- published: 12 May 2017
- views: 10584
The HS2000 (Hrvatski Samokres (Croatian Pistol)), or XD (X-treme Duty) are a series of semi-automatic pistol that are polymer-framed and striker-fired. Manufactured in the city of Karlovac, Croatia by HS Produkt (formerly I.M. Metal), the Springfield Armory XD, XDM, or XD-S is the marketing name for the weapon, which is licensed and sold in the United States by Springfield Armory, Inc.
The HS2000 traces its roots back to a service pistol known as the PHP (Prvi Hrvatski Pištolj or First Croatian Pistol), which was first produced in Croatia by privately owned industrial parts firm I. M. Metal in 1991. Designed by a team led by Marko Vuković, the PHP was considered to be a solid design, but early versions were plagued by quality issues, due in large part to the difficulties of manufacturing during the Yugoslav war. Vuković's team continued to tweak and improve the design over the next decade, releasing the HS95 (Hrvatski Samokres or Croatian Pistol) in 1995, and the HS2000 in 1999.
A high school (also secondary school, senior school, secondary college) is a school that provides adolescents with part or all of their secondary education. It may come after primary school or middle school and be followed by higher education or vocational training.
The term "high school" originated in Scotland, with the world's oldest high school being Edinburgh's Royal High School from 1505. The Royal High School was used as a model for the first public high school in the United States, Boston Latin School founded in Boston, Massachusetts.
The precise stage of schooling provided by a high school differs from country to country, and may vary within the same jurisdiction. In all of New Zealand and Malaysia, along with most of Britain and parts of Australia, Bangladesh and Canada, high school means the same thing as secondary school, but instead of starting in 9th grade, these "secondary schools" begin at ages 11 or 12.
In Australia, high school is a secondary school, from Year 7 or Year 8 through to Year 12, varying from state to state. High school immediately follows primary (elementary) school; therefore, a Year-7 Australian high-school student is sometimes as young as 12. In Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory, the term "high school" generally refers to Years 7–10, whereas the term "College" is used for Years 11–12. In Victoria the term "secondary college" has largely replaced the term "high school" following the reforms of the Labor Government in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some schools have retained the name "high school" (such as Melbourne High School) and many have now dropped the "secondary" and are simply known as "college".
Last Day Of School Middle School Vs. High School
料理人になります - HS -
BEST Dunk Contest Of The Year?! CRAZY Dunks At HS Slam!
The Most SATISFYING HS Moment Ever
HS 18-5
HS 2000: Preclude to the Springfield XD9
My Friend Bought A McLaren MSO HS
Unleash your inner shark in Hungry Shark VR! What's more immersive than being a shark under the water?? Being a very Hungry Shark™! Eat your way through a massive underwater environment, complete risky missions and free your fellow finned friends! Available NOW on Daydream: http://bit.ly/HSVR-YT This game requires a Daydream headset to play. From the makers of Hungry Shark World and Hungry Shark Evolution. The Hungry Shark games have been downloaded more than 300 million times worldwide.
Last Day Of School Middle School Vs. High School I decided to show you guys what the last day of school is like for middle school vs. high school, there are a lot of differences, such a backpacks and last day of school outfits and just differences between high school and middle school in general, let me know if you want me to do, back to school middle school vs. high school! MY LAST VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frNL6_7ZsW0&t;=49s ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/rclbeauty101 ALSO CHECK OUT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH8acFwYoK0&t;=1s AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDDQhM1vNbo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I DARE YOU TO STALK ME: ❄ T W I T T E R➜ https://twitter.com/rclbeauty101 ❄ I N S T A...
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Abonne-toi à la chaine ! Retrouvez HS sur les réseaux sociaux: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HSCompteOffi... Instagram: Hk_HSOfficiel & Sosa_HSOfficiel Snapchat: Hk_HSOfficiel & Sosa_HSOfficiel Mail officiel: hs-officiel@outlook.fr Prod by Hilton Prod Real et montage: KespeyProd
A pesar de la crítica neutral generada por personas a favor y en contra de Edd00chan al crear FNAFHS, pudimos recopilar algunas cosas que ahora listamos y revelamos ante ustedes, esperemos disfruten el video. ¡Descarga Amino! iOS: http://apple.co/2fa9pB5 Android: http://bit.ly/2f5u62B Sígueme en mis redes antisociales: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ZichfriedOficial Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zichfried deviartArt: http://zichfried.deviantart.com/ Ask: http://ask.fm/Zichfried PSN ID: Zichfried Contacto y negocios: contactozichfried@gmail.com Series HS mostradas en el video: - FNADK (Zichfried) - BATIMHS (Zichfried) - UndertaleHS (Zichfried) - PsychoFalls HS (Dodosvky) - FNAFHS (Edd00chan) - FNACHS (Marcoh) - Hightale (Dariadubs) - FNAFSS (Bombon Hatsune) Preguntas frecuentes: ...
Here is the event recap of the 2015 American Family Insurance High School Slam Dunk Contest featuring Derrick Jones, Rayjon Tucker, Donovan Mitchell, Rex Pflueger, Prince Ali, Kyle Ahrens, and more!
Oh man, doesn't that just feel so good to watch. BOOM BOOM BOOMMMMMMM Watch me live on twitch @itsHafu ► Twitch - http://bit.ly/2ll5MPc -------------------------------------------------- ♥Be sure to like and comment ♥ ♥Come join the pingu party!♥ ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/itshafu ► Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/itshafu ► Instagram - https://instagram.com/itshafu ► Merchandise - http://shop.crowdmade.com/collections/hafu ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for watching!
After owning multiple Springfields and Glocks, its an easy decision to choose the HS 2000 9x19mm as my favorite service pistol. Even though the HS 2000 (same as Springfield XD) has a higher profile than the Glock 17, it isn't enough to take away from the features and benefits that makes an HS 2000 9mm pistol better than a Glock 17. Once the caliber goes higher than the 9mm, I may consider the Glock to take the lead with its lower profile slide that disperses the energy up the arm instead of being snappy.
I join Tom as he collects his 1 of 25 McLaren 680bhp MSO HS - Subscribe to STG: http://bitly.com/SubToSTG The day before leaving for LA and my friend Tom very kindly invited me to join him as he collected his brand new McLaren MSO HS, previously rumoured to be called 688 HS, from McLaren Ascot. The MSO HS is a limited 25 car run, all of which have been personalised by MSO. The car has just under 680bhp and is based on the 675LT however with further weight saving and added aerodynamic parts. Follow Tom on Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/topsmedley/ ---- Music By Lakey Inspired https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired ---- Follow me on: Instagram - http://instagram.com/seenthroughglass Twitter - https://twitter.com/seenthruglass Snapchat: SeenThruGlass Facebook - www.facebook.com/se...