Osman Evcan obtains victory through hunger strike (Turkey)

April 6th, 2016

Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle in which he put his life against the state inside the thick walls of prison which he is enclosed. Osman, got everything he demanded through this hard period without surrendering to the state. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 45 days against intimidation, torture and extermination politics against prisoners and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise the struggle. He continued his resistance resolutely by choosing to die with honor and this is the only reason why his demands are accepted. The State’s “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 45 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is a state policy. He is grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and gave support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan soon.

With anarchist solidarity

ABC İstanbul

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Intervention of Christos Tsakalos, member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, at an event in the self managed hangout in Karditsa (Greece)

April 6th, 2016

Phone call intervention from Korydallos prison isolation basement by imprisoned member of CCF, Christos Tsakalos, during an event to promote the launch of the pamphlet “The Source of Victimization” by Alfredo Cospito. Cospito is jailed in Italy for the FAI armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

Good evening comrades (…) I will begin with a phrase I had read somewhere and says “it is at the difficult time of repression, where we prove the level of our consciousness.”

Alfredo Cospito’s pamphlet “The source of victimization” is not only interesting from a historical perspective, as it describes the situation and degradation of the anarchist movement, after the carnage of Piazza Fontana. It has a special interest because, unfortunately, it is largely reflecting the mentality of victimization that is widespread in the Greek anarchist milieu.

But let’s consider things from the beginning …

Speaking of the urban guerrilla in the years after the junta, the focal point was the murder of Christos Kassimis, member of E.L.A. (Epanastatikos Laikos Agonas – Revolutionary People’s Struggle) in 1977, in a gunfight with cops at the facilities of the German company A.E.G. in Renti area, during the placement of incendiary bombs. After comes the arrest of Giannis Seriffis, who talks about being framed up by the prosecuting authorities due to his ideas. From 1977 and for many years the vast majority of those arrested either for «terrorist» activity, or conflicts in demonstrations, followed the line of advocacy of the “frame-up”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

US Prisoners Call for Coordinated Work Stoppage

April 4th, 2016

United States – Last Friday prisoners across the US released a call to action announcing a nationally coordinated prisoner protest on the anniversary of the Attica prison uprising. On the heels of a similar announcement of an April 4th workstoppage issued by Texas prisoners, the call to action states that “[s]lavery is alive and well in the prison system, but by the end of this year, it won’t be anymore.” It calls for prisoners to “to stop being a slave, to let the crops rot in the plantation fields, to go on strike and cease reproducing the institutions of your confinement.”

The coordinated strike is called for September 9th 2016, the forty-fifth anniversary of the most infamous prisoner revolt in US history. The announcement references Attica repeatedly, comparing recent upsurge of prisoner protest movements (from historic workstoppages in Georgia and Alabama to massive hunger strikes in California) to the years of prisoner unrest surrounding the flashpoint of the Attica rebellion. Read the rest of this entry »

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Lesvos: Incendiary call to action against Frontex and all parts of the European deportation machinery (Greece)

April 4th, 2016


Today, on the island of Lesvos, Greece, where the weather is at its best day since 2016, the deportation machine to send refugees back to Turkey has started. This morning a ferry left to Turkey with a couple of hundred refugees on board, this afternoon the same will happen, and this will repeat itself from now on.

Frontex has started sending our comrades back to hell…


We beg the worldwide anarchist movement to seek revenge! Let’s start to burn down Frontex, police, military and all those in power!!!

Let’s burn the deportation machine down!

Some Anarchists

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Posted in No Borders |

Targeted rampage of administrative offices of the University of Tolbiac (France)

April 4th, 2016

Translator’s note: This sabotage took place during the ongoing movement against the “loi Travail” (the work act). The university of Tolbiac is on the frontline of this struggle in Paris. This rampage was commented in the bourgeois press, and some unions already dissociated themselves as can be seen here.

University of Tolbiac, March 22, an occupation of the N lecture hall is planned to hold a general assembly, but cops, security guards and management are all here to prevent it. In a wink, all of them disappear and the door of the lecture hall opens miraculously. We now understand that opportunists of the movement negotiated behind the backs of all. Like what, there are no miracles. It is precisely for this reason that, pissed off, we decided to sabotage these power games.

While students were getting sloshed in their supposedly occupied lecture hall, we decided to have fun in a whole different way. We climbed the 7th floor to ransack administration offices, cutting cables, throwing various liquids on various electronic devices, administrative papers are destroyed and two computers are stolen to be quietly destroyed.

This is the realization of a precise will to not be limited to speaking out, to general assemblies, or demos (whether at 11 or 13:301), but to counter any form of collusion with power, all powers.

Let’s prevent the law from working.

Some enraged of another 22 March2.

Translated from Attaque.

. TN : Since the beginning of the movement, in Paris, the “unorganised” demos generally starts at 11, while the unions starts at 13:30.

2. TN : Probably a reference to the Movement of 22 March 1968.

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Posted in Direct Action |

CCF Escape Case: ‘With no trace of remorse’ – Letter by imprisoned anarchist comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou (Greece)

April 3rd, 2016


This experience is the starter of the development on both a political and a personal level. Imprisonment is an almost inevitable experience for anyone who has decided to join the armed struggle. But the question, as in every experience, is whether and how to take advantage of it.

The birth of the prison has always been built upon cultivation and perpetuation of validation of submission of those who do not conform to the predefined standards of society. However, there are some people whose desire for freedom burns their hearts in a way that does not allow them to accept the role imposed on them as part of the prison automation, even for a single moment during their imprisonment. When it comes to these people, prison fails miserably in its purpose, and despite the walls and bars that stand around them capturing their bodies, they themselves remain rebellious and actually free. Neither souls nor spirits fit in cages.

Let’s start at the very beginning. First of all, as anarchists that have declared war on all aspects of the modern civilized world, we know well that in order to become dangerous, it is necessary to use all kinds of means. Armed propaganda was, is and will remain an integral part of the diverse anarchist struggle. Theory is undoubtedly a very useful tool yet it validates its original meaning only when reflected in the respective action. It is essential to establish a clear dividing line between the enemy and us, since liberation from the system requires its practical rejection. Resistance cannot stop where the penal code begins. Read the rest of this entry »

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Judge continues the trial against CCF despite concerns raised by District Attorney & defense lawyers (Greece)

April 3rd, 2016

Today on March 31st the court convened for the trial against members of the C.C.F. accused to have planned an escape from prison. Due to an ongoing lawyers’ strike, the defense attorneys asked for the trial to temporarily discontinue. The lawyers even proceeded to the submission of relevant documents from the Bar Association certifying the strike and the lawyers’ need to take part in it.

The District Attorney Koutras also suggested to temporarily discontinue the trial on account of the aforementioned strike and the lawyers’ abstention. The judicial board left the courtroom to have a meeting and come to a decision. When the board returned, Justice A. Yfanti, announced that the entire board minus one judge, rejected the lawyers’ request and decided to continue the trial proceedings. Moreover, they gave an ultimatum to the defense lawyers, saying that ”If you do not exercise your duties you will be removed”. Read the rest of this entry »

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About the forthcoming antiterrorist trial against anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Belgium

April 3rd, 2016

‘If fighting for freedom is a crime, innocence is really the worst of all’

In late 2008, a midst diffuse hostilities triggered by the revolt in Greece following the assassination of Alexis by police, the Belgian Federal Prosecutor launches an investigation of anarchists and anti-authoritarians. In 2010, on the basis of a list of actions that the police attribute to the “anarchist movement” and while the struggle against the construction of a new detention centre in Steenokkerzeel is underway, magistrate Isabelle Panou is assigned to the investigation, now under the anti-terrorism. In May, then in September 2013, a dozen searches took place within this investigation, the searches targeting different homes as well as the anarchist library Acrata in Brussels. It is on this occasion that the existence of an antiterrorist investigation first emerges. This investigation is led by the anti-terrorist branch of the Federal Judicial Police backed by the State Security and the General Intelligence and Security Agency of the army as well as various anti-terrorist branches of other European countries.

The investigation is closed in 2014, culminating in the referral of twelve anarchists and anti-authoritarians to the Court Chambers. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Greeting of Nikos Maziotis at the yearly meeting of International Red Help

April 3rd, 2016

I salute the comrades who participate in the yearly meeting of International Red Help. Comrades from Greece participate for the first time in this meeting, members of the solidarity assembly for political prisoners in Greece who surely will inform you about the situation in Greece with regards to political prisoners, solidarity and generally the political situation in Greece.

From my side I will inform you about some recent events that took place here. On February 21st the wanted comrade, Pola Roupa, on whom a bounty has been set, attempted to hijack a helicopter in order to break myself, as well as other political prisoners condemned for armed struggle, out of the prison of Korydallos. Unfortunately, the hijack failed due to the reaction of the pilot, who turned out to be an ex-policeman and was armed. Fortunately, the comrade got away safe and unhurt. Read the rest of this entry »

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