2 Hours Non Stop Worship Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO
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#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship
You definitely can't resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
You are blessed as you sing along; and hey, don't forget to bless someonelse by sharing
worship,praise,praise and wors...
published: 11 Nov 2021
2 Hours Non Stop Worship Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO
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#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship
You definitely can't resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
You are blessed as you sing along; and hey, don't forget to bless someonelse by sharing
worship,praise,praise and wors...
published: 11 Nov 2021
New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
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new christian songs, gospel music, christian songs, christian songs lyrics, worship songs, christian songs with lyrics, worship songs with lyrics, gospel songs with lyrics, praise and worship songs with lyrics, worship songs 2019, gospel songs 2019, gospel music 2019, christian music 2019, praise and worship songs 2019, gospel worship songs, gospel music praise and worship, christian, gospel, worship, praise, worship music
published: 13 Jul 2019
LEAVE IT IN GOD'S HANDS (One Of The Best Christian Motivational Videos)
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LEAVE IT IN GOD'S HANDS (One Of The Best Christian Motivational Videos)
Probably one of the greatest lessons you will learn in life will come the moment you realise you need not waste your energy and your time carrying a burden you should have given God to carry for you. At that moment you will understand why Jesus said we should take no thought of certain things. I see people all around subjecting themselves to suffer depression and many other mental illnesses out of fear of one thing or the other- losing their jobs, not being able to meet up, not getting the right suitor and many more. While it is not bad to think, it becomes abnormal when thinking grows to worrying; thinking is good but there is a tiny line between do...
published: 10 Nov 2021
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 - Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time - Musics Praise
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 - Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time - Musics Praise
#top1trending #christian #latestchristiangospel
Jesus, I need you!!!
Musics Praise is here to entertain you with new and latest African Gospel Music, Feel free to comment, like and share our Gospel Music as they come to you, also subscribe to support our channel by clicking on the link below
, we stream different genres of Gospel Music from Praise/Worship to Gospel to Rap to Pop, Blues, Metals to mention but a few, we publish our Gospel Music daily for...
published: 11 Nov 2021
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published: 10 Nov 2021
Tévedni isteni dolog
A.J. Christian magyar származású tudatos létező, aki 15 éves kora óta tanítja az útkereső embereket; munkássága az egyén tudatosodásának támogatásából, a Jelen és a határtalan szeretet megélésből áll. Azért vállalt nyilvános szereplést, hogy minél több ember kapjon esélyt a felébredésre, önmaga és a szabadság megélésére. Christian online előadásai ingyenesek és szabadon felhasználhatók, de mivel sokan kérdeztétek, hogy a munkásságát miképp lehetne anyagilag támogatni, a következő linken megtehetitek: http://ajchristian.hu/?p=1257
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Információk, hírlevélre feliratkozás: Vicente L...
published: 08 Nov 2021
AUTISMO. Christian dal DENTISTA.Le promesse vanno mantenute.
Erano diversi anni che non portavamo Christian dal dentista. Lui va fuori di testa quando si tratta di andare dai dottori. Gli abbiamo spiegato, con diversi giorni d'anticipo e attraverso delle immagini come tipo fi comunicazione simile alla CAA, cosa avrebbe dovuto fare e come comportarsi.
Facciamo un patto :
-Lui dice di comportarsi bene se gli faccio il video.
-Io prometto che la visita sarà solo di controllo.
#autismo #Dentista #Momentidifficili #Promesse
published: 09 Nov 2021
Christian Nodal, Ángela Aguilar - Dime Cómo Quieres (Video Oficial)
ESCUCHA LO MÁS RECIENTE "Dime Como Quieres” Aquí: https://fonovisa.lnk.to/ayayaydeluxe
SUBSCRIBETE AQUÍ : http://bit.ly/2wPPKlm
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Todo empezó cuando te vi pasar
Sentí algo tan bonito que no sé explicar
Tú me cachaste y me gustaste más
Ay que chula rancherita, hola, ¿cómo estás?
Te aviso desde ahorita que con palabras bonitas no te alcanza pa’ poderme conquistar
No soy de esas facilitas como aquellas muchachitas con las que yo siempre te he mirado andar
Y si te llevo rosas
Como quiera se me van a marchitar
¿Y si te llevo serenata?
Como quiera te va a c...
published: 13 Nov 2020
Christian Daniel - Ahora Que Te Vas (Video Oficial)
Video Oficial "Ahora Que Te Vas" de Christian Daniel
Click Para Suscribirte: http://bit.ly/ChristianDaniel
Escucha mi nueva cancion "Para Siempre" https://youtu.be/z2OqhGVe6ak
Ahora Que Te Vas Disponible en:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2VwA6Va
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2VKOPRI
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/track/102860120
Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/2VspN4B
SIgueme en:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ChristianDanielMusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristianDanielMusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/christiandmusic
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2VhTo4I
Pagina Web: http://www.christiandanielmusic.com/
Letra: Ahora Que Te Vas
Hoy me despierto con el alma hecha pedazos
Hoy me despido sin querer decir adiós
Vete despacio para no sentir tus pasos
Vete en silencio para n...
published: 04 Aug 2015
2 Hours Non Stop Worship Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4s...
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO
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#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship
You definitely can't resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
You are blessed as you sing along; and hey, don't forget to bless someonelse by sharing
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Short Good Morning Prayers To Use On A Daily Basis
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO
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#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship
You definitely can't resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
You are blessed as you sing along; and hey, don't forget to bless someonelse by sharing
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Short Good Morning Prayers To Use On A Daily Basis
- published: 11 Nov 2021
- views: 4423
2 Hours Non Stop Worship Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4s...
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO
Welcome to my channel.
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#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship
You definitely can't resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
You are blessed as you sing along; and hey, don't forget to bless someonelse by sharing
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gospel songs,christian songs with lyrics,worship songs with lyrics,praise and worship songs with lyrics,worship song for Jesus,
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#worship songs of hillsong
#worship songs collection
#louvores de adoração
#christian music 2020
#christian music
#christian hyms
#christian gospel
Short Good Morning Prayers To Use On A Daily Basis
2 Hours Non Stop Christian Songs 2021 With Lyrics - Best 100 Christian Worship Songs - Worship 2021
1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO
Welcome to my channel.
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#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship
You definitely can't resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
You are blessed as you sing along; and hey, don't forget to bless someonelse by sharing
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gospel songs,christian songs with lyrics,worship songs with lyrics,praise and worship songs with lyrics,worship song for Jesus,
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#worship songs of hillsong
#worship songs collection
#louvores de adoração
#christian music 2020
#christian music
#christian hyms
#christian gospel
Short Good Morning Prayers To Use On A Daily Basis
- published: 11 Nov 2021
- views: 30916
New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
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New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
▽ Follow "Christian Worship Lyrics"
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new christian songs, gospel music, christian songs, christian songs lyrics, worship songs, christian songs with lyrics, worship songs with lyrics, gospel songs with lyrics, praise and worship songs with lyrics, worship songs 2019, gospel songs 2019, gospel music 2019, christian music 2019, praise and worship songs 2019, gospel worship songs, gospel music praise and worship, christian, gospel, worship, praise, worship music
New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
▽ Follow "Christian Worship Lyrics"
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new christian songs, gospel music, christian songs, christian songs lyrics, worship songs, christian songs with lyrics, worship songs with lyrics, gospel songs with lyrics, praise and worship songs with lyrics, worship songs 2019, gospel songs 2019, gospel music 2019, christian music 2019, praise and worship songs 2019, gospel worship songs, gospel music praise and worship, christian, gospel, worship, praise, worship music
- published: 13 Jul 2019
- views: 15493798
LEAVE IT IN GOD'S HANDS (One Of The Best Christian Motivational Videos)
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LEAVE IT IN GOD'S HANDS (One Of The Best Christian Motivational Videos)
Probably one of the...
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LEAVE IT IN GOD'S HANDS (One Of The Best Christian Motivational Videos)
Probably one of the greatest lessons you will learn in life will come the moment you realise you need not waste your energy and your time carrying a burden you should have given God to carry for you. At that moment you will understand why Jesus said we should take no thought of certain things. I see people all around subjecting themselves to suffer depression and many other mental illnesses out of fear of one thing or the other- losing their jobs, not being able to meet up, not getting the right suitor and many more. While it is not bad to think, it becomes abnormal when thinking grows to worrying; thinking is good but there is a tiny line between doing this good thing the right way and letting it go off the hook, that is, allowing it escalate to something else. You know that time you are busy doing what you should never have done in the first place? That was exactly what worrying is; I have been there and I can say boldly that leaving matters to the hand of God is the best decision you can make.
My days of worrying started the day I decided to open up about how I felt about her dressing. The image is still very fresh in my mind: I was in my underwear with a towel round my neck, my usual style whenever I wanted to go take my bath, when I heard a knock at my door and before I managed to answer she was already inside in her blue denim knickers and a sleeveless white top which exposed up to the middle part of her cleavage- provocative is the word. Throughout her stay, I was strategising how I would call her attention to the fact that she needed to cover herself much more whenever she was coming over to my room, O yes, she was my neighbour and more than that we both knew we had flowers growing up in our stomach towards each other. She was definitely sure I was going to speak up soon; I had made it too obvious that I would love to walk down the aisle with her if she would permit me. I found her a perfect match for me but her dressing kept giving me headache as regards the next step to take.
Maybe you are in such situation, you're not happy about your spouse; he or she just suddenly developed a habit you find repulsive- maybe s/he just became nonchalant about the things of God and you have tried your best to call him/her to correction but he/she has refused to change. Why not take his/her matter to God who is able to work on his/her heart and make him/her realise his/her mistake? Yours may be that your wife all of a sudden lost her wonder that made you head over heels in love with her when you started and now what is left in her in your eyes is just a bunch of skeleton. Why wait till it becomes worse before you realise you need to commit it to the Lord's hands?
Most times, we fail to realise God is interested in things that pertain to us and He always wants to help us out. The problem oftentimes is that believers think a matter is not worthy of being committed to the Lord, ''it's not worth praying about, God is too busy to answer that'' we usually think but that is not the truth. The bible says in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." You are God's handiwork, God has worked and is still working in you so you can fulfill His purpose. See, God wants to work in that your husband, wife, fiance, fiancée, colleague at work, friends, He wants to solve the problem for you, if only you will leave the matter to him.
Many times we carry a burden we are not supposed to touch in the first place. We keep having sleepless nights, brooding about our wives, husbands, bosses, children, etc. that are not doing well as though we could change them by thinking. Little wonder there is depression all around; angry men and women fill our streets, waiting for whom to vent their anger on. The devil is obviously having a nice time with us. But we can change the narration, we can decide to let God in on the matter while we take our rest in Him. Maybe the story of Adam will help:
Genesis 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
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LEAVE IT IN GOD'S HANDS (One Of The Best Christian Motivational Videos)
Probably one of the greatest lessons you will learn in life will come the moment you realise you need not waste your energy and your time carrying a burden you should have given God to carry for you. At that moment you will understand why Jesus said we should take no thought of certain things. I see people all around subjecting themselves to suffer depression and many other mental illnesses out of fear of one thing or the other- losing their jobs, not being able to meet up, not getting the right suitor and many more. While it is not bad to think, it becomes abnormal when thinking grows to worrying; thinking is good but there is a tiny line between doing this good thing the right way and letting it go off the hook, that is, allowing it escalate to something else. You know that time you are busy doing what you should never have done in the first place? That was exactly what worrying is; I have been there and I can say boldly that leaving matters to the hand of God is the best decision you can make.
My days of worrying started the day I decided to open up about how I felt about her dressing. The image is still very fresh in my mind: I was in my underwear with a towel round my neck, my usual style whenever I wanted to go take my bath, when I heard a knock at my door and before I managed to answer she was already inside in her blue denim knickers and a sleeveless white top which exposed up to the middle part of her cleavage- provocative is the word. Throughout her stay, I was strategising how I would call her attention to the fact that she needed to cover herself much more whenever she was coming over to my room, O yes, she was my neighbour and more than that we both knew we had flowers growing up in our stomach towards each other. She was definitely sure I was going to speak up soon; I had made it too obvious that I would love to walk down the aisle with her if she would permit me. I found her a perfect match for me but her dressing kept giving me headache as regards the next step to take.
Maybe you are in such situation, you're not happy about your spouse; he or she just suddenly developed a habit you find repulsive- maybe s/he just became nonchalant about the things of God and you have tried your best to call him/her to correction but he/she has refused to change. Why not take his/her matter to God who is able to work on his/her heart and make him/her realise his/her mistake? Yours may be that your wife all of a sudden lost her wonder that made you head over heels in love with her when you started and now what is left in her in your eyes is just a bunch of skeleton. Why wait till it becomes worse before you realise you need to commit it to the Lord's hands?
Most times, we fail to realise God is interested in things that pertain to us and He always wants to help us out. The problem oftentimes is that believers think a matter is not worthy of being committed to the Lord, ''it's not worth praying about, God is too busy to answer that'' we usually think but that is not the truth. The bible says in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." You are God's handiwork, God has worked and is still working in you so you can fulfill His purpose. See, God wants to work in that your husband, wife, fiance, fiancée, colleague at work, friends, He wants to solve the problem for you, if only you will leave the matter to him.
Many times we carry a burden we are not supposed to touch in the first place. We keep having sleepless nights, brooding about our wives, husbands, bosses, children, etc. that are not doing well as though we could change them by thinking. Little wonder there is depression all around; angry men and women fill our streets, waiting for whom to vent their anger on. The devil is obviously having a nice time with us. But we can change the narration, we can decide to let God in on the matter while we take our rest in Him. Maybe the story of Adam will help:
Genesis 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
- published: 10 Nov 2021
- views: 5621
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 - Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time - Musics Praise
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 - Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time - Musics Praise
#top1trending #christian #late...
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 - Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time - Musics Praise
#top1trending #christian #latestchristiangospel
Jesus, I need you!!!
Musics Praise is here to entertain you with new and latest African Gospel Music, Feel free to comment, like and share our Gospel Music as they come to you, also subscribe to support our channel by clicking on the link below
, we stream different genres of Gospel Music from Praise/Worship to Gospel to Rap to Pop, Blues, Metals to mention but a few, we publish our Gospel Music daily for a star and we promise you , you must fall in love with any of them, SUBSCRIBE So lets roll together...
Twitter: https://goo.gl/qpuF81
worship,praise,praise and worship,new christian,christian songs,gospel music,gospel topic,worship songs,praise worship songs,worship and praise songs,worship songs 2019,gospel songs 2019,christian songs and praise,praise songs,christian songs 2019,hillsong united,latest gospel songs 2019,latest gospel music,non stop christian songs,christian songs with lyrics,non stop worship songs,hillsong worship,christian music,best worship songs
gospel songs,christian songs with lyrics,worship songs with lyrics,praise and worship songs with lyrics,worship song for Jesus,
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 - Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time - Musics Praise
#top1trending #christian #latestchristiangospel
Jesus, I need you!!!
Musics Praise is here to entertain you with new and latest African Gospel Music, Feel free to comment, like and share our Gospel Music as they come to you, also subscribe to support our channel by clicking on the link below
, we stream different genres of Gospel Music from Praise/Worship to Gospel to Rap to Pop, Blues, Metals to mention but a few, we publish our Gospel Music daily for a star and we promise you , you must fall in love with any of them, SUBSCRIBE So lets roll together...
Twitter: https://goo.gl/qpuF81
worship,praise,praise and worship,new christian,christian songs,gospel music,gospel topic,worship songs,praise worship songs,worship and praise songs,worship songs 2019,gospel songs 2019,christian songs and praise,praise songs,christian songs 2019,hillsong united,latest gospel songs 2019,latest gospel music,non stop christian songs,christian songs with lyrics,non stop worship songs,hillsong worship,christian music,best worship songs
gospel songs,christian songs with lyrics,worship songs with lyrics,praise and worship songs with lyrics,worship song for Jesus,
- published: 11 Nov 2021
- views: 6978
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● Wondershare MobileTrans - La migliore soluzione per il trasferimento di dati da un telefono cellulare a un altro.
● Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/shaleboom_/
● ISCRIVITI | https://goo.gl/xwDnYR
● Video precedente | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqAOQcbpxSU&t;=300s
● E-MAIL COMMERCIALE | Shaleboom@corax.business
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● Wondershare MobileTrans - La migliore soluzione per il trasferimento di dati da un telefono cellulare a un altro.
● Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/shaleboom_/
● ISCRIVITI | https://goo.gl/xwDnYR
● Video precedente | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqAOQcbpxSU&t;=300s
● E-MAIL COMMERCIALE | Shaleboom@corax.business
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➜ Attiva la campanella delle notifiche per non perderti nessun video
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- published: 10 Nov 2021
- views: 69888
Tévedni isteni dolog
A.J. Christian magyar származású tudatos létező, aki 15 éves kora óta tanítja az útkereső embereket; munkássága az egyén tudatosodásának támogatásából, a Jelen ...
A.J. Christian magyar származású tudatos létező, aki 15 éves kora óta tanítja az útkereső embereket; munkássága az egyén tudatosodásának támogatásából, a Jelen és a határtalan szeretet megélésből áll. Azért vállalt nyilvános szereplést, hogy minél több ember kapjon esélyt a felébredésre, önmaga és a szabadság megélésére. Christian online előadásai ingyenesek és szabadon felhasználhatók, de mivel sokan kérdeztétek, hogy a munkásságát miképp lehetne anyagilag támogatni, a következő linken megtehetitek: http://ajchristian.hu/?p=1257
Nagyon szépen köszönjük a figyelmet és az anyagi támogatást.
Hivatalos Facebook oldal: https://www.facebook.com/ajchristian.Official
Youtube csatorna: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNfGAeIGB6qTXkyvlnMv3-g/videos
Információk, hírlevélre feliratkozás: Vicente Leticia- leticia@ajchristian.hu
Eddig megjelent művei:
Mit keresett Isten a Nappalimban? (2003)
Mit keresett Isten a Hálószobában? (2004)
A teljesség tekintete (2005)
A teljesség hangja (2006)
A.J. Christian (Szerkesztette: Papp Ervin; 2006)
TALEN (2006)
A teljesség Illata (2007)
A nőkkel csak a baj van? (2009)
A férfiakkal csak a baj van?! (2014)
Szeretetmozaik (2019)
A.J. Christian magyar származású tudatos létező, aki 15 éves kora óta tanítja az útkereső embereket; munkássága az egyén tudatosodásának támogatásából, a Jelen és a határtalan szeretet megélésből áll. Azért vállalt nyilvános szereplést, hogy minél több ember kapjon esélyt a felébredésre, önmaga és a szabadság megélésére. Christian online előadásai ingyenesek és szabadon felhasználhatók, de mivel sokan kérdeztétek, hogy a munkásságát miképp lehetne anyagilag támogatni, a következő linken megtehetitek: http://ajchristian.hu/?p=1257
Nagyon szépen köszönjük a figyelmet és az anyagi támogatást.
Hivatalos Facebook oldal: https://www.facebook.com/ajchristian.Official
Youtube csatorna: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNfGAeIGB6qTXkyvlnMv3-g/videos
Információk, hírlevélre feliratkozás: Vicente Leticia- leticia@ajchristian.hu
Eddig megjelent művei:
Mit keresett Isten a Nappalimban? (2003)
Mit keresett Isten a Hálószobában? (2004)
A teljesség tekintete (2005)
A teljesség hangja (2006)
A.J. Christian (Szerkesztette: Papp Ervin; 2006)
TALEN (2006)
A teljesség Illata (2007)
A nőkkel csak a baj van? (2009)
A férfiakkal csak a baj van?! (2014)
Szeretetmozaik (2019)
- published: 08 Nov 2021
- views: 7494
AUTISMO. Christian dal DENTISTA.Le promesse vanno mantenute.
Erano diversi anni che non portavamo Christian dal dentista. Lui va fuori di testa quando si tratta di andare dai dottori. Gli abbiamo spiegato, con diversi gio...
Erano diversi anni che non portavamo Christian dal dentista. Lui va fuori di testa quando si tratta di andare dai dottori. Gli abbiamo spiegato, con diversi giorni d'anticipo e attraverso delle immagini come tipo fi comunicazione simile alla CAA, cosa avrebbe dovuto fare e come comportarsi.
Facciamo un patto :
-Lui dice di comportarsi bene se gli faccio il video.
-Io prometto che la visita sarà solo di controllo.
#autismo #Dentista #Momentidifficili #Promesse
Erano diversi anni che non portavamo Christian dal dentista. Lui va fuori di testa quando si tratta di andare dai dottori. Gli abbiamo spiegato, con diversi giorni d'anticipo e attraverso delle immagini come tipo fi comunicazione simile alla CAA, cosa avrebbe dovuto fare e come comportarsi.
Facciamo un patto :
-Lui dice di comportarsi bene se gli faccio il video.
-Io prometto che la visita sarà solo di controllo.
#autismo #Dentista #Momentidifficili #Promesse
- published: 09 Nov 2021
- views: 34896
Christian Nodal, Ángela Aguilar - Dime Cómo Quieres (Video Oficial)
ESCUCHA LO MÁS RECIENTE "Dime Como Quieres” Aquí: https://fonovisa.lnk.to/ayayaydeluxe
SUBSCRIBETE AQUÍ : http://bit.ly/2wPPKlm
ESCUCHA LO MÁS RECIENTE "Dime Como Quieres” Aquí: https://fonovisa.lnk.to/ayayaydeluxe
SUBSCRIBETE AQUÍ : http://bit.ly/2wPPKlm
NUEVOS PRODUCTOS/MERCH: https://shop.christiannodal.com/
VER MÁS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cUh...
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2M4BJ84
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2M9DznZ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elnodal?s=20
Todo empezó cuando te vi pasar
Sentí algo tan bonito que no sé explicar
Tú me cachaste y me gustaste más
Ay que chula rancherita, hola, ¿cómo estás?
Te aviso desde ahorita que con palabras bonitas no te alcanza pa’ poderme conquistar
No soy de esas facilitas como aquellas muchachitas con las que yo siempre te he mirado andar
Y si te llevo rosas
Como quiera se me van a marchitar
¿Y si te llevo serenata?
Como quiera te va a correr mi papá
Dime cómo quieres que te quiera
Este vato se hace a tu manera
Pide por esa boquita hermosa
Que por ti yo haría cualquier cosa
Dime que más quieres que te diga
Si al final te quieren mis amigas
Y un poquito menos mi familia
¿Que van a pensar si un día nos miran?
Ay ay ay
Yo no soy tan malo como dicen por ahí
Ay ay ay
No soy una tonta pa’ dejarme engañar
Ay Angelita ya no seas tan mala
Y usted ya no sea tan coqueto
Y si te llevo rosas
Como quiera se me van a marchitar
¿Y si te llevo serenata?
Como quiera te va a correr mi papá
Dime cómo quieres que te quiera
Este vato se hace a tu manera
Pide por esa boquita hermosa
Que por ti yo haría cualquier cosa
Dime que más quieres que te diga
Si al final te quieren mis amigas
Y un poquito menos mi familia
¿Que van a pensar si un día nos miran?
Ay ay ay
Yo no soy tan malo como dicen por ahí
Ay ay ay
No soy una tonta pa’ dejarme engañar
#ChristianNodal #ÁngelaAguilar #DimeComoQuieres
Music video by Christian Nodal, Ángela Aguilar performing Dime Cómo Quieres. Fonovisa; © 2020 Universal Music Mexico S.A. de C.V.
ESCUCHA LO MÁS RECIENTE "Dime Como Quieres” Aquí: https://fonovisa.lnk.to/ayayaydeluxe
SUBSCRIBETE AQUÍ : http://bit.ly/2wPPKlm
NUEVOS PRODUCTOS/MERCH: https://shop.christiannodal.com/
VER MÁS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cUh...
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2M4BJ84
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2M9DznZ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elnodal?s=20
Todo empezó cuando te vi pasar
Sentí algo tan bonito que no sé explicar
Tú me cachaste y me gustaste más
Ay que chula rancherita, hola, ¿cómo estás?
Te aviso desde ahorita que con palabras bonitas no te alcanza pa’ poderme conquistar
No soy de esas facilitas como aquellas muchachitas con las que yo siempre te he mirado andar
Y si te llevo rosas
Como quiera se me van a marchitar
¿Y si te llevo serenata?
Como quiera te va a correr mi papá
Dime cómo quieres que te quiera
Este vato se hace a tu manera
Pide por esa boquita hermosa
Que por ti yo haría cualquier cosa
Dime que más quieres que te diga
Si al final te quieren mis amigas
Y un poquito menos mi familia
¿Que van a pensar si un día nos miran?
Ay ay ay
Yo no soy tan malo como dicen por ahí
Ay ay ay
No soy una tonta pa’ dejarme engañar
Ay Angelita ya no seas tan mala
Y usted ya no sea tan coqueto
Y si te llevo rosas
Como quiera se me van a marchitar
¿Y si te llevo serenata?
Como quiera te va a correr mi papá
Dime cómo quieres que te quiera
Este vato se hace a tu manera
Pide por esa boquita hermosa
Que por ti yo haría cualquier cosa
Dime que más quieres que te diga
Si al final te quieren mis amigas
Y un poquito menos mi familia
¿Que van a pensar si un día nos miran?
Ay ay ay
Yo no soy tan malo como dicen por ahí
Ay ay ay
No soy una tonta pa’ dejarme engañar
#ChristianNodal #ÁngelaAguilar #DimeComoQuieres
Music video by Christian Nodal, Ángela Aguilar performing Dime Cómo Quieres. Fonovisa; © 2020 Universal Music Mexico S.A. de C.V.
- published: 13 Nov 2020
- views: 424446469
Christian Daniel - Ahora Que Te Vas (Video Oficial)
Video Oficial "Ahora Que Te Vas" de Christian Daniel
Click Para Suscribirte: http://bit.ly/ChristianDaniel
Escucha mi nueva cancion "Para Siempre" https://you...
Video Oficial "Ahora Que Te Vas" de Christian Daniel
Click Para Suscribirte: http://bit.ly/ChristianDaniel
Escucha mi nueva cancion "Para Siempre" https://youtu.be/z2OqhGVe6ak
Ahora Que Te Vas Disponible en:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2VwA6Va
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2VKOPRI
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/track/102860120
Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/2VspN4B
SIgueme en:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ChristianDanielMusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristianDanielMusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/christiandmusic
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2VhTo4I
Pagina Web: http://www.christiandanielmusic.com/
Letra: Ahora Que Te Vas
Hoy me despierto con el alma hecha pedazos
Hoy me despido sin querer decir adiós
Vete despacio para no sentir tus pasos
Vete en silencio para no escuchar tu voz
No te niego que siento miedo
Enfrentarme a la vida sin ti
Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No sé ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir
Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que el amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
Como olvidarme de ti
No duermo solo me acompaña tu retrato
Y en las mañanas suelo reclamarle a Dios
Que ya no insista en arrancarte de mis brazos
Ya no podría soportar tanto dolor
No te niego que siento miedo
De enfrentarme a la vida sin ti
Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No se ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir
Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que al amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
Sé que te está faltando el aire
Y en minutos te me vas
La impotencia de perderte
Me está comiendo el alma ya
Sé que te está faltando el aire
Y en minutos te me vas
Sé que es tu último suspiro
Ya que mañana no estarás
Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No sé ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir
Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que el amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
Como olvidarme de ti
Video Oficial "Ahora Que Te Vas" de Christian Daniel
Click Para Suscribirte: http://bit.ly/ChristianDaniel
Escucha mi nueva cancion "Para Siempre" https://youtu.be/z2OqhGVe6ak
Ahora Que Te Vas Disponible en:
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2VwA6Va
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2VKOPRI
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/track/102860120
Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/2VspN4B
SIgueme en:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ChristianDanielMusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristianDanielMusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/christiandmusic
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2VhTo4I
Pagina Web: http://www.christiandanielmusic.com/
Letra: Ahora Que Te Vas
Hoy me despierto con el alma hecha pedazos
Hoy me despido sin querer decir adiós
Vete despacio para no sentir tus pasos
Vete en silencio para no escuchar tu voz
No te niego que siento miedo
Enfrentarme a la vida sin ti
Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No sé ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir
Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que el amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
Como olvidarme de ti
No duermo solo me acompaña tu retrato
Y en las mañanas suelo reclamarle a Dios
Que ya no insista en arrancarte de mis brazos
Ya no podría soportar tanto dolor
No te niego que siento miedo
De enfrentarme a la vida sin ti
Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No se ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir
Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que al amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
Sé que te está faltando el aire
Y en minutos te me vas
La impotencia de perderte
Me está comiendo el alma ya
Sé que te está faltando el aire
Y en minutos te me vas
Sé que es tu último suspiro
Ya que mañana no estarás
Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No sé ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir
Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que el amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
Como olvidarme de ti
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 185034183