Interview with Director Tomm Moore - Secret of Kells
You can Find out more about it here www.okamstudio.blogspot.com...
published: 18 Feb 2011
Interview with Director Tomm Moore - Secret of Kells
You can Find out more about it here www.okamstudio.blogspot.com
Tomm Moore - Cartoon Saloon - speaking at the Invest Kilkenny Launch
Invest Kilkenny Launch 9th November 2010 www.investkilkenny.ie...
published: 30 Mar 2011
Author: kilkennycoco
Tomm Moore - Cartoon Saloon - speaking at the Invest Kilkenny Launch
Invest Kilkenny Launch 9th November 2010 www.investkilkenny.ie
Secret of Kells Director Tomm Moore at SBIFF
Q&A with Moore after screening of The Secret of Kells at Santa Barbara Film Festival...
published: 08 Feb 2010
Author: Klinderful
Secret of Kells Director Tomm Moore at SBIFF
Q&A with Moore after screening of The Secret of Kells at Santa Barbara Film Festival
Director Tomm Moore Visits Rooftop School
Director Tomm Moore visited Rooftop's Mayeda Campus for a presentation of concept sket...
published: 29 Sep 2010
Author: ajfwong
Director Tomm Moore Visits Rooftop School
Director Tomm Moore visited Rooftop's Mayeda Campus for a presentation of concept sketches and animation clips from his movie, "The Secret of Kells." Tomm answered questions and graciously signed autographs after the assembly. Thanks to Tomm and Keith from the SF Film Society's Education Program for sharing this beautiful film with our students. We look forward to the upcoming October 5th DVD release!
Radio Interview Tomm Moore P2/2
OMG tomm moore on radio wow i wonder wot talk about this going be good...
published: 07 Oct 2010
Author: 1extraphotos
Radio Interview Tomm Moore P2/2
OMG tomm moore on radio wow i wonder wot talk about this going be good
Matt Dillon / Tomm Moore, IFTA Winner 2010, Rising Star Award
Matt Dillon presents the Rising Star Award to director Tomm Moore at the 7th Annual Irish ...
published: 01 Mar 2010
Author: IFTAAwards
Matt Dillon / Tomm Moore, IFTA Winner 2010, Rising Star Award
Matt Dillon presents the Rising Star Award to director Tomm Moore at the 7th Annual Irish Film & Television Awards in Dublin on 20 February 2010
CCD Interviews Tomm Moore, The Man Behind "The Secret of the Kells"
CCD's own Mike D got a chance to sit down with Tomm Moore, director and writer of the ...
published: 13 Oct 2010
Author: CCDBlog
CCD Interviews Tomm Moore, The Man Behind "The Secret of the Kells"
CCD's own Mike D got a chance to sit down with Tomm Moore, director and writer of the Oscar nominated animated feature "The Secret of the Kells". We chatted about all types of stuff at the New Video booth on the floor of the 2010 NYC Comic Con. Very cool dude... check it out!!!
Interview with "The Secret of Kells" Director Tomm Moore
published: 08 Oct 2010
Author: ReviewFix
Interview with "The Secret of Kells" Director Tomm Moore
Radio Interview Tomm Moore P1/2
OMG tomm moore on radio wow i wonder wot talk about this going be good...
published: 04 Oct 2010
Author: 1extraphotos
Radio Interview Tomm Moore P1/2
OMG tomm moore on radio wow i wonder wot talk about this going be good
Tomm Moore director of The Secret of Kells at the 2010 Annie Awards
Tomm Moore director of The Secret of Kells at the 2010 Annie Awards...
published: 03 Jul 2011
Author: HollywoodStaCraze
Tomm Moore director of The Secret of Kells at the 2010 Annie Awards
Tomm Moore director of The Secret of Kells at the 2010 Annie Awards
'The Secret of Kells' Not a Secret Anymore
Co-director Tomm Moore talks about making the Oscar nominated animated feature film, '...
published: 03 Mar 2010
Author: AssociatedPress
'The Secret of Kells' Not a Secret Anymore
Co-director Tomm Moore talks about making the Oscar nominated animated feature film, 'The Secret of Kells.' (March 3)
The secret of Kells Trailer español
Trailer español de The secret of Kells, de los directores Nora Twomey y Tomm Moore....
published: 06 Jul 2010
Author: estamosrodandocom
The secret of Kells Trailer español
Trailer español de The secret of Kells, de los directores Nora Twomey y Tomm Moore. Más info: cine.estamosrodando.com
The Backwater Gospel - Short Animated Films - www.DRDOCUMENTARY.com [HD]
www.DRDOCUMENTARY.com | @dr_documentary | #TEAMDRDOCUMENTARY As long as anyone can remembe...
published: 24 Oct 2011
Author: DrDocumentaryDotCOM
The Backwater Gospel - Short Animated Films - www.DRDOCUMENTARY.com [HD]
www.DRDOCUMENTARY.com | @dr_documentary | #TEAMDRDOCUMENTARY As long as anyone can remember, the coming of The Undertaker has meant the coming of death. Until one day the grim promise fails and tension builds as the God fearing townsfolk of Backwater wait for someone to die. The Backwater Gospel (2011) 09 | Animation - Horror Thriller Produced at The Animation Workshop (www.animwork.dk) CREDITS: Bo Mathorne (Director), Arthur Gil Larsen (Animation Lead), Mads Simonsen (Technical director). Animators: Thomas Grønlund, Rie Nymand, Tue Toft Sørensen. Esben Sloth (Art Director), Martin Holm-Grevy (Environment lead). Music composed and performed by:Sons of Perdition. Voice actors:The Tramp: Zebulon Whatley, The Minister: Lucien Dodge, Bubba: Phillip Sacramento, Towns people: Laura Post. Supervisors: Michelle Nardone -- Production supervisor, Katrine Talks -- Production supervisor, Jessie Roland -- Animation supervisor, Christian Kuntz -- Animatic supervisor, Patrick Voetberg -- Editing supervisor, Sunit Parekh-Gaihede -- CG supervisor, Jared Embley -- Rigging supervisor, Thomas Christensen -- Sound supervisor, Svend Nordby -- Technical supervisor, Consultants: Peter Albrechtsen -- Sound design consultant, Michael Valeur -- Story consultant, Andrew Harris -- CG Consultant, Mads Juul -- Animatic consultant, Saschka Unseld -- 3D animatic consultant, Anna Kubik -- 3D animatic consultant, Jericca Cleland -- Story consultant, Marec Fritzinger -- Design consultant, Tomm Moore <b>...</b>
The Secret of Kells
Momentos de «The Secret of Kells», de Tomm Moore e Nora Twomey...
published: 31 Mar 2009
Author: indielisboa
The Secret of Kells
Momentos de «The Secret of Kells», de Tomm Moore e Nora Twomey
Youtube results:
THE SECRET OF KELLS / Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey / EducaTIFF 8+
www.tiff.ro BRENDAN ŞI SECRETUL DIN KELLS / The Secret of Kells / Tomm Moore, Nora Tw...
published: 01 May 2011
Author: EducaTIFF
THE SECRET OF KELLS / Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey / EducaTIFF 8+
www.tiff.ro BRENDAN ŞI SECRETUL DIN KELLS / The Secret of Kells / Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey / Irlanda, Belgia, Franţa / 2009 / 75 min. film în limba franceză cu subtitluri în limba română, pentru copii de minimum 8 ani proiecţie specială de Ziua Internaţională a Copilului intrare liberă pentru copii şi adolescenţi (pe baza carnetului de elev sau a cărţii de identitate) ocuparea locurile de către clase de elevi se face doar pe bază de rezervări, în limita locurilor disponibile Câştigător al Premiului Publicului la Festivalul Internaţional de Film de Animaţie Annecy, Franţa, cel mai important festival de animaţie din lume şi nominalizat la Premiile Uniunii Europene de Film şi la Premiile Oscar, filmul este povestea lui Brendan (12 ani) care, în secolul al IX-lea, într-un colţ îndepărtat al Irlandei, locuieşte în abaţia fortificată din Kells. Sub îndrumarea unchiului său, el îi ajută zilnic pe călugări să întărească abaţia împotriva atacurilor vikinge. Odată cu sosirea maestrului Frate Aidan, Brendan află că trebuie să termine de scris fabuloasa Carte din Kells, manuscris început de Fratele Aidan. Pentru a-şi îndeplini misiunea, va trebui să îşi depăşească cele mai profunde temeri, în prima sa călătorie în afara abaţiei, prin păduri fermecate, ceea ce îi va trezi talente extraordinare, până atunci ascunse.
The Secret of Kells, IFTA Winner 2010, Best Animation
Tomm Moore and Paul Young accept the IFTA for Best Animation for The Secret of Kells at th...
published: 24 Feb 2010
Author: IFTAAwards
The Secret of Kells, IFTA Winner 2010, Best Animation
Tomm Moore and Paul Young accept the IFTA for Best Animation for The Secret of Kells at the 7th Annual Irish Film & Television Awards in Dublin on 20 February 2010
The Secret of Kells Trailer (HD - Best Quality)
TheTrailerSite.com for more HD trailers The Secret of Kells (unknown) Directors Tomm Moore...
published: 28 May 2009
Author: TheTrailerSiteDOTcom
The Secret of Kells Trailer (HD - Best Quality)
TheTrailerSite.com for more HD trailers The Secret of Kells (unknown) Directors Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey Writer: Fabrice Ziolkowski Plot: Adventure, action and danger await 12 year old Brendan who must fight Vikings and a serpent god to find a crystal and complete the legendary Book of Kells. Brendan is hard at work with his uncle, helping to strengthen the abbey walls as protection against the Viking raids. But a new life of adventure begins with the arrival of Brother Aidan, a celebrated master illuminator who initiates Brendan into the art of illumination, awakening his hidden, but extraordinary talents. In order to finish the magnificent book, Brendan has to overcome his deepest fears on a secret quest that will take him for the first time ever, beyond the abbeys walls into the enchanted forest where dangerous mythical creatures hide. Genre: Animation
euronews cinema - Annecy feiert Animationsfilme von der grünen Insel
de.euronews.com Irland stand im Rampenlicht beim diesjährigen internationalen Animati...
published: 12 Jun 2012
Author: euronewsde
euronews cinema - Annecy feiert Animationsfilme von der grünen Insel
de.euronews.com Irland stand im Rampenlicht beim diesjährigen internationalen Animationsfilmfestival im französischen Annecy. Bekannt sind die Streifen von der grünen Insel im internationalen Filmbetrieb für ihren Ideenreichtum, künstlerisch anspruchsvollen Zeichentrick und einen gewissen, typisch irischen Sinn für Humor. Bestes Beispiel für den Erfolg irischer Animationsfilme ist der Oscar-nominierte Streifen "The Secret Of Kells" von Tomm Moore und Nora Twome, der 2009 in Annecy den Publikumspreis gewann. Die irische Animationsfilmindustrie sei in jüngster Vergangenheit geradezu aufgeblüht, sagt Filmemacher- und Produzent Tomm Moore. "Die Geburtsstunde lag in den 80er Jahren, als ausländische Studios begannen, in Irland zu produzieren. Es gab bald viele Leute, die für amerikanische Animationsfilmstudios in Irland arbeiteten. Später gründeten irische Animationsfilmer ihre eigenen Firmen und heute sind wir eine der wenigen guten Nachrichten aus der irischen Wirtschaft. Ein wirklich dynamischer Sektor, das ist doch wunderbar!" Ein wesentlicher Grund für den Boom der Filmbranche ist das Steuerrecht. Einheimische Produktionen dürfen mit Steuerentlastungen rechnen, was die Ausgaben für einen Film deutlich nach unten drückt. Der Kurzfilm "Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty" von Darragh O'Connell war 2010 für einen Oscar nominiert. Seine 1994 gegründete Produktionsfirma Brown Bag Films verfügt heute über Büroräume in Los Angeles und hat erst vor kurzem einen Vertrag mit Disney <b>...</b>