- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 39656
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The C166 family is a 16-bit microcontroller architecture from Infineon (formerly the semiconductor division of Siemens) in cooperation with STMicroelectronics. It was first released in 1993 and is a controller for measurement and control tasks. It uses the well-established RISC architecture, but features some microcontroller-specific extensions such as bit-addressable memory and an interrupt system optimized for low-latency. When this architecture was introduced the main focus was to replace 8051 controllers (from Intel).
Opcode compatible successors of the C166 family are the C167 family, XC167 family, the XE2000 family and the XE166 family.
The Siemens/Infineon C167 family or STMicroelectronics ST10 family is a further development of the C166 family. It has improved addressing modes and support for "atomic" instructions. Variants include, for example, Controller Area Network (CAN bus).
Funcionamento ST10 F
Haas ST-10 Demo
HAAS ST10 Start up & Tool Offset - With ISCAR Craig
ST10's secret/hidden developers MENU, read descrip
Chroma - ST10+ Overview
Yuneec Q500 - #06 ST10 Fernsteuerung im Detail
Yuneec Q500 Typhoon - St10 verse the ST10+ Transmitter Comparison
st10 flasher 4cf.uf
Yuneec Q500 - #11 Firmware Update ST10 Fernsteuerung
Learn more about the ST-10 here: http://bit.ly/HaasST10 The Haas ST-10 turning center is extremely rigid, highly accurate, and very thermally stable. Standard equipment on the ST-10 includes rigid tapping, a 15″ color LCD monitor, and a USB port.
In this video, ISCAR Craig will demonstrate the start up procedure and tool offset measuring process on the HAAS ST10 CNC Lathe. Special thanks to ISCAR Australia and technician Craig Schoene for their help and assistance In making this demonstration possible. Filmed in the CNC workshop at Harvester Technical College Melbourne Australia.
Anyone knows if i can change the values in the signal test option? What about the usb-debugging feature?
Everything at Your Fingertips Chroma camera drones that come equipped with a CGO3 or CGO2+ camera include the easy-to-use ST-10+ controller. The ST-10+ puts all camera and flight controls right at your fingertips. And you can see exactly what the camera sees on its built-in, touch-screen display.
Denkt daran den Film in HD QUALITÄT zu schauen. Falls er euch gefällt: Kommentieren, Daumen HOCH, teilen und ABONNIEREN! Danke! In meinem sechsten Film über den Yuneec Q500 werfe ich einen Blick auf die Fernsteuerung des Quadrocopters. Die Yuneec ST10 bietet nicht nur einen Touchscreen, sondern besitzt auch Android als Betriebssystem. Zunächst zeige ich euch einmal alle Schalter und Anschlüsse der Funke. Dann werfen wir einen Blick auf die Anzeigen und Einstellungen innerhalb der Software. -------------------------------------------------- HÄNDLER: http://www.copter.eu/ Q500 bei AMAZON: http://goo.gl/ocZwf1 -------------------------------------------------- FORUM: http://www.kopterforum.de/ FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/kopterforum --------------------------------------------------
Here the Remote Chief shows the viewer the physical differences between the original Yuneec ST10 transmitter and the new upgraded ST10+ Transmitter. He also discusses how some of the way the controls feel has changed. Watch and learn so you can excited about your purchase. Or watch my video to learn if you want to buy a Yuneec. And if your waiting for the money here is the ST10+ in ALL ITS GLORY!!!! Enjoy and please Comment, like and subscribe!!! Shot on the Go Pro Hero 3 and Go Pro Hero 3+
leitura com st10
Denkt daran den Film in HD QUALITÄT zu schauen. Falls er euch gefällt: Kommentieren, Daumen HOCH, teilen und ABONNIEREN! Danke! Auf der ST-10 Fernsteuerung von Yuneec läuft Android als Betriebssystem. Firmware Updates lassen sich so bequem am Touchscreen der Funke durchführen. Dazu muss man lediglich im Vorfeld die passenden Dateien auf eine MicroSD Karte kopieren und in die ST-10 einsetzen. Ich zeige euch heute, woher ihr die Firmware Dateien für ein Upgrade bekommt und wie ihr sie dann auf der Fernsteuerung des Yuneec Q500 Quadrokopters installiert. -------------------------------------------------- Q500 bei AMAZON: http://goo.gl/ocZwf1 -------------------------------------------------- FORUM: http://www.kopterforum.de/ FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/kopterforum --------------------...
Release date: 30. September 2002
Album: Happy Fool
How can I divide the time youÃve left me itÃs like infinity, this night it seems so long how can I devise what is ment to be if you wont set us free IÃm here to lean on when everythingÃs going wrong, girl, just hang on
When everything around you breaks the foundations you have made and IÃm the only one you can lean on just know if sometimes you rely on wrong I can right it make you strong and IÃm the only one you can lean on
We must try and find a way to save this love just wishingÃs not enough the future itÃs calling us in that sweet sweet mind a promise I fulfilled and on that we can build IÃam here to lean on when everythings going wrong..........