes entangled in a conspiracy, linking his fate with unlikely allies and turning friends into enemies. Zhang must discover the identity of the assassin before he gets murdered, without plunging himself back into a life of crime.
【Cantonese interview w/ Japanese subtitle】Interview with Hong Kong actor Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) in Japan, about Hong Kong movie "The Mission" (鎗火) (1999). Repost from http://t.cn/RPXn35 [ http://www.francisng.net ]
据香港媒体报导,吴镇宇、谭耀文(阿谭)等前晚(3月30日)出席电影《冲锋车》慈善首映。在内地工作的古巨基及身在欧洲的任达华则缺席。吴镇宇和谭耀文一起接受访问,谈及将跑内地4个地方做宣传,吴镇宇笑着说:“否则我们的片酬怎样才能收回来,几千万……我说的是制作费。” -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlis...
Pormal nang prinoklama ng PDP-Laban si Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte bilang standard bearer sa Halalan 2016. Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - http://bit.ly/TheABSCBNNews Watch the full episodes of TV Patrol on TFC.TV http://bit.ly/TVP-TFCTV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: http://bit.ly/TVP-IWANTV Visit our website at http://www.abs-cbnnews.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abscbnNEWS Twitter: https://twitter.com/abscbnnews
Pahayag ni Mayor Francis Ong mula sa bayan ng San Vicente, Camarines Norte, isa sa mga panauhin na dumalo sa lokal ng Daet sa lalawigan ng Camarines Norte matapos mapakinggan ang mga aral ng Iglesia Ni Cristo sa isinagawang Dakilang Pamamahayag. (Edwin Datan, EBC Correspondent, Camarines Norte)
mwangi started with several hustles that failed and a coincidental try with online became his gold mine
O francês Francis Ngannou fará sua estreia no UFC contra o também estreante Luis Henrique KLB . Confira a ultima luta de Ngannou que o fez fechar o contrato com a organização americana !
https://hardwaremassive.com/events/2016/07/iot-trends-and-insights-hardware-startups Francis Ng, Managing Director, Asia at Wearable IoT World, discusses current trends of Wearable IoT at the Hardware Massive Hong Kong event. Mr. Ng specializes in product management, Internet, startups, and consulting, helping several companies launch in the Chinese market. Through the years, Francis has developed a wide network of business, technology and investment professionals across China, Europe and the U.S. Wearable IoT World is a global accelerator for wearable tech and has 20 years of R&D; experience and a rich background in software engineering and business development.
Francis Ng has 40 years of corporate management experience in telecommunication company. He realized that the way to retire is to do your own business. Armed with a huge experience, he has embarked to do the business in Jeunesse Global. You can contact him via Facebook to link up your business in the various chinese speaking countries. Right leaders makes the work easy. TEAMDiamonds Leaders in Jeunesse Global. Or you can contact me at +6596900168 I will link you up direct with him. #diamondempiresystem #jeunessedubai #jeunessesystem #jeunessebrazil #jeunesseafrica #jeunessephilippines #jeunessesingapore #jeunesseusa #jeunessemalaysia #jeunessechina #jeunesseuae #diamondempiresingapore #diamondempiredubai #diamondempirehongkong #diamondempiremalaysia #diamondempirephilippines #diamondempir...
Francis Ng has 40 years of corporate management experience in telecommunication company. He realized that the way to retire is to do your own business. Armed with a huge experience, he has embarked to do the business in Jeunesse Global. You can contact him via Facebook to link up your business in the various chinese speaking countries. Right leaders makes the work easy. TEAMDiamonds Leaders in Jeunesse Global. Or you can contact me at +6596900168 I will link you up direct with him. #diamondempiresystem #jeunessedubai #jeunessesystem #jeunessebrazil #jeunesseafrica #jeunessephilippines #jeunessesingapore #jeunesseusa #jeunessemalaysia #jeunessechina #jeunesseuae #diamondempiresingapore #diamondempiredubai #diamondempirehongkong #diamondempiremalaysia #diamondempirephilippines #diamondempire...
Exiled 2006 Exiled (Chinese: 放‧逐; Cantonese Yale: Fong3‧zuk6) is a 2006 Hong Kong action drama film produced and directed by Johnnie To, and starring Anthony Wong, Francis Ng, Nick Cheung, Josie Ho, Roy Cheung and Lam Suet, with special appearances by Richie Jen and Simon Yam. Two hit men from Hong Kong go to Macau to kill a renegade member of their gang, who is trying to live within the law with his wife and new baby. They run into a problem completing their job when two fadversaries show up to stop them by any means at their disposal.
《做头》是江澄在2004年根据作家唐颖的系列小说《红颜》改编执导的电影,关之琳、霍建华、吴镇宇、毛永明等联合主演。电影讲述的是美丽的公主安妮嫁给一个只能拮据地过小日子的男人,抱怨连连。做头是她唯一的乐趣,她的理发师阿华是一位很受女人欢迎的帅哥,两人关系一直比较扑朔迷离。美国回来的露露自大浅薄地自以为可以取代安妮在大家心目中公主的地位。但是阿华对安妮的心意却一直真实。明星理发店的关门让阿华和安妮的将来更加迷茫。阿华选择了事业,而安妮却为了阿华放弃了自己的家庭。几年后,安妮做了老板娘,跟了她十年的蘑菇头也改变了。 中文名:做头 外文名:Hands in the Hair 出品时间:2005年 出品公司:上海电影制片厂、香港银都机构 发行公司:上海大晨文化信息咨询有限公司 制片地区:中国大陆/中国香港 导 演:江澄 编 剧:张献 制片人:任仲伦、窦守芳、吴文峰 类 型:剧情 主 演:关之琳,霍建华,吴镇宇,王惠,杨璐,顾竹君 片 长:101分钟 上映时间:2005年3月
The Mission (1999) - Dir. Johnnie To. Starring: Anthony Wong, Lam Suet, Simon Yam, Francis Ng, Roy Cheung, Jackie Lui. Milky Way Image (HK) Ltd. No current DVD release in English territories. WS, Cantonese, English subtitles.
24 Oras is GMA Network’s flagship newscast, anchored by Mike Enriquez, Mel Tiangco and Vicky Morales. It airs on GMA-7 Mondays to Fridays at 6:30 PM (PHL Time) and on weekends at 5:30 PM. For more videos from 24 Oras, visit http://www.gmanetwork.com/24oras. GMA News Online: http://www.gmanews.tv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gmanews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gmanews
GMA News Online: http://www.gmanews.tv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gmanews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gmanews