"The Historical
Stages of Christianization and
Church Building in
Ukraine (1st cent. to present)" by
The Very Reverend Archmandrite Dr.
Victor Bed,
University of Toronto, 8 May 2014 (Історичні етапи християнізації та церковного будівництва в Україні (І століття - сьогодення), архимандрит Віктор Бедь, Торонтський університет, 8 травня 2014).
- 2:25
Main reason for negative effects (consequences) on the
Ukrainian church,
Ukrainian state, and
Ukrainian nation, consists of events, especially in the first quarter of the
18th century of
Ukrainian statehood, and subsequent loss of the Ukrainian church.
- 3:01 The appearance of the great chauvinistic ideology and imperialistic formation of
Russia (
Moscow) empire and
Austro-Hungarian empire, and later in the twentieth century, the Communist
Soviet empire, a place for the truth of the Ukrainian nation, Ukrainian statehood, Ukrainian church, and it's historiography fell into the hands of foreigners, and of course was never realized.
- 3:48 August 24,
1991 Ukrainian independence
- 4:30
Patriarch of Constantinople
- 4:56 The successful development of the
Ukrainian diaspora (not just in Ukraine and Russia),
Ukrainian universities (education), Ukrainian seminaries, unfortunately the question of state creation, church creation.
Volodymyr the Great (
Vladimir the Great) (Володимир Великий (Володимир Святославич)
- 6:30 The greatest problem interfering with an accurate history of (
Ukrainian) church construction (development), similar to Ukrainian statehood construction (development), is that we, to this day, do not have one first original source.
- 6:54 All Ukrainian chronicles (Літописи) from the 9th, 10th, 11th,
12th centuries, especially beginning with the reign of
Catherine II (
Catherine the Great) (Екатерина II Великая) of the
Russian Empire, the chronicles (physical texts, parchments, scrolls, books, etc.) were removed from Ukraine, mixed in with (
Russian) imperialist churches, and by the end of the
19th century, all were completely destroyed.
Today academics and teachers must not forget that none of the original old (ancient) chronicles exist. All chronicles, especially during the
House of Romanov (
Romanov dynasty) of the
Russian empire, the original chronicles were destroyed, rewritten several times
... As a result, the chronicles were eliminated from Ukrainian historical studies, and effectively, stolen from the people of Ukraine. This near one-thousand (1,
000) year historical period of the
Christian era, from the first (
1st) century to the tenth (
10th) century, was stolen from the Ukrainian church.
8:10 In order to better understand the stages of development of Christianization of Ukraine, we also have to dismiss the myth that Ukraine never had it's own statehood.
- 8:42 4th,5th,
13th centuries, Kyiv-Rus',
Tatar, 1240 AD
- 10:00 14th-16th centuries,
Grand Duchy of Lithuania,
Union of
Sweden, Ukraine divided up between two empires: Russian empire, Austro-Hungarian empire
- 11:27
Ukrainian National Republic 1918-1921,
World War Two 1939,
Declaration Independence of Carpatho-Ukraine,
Avgustyn Voloshyn (Августин Іванович Волошин)
- 15:54 The Ukrainian
Church is one of the oldest
Christian churches and is not less than 1,770 old.
Black Sea eparchy
Primary Chronicle, Повість врем'яних літ (
Tale of Bygone Years), Ukrainian historical literature,
Nestor the Chronicler,
Kyiv Chronicle,
Ukrainian history, Історія України, Київська Русь,
Tale of Ihor's
Campaign, Слово о полку Ігоревім, Межигірський літопис,
Mezhyhirya Chronicle, Hustynia Chronicle
Українське православ'я в світовій спільноті Православних церков: минуле, сьогодення та майбутнє
Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the
Global Family of
Orthodox Churches:
Past, Present and Future
Ukrainian Self-Reliance
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Українська Православна Церква в Канаді
L'Église orthodoxe ukrainienne du
- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 665