Best of Marge Simpson
Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
Like and subscribe for more
published: 22 Mar 2021
MARGE - Váratlan Nyár (Music Video)
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/VaratlanNyar
Music produced by Monkeyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE' and Dunajcsik Mátyás
THX DJ N1CE and Pejko Balazs @ Studio H
Universal Music Hungary – All rights reserved
Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
Edited by Csizik Balázs
Special THX to Alfonz, Ferenczi Emma, Szamosi Donath, Szelei Dóra, Lovrity Katalin, Korai Zsolt, Zérczi Attila, VideóAnita, Krissz, Retrock és Mindenkinek aki szerepel a videóban :)
MARGE legújabb klipje a Váratlan Nyár című dalához készült, melyet az énekes-dalszerző maga rendezett. A GoPro kamerával rögzített klip a vidámsággal és szabadsággal telített ezerarcú nyári fesztiváléletérzés hangulatát festi elénk.
A MARGE által rendezett és rögzített klip forgatása stílusosan a V...
published: 20 Jul 2015
All Marge clips | soggy_nugget | June 2019 | Tik Tok Compilation
#TikTok #soggy_nugget #marge #simpsons #comedy #cosplay
All video material is owned by soggy_nugget
Outro song - Warm Nights By Lakey Inspired
P.S I know I forgot one of the clips I'm sorry.
published: 28 Jun 2019
Bruttomarge, EBIT-Marge, & Nettomarge berechnen und erklärt
In diesem Video erklären wir euch wie ihr die Nettomarge berechnen, die Bruttomarge berechnen und auch die Ebit Marge berechnen könnt. Die Nettomarge Formel die Bruttomarge vs. Nettomarge die Bruttomarge aussage und Bruttomarge berechnen Formel bekommt ihr hier erklärt. Eine Ebitmarge Erklärung erhaltet ihr ebenfalls in diesem Video! Viel Spaß bei diesem Bruttomarge Nettomarge und Ebit Marge Video!
Konnten wir dein Interesse wecken? Hier sind noch mehr von unseren Videos:
Aktienanaylsen -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8IGQDXSLGI&list;=PL90Izsid3KooRZ4eiWPtzpXNovc2OW9zJ&index;=16
News und Hot Stocks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr8M7hnkngU&list;=PL90Izsid3KoqUTdOgeaG-cH2OdSqcUmo0&index;=5
Kennzahlen Erklärungen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGw2C0denno&list;=PL90Izsid3KorBhtUNBjhWn8...
published: 19 Feb 2021
Marge Prefers Ned Over Homer
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and that doesn't sit well with Homer. He knows he can't compete.
So this is probably the most ambitious edit to date. That scene of Ned and Marge in bed was quite a task. That combined a lot of photoshopping and rotoscoping, I think it turned out quite well. That plus the final clip of Homer dressing up as Marge, was rotoscoped. Hope you enjoy, I really liked how this one turned out.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(30):
S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 - When Flanders Failed
S03E06 - Like Father, Like Clown
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S04E03 ...
published: 23 Oct 2020
Marge Is Gay
Marge Simpson is hiding a secret from Homer and her family. But when Homer finds out, he is threatened that it will destroy their family and kids. But he seems to be the only person who cares.
This was a fun video to rotoscope, adding smithers to the frank grimes clip was a lot of fun, i really liked how that turned out. And the thumbnail clip really turned out well too. The final smoke clip was heavily editted, you may remember the clip from when Homer drove to see Lurleen for the first time. Hope you Enjoy!
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(44):
S01E01 - Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
S01E13 - Some Enchanted Evening
S02E01 - Bart Gets an F
S02E02 - Simpson and Delilah
S02E04 - Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
S02E07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
S02E11 - One Fish,...
published: 24 Sep 2021
MARGE - Maradj Még! (Music Video)
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/MaradjMeg
Music produced by Monkyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
THX DJ N1CE and Pejko Balázs @ Studio H
Universal Music Hungary – All rights reserved
Fegyverneky Sándor 'DJ N1CE'
Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
Special THX to
Szelei Dóra - creative assistant
Lovrinty Katalin Anna - creative assistant, cut
Issiaga Camara (the man)
Kocsmár Felicia - Nanushka
Vogel Eszter - location
more dress by Aéron, Komod, Retrock
Kísérletezés a hip-hoppal és visszatérés az alapokhoz - így foglalhatóak össze MARGE zenei tervei 2015-re, melynek első bizonyítéka a Recorderen debütáló Maradj Még! című dal. Az énekesnő, dalszerző magyar nyelvű dalokkal és friss hangzással tér vissza gyökereihez és újra azzal a zenei csapatt...
published: 01 May 2015
The Complete Marge Simpson Timeline [+ Face Reveal]
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In this video we look at the entire timeline of Marge Simpson. We look at Marge Simpson's entire life story, her past and future. Taking a look at the Simpsons flashback episodes, as well as the future episodes, I've put Marge's life in chronological order. From season 1 to The Simpsons season 33.
We also look at other Simpsons character timelines, like Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. As well as the other Simpsons characters in Springfield.
Please subcribe to my new channel, Screen Portal: https://youtu.be/LAkpA3zNS88
✭ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/simpsonstheory/
✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SimpsonsTheory
published: 10 Jul 2021
MARGE - Stronger (Music Video)
iTunes: http://itun.es/hu/mRphz
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/artist/5245420
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/4C8EXdS7TXGlWixQydk9RW
Music and Lyrics by MARGE (Zsuzsanna Batta)
Music Produced by Tropiic (Áron Árzsáng Lotfi)
Mixing and Mastering by JumoDaddy (Gáspár Horváth)
Directed by: Kárpáti György Mór
Motion Designer: Korai Zsolt
Produced by: MITTE Communications
DoP: Hartung Dávid
Production manager: Násztor Bence
Guest appearance: Likovics Alexandra, Kántor Kata, DJ Nara
Make up: Balog Szilvia
Hair: Annabella Bakos
Dress: Tomcsányi Dóri
Furniture : Solinfo Lighting & Home
Location: Ludwig Museum
MARGE arculati és zenei megújulása keretében 2013 szeptemberében jelent meg a Stronger EP. A kislemez címadó dalához Marge elismert vizuális szake...
published: 14 Mar 2014
Die EBIT-Marge – die wichtigste Kennzahl der operativen Unternehmensführung
Die EBIT-Marge ist die wichtigste Kennzahl der operativen Unternehmensführung. Im Video unseres Referenten Bert Erlen erfahren Sie die die Definition und Bedeutung der EBIT-Marge, wie Sie sie interpretieren und wie die EBIT-Marge die Unternehmensführung unterstützt.
published: 19 Jun 2018
Best of Marge Simpson
Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
Like and subscribe for more
Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
Like and subscribe for more
Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
Like and subscribe for more
- published: 22 Mar 2021
- views: 291035
MARGE - Váratlan Nyár (Music Video)
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/VaratlanNyar
Music produced by Monkeyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE' and Dunaj...
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/VaratlanNyar
Music produced by Monkeyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE' and Dunajcsik Mátyás
THX DJ N1CE and Pejko Balazs @ Studio H
Universal Music Hungary – All rights reserved
Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
Edited by Csizik Balázs
Special THX to Alfonz, Ferenczi Emma, Szamosi Donath, Szelei Dóra, Lovrity Katalin, Korai Zsolt, Zérczi Attila, VideóAnita, Krissz, Retrock és Mindenkinek aki szerepel a videóban :)
MARGE legújabb klipje a Váratlan Nyár című dalához készült, melyet az énekes-dalszerző maga rendezett. A GoPro kamerával rögzített klip a vidámsággal és szabadsággal telített ezerarcú nyári fesztiváléletérzés hangulatát festi elénk.
A MARGE által rendezett és rögzített klip forgatása stílusosan a VOLT Fesztiválon indult, majd Budapesten folytatódott - az énekes-dalszerző zenésztársai, rajongói, ismerősei, kedves idegenek, jóbarátok egyaránt visszaköszönnek a képkockákon. A klip bemutatja, miként szórakoznak együtt kicsik és nagyok a nyár legjobb perceiben.
A gyerekek és felnőttek nézőpontjának együttes felvillantása nem véletlen: MARGE saját bevallása szerint is e két életszakasz találkozásánál áll, és ezzel a klippel szerette volna képre vinni életének jelen pillanatait. E pillanatokat a klip ritmusosan váltakozó, a gyermeki és felnőtt ént dinamikusan felrajzoló felvételei örökítik meg.
A Dunajcsik Mátyás költő és MARGE által közösen írt dalszöveg, Neck zenéje, a Csizik Balázs által vágott képsorok és MARGE jól ismert, kedvesen vibráló hangja együtt szólaltatja meg a nyári dallamot, amely egyszerre szól a fülledt hónapok lendületéről és a kánikula ígérte felszabadult szórakozásról.
Még egy csók
Még egy dal
Hűs vízpart
Még egy szó
Még egy tánc
Szélben szállsz
Ugyanazt kértük épp a pultnál, mikor
Megtaláltalak és rámtaláltál
Összenéztünk és nem volt kérdés
Hogy nem az utolsó ez a hosszúlépés
Mások vagyunk de egyidősek
Ismeretlenül is ismerősek
Egy Oscar-díjas szerepet játszunk
Egy szerelmes filmből amit nem is láttunk
Csak a szél suhan át a parti fákon
Csak a szél marad mint egy régi álom aztán
És a fény elömlött a láthatáron
Egy váratlan nyáron
Azt hittem, hogy mindent láttam
Hogy egyszemélyes lesz a sátram
És az egyetlen, ami megmarad
Ebből a fesztiválból az a karszalag
De megjöttél és felfordult minden
Az ég alattam és a föld fölöttem
Nappal alszunk és éjszaka élünk
A hallgatásunkkal is beszélünk
Csak a szél suhan át a parti fákon
Csak a szél marad mint egy régi álom aztán
És a fény elömlött a láthatáron
Egy váratlan nyáron
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/VaratlanNyar
Music produced by Monkeyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE' and Dunajcsik Mátyás
THX DJ N1CE and Pejko Balazs @ Studio H
Universal Music Hungary – All rights reserved
Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
Edited by Csizik Balázs
Special THX to Alfonz, Ferenczi Emma, Szamosi Donath, Szelei Dóra, Lovrity Katalin, Korai Zsolt, Zérczi Attila, VideóAnita, Krissz, Retrock és Mindenkinek aki szerepel a videóban :)
MARGE legújabb klipje a Váratlan Nyár című dalához készült, melyet az énekes-dalszerző maga rendezett. A GoPro kamerával rögzített klip a vidámsággal és szabadsággal telített ezerarcú nyári fesztiváléletérzés hangulatát festi elénk.
A MARGE által rendezett és rögzített klip forgatása stílusosan a VOLT Fesztiválon indult, majd Budapesten folytatódott - az énekes-dalszerző zenésztársai, rajongói, ismerősei, kedves idegenek, jóbarátok egyaránt visszaköszönnek a képkockákon. A klip bemutatja, miként szórakoznak együtt kicsik és nagyok a nyár legjobb perceiben.
A gyerekek és felnőttek nézőpontjának együttes felvillantása nem véletlen: MARGE saját bevallása szerint is e két életszakasz találkozásánál áll, és ezzel a klippel szerette volna képre vinni életének jelen pillanatait. E pillanatokat a klip ritmusosan váltakozó, a gyermeki és felnőtt ént dinamikusan felrajzoló felvételei örökítik meg.
A Dunajcsik Mátyás költő és MARGE által közösen írt dalszöveg, Neck zenéje, a Csizik Balázs által vágott képsorok és MARGE jól ismert, kedvesen vibráló hangja együtt szólaltatja meg a nyári dallamot, amely egyszerre szól a fülledt hónapok lendületéről és a kánikula ígérte felszabadult szórakozásról.
Még egy csók
Még egy dal
Hűs vízpart
Még egy szó
Még egy tánc
Szélben szállsz
Ugyanazt kértük épp a pultnál, mikor
Megtaláltalak és rámtaláltál
Összenéztünk és nem volt kérdés
Hogy nem az utolsó ez a hosszúlépés
Mások vagyunk de egyidősek
Ismeretlenül is ismerősek
Egy Oscar-díjas szerepet játszunk
Egy szerelmes filmből amit nem is láttunk
Csak a szél suhan át a parti fákon
Csak a szél marad mint egy régi álom aztán
És a fény elömlött a láthatáron
Egy váratlan nyáron
Azt hittem, hogy mindent láttam
Hogy egyszemélyes lesz a sátram
És az egyetlen, ami megmarad
Ebből a fesztiválból az a karszalag
De megjöttél és felfordult minden
Az ég alattam és a föld fölöttem
Nappal alszunk és éjszaka élünk
A hallgatásunkkal is beszélünk
Csak a szél suhan át a parti fákon
Csak a szél marad mint egy régi álom aztán
És a fény elömlött a láthatáron
Egy váratlan nyáron
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 1111129
All Marge clips | soggy_nugget | June 2019 | Tik Tok Compilation
#TikTok #soggy_nugget #marge #simpsons #comedy #cosplay
All video material is owned by soggy_nugget
Outro song - Warm Nights By Lakey Inspired
P.S I know I f...
#TikTok #soggy_nugget #marge #simpsons #comedy #cosplay
All video material is owned by soggy_nugget
Outro song - Warm Nights By Lakey Inspired
P.S I know I forgot one of the clips I'm sorry.
#TikTok #soggy_nugget #marge #simpsons #comedy #cosplay
All video material is owned by soggy_nugget
Outro song - Warm Nights By Lakey Inspired
P.S I know I forgot one of the clips I'm sorry.
- published: 28 Jun 2019
- views: 258479
Bruttomarge, EBIT-Marge, & Nettomarge berechnen und erklärt
In diesem Video erklären wir euch wie ihr die Nettomarge berechnen, die Bruttomarge berechnen und auch die Ebit Marge berechnen könnt. Die Nettomarge Formel die...
In diesem Video erklären wir euch wie ihr die Nettomarge berechnen, die Bruttomarge berechnen und auch die Ebit Marge berechnen könnt. Die Nettomarge Formel die Bruttomarge vs. Nettomarge die Bruttomarge aussage und Bruttomarge berechnen Formel bekommt ihr hier erklärt. Eine Ebitmarge Erklärung erhaltet ihr ebenfalls in diesem Video! Viel Spaß bei diesem Bruttomarge Nettomarge und Ebit Marge Video!
Konnten wir dein Interesse wecken? Hier sind noch mehr von unseren Videos:
Aktienanaylsen -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8IGQDXSLGI&list;=PL90Izsid3KooRZ4eiWPtzpXNovc2OW9zJ&index;=16
News und Hot Stocks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr8M7hnkngU&list;=PL90Izsid3KoqUTdOgeaG-cH2OdSqcUmo0&index;=5
Kennzahlen Erklärungen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGw2C0denno&list;=PL90Izsid3KorBhtUNBjhWn8pQeBRDApKl&index;=13
In diesem Video erklären wir euch wie ihr die Nettomarge berechnen, die Bruttomarge berechnen und auch die Ebit Marge berechnen könnt. Die Nettomarge Formel die Bruttomarge vs. Nettomarge die Bruttomarge aussage und Bruttomarge berechnen Formel bekommt ihr hier erklärt. Eine Ebitmarge Erklärung erhaltet ihr ebenfalls in diesem Video! Viel Spaß bei diesem Bruttomarge Nettomarge und Ebit Marge Video!
Konnten wir dein Interesse wecken? Hier sind noch mehr von unseren Videos:
Aktienanaylsen -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8IGQDXSLGI&list;=PL90Izsid3KooRZ4eiWPtzpXNovc2OW9zJ&index;=16
News und Hot Stocks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr8M7hnkngU&list;=PL90Izsid3KoqUTdOgeaG-cH2OdSqcUmo0&index;=5
Kennzahlen Erklärungen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGw2C0denno&list;=PL90Izsid3KorBhtUNBjhWn8pQeBRDApKl&index;=13
- published: 19 Feb 2021
- views: 2292
Marge Prefers Ned Over Homer
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and ...
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and that doesn't sit well with Homer. He knows he can't compete.
So this is probably the most ambitious edit to date. That scene of Ned and Marge in bed was quite a task. That combined a lot of photoshopping and rotoscoping, I think it turned out quite well. That plus the final clip of Homer dressing up as Marge, was rotoscoped. Hope you enjoy, I really liked how this one turned out.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(30):
S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 - When Flanders Failed
S03E06 - Like Father, Like Clown
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S04E03 - Homer the Heretic
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E17 - Last Exit to Springfield
S04E19 - The Front
S05E02 - Cape Feare
S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
S05E16 - Homer Loves Flanders
S06E06 - Treehouse of Horror V
S06E11 - Fear of Flying
S06E18 - A Star Is Burns
S06E23 - The Springfield Connection
S09E09 - Realty Bites
S10E04 - Treehouse of Horror IX
S10E12 - Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S11E22 - Behind the Laughter
S13E04 - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
S13E09 - Jaws Wired Shut
S14E08 - The Dad Who Knew Too Little
S14E09 - Strong Arms of the Ma
S14E17 - Three Gays of the Condo
S15E10 - Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
S29E03 - Whistler's Father
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and that doesn't sit well with Homer. He knows he can't compete.
So this is probably the most ambitious edit to date. That scene of Ned and Marge in bed was quite a task. That combined a lot of photoshopping and rotoscoping, I think it turned out quite well. That plus the final clip of Homer dressing up as Marge, was rotoscoped. Hope you enjoy, I really liked how this one turned out.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(30):
S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 - When Flanders Failed
S03E06 - Like Father, Like Clown
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S04E03 - Homer the Heretic
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E17 - Last Exit to Springfield
S04E19 - The Front
S05E02 - Cape Feare
S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
S05E16 - Homer Loves Flanders
S06E06 - Treehouse of Horror V
S06E11 - Fear of Flying
S06E18 - A Star Is Burns
S06E23 - The Springfield Connection
S09E09 - Realty Bites
S10E04 - Treehouse of Horror IX
S10E12 - Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S11E22 - Behind the Laughter
S13E04 - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
S13E09 - Jaws Wired Shut
S14E08 - The Dad Who Knew Too Little
S14E09 - Strong Arms of the Ma
S14E17 - Three Gays of the Condo
S15E10 - Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
S29E03 - Whistler's Father
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
- published: 23 Oct 2020
- views: 1172808
Marge Is Gay
Marge Simpson is hiding a secret from Homer and her family. But when Homer finds out, he is threatened that it will destroy their family and kids. But he seems ...
Marge Simpson is hiding a secret from Homer and her family. But when Homer finds out, he is threatened that it will destroy their family and kids. But he seems to be the only person who cares.
This was a fun video to rotoscope, adding smithers to the frank grimes clip was a lot of fun, i really liked how that turned out. And the thumbnail clip really turned out well too. The final smoke clip was heavily editted, you may remember the clip from when Homer drove to see Lurleen for the first time. Hope you Enjoy!
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(44):
S01E01 - Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
S01E13 - Some Enchanted Evening
S02E01 - Bart Gets an F
S02E02 - Simpson and Delilah
S02E04 - Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
S02E07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S02E12 - The Way We Was
S02E22 - Blood Feud
S03E08 - Lisa's Pony
S03E10 - Flaming Moe's
S03E11 - Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S03E20 - Colonel Homer
S03E21 - Black Widower
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E09 - Mr. Plow
S04E12 - Marge vs. the Monorail
S04E14 - Brother from the Same Planet
S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
S05E09 - The Last Temptation of Homer
S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
S05E15 - Deep Space Homer
S05E22 - Secrets of a Successful Marriage
S06E01 - Bart of Darkness
S06E11 - Fear of Flying
S06E12 - Homer the Great
S08E22 - In Marge We Trust
S08E23 - Homer's Enemy
S09E10 - Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
S10E02 - The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
S10E12 - Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S10E21 - Monty Can't Buy Me Love
S11E02 - Brother's Little Helper
S11E09 - Grift of the Magi
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S12E15 - Hungry, Hungry Homer
S15E07 - Tis the Fifteenth Season
S17E20 - Regarding Margie
S18E03 - Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em
S18E17 - Marge Gamer
S19E09 - Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
S20E11 - How the Test Was Won
S28E16 - Kamp Krustier
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
Marge Simpson is hiding a secret from Homer and her family. But when Homer finds out, he is threatened that it will destroy their family and kids. But he seems to be the only person who cares.
This was a fun video to rotoscope, adding smithers to the frank grimes clip was a lot of fun, i really liked how that turned out. And the thumbnail clip really turned out well too. The final smoke clip was heavily editted, you may remember the clip from when Homer drove to see Lurleen for the first time. Hope you Enjoy!
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(44):
S01E01 - Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
S01E13 - Some Enchanted Evening
S02E01 - Bart Gets an F
S02E02 - Simpson and Delilah
S02E04 - Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
S02E07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S02E12 - The Way We Was
S02E22 - Blood Feud
S03E08 - Lisa's Pony
S03E10 - Flaming Moe's
S03E11 - Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S03E20 - Colonel Homer
S03E21 - Black Widower
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E09 - Mr. Plow
S04E12 - Marge vs. the Monorail
S04E14 - Brother from the Same Planet
S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
S05E09 - The Last Temptation of Homer
S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
S05E15 - Deep Space Homer
S05E22 - Secrets of a Successful Marriage
S06E01 - Bart of Darkness
S06E11 - Fear of Flying
S06E12 - Homer the Great
S08E22 - In Marge We Trust
S08E23 - Homer's Enemy
S09E10 - Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
S10E02 - The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
S10E12 - Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S10E21 - Monty Can't Buy Me Love
S11E02 - Brother's Little Helper
S11E09 - Grift of the Magi
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S12E15 - Hungry, Hungry Homer
S15E07 - Tis the Fifteenth Season
S17E20 - Regarding Margie
S18E03 - Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em
S18E17 - Marge Gamer
S19E09 - Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
S20E11 - How the Test Was Won
S28E16 - Kamp Krustier
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
- published: 24 Sep 2021
- views: 241831
MARGE - Maradj Még! (Music Video)
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/MaradjMeg
Music produced by Monkyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
THX DJ N1CE and...
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/MaradjMeg
Music produced by Monkyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
THX DJ N1CE and Pejko Balázs @ Studio H
Universal Music Hungary – All rights reserved
Fegyverneky Sándor 'DJ N1CE'
Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
Special THX to
Szelei Dóra - creative assistant
Lovrinty Katalin Anna - creative assistant, cut
Issiaga Camara (the man)
Kocsmár Felicia - Nanushka
Vogel Eszter - location
more dress by Aéron, Komod, Retrock
Kísérletezés a hip-hoppal és visszatérés az alapokhoz - így foglalhatóak össze MARGE zenei tervei 2015-re, melynek első bizonyítéka a Recorderen debütáló Maradj Még! című dal. Az énekesnő, dalszerző magyar nyelvű dalokkal és friss hangzással tér vissza gyökereihez és újra azzal a zenei csapattal dolgozik, akikkel első, széles körben ismert And című albumát készítette.
“A Maradj Még! egy friss, tavaszi dal, a budapesti éjszaka keserédes szabadságát próbáltam megmutatni benne” - mondja MARGE, aki az idei évet egy magyar nyelvű album elkészítésének és bemutatásának szenteli. A személyes hangvételű, magyar nyelvű dalok korábbi lemezeiről sem hiányoztak, a 2014 tavaszán megjelent Closer című kislemez is előrevetítette, hogy az angol nyelvű számok mellett egyre nagyobb teret kapnak majd a magyar szövegek.
“Rengeteg biztatást és visszajelzést kaptam, amikor elkezdtem magyarul énekelni és dalt írni. Amennyire új kihívás számomra, annyira jól meg tudom fogalmazni az érzéseim és gondolataim. A Maradj Mégben két ember robbanásszerű találkozását mutatom meg, akik talán sosem voltak még egy helyen és időben, a dal ennek a különleges pillanatnak a bemutatása."
MARGE karakteres zenei stílusa az új számban is visszaköszön, a triphop, a soul, a downtempo és a kísérletező pop jegyeivel. Az énekesnő egyfajta zenei visszatalálásnak is tartja, hogy a dal a producer Monkeyneck és DJ N1CE közreműködésével született, akikkel első, And című lemezén is együtt dolgozott. Az új MARGE zenéket a régi barátság és szakmai összhang határozza meg, de a csapat célja már más, mint a 2010-es album bemutatkozása idején. A koncerteken a live act-eket erős elektronikus alapokra helyezik, hogy a dalok úgy szólhassanak meg, mint a lemezen, miközben élő hangszerekkel megtartják az improvizálás lehetőségét.
A klip érdekessége, hogy a teljes MARGE csapattal készült, hogy hiteles és belsőséges maradjon: Rochlitz Tamás 'Monkeyneck' készítette a zenét, Batta Zsuzsanna (azaz MARGE) írta a szöveget és ő a főszereplő is egyben, Fegyverneky Sándor 'DJ N1CE' pedig operatőr volt és a videót is ő készítette. Témájából adódóan természetesen a két főszereplő mellett fontos szerephez jutnak a klipben Budapest legfontosabb pontjai is, mint a 3-as metró, a Deák Ferenc tér vagy épp a Kolor.
Töltsd le vagy hallgasd meg itt: http://lnk.to/MaradjMeg
Music produced by Monkyneck
Lyrics by Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
THX DJ N1CE and Pejko Balázs @ Studio H
Universal Music Hungary – All rights reserved
Fegyverneky Sándor 'DJ N1CE'
Batta Zsuzsanna 'MARGE'
Special THX to
Szelei Dóra - creative assistant
Lovrinty Katalin Anna - creative assistant, cut
Issiaga Camara (the man)
Kocsmár Felicia - Nanushka
Vogel Eszter - location
more dress by Aéron, Komod, Retrock
Kísérletezés a hip-hoppal és visszatérés az alapokhoz - így foglalhatóak össze MARGE zenei tervei 2015-re, melynek első bizonyítéka a Recorderen debütáló Maradj Még! című dal. Az énekesnő, dalszerző magyar nyelvű dalokkal és friss hangzással tér vissza gyökereihez és újra azzal a zenei csapattal dolgozik, akikkel első, széles körben ismert And című albumát készítette.
“A Maradj Még! egy friss, tavaszi dal, a budapesti éjszaka keserédes szabadságát próbáltam megmutatni benne” - mondja MARGE, aki az idei évet egy magyar nyelvű album elkészítésének és bemutatásának szenteli. A személyes hangvételű, magyar nyelvű dalok korábbi lemezeiről sem hiányoztak, a 2014 tavaszán megjelent Closer című kislemez is előrevetítette, hogy az angol nyelvű számok mellett egyre nagyobb teret kapnak majd a magyar szövegek.
“Rengeteg biztatást és visszajelzést kaptam, amikor elkezdtem magyarul énekelni és dalt írni. Amennyire új kihívás számomra, annyira jól meg tudom fogalmazni az érzéseim és gondolataim. A Maradj Mégben két ember robbanásszerű találkozását mutatom meg, akik talán sosem voltak még egy helyen és időben, a dal ennek a különleges pillanatnak a bemutatása."
MARGE karakteres zenei stílusa az új számban is visszaköszön, a triphop, a soul, a downtempo és a kísérletező pop jegyeivel. Az énekesnő egyfajta zenei visszatalálásnak is tartja, hogy a dal a producer Monkeyneck és DJ N1CE közreműködésével született, akikkel első, And című lemezén is együtt dolgozott. Az új MARGE zenéket a régi barátság és szakmai összhang határozza meg, de a csapat célja már más, mint a 2010-es album bemutatkozása idején. A koncerteken a live act-eket erős elektronikus alapokra helyezik, hogy a dalok úgy szólhassanak meg, mint a lemezen, miközben élő hangszerekkel megtartják az improvizálás lehetőségét.
A klip érdekessége, hogy a teljes MARGE csapattal készült, hogy hiteles és belsőséges maradjon: Rochlitz Tamás 'Monkeyneck' készítette a zenét, Batta Zsuzsanna (azaz MARGE) írta a szöveget és ő a főszereplő is egyben, Fegyverneky Sándor 'DJ N1CE' pedig operatőr volt és a videót is ő készítette. Témájából adódóan természetesen a két főszereplő mellett fontos szerephez jutnak a klipben Budapest legfontosabb pontjai is, mint a 3-as metró, a Deák Ferenc tér vagy épp a Kolor.
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 248433
The Complete Marge Simpson Timeline [+ Face Reveal]
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In ...
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In this video we look at the entire timeline of Marge Simpson. We look at Marge Simpson's entire life story, her past and future. Taking a look at the Simpsons flashback episodes, as well as the future episodes, I've put Marge's life in chronological order. From season 1 to The Simpsons season 33.
We also look at other Simpsons character timelines, like Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. As well as the other Simpsons characters in Springfield.
Please subcribe to my new channel, Screen Portal: https://youtu.be/LAkpA3zNS88
✭ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/simpsonstheory/
✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SimpsonsTheory
✭ SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/thesimpsonstheory
✭ WEBSITE: https://simpsonstheory.squarespace.com
#Thesimpsons #Simpsons #Marge #MargeSimpson #Timeline
FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is sponsored by Squarespace.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
"Fair Use" guidelines: www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In this video we look at the entire timeline of Marge Simpson. We look at Marge Simpson's entire life story, her past and future. Taking a look at the Simpsons flashback episodes, as well as the future episodes, I've put Marge's life in chronological order. From season 1 to The Simpsons season 33.
We also look at other Simpsons character timelines, like Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. As well as the other Simpsons characters in Springfield.
Please subcribe to my new channel, Screen Portal: https://youtu.be/LAkpA3zNS88
✭ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/simpsonstheory/
✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SimpsonsTheory
✭ SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/thesimpsonstheory
✭ WEBSITE: https://simpsonstheory.squarespace.com
#Thesimpsons #Simpsons #Marge #MargeSimpson #Timeline
FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is sponsored by Squarespace.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
"Fair Use" guidelines: www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
- published: 10 Jul 2021
- views: 370131
MARGE - Stronger (Music Video)
iTunes: http://itun.es/hu/mRphz
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/artist/5245420
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/4C8EXdS7TXGlWixQydk9RW
iTunes: http://itun.es/hu/mRphz
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/artist/5245420
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/4C8EXdS7TXGlWixQydk9RW
Music and Lyrics by MARGE (Zsuzsanna Batta)
Music Produced by Tropiic (Áron Árzsáng Lotfi)
Mixing and Mastering by JumoDaddy (Gáspár Horváth)
Directed by: Kárpáti György Mór
Motion Designer: Korai Zsolt
Produced by: MITTE Communications
DoP: Hartung Dávid
Production manager: Násztor Bence
Guest appearance: Likovics Alexandra, Kántor Kata, DJ Nara
Make up: Balog Szilvia
Hair: Annabella Bakos
Dress: Tomcsányi Dóri
Furniture : Solinfo Lighting & Home
Location: Ludwig Museum
MARGE arculati és zenei megújulása keretében 2013 szeptemberében jelent meg a Stronger EP. A kislemez címadó dalához Marge elismert vizuális szakemberekkel készített futurisztikus beauty-hangulatklipet. A dal ritmusára az énekesnő arcát/alakját mindig más és más fény- és színtörésbe helyező monovideot a Ludwig Múzeum kiállítóterében forgatták le.
iTunes: http://itun.es/hu/mRphz
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/artist/5245420
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/4C8EXdS7TXGlWixQydk9RW
Music and Lyrics by MARGE (Zsuzsanna Batta)
Music Produced by Tropiic (Áron Árzsáng Lotfi)
Mixing and Mastering by JumoDaddy (Gáspár Horváth)
Directed by: Kárpáti György Mór
Motion Designer: Korai Zsolt
Produced by: MITTE Communications
DoP: Hartung Dávid
Production manager: Násztor Bence
Guest appearance: Likovics Alexandra, Kántor Kata, DJ Nara
Make up: Balog Szilvia
Hair: Annabella Bakos
Dress: Tomcsányi Dóri
Furniture : Solinfo Lighting & Home
Location: Ludwig Museum
MARGE arculati és zenei megújulása keretében 2013 szeptemberében jelent meg a Stronger EP. A kislemez címadó dalához Marge elismert vizuális szakemberekkel készített futurisztikus beauty-hangulatklipet. A dal ritmusára az énekesnő arcát/alakját mindig más és más fény- és színtörésbe helyező monovideot a Ludwig Múzeum kiállítóterében forgatták le.
- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 65961
Die EBIT-Marge – die wichtigste Kennzahl der operativen Unternehmensführung
Die EBIT-Marge ist die wichtigste Kennzahl der operativen Unternehmensführung. Im Video unseres Referenten Bert Erlen erfahren Sie die die Definition und Bedeut...
Die EBIT-Marge ist die wichtigste Kennzahl der operativen Unternehmensführung. Im Video unseres Referenten Bert Erlen erfahren Sie die die Definition und Bedeutung der EBIT-Marge, wie Sie sie interpretieren und wie die EBIT-Marge die Unternehmensführung unterstützt.
Die EBIT-Marge ist die wichtigste Kennzahl der operativen Unternehmensführung. Im Video unseres Referenten Bert Erlen erfahren Sie die die Definition und Bedeutung der EBIT-Marge, wie Sie sie interpretieren und wie die EBIT-Marge die Unternehmensführung unterstützt.
- published: 19 Jun 2018
- views: 21883
CupcakKe - Marge Simpson (Official Music Video)
Shot by: Elliott Sellers
ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1586289742?ls=1&app;=itunes
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1586289742
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4RdFyqzZSevigdQxH0iLOa?si=Omo0UvDURmqZVP_S8eoo1w&dl;_branch=1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CupcakKe_rapper
Instagram: http://instagram.com/cupcakkeafreakk
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@cupcakkeafreak
Website: https://www.cupcakke.me/?m=1
Bookings: Officialcupcakke@gmail.com
published: 24 Sep 2021
The Complete Marge Simpson Timeline [+ Face Reveal]
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In this video we look at the entire timeline of Marge Simpson. We look at Marge Simpson's entire life story, her past and future. Taking a look at the Simpsons flashback episodes, as well as the future episodes, I've put Marge's life in chronological order. From season 1 to The Simpsons season 33.
We also look at other Simpsons character timelines, like Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. As well as the other Simpsons characters in Springfield.
Please subcribe to my new channel, Screen Portal: https://youtu.be/LAkpA3zNS88
✭ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/simpsonstheory/
✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SimpsonsTheory
published: 10 Jul 2021
Marge Gets Her Sax Blown | Minisode #7
Marge and Homer Simpson have a date set but Homer hides away at Moe's to avoid his wife. Marge gets annoyed and start drinking, but then that leads to decisions and secrets that may tear the family apart.
First of all, this is to celebrate our 80k sub goal! Thank you all so much for your continued support. Okay, so this video was inspired by the line "the only way you'll lick this is one day at a time." Obviously we all thought the same thing right? Lol. That combined with a pretty girl, you get a nice little minisode. So there was a bit of rotoscoping done on this video: where Marge is on the couch, when Lisa gets punched, When Homer is suspicious after the came home, when Homer walks up to the bedroom door, and Marge's groan. So lots of rotoscoping for this video.
List of Episodes Used...
published: 15 May 2020
[Simpson Now] Marge worked out after eating steroids.
published: 16 Nov 2021
Best of Marge Simpson
Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
Like and subscribe for more
published: 22 Mar 2021
5 Dark Secrets About Marge Simpson That Would Shock Homer
Marge Simpson may be a beloved TV character, but there's definitely a dark side to her! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Over the years, Marge Simpson has helped keep her family together as she acts as the reasonable anchor and head of the Simpson’s household. She has gone through a lot during her 29 plus seasons on The Simpsons, but also dealt with a lot of dark secrets during this time. Learn about Marge’s dark secrets and ways she has coped or kept them hidden over the years.
Marge’s tall blue hair wasn’t always planned as just a fun hair style. Originally her hair was going to be keeping a set of bunny ears hidden, but what other type of mutations has the mother gone through and has she passed them down to her children?! Marge and Homer have a happy love life, but Marge...
published: 30 May 2018
Marge Prefers Ned Over Homer
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and that doesn't sit well with Homer. He knows he can't compete.
So this is probably the most ambitious edit to date. That scene of Ned and Marge in bed was quite a task. That combined a lot of photoshopping and rotoscoping, I think it turned out quite well. That plus the final clip of Homer dressing up as Marge, was rotoscoped. Hope you enjoy, I really liked how this one turned out.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(30):
S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 - When Flanders Failed
S03E06 - Like Father, Like Clown
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S04E03 ...
published: 23 Oct 2020
published: 02 Nov 2020
The Decline Of Marge Simpson's Voice (1987-2020)
What is up you guys?? So, here is a comparison of Marge's voice throughout The Simpsons run time. Her voice has definitely changed from 30 years ago. Today, I think that Marge's voice is unbearable, but that's just my opinion. Below are timestamps of the seasons (and Movie) I featured here.
The voice of Marge Simpson, Julie Kavner, has voiced her ever since "The Tracey Ullman Show" shorts. Over the years Marge's voice has become raggier and raggier. Honestly, it's super hard for me to describe how bad it sounds today. You are able to hear it during around season 25. It sounds as though Julie aged Marge's voice by 30 years.
I hate to say it, but I really think they should replace Julie. The more episodes I see with Marge talking, the more I wonder how Julie's throat is doing.
Anyway, ...
published: 09 Dec 2020
Marge gets injections
published: 27 Dec 2018
CupcakKe - Marge Simpson (Official Music Video)
Shot by: Elliott Sellers
ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1586289742?ls=1&app;=itunes
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1586289742
Spotify: https:/...
Shot by: Elliott Sellers
ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1586289742?ls=1&app;=itunes
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1586289742
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4RdFyqzZSevigdQxH0iLOa?si=Omo0UvDURmqZVP_S8eoo1w&dl;_branch=1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CupcakKe_rapper
Instagram: http://instagram.com/cupcakkeafreakk
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@cupcakkeafreak
Website: https://www.cupcakke.me/?m=1
Bookings: Officialcupcakke@gmail.com
Shot by: Elliott Sellers
ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1586289742?ls=1&app;=itunes
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1586289742
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4RdFyqzZSevigdQxH0iLOa?si=Omo0UvDURmqZVP_S8eoo1w&dl;_branch=1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CupcakKe_rapper
Instagram: http://instagram.com/cupcakkeafreakk
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@cupcakkeafreak
Website: https://www.cupcakke.me/?m=1
Bookings: Officialcupcakke@gmail.com
- published: 24 Sep 2021
- views: 1421652
The Complete Marge Simpson Timeline [+ Face Reveal]
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In ...
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In this video we look at the entire timeline of Marge Simpson. We look at Marge Simpson's entire life story, her past and future. Taking a look at the Simpsons flashback episodes, as well as the future episodes, I've put Marge's life in chronological order. From season 1 to The Simpsons season 33.
We also look at other Simpsons character timelines, like Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. As well as the other Simpsons characters in Springfield.
Please subcribe to my new channel, Screen Portal: https://youtu.be/LAkpA3zNS88
✭ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/simpsonstheory/
✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SimpsonsTheory
✭ SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/thesimpsonstheory
✭ WEBSITE: https://simpsonstheory.squarespace.com
#Thesimpsons #Simpsons #Marge #MargeSimpson #Timeline
FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is sponsored by Squarespace.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
"Fair Use" guidelines: www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
Head to https://www.squarespace.com/thesimpsonstheory to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code
In this video we look at the entire timeline of Marge Simpson. We look at Marge Simpson's entire life story, her past and future. Taking a look at the Simpsons flashback episodes, as well as the future episodes, I've put Marge's life in chronological order. From season 1 to The Simpsons season 33.
We also look at other Simpsons character timelines, like Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. As well as the other Simpsons characters in Springfield.
Please subcribe to my new channel, Screen Portal: https://youtu.be/LAkpA3zNS88
✭ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/simpsonstheory/
✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SimpsonsTheory
✭ SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/thesimpsonstheory
✭ WEBSITE: https://simpsonstheory.squarespace.com
#Thesimpsons #Simpsons #Marge #MargeSimpson #Timeline
FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is sponsored by Squarespace.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.
"Fair Use" guidelines: www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
- published: 10 Jul 2021
- views: 370131
Marge Gets Her Sax Blown | Minisode #7
Marge and Homer Simpson have a date set but Homer hides away at Moe's to avoid his wife. Marge gets annoyed and start drinking, but then that leads to decisions...
Marge and Homer Simpson have a date set but Homer hides away at Moe's to avoid his wife. Marge gets annoyed and start drinking, but then that leads to decisions and secrets that may tear the family apart.
First of all, this is to celebrate our 80k sub goal! Thank you all so much for your continued support. Okay, so this video was inspired by the line "the only way you'll lick this is one day at a time." Obviously we all thought the same thing right? Lol. That combined with a pretty girl, you get a nice little minisode. So there was a bit of rotoscoping done on this video: where Marge is on the couch, when Lisa gets punched, When Homer is suspicious after the came home, when Homer walks up to the bedroom door, and Marge's groan. So lots of rotoscoping for this video.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(58):
S01E06 - Moaning Lisa
S02E03 - Treehouse of Horror
S02E07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
S02E09 - Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S02E19 - Lisa's Substitute
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E07 - Treehouse of Horror II
S03E17 - Homer at the Bat
S03E20 - Colonel Homer
S04E02 - A Streetcar Named Marge
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
S04E13 - Selma's Choice
S04E14 - Brother from the Same Planet
S04E16 - Duffless
S04E20 - Whacking Day
S05E03 - Homer Goes to College
S05E05 - Treehouse of Horror IV
S05E14 - Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
S05E18 - Burns' Heir
S05E20 - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
S06E13 - And Maggie Makes Three
S06E17 - Homer vs. Patty and Selma
S06E25 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part One)
S07E05 - Lisa the Vegetarian
S07E11 - Marge Be Not Proud
S08E01 - Treehouse of Horror VII
S08E05 - Bart After Dark
S08E10 - The Springfield Files
S09E05 - The Cartridge Family
S09E24 - Lost Our Lisa
S10E05 - When You Dish Upon a Star
S11E04 - Treehouse of Horror X
S11E09 - Grift of the Magi
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S12E04 - Lisa the Tree Hugger
S12E07 - The Great Money Caper
S12E12 - Tennis the Menace
S12E16 - Bye Bye Nerdie
S13E09 - Jaws Wired Shut
S13E16 - Weekend at Burnsie's
S14E10 - Pray Anything
S15E15 - Co-Dependent's Day
S16E04 - She Used to Be My Girl
S16E05 - Fat Man and Little Boy
S17E05 - Marge's Son Poisoning
S19E03 - Midnight Towboy
S21E05 - The Devil Wears Nada
S22E01 - Elementary School Musical
S24E22 - Dangers on a Train
S25E11 - Specs and the City
S25E21 - Pay Pal
S26E05 - Opposites A-Frack
S26E06 - Simpsorama
S26E14 - My Fare Lady
S27E04 - Halloween of Horror
S28E21 - Moho House
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
Marge and Homer Simpson have a date set but Homer hides away at Moe's to avoid his wife. Marge gets annoyed and start drinking, but then that leads to decisions and secrets that may tear the family apart.
First of all, this is to celebrate our 80k sub goal! Thank you all so much for your continued support. Okay, so this video was inspired by the line "the only way you'll lick this is one day at a time." Obviously we all thought the same thing right? Lol. That combined with a pretty girl, you get a nice little minisode. So there was a bit of rotoscoping done on this video: where Marge is on the couch, when Lisa gets punched, When Homer is suspicious after the came home, when Homer walks up to the bedroom door, and Marge's groan. So lots of rotoscoping for this video.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(58):
S01E06 - Moaning Lisa
S02E03 - Treehouse of Horror
S02E07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
S02E09 - Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S02E19 - Lisa's Substitute
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E07 - Treehouse of Horror II
S03E17 - Homer at the Bat
S03E20 - Colonel Homer
S04E02 - A Streetcar Named Marge
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
S04E13 - Selma's Choice
S04E14 - Brother from the Same Planet
S04E16 - Duffless
S04E20 - Whacking Day
S05E03 - Homer Goes to College
S05E05 - Treehouse of Horror IV
S05E14 - Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
S05E18 - Burns' Heir
S05E20 - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
S06E13 - And Maggie Makes Three
S06E17 - Homer vs. Patty and Selma
S06E25 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part One)
S07E05 - Lisa the Vegetarian
S07E11 - Marge Be Not Proud
S08E01 - Treehouse of Horror VII
S08E05 - Bart After Dark
S08E10 - The Springfield Files
S09E05 - The Cartridge Family
S09E24 - Lost Our Lisa
S10E05 - When You Dish Upon a Star
S11E04 - Treehouse of Horror X
S11E09 - Grift of the Magi
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S12E04 - Lisa the Tree Hugger
S12E07 - The Great Money Caper
S12E12 - Tennis the Menace
S12E16 - Bye Bye Nerdie
S13E09 - Jaws Wired Shut
S13E16 - Weekend at Burnsie's
S14E10 - Pray Anything
S15E15 - Co-Dependent's Day
S16E04 - She Used to Be My Girl
S16E05 - Fat Man and Little Boy
S17E05 - Marge's Son Poisoning
S19E03 - Midnight Towboy
S21E05 - The Devil Wears Nada
S22E01 - Elementary School Musical
S24E22 - Dangers on a Train
S25E11 - Specs and the City
S25E21 - Pay Pal
S26E05 - Opposites A-Frack
S26E06 - Simpsorama
S26E14 - My Fare Lady
S27E04 - Halloween of Horror
S28E21 - Moho House
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
- published: 15 May 2020
- views: 1559104
Best of Marge Simpson
Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
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Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
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Believe it or not, there are some pretty solid Marge moments.
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- published: 22 Mar 2021
- views: 291035
5 Dark Secrets About Marge Simpson That Would Shock Homer
Marge Simpson may be a beloved TV character, but there's definitely a dark side to her! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Over the years, Marge Si...
Marge Simpson may be a beloved TV character, but there's definitely a dark side to her! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Over the years, Marge Simpson has helped keep her family together as she acts as the reasonable anchor and head of the Simpson’s household. She has gone through a lot during her 29 plus seasons on The Simpsons, but also dealt with a lot of dark secrets during this time. Learn about Marge’s dark secrets and ways she has coped or kept them hidden over the years.
Marge’s tall blue hair wasn’t always planned as just a fun hair style. Originally her hair was going to be keeping a set of bunny ears hidden, but what other type of mutations has the mother gone through and has she passed them down to her children?! Marge and Homer have a happy love life, but Marge once was a Playboy covergirl and revealed a little more than any other character on the show has ever showcased. Marge has a collection of hidden fears she likes to keep from others, including the fear of flying. She often covers these fears up to remain calm and collected in front of the rest of her family. We’ve seen Marge has a gambling problem in the past, but she also has many other problems to deal with as well. Intellectually, Marge has the inability to truly understand sarcasm or wit. She takes everything literally. Watch to see all of these dark secrets as they’ve been revealed on the show or hidden for numerous years. Marge Simpson is full of dark secrets and has been for a very long time!
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Family Guy Fan Theories So Crazy They Might Be True
10 Dark Theories About Marge Simpson That Ruin Everything
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Marge Simpson may be a beloved TV character, but there's definitely a dark side to her! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Over the years, Marge Simpson has helped keep her family together as she acts as the reasonable anchor and head of the Simpson’s household. She has gone through a lot during her 29 plus seasons on The Simpsons, but also dealt with a lot of dark secrets during this time. Learn about Marge’s dark secrets and ways she has coped or kept them hidden over the years.
Marge’s tall blue hair wasn’t always planned as just a fun hair style. Originally her hair was going to be keeping a set of bunny ears hidden, but what other type of mutations has the mother gone through and has she passed them down to her children?! Marge and Homer have a happy love life, but Marge once was a Playboy covergirl and revealed a little more than any other character on the show has ever showcased. Marge has a collection of hidden fears she likes to keep from others, including the fear of flying. She often covers these fears up to remain calm and collected in front of the rest of her family. We’ve seen Marge has a gambling problem in the past, but she also has many other problems to deal with as well. Intellectually, Marge has the inability to truly understand sarcasm or wit. She takes everything literally. Watch to see all of these dark secrets as they’ve been revealed on the show or hidden for numerous years. Marge Simpson is full of dark secrets and has been for a very long time!
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Family Guy Fan Theories So Crazy They Might Be True
10 Dark Theories About Marge Simpson That Ruin Everything
Our Social Media:
Our Website
- published: 30 May 2018
- views: 214688
Marge Prefers Ned Over Homer
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and ...
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and that doesn't sit well with Homer. He knows he can't compete.
So this is probably the most ambitious edit to date. That scene of Ned and Marge in bed was quite a task. That combined a lot of photoshopping and rotoscoping, I think it turned out quite well. That plus the final clip of Homer dressing up as Marge, was rotoscoped. Hope you enjoy, I really liked how this one turned out.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(30):
S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 - When Flanders Failed
S03E06 - Like Father, Like Clown
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S04E03 - Homer the Heretic
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E17 - Last Exit to Springfield
S04E19 - The Front
S05E02 - Cape Feare
S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
S05E16 - Homer Loves Flanders
S06E06 - Treehouse of Horror V
S06E11 - Fear of Flying
S06E18 - A Star Is Burns
S06E23 - The Springfield Connection
S09E09 - Realty Bites
S10E04 - Treehouse of Horror IX
S10E12 - Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S11E22 - Behind the Laughter
S13E04 - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
S13E09 - Jaws Wired Shut
S14E08 - The Dad Who Knew Too Little
S14E09 - Strong Arms of the Ma
S14E17 - Three Gays of the Condo
S15E10 - Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
S29E03 - Whistler's Father
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
Marge Simpsons is looking for ideas for her book when she sees Ned Flanders walking by. So instead of writing about her Homer, she writes about Ned instead and that doesn't sit well with Homer. He knows he can't compete.
So this is probably the most ambitious edit to date. That scene of Ned and Marge in bed was quite a task. That combined a lot of photoshopping and rotoscoping, I think it turned out quite well. That plus the final clip of Homer dressing up as Marge, was rotoscoped. Hope you enjoy, I really liked how this one turned out.
List of Episodes Used (Video + Audio)(30):
S02E06 - Dead Putting Society
S02E11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
S03E02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
S03E03 - When Flanders Failed
S03E06 - Like Father, Like Clown
S03E12 - I Married Marge
S04E03 - Homer the Heretic
S04E06 - Itchy & Scratchy The Movie
S04E17 - Last Exit to Springfield
S04E19 - The Front
S05E02 - Cape Feare
S05E06 - Marge on the Lam
S05E12 - Bart Gets Famous
S05E16 - Homer Loves Flanders
S06E06 - Treehouse of Horror V
S06E11 - Fear of Flying
S06E18 - A Star Is Burns
S06E23 - The Springfield Connection
S09E09 - Realty Bites
S10E04 - Treehouse of Horror IX
S10E12 - Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
S11E14 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
S11E22 - Behind the Laughter
S13E04 - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
S13E09 - Jaws Wired Shut
S14E08 - The Dad Who Knew Too Little
S14E09 - Strong Arms of the Ma
S14E17 - Three Gays of the Condo
S15E10 - Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
S29E03 - Whistler's Father
+ Lots of screenshots and photoshop work not mentioned
Thank you and as always, please enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/darksimpsons
Website: http://www.darksimpsons.com/
- published: 23 Oct 2020
- views: 1172808
The Decline Of Marge Simpson's Voice (1987-2020)
What is up you guys?? So, here is a comparison of Marge's voice throughout The Simpsons run time. Her voice has definitely changed from 30 years ago. Today, I t...
What is up you guys?? So, here is a comparison of Marge's voice throughout The Simpsons run time. Her voice has definitely changed from 30 years ago. Today, I think that Marge's voice is unbearable, but that's just my opinion. Below are timestamps of the seasons (and Movie) I featured here.
The voice of Marge Simpson, Julie Kavner, has voiced her ever since "The Tracey Ullman Show" shorts. Over the years Marge's voice has become raggier and raggier. Honestly, it's super hard for me to describe how bad it sounds today. You are able to hear it during around season 25. It sounds as though Julie aged Marge's voice by 30 years.
I hate to say it, but I really think they should replace Julie. The more episodes I see with Marge talking, the more I wonder how Julie's throat is doing.
Anyway, here are the timestamps:
0:00 - "The Tracy Ulman Show" shorts
0:51 - Season 1 Episode 1
1:33 - Season 5
2:06 - Season 10
3:22 - Season 15
4:21 - Season 20
5:30 - The Simpsons Movie
5:52 - Season 25
7:12 - Season 30/31
7:40 - Season 32 (Today)
8:26 - Marge's Singing
Hope you guys enjoy!
Highest Rated Simpsons Episodes:
SUBSCRIBE, that's unpossible!
If you have any video suggestions, please let me know! Comment down below your ideas or DM me on Instagram @metal_scarr
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please email me at divadcg43@gmail.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You know, if you are a Simpsons Fan or Creator and if you're interested in doing a collaboration, please let me know. I would love to do one, just email me!
Homer Vs. The Media:
Best of Bart Simpson:
Follow my Social medias!
The Simpsons
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kim Cartoon
This channel and it's videos are not "directed to children", within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 3.12.2 are not intended for children under 13 years of age. Metal Scar, and it's owner, (hereinafter Metal Scar) do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of Metal Scar. Further, Metal Scar denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection.
the simpsons, best of the simpsons, funny simpsons, classic simpsons, marge simpson, marge, homer simpson, bart simpson, lisa simpson, simpson clips, funny simpson clips, best of marge simpson, worst of marge simpson, best marge moments, best marge simpson moments, marge simpson clips, homer and marge simpson, homer and marge, marge and homer, simpson, simpsons,
Thanks for watching!
Any support to the channel would be so much appreciated during this time: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/metalscarr
#TheSimpsons #MargeSimpson
What is up you guys?? So, here is a comparison of Marge's voice throughout The Simpsons run time. Her voice has definitely changed from 30 years ago. Today, I think that Marge's voice is unbearable, but that's just my opinion. Below are timestamps of the seasons (and Movie) I featured here.
The voice of Marge Simpson, Julie Kavner, has voiced her ever since "The Tracey Ullman Show" shorts. Over the years Marge's voice has become raggier and raggier. Honestly, it's super hard for me to describe how bad it sounds today. You are able to hear it during around season 25. It sounds as though Julie aged Marge's voice by 30 years.
I hate to say it, but I really think they should replace Julie. The more episodes I see with Marge talking, the more I wonder how Julie's throat is doing.
Anyway, here are the timestamps:
0:00 - "The Tracy Ulman Show" shorts
0:51 - Season 1 Episode 1
1:33 - Season 5
2:06 - Season 10
3:22 - Season 15
4:21 - Season 20
5:30 - The Simpsons Movie
5:52 - Season 25
7:12 - Season 30/31
7:40 - Season 32 (Today)
8:26 - Marge's Singing
Hope you guys enjoy!
Highest Rated Simpsons Episodes:
SUBSCRIBE, that's unpossible!
If you have any video suggestions, please let me know! Comment down below your ideas or DM me on Instagram @metal_scarr
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please email me at divadcg43@gmail.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You know, if you are a Simpsons Fan or Creator and if you're interested in doing a collaboration, please let me know. I would love to do one, just email me!
Homer Vs. The Media:
Best of Bart Simpson:
Follow my Social medias!
The Simpsons
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kim Cartoon
This channel and it's videos are not "directed to children", within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 3.12.2 are not intended for children under 13 years of age. Metal Scar, and it's owner, (hereinafter Metal Scar) do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of Metal Scar. Further, Metal Scar denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection.
the simpsons, best of the simpsons, funny simpsons, classic simpsons, marge simpson, marge, homer simpson, bart simpson, lisa simpson, simpson clips, funny simpson clips, best of marge simpson, worst of marge simpson, best marge moments, best marge simpson moments, marge simpson clips, homer and marge simpson, homer and marge, marge and homer, simpson, simpsons,
Thanks for watching!
Any support to the channel would be so much appreciated during this time: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/metalscarr
#TheSimpsons #MargeSimpson
- published: 09 Dec 2020
- views: 530971
10 Dark Theories About Marge Simpson That Ruin Everything
Could Marge Simpson be much more than the mild-mannered house wife she appears to be? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Marge Simpson is typically the anchor of The Simpsons family, but she has hidden some dark truths over the years. Along with drinking and gambling problems, the internet has been full of some crazy theories about the mother to Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
Let’s dive deep into the world of The Simpsons and look at some of these dark theories involving the infamous blue-haired character. Marge may be in every single episode of The Simpsons, but a troubling theory popped up that some viewers have noticed. Marge has no true friends. Not only does she not have friends, but Homer may be blackmailing her to stay married and enjoy the life she loves. One of the biggest ...
published: 15 May 2018
Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Simpsons Characters From Memory • Draw Off
The gang tries drawing Homer, Principal Skinner, and Sexy Flanders from memory. With special guest - Simpsons animator Mike Atniel! ( http://www.instagram.com/idrawhomer )
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Follow the Draw-Off Gang!
Kyra Kupetsky http://www.instagram.com/kyrakupetsky
Jackie Lee http://www.instagram.com/_itsjackielee
Kevin McShane http://www.instagram.com/kmcshane
Cody Walzel http://www.instagram.com/codywalzel
Brent Sievers http://twitter.com/BrentSievers
Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/87941
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
published: 08 Sep 2019
Animator Vs. Cartoonist Redrawing Famous Cartoon Characters • Draw Off
"Chase your bliss, Marge."
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/81405
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily!
To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow ...
published: 20 May 2019
Marge Simpson Play-Doh Making Animated Cartoon Character Play-dough
Do Marge Simpson form Playdo clay a Cartoon Character. Marge Simpson is a fictional character in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons and part of the eponymous family. Marge was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office. Look for more videos from Children Fun Factory below and on our Youtube channel.
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Blue Edition
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Pink Edition
Surprise Egg Kinder Toys Green Edition
Masha and the bear lego Маша и медведь
HALLOWEEN Surprise Toys Edition HALLOWEEN Surprise Eggs Pumpkin Peppa Pig
published: 11 Jul 2014
How 'The Simpsons' Animation Evolved Over 30 Years | Movies Insider
On May 23, 2021, the 32nd season finale of "The Simpsons" will air on Fox, finishing off a landmark season where the show celebrated its 700th episode.
The series has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a segment on "The Tracey Ullman Show." On air for 32 years and counting, it's become the longest-running scripted series on prime time, the longest-running American animated series, and the longest-running American sitcom. And Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie have evolved a lot over the course of three decades — whether you look at the style of their movement or the details of their character designs, all the way down to pupil size.
In this episode of "Movies Insider," we turned to David Silverman and Al Jean, two of the main minds behind "The Simpsons," to find out how th...
published: 22 May 2021
How to Draw Marge Simpson | Easy, Step by Step
Follow along and learn how to draw Marge Simpson in this easy, step by step drawing lesson. Kids, teens, and adults will discover their hidden drawing skills as they follow the simple, step-by-step drawing process for Marge.
I break down the drawing process for Marge Simpson into three easy steps.
•In Step 1: we start with what I call the roadmap to construct Marge's proportions, posture, and pose. In this step, we want to draw as light as possible-whisper on paper.
•In Step 2: we rough out Marge's features, building on top of that roadmap.
In this step, Marge begins to look like Marge!
Remember, we are still drawing lightly in this step.
•In Step 3: we get to have fun-drawing those final details of Marge.
Warning, we don’t want to press too hard, and mindlessly trace over the lin...
published: 11 May 2021
Simpsons cartoon predicted Coronavirus 27 years ago in 1993
1:19 corona virus going around & around! Read Description to understand better because it's not prediction, actually it's plan predictive mind programming Here is complete episode links season 4 episode 21 links pinned comment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubjuwxe_-4c https://youtu.be/ubjuwxe_-4c
A new “prophecy” of the yellow family it's spread on the web after the looks of the coronavirus in China and indicates that yes, because it points to a similar fact within the chapter called “Marge Chained”, first issued in 1993.
In this episode, which corresponds to the fourth season, a sequence appears in which a Japanese worker, from the city of Osaka, coughs in front of a box addressed to Homer Simpson, and asks his partner to not say anything about his discomfort.
After “6 to eight ...
published: 29 Jan 2020
How To Sketch Marge Simpson
This guide shows you How To Sketch Marge Simpson.
Watch this and other related films here - http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-draw-marge-simpson
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published: 12 Jan 2012
How To Draw Marge Simpson From The Simpsons
Looking for a educational resource on How To Draw Marge Simpson From The Simpsons? This helpful short video explains precisely how it's done, and will help you get good at cartoon drawing. Enjoy this instructional video from the world's most comprehensive library of free factual video content online.
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Watch This and Other Related films here: http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-do-marge-simpson
published: 06 Apr 2011
Matt Groening drawing Marge Simpson
Matt Groening drawing Marge Simpson at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con. Big thanks to my buddy Anont (@boukenred) for filming his very own sketch from the legend.
San Diego Comic-Con - http://www.comic-con.org/cci
Filmed by Anont Chinskul AKA @boukenred
Edited by Victor Glover
published: 15 Oct 2019
10 Dark Theories About Marge Simpson That Ruin Everything
Could Marge Simpson be much more than the mild-mannered house wife she appears to be? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Marge Simpson is typically...
Could Marge Simpson be much more than the mild-mannered house wife she appears to be? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Marge Simpson is typically the anchor of The Simpsons family, but she has hidden some dark truths over the years. Along with drinking and gambling problems, the internet has been full of some crazy theories about the mother to Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
Let’s dive deep into the world of The Simpsons and look at some of these dark theories involving the infamous blue-haired character. Marge may be in every single episode of The Simpsons, but a troubling theory popped up that some viewers have noticed. Marge has no true friends. Not only does she not have friends, but Homer may be blackmailing her to stay married and enjoy the life she loves. One of the biggest mysteries in The Simpsons was “Who Shot Mr. Burns”, but one theory points to Marge rather than Maggie. Through the years, we’ve seen how superficial Marge can be, almost to the point of social anxiety. Marge claims to love Homer, but she has been a big tease over the years, hinting at relationships with numerous characters. One of the toughest things Marge has ever gone through was dealing with Bart’s Death, in a rumored episode that was cut from production and never actually aired. In one episode Marge loses her hair due to extreme stress, but there may have been a deeper and real-life disease behind this condition. Marge’s childhood was not only not the greatest, but it involved a lot of abuse along the way. Marge was caught shoplifting, but her actions may have not been the first time she swiped and stole items. Watch to see all these theories and several others!
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Dark Secrets About Homer And Marge Simpson's Marriage
10 Times The Simpsons WAS WRONG About the Future
4. MARGE’S SUPERFICIAL ANXIETY (left-handed/glasses/dyes hair)
7. MARGE’S HAIR LOSS (webbed toes)
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Our Website
Could Marge Simpson be much more than the mild-mannered house wife she appears to be? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
Marge Simpson is typically the anchor of The Simpsons family, but she has hidden some dark truths over the years. Along with drinking and gambling problems, the internet has been full of some crazy theories about the mother to Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
Let’s dive deep into the world of The Simpsons and look at some of these dark theories involving the infamous blue-haired character. Marge may be in every single episode of The Simpsons, but a troubling theory popped up that some viewers have noticed. Marge has no true friends. Not only does she not have friends, but Homer may be blackmailing her to stay married and enjoy the life she loves. One of the biggest mysteries in The Simpsons was “Who Shot Mr. Burns”, but one theory points to Marge rather than Maggie. Through the years, we’ve seen how superficial Marge can be, almost to the point of social anxiety. Marge claims to love Homer, but she has been a big tease over the years, hinting at relationships with numerous characters. One of the toughest things Marge has ever gone through was dealing with Bart’s Death, in a rumored episode that was cut from production and never actually aired. In one episode Marge loses her hair due to extreme stress, but there may have been a deeper and real-life disease behind this condition. Marge’s childhood was not only not the greatest, but it involved a lot of abuse along the way. Marge was caught shoplifting, but her actions may have not been the first time she swiped and stole items. Watch to see all these theories and several others!
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Dark Secrets About Homer And Marge Simpson's Marriage
10 Times The Simpsons WAS WRONG About the Future
4. MARGE’S SUPERFICIAL ANXIETY (left-handed/glasses/dyes hair)
7. MARGE’S HAIR LOSS (webbed toes)
Our Social Media:
Our Website
- published: 15 May 2018
- views: 4765826
Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Simpsons Characters From Memory • Draw Off
The gang tries drawing Homer, Principal Skinner, and Sexy Flanders from memory. With special guest - Simpsons animator Mike Atniel! ( http://www.instagram.com/i...
The gang tries drawing Homer, Principal Skinner, and Sexy Flanders from memory. With special guest - Simpsons animator Mike Atniel! ( http://www.instagram.com/idrawhomer )
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Follow the Draw-Off Gang!
Kyra Kupetsky http://www.instagram.com/kyrakupetsky
Jackie Lee http://www.instagram.com/_itsjackielee
Kevin McShane http://www.instagram.com/kmcshane
Cody Walzel http://www.instagram.com/codywalzel
Brent Sievers http://twitter.com/BrentSievers
Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/87941
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily!
To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU
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Ruseasca_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Shwarma_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
DiJango_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Make It Snappy_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Skip Hop And A Bop_Instrumental
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Rub A Dub Dub_Instrumental
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Honking Like Satchmo_Instrumental
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Reubens Whiskers
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Someone Told Me
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Bohemian Gypsy Drive_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Kalo Som_60sec
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Planet On Edge_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Cool Cat Swing Walk_Full
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Swinging Scat Club_Full
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Manic Attack_AltMixv1Undrscr
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Hot Under The Collar
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Gipsy Queen
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
The gang tries drawing Homer, Principal Skinner, and Sexy Flanders from memory. With special guest - Simpsons animator Mike Atniel! ( http://www.instagram.com/idrawhomer )
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Follow the Draw-Off Gang!
Kyra Kupetsky http://www.instagram.com/kyrakupetsky
Jackie Lee http://www.instagram.com/_itsjackielee
Kevin McShane http://www.instagram.com/kmcshane
Cody Walzel http://www.instagram.com/codywalzel
Brent Sievers http://twitter.com/BrentSievers
Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/87941
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily!
To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU
Love BuzzFeed? Get the merch! BUY NOW: https://goo.gl/gQKF8m
Ruseasca_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Shwarma_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
DiJango_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Make It Snappy_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Skip Hop And A Bop_Instrumental
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Rub A Dub Dub_Instrumental
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Honking Like Satchmo_Instrumental
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Reubens Whiskers
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Someone Told Me
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Bohemian Gypsy Drive_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Kalo Som_60sec
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Planet On Edge_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Cool Cat Swing Walk_Full
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Swinging Scat Club_Full
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Manic Attack_AltMixv1Undrscr
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Hot Under The Collar
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Gipsy Queen
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
- published: 08 Sep 2019
- views: 2542612
Animator Vs. Cartoonist Redrawing Famous Cartoon Characters • Draw Off
"Chase your bliss, Marge."
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Credits: https://www....
"Chase your bliss, Marge."
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/81405
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily!
To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU
Love BuzzFeed? Get the merch! BUY NOW: https://goo.gl/gQKF8m
SFX Provided By AudioBlocks
Shwarma_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Hora Lacului Sarat_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Waltz Happiness_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Bon Temps_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Lucky In Love_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Hey Minor_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stringing Along_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Blue Paris Stomp_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Movin' On_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Make It Snappy_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Ramsau Reggae_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Fun With Nina_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Around The Lake_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
CE Gipsy Race_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Light Bouncing Alpine Gypsy_LtV
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Little Swing
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Breeze Easy
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Flirty Flutter
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
"Chase your bliss, Marge."
Want to see the latest from the Draw-Off Gang? Check out the newest video here: https://youtu.be/NumtAqC_sfo
Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/81405
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily!
To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU
Love BuzzFeed? Get the merch! BUY NOW: https://goo.gl/gQKF8m
SFX Provided By AudioBlocks
Shwarma_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Hora Lacului Sarat_Full Mix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Waltz Happiness_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Bon Temps_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Lucky In Love_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Hey Minor_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stringing Along_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Blue Paris Stomp_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Movin' On_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Make It Snappy_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Ramsau Reggae_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Fun With Nina_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Around The Lake_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
CE Gipsy Race_fullmix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Light Bouncing Alpine Gypsy_LtV
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Little Swing
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Breeze Easy
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Flirty Flutter
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
- published: 20 May 2019
- views: 3933755
Marge Simpson Play-Doh Making Animated Cartoon Character Play-dough
Do Marge Simpson form Playdo clay a Cartoon Character. Marge Simpson is a fictional character in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons and part of the epony...
Do Marge Simpson form Playdo clay a Cartoon Character. Marge Simpson is a fictional character in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons and part of the eponymous family. Marge was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office. Look for more videos from Children Fun Factory below and on our Youtube channel.
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Blue Edition
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Pink Edition
Surprise Egg Kinder Toys Green Edition
Masha and the bear lego Маша и медведь
HALLOWEEN Surprise Toys Edition HALLOWEEN Surprise Eggs Pumpkin Peppa Pig
despicable me 3 minions lego Гадкий Я Миньоны Лего
Orbeez Surprise Toys Bowl Orbeez juguetes sorpresa tazón Разноцветные шарики Орбиз
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Pink Edition
Clown in Robe Looking for Toys inside Giant Surprise Egg
Minions Perler Beads Creativity for Children Миньоны Термомозаика
Peppa Pig Juguetes Globos de cumpleaños Noche de brujas Mes de Halloween
Puppy Dog Play Doh Surprise Eggs Toys Cachorro Perro Huevos sorpresa
Get Updates CLICK HERE
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Do Marge Simpson form Playdo clay a Cartoon Character. Marge Simpson is a fictional character in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons and part of the eponymous family. Marge was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office. Look for more videos from Children Fun Factory below and on our Youtube channel.
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Blue Edition
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Pink Edition
Surprise Egg Kinder Toys Green Edition
Masha and the bear lego Маша и медведь
HALLOWEEN Surprise Toys Edition HALLOWEEN Surprise Eggs Pumpkin Peppa Pig
despicable me 3 minions lego Гадкий Я Миньоны Лего
Orbeez Surprise Toys Bowl Orbeez juguetes sorpresa tazón Разноцветные шарики Орбиз
Surprise Egg Kinder Joy Pink Edition
Clown in Robe Looking for Toys inside Giant Surprise Egg
Minions Perler Beads Creativity for Children Миньоны Термомозаика
Peppa Pig Juguetes Globos de cumpleaños Noche de brujas Mes de Halloween
Puppy Dog Play Doh Surprise Eggs Toys Cachorro Perro Huevos sorpresa
Get Updates CLICK HERE
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
- published: 11 Jul 2014
- views: 1578
How 'The Simpsons' Animation Evolved Over 30 Years | Movies Insider
On May 23, 2021, the 32nd season finale of "The Simpsons" will air on Fox, finishing off a landmark season where the show celebrated its 700th episode.
The se...
On May 23, 2021, the 32nd season finale of "The Simpsons" will air on Fox, finishing off a landmark season where the show celebrated its 700th episode.
The series has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a segment on "The Tracey Ullman Show." On air for 32 years and counting, it's become the longest-running scripted series on prime time, the longest-running American animated series, and the longest-running American sitcom. And Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie have evolved a lot over the course of three decades — whether you look at the style of their movement or the details of their character designs, all the way down to pupil size.
In this episode of "Movies Insider," we turned to David Silverman and Al Jean, two of the main minds behind "The Simpsons," to find out how the show's animation evolved from the rough-around-the-edges style of Matt Groening's early sketches to the crisp, clean look of the show in its 32nd season.
How Fake Crowds Are Made For Movies And TV | Movies Insider
How Pixar's Movement Animation Became So Realistic | Movies Insider
How Car Chase Scenes Have Evolved Over 100 Years | Movies Insider
#TheSimpsons #Animation #MoviesInsider
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How 'The Simpsons' Animation Evolved Over 30 Years | Movies Insider
On May 23, 2021, the 32nd season finale of "The Simpsons" will air on Fox, finishing off a landmark season where the show celebrated its 700th episode.
The series has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a segment on "The Tracey Ullman Show." On air for 32 years and counting, it's become the longest-running scripted series on prime time, the longest-running American animated series, and the longest-running American sitcom. And Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie have evolved a lot over the course of three decades — whether you look at the style of their movement or the details of their character designs, all the way down to pupil size.
In this episode of "Movies Insider," we turned to David Silverman and Al Jean, two of the main minds behind "The Simpsons," to find out how the show's animation evolved from the rough-around-the-edges style of Matt Groening's early sketches to the crisp, clean look of the show in its 32nd season.
How Fake Crowds Are Made For Movies And TV | Movies Insider
How Pixar's Movement Animation Became So Realistic | Movies Insider
How Car Chase Scenes Have Evolved Over 100 Years | Movies Insider
#TheSimpsons #Animation #MoviesInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.
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How 'The Simpsons' Animation Evolved Over 30 Years | Movies Insider
- published: 22 May 2021
- views: 2084276
How to Draw Marge Simpson | Easy, Step by Step
Follow along and learn how to draw Marge Simpson in this easy, step by step drawing lesson. Kids, teens, and adults will discover their hidden drawing skills a...
Follow along and learn how to draw Marge Simpson in this easy, step by step drawing lesson. Kids, teens, and adults will discover their hidden drawing skills as they follow the simple, step-by-step drawing process for Marge.
I break down the drawing process for Marge Simpson into three easy steps.
•In Step 1: we start with what I call the roadmap to construct Marge's proportions, posture, and pose. In this step, we want to draw as light as possible-whisper on paper.
•In Step 2: we rough out Marge's features, building on top of that roadmap.
In this step, Marge begins to look like Marge!
Remember, we are still drawing lightly in this step.
•In Step 3: we get to have fun-drawing those final details of Marge.
Warning, we don’t want to press too hard, and mindlessly trace over the lines we have already drawn in the first two steps.
Always look to tweak and improve the drawing until the very end.
00:00 Intro
01:15 Step 1-How to Draw the Roadmap for Marge.
03:19 Step 2-How to Rough Out the Features for Marge.
05:41 Step 3-How to Draw the Final Details for Marge.
You'll notice I use colored pencils in the first two steps. I do so to make it easy to see each separate step in the process. While you're free to draw with any pencil, pen, marker, or digital pad you wish, I recommend keeping it as simple as possible. And it doesn’t get more simple than a pencil and paper.
You’ll also notice I don’t spend time coloring the characters during the video.
That’s because I want the focus to be on teaching the step by step formula of drawing that character-allowing you to draw them over and over again-improving each time.
When you're done, join me for a FREE 4 part video drawing series, where I spend more time explaining the details and the thinking behind each step in what I call the Level Up Cartooning process: https://draw.levelupcartooning.com/oi-video.
Hi, my name is Rich Torrey, and I teach kids, teens, and adults an easy to follow, step-by-step process for drawing cartoon characters using the same simple process I’ve used for the past 30 years as a professional illustrator and cartoonist. It’s a process that will have you drawing even the most difficult characters easier and better than you ever thought possible.
If you’ve struggled with some of the other how-to-draw videos on the internet-it’s because they actually teach you how to draw backwards-starting with those final details.
Good drawings don't happen by magic. It's a process, and I’m here to show you that process!
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@levelupcartooning
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/levelupcartooning
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levelupcartooning/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/richtorrey
Website: http://richardtorrey.com
Music: envato.com
The Level Up Cartooning channel is a collection of free, online drawing lessons that teach you how to draw cartoons the right way, starting simple and working toward the detail, instead of starting with that final line. It’s a process that will help you draw any character easier and better than you ever thought possible.
Select from any of the playlist below:
A Simple Bart Simpson Drawing Tutorial: https://youtu.be/9vl2eWsOhpM
A Simple Taz Drawing Tutorial, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/24DM4GrgvkI
How to Draw Porky Pig Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/p0TsrM7asqw
Draw Daffy Duck from Duck Dodgers Step by Step: https://youtu.be/SShhnr8m1gQ
A Simple, Step by Step, Scooby-Doo Drawing: https://youtu.be/2UBfWKCTKeg
How to Draw Ronnie Anne From The Casagrandes Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/TZMRA24ky9E
How to Draw Perry the Platypus easy, step by step: https://youtu.be/jcdD9s_Aqvs
How to Draw Steven Universe Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/FHWVfwBcJHo
How to Draw Squidward (easy, step by step): https://youtu.be/TtzRCu2uTak
Draw SpongeBob Squarepants Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/7U7R-diKVXw
How to Draw Mashup of Presidents as Minions: https://youtu.be/eSithquCjXE
How to Draw Gru (easy, Step by Step): https://youtu.be/RnZ52fXoNtI
How to Draw Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes (easy, step by step): https://youtu.be/3IOJHNXvUFI
Draw Finn & Jake Adventure Time (easy, step by step): https://youtu.be/JEAm26zayUw
#Margesimpsonstepbystep #margesimpsondrawing #margesimpson
#howtodraw #drawing #cartooning4kids #tips #tipsandtricks
Follow along and learn how to draw Marge Simpson in this easy, step by step drawing lesson. Kids, teens, and adults will discover their hidden drawing skills as they follow the simple, step-by-step drawing process for Marge.
I break down the drawing process for Marge Simpson into three easy steps.
•In Step 1: we start with what I call the roadmap to construct Marge's proportions, posture, and pose. In this step, we want to draw as light as possible-whisper on paper.
•In Step 2: we rough out Marge's features, building on top of that roadmap.
In this step, Marge begins to look like Marge!
Remember, we are still drawing lightly in this step.
•In Step 3: we get to have fun-drawing those final details of Marge.
Warning, we don’t want to press too hard, and mindlessly trace over the lines we have already drawn in the first two steps.
Always look to tweak and improve the drawing until the very end.
00:00 Intro
01:15 Step 1-How to Draw the Roadmap for Marge.
03:19 Step 2-How to Rough Out the Features for Marge.
05:41 Step 3-How to Draw the Final Details for Marge.
You'll notice I use colored pencils in the first two steps. I do so to make it easy to see each separate step in the process. While you're free to draw with any pencil, pen, marker, or digital pad you wish, I recommend keeping it as simple as possible. And it doesn’t get more simple than a pencil and paper.
You’ll also notice I don’t spend time coloring the characters during the video.
That’s because I want the focus to be on teaching the step by step formula of drawing that character-allowing you to draw them over and over again-improving each time.
When you're done, join me for a FREE 4 part video drawing series, where I spend more time explaining the details and the thinking behind each step in what I call the Level Up Cartooning process: https://draw.levelupcartooning.com/oi-video.
Hi, my name is Rich Torrey, and I teach kids, teens, and adults an easy to follow, step-by-step process for drawing cartoon characters using the same simple process I’ve used for the past 30 years as a professional illustrator and cartoonist. It’s a process that will have you drawing even the most difficult characters easier and better than you ever thought possible.
If you’ve struggled with some of the other how-to-draw videos on the internet-it’s because they actually teach you how to draw backwards-starting with those final details.
Good drawings don't happen by magic. It's a process, and I’m here to show you that process!
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@levelupcartooning
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/levelupcartooning
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levelupcartooning/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/richtorrey
Website: http://richardtorrey.com
Music: envato.com
The Level Up Cartooning channel is a collection of free, online drawing lessons that teach you how to draw cartoons the right way, starting simple and working toward the detail, instead of starting with that final line. It’s a process that will help you draw any character easier and better than you ever thought possible.
Select from any of the playlist below:
A Simple Bart Simpson Drawing Tutorial: https://youtu.be/9vl2eWsOhpM
A Simple Taz Drawing Tutorial, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/24DM4GrgvkI
How to Draw Porky Pig Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/p0TsrM7asqw
Draw Daffy Duck from Duck Dodgers Step by Step: https://youtu.be/SShhnr8m1gQ
A Simple, Step by Step, Scooby-Doo Drawing: https://youtu.be/2UBfWKCTKeg
How to Draw Ronnie Anne From The Casagrandes Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/TZMRA24ky9E
How to Draw Perry the Platypus easy, step by step: https://youtu.be/jcdD9s_Aqvs
How to Draw Steven Universe Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/FHWVfwBcJHo
How to Draw Squidward (easy, step by step): https://youtu.be/TtzRCu2uTak
Draw SpongeBob Squarepants Easy, Step by Step: https://youtu.be/7U7R-diKVXw
How to Draw Mashup of Presidents as Minions: https://youtu.be/eSithquCjXE
How to Draw Gru (easy, Step by Step): https://youtu.be/RnZ52fXoNtI
How to Draw Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes (easy, step by step): https://youtu.be/3IOJHNXvUFI
Draw Finn & Jake Adventure Time (easy, step by step): https://youtu.be/JEAm26zayUw
#Margesimpsonstepbystep #margesimpsondrawing #margesimpson
#howtodraw #drawing #cartooning4kids #tips #tipsandtricks
- published: 11 May 2021
- views: 154
Simpsons cartoon predicted Coronavirus 27 years ago in 1993
1:19 corona virus going around & around! Read Description to understand better because it's not prediction, actually it's plan predictive mind programming Here ...
1:19 corona virus going around & around! Read Description to understand better because it's not prediction, actually it's plan predictive mind programming Here is complete episode links season 4 episode 21 links pinned comment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubjuwxe_-4c https://youtu.be/ubjuwxe_-4c
A new “prophecy” of the yellow family it's spread on the web after the looks of the coronavirus in China and indicates that yes, because it points to a similar fact within the chapter called “Marge Chained”, first issued in 1993.
In this episode, which corresponds to the fourth season, a sequence appears in which a Japanese worker, from the city of Osaka, coughs in front of a box addressed to Homer Simpson, and asks his partner to not say anything about his discomfort.
After “6 to eight weeks”, as seen within the animation, the box reaches its recipient, who opens it immediately to release a green cloud that was breathed and caused a rare disease in Homer.
However, the hierarchy of the Simpson family was not the only inhabitant of the city of Springfield who commissioned the Japanese company, but several are seen inhaling the same virus, which spreads rapidly among the population causing deep discomfort.
Coronavirus 2019-nCoV was first detected in December 2019 within the Chinese city of Wuhan, a town inhabited by 11 million people, which were linked to the consumption of seafood and fish. Those affected have fever and fatigue, which are amid dry cough and shortness of breath..
In the latest report released by health authorities in China, there are already 25 confirmed deaths in that country and 830 confirmed cases were counted.
There are currently documented cases within the us , Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea , Cambodia and Vietnam.
1:19 corona virus going around & around! Read Description to understand better because it's not prediction, actually it's plan predictive mind programming Here is complete episode links season 4 episode 21 links pinned comment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubjuwxe_-4c https://youtu.be/ubjuwxe_-4c
A new “prophecy” of the yellow family it's spread on the web after the looks of the coronavirus in China and indicates that yes, because it points to a similar fact within the chapter called “Marge Chained”, first issued in 1993.
In this episode, which corresponds to the fourth season, a sequence appears in which a Japanese worker, from the city of Osaka, coughs in front of a box addressed to Homer Simpson, and asks his partner to not say anything about his discomfort.
After “6 to eight weeks”, as seen within the animation, the box reaches its recipient, who opens it immediately to release a green cloud that was breathed and caused a rare disease in Homer.
However, the hierarchy of the Simpson family was not the only inhabitant of the city of Springfield who commissioned the Japanese company, but several are seen inhaling the same virus, which spreads rapidly among the population causing deep discomfort.
Coronavirus 2019-nCoV was first detected in December 2019 within the Chinese city of Wuhan, a town inhabited by 11 million people, which were linked to the consumption of seafood and fish. Those affected have fever and fatigue, which are amid dry cough and shortness of breath..
In the latest report released by health authorities in China, there are already 25 confirmed deaths in that country and 830 confirmed cases were counted.
There are currently documented cases within the us , Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea , Cambodia and Vietnam.
- published: 29 Jan 2020
- views: 678614
How To Sketch Marge Simpson
This guide shows you How To Sketch Marge Simpson.
Watch this and other related films here - http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-draw-marge-simpson
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This guide shows you How To Sketch Marge Simpson.
Watch this and other related films here - http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-draw-marge-simpson
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This guide shows you How To Sketch Marge Simpson.
Watch this and other related films here - http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-draw-marge-simpson
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- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 13121
How To Draw Marge Simpson From The Simpsons
Looking for a educational resource on How To Draw Marge Simpson From The Simpsons? This helpful short video explains precisely how it's done, and will help you ...
Looking for a educational resource on How To Draw Marge Simpson From The Simpsons? This helpful short video explains precisely how it's done, and will help you get good at cartoon drawing. Enjoy this instructional video from the world's most comprehensive library of free factual video content online.
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Watch This and Other Related films here: http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-do-marge-simpson
Looking for a educational resource on How To Draw Marge Simpson From The Simpsons? This helpful short video explains precisely how it's done, and will help you get good at cartoon drawing. Enjoy this instructional video from the world's most comprehensive library of free factual video content online.
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Watch This and Other Related films here: http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-do-marge-simpson
- published: 06 Apr 2011
- views: 4901
Matt Groening drawing Marge Simpson
Matt Groening drawing Marge Simpson at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con. Big thanks to my buddy Anont (@boukenred) for filming his very own sketch from the legend.
Matt Groening drawing Marge Simpson at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con. Big thanks to my buddy Anont (@boukenred) for filming his very own sketch from the legend.
San Diego Comic-Con - http://www.comic-con.org/cci
Filmed by Anont Chinskul AKA @boukenred
Edited by Victor Glover
Matt Groening drawing Marge Simpson at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con. Big thanks to my buddy Anont (@boukenred) for filming his very own sketch from the legend.
San Diego Comic-Con - http://www.comic-con.org/cci
Filmed by Anont Chinskul AKA @boukenred
Edited by Victor Glover
- published: 15 Oct 2019
- views: 22864