
Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice, by Ivan Brunetti
Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice, by Ivan Brunetti
Promotional trailer for Ivan Brunetti's CARTOONING: Philosophy and Practice, to be published March 2011 by Yale University Press. Copyright (C) 2011 by Yale University Press

Ivan Brunetti, "Mr. Incongruity" at the 1999 Comic con
Ivan Brunetti, "Mr. Incongruity" at the 1999 Comic con
In a universe of Heroes and Villians, Ivan brunetti is more of the classic antihero, than a villian, although there are certainly those who would love to burn him at the stake for his subversive comics from the mid 1990's. "Schizo" is one of his most infamous underground Comix from that period. With his outrageously, mindwarpingly misanthropic strips, he dares you to love him. In fact, in his strips, he hates you for loving him. "I hate Myself" is the recurring thread running through his work. With titles like; "Diaper Dyke and Captain Boyfuck", or "Chock full of Cunts", his work is hardly... ahem, family friendly. Yet, it is truly some of the funniest shit ever put in a comic book, and for that we love him, perhaps at our own peril! Like a schlubby little Italian American Woody Allen, Ivan is as harmless as a titmouse in person. He's actually very sweet and kind, which makes his work all the more compelling. To be fair, his recent work has taken on a much more grown-up tone and although his visual style continues to grow simpler, his content has reached epic intellectual heights. Check out his tributes to Kierkegaard and Joris Karl Huysmans. They are astonishingly heartbreaking. This footage was shot at the San Diego Comic Convention in August 1999, (after searching for days thru the most base simple minded mediocrity, you finally stumble upon the unassuming Fantagraphics booth, a sanctuary for the thinking man's comic book reader) -when Ivan was 32 and still learning to <b>...</b>

Ivan Brunetti on An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, & True Stories, Volume 2
Ivan Brunetti on An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, & True Stories, Volume 2
Ivan Brunetti on An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, & True Stories, Volume 2 from Yale University Press. Video director John Kuramoto brings together dozens of images from leading indie comics artists featured in the book, along with commentary by its editor, award-winning cartoonist Ivan Brunetti. John Kuramoto's prior credits include animation on the hit film American Splendor and collaborations with Chris Ware. To watch a high-quality version of this video, and learn more about the book, please visit: yalepress.yale.edu It can also be viewed in high quality at www.vimeo.com

Ho! The Morally Questionable Cartoons of Ivan Brunetti - video preview
Ho! The Morally Questionable Cartoons of Ivan Brunetti - video preview
Hoping to further increase his irrelevance to the esteemed world of graphic novels and thus cement his status as former cartoonist, the saturnine Ivan Brunetti (author of the acclaimed Misery Loves Comedy and editor of Yale Presss two essential Anthologies of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons and True Stories) has compiled HO!, which collects the vast majority of his morally questionable, aesthetically confused — and absolutely gut-busting — gag cartoons. Culled mostly from out-of-print work (Hee! and Haw!) and other anthologies, the contents are discreetly presented in an uninviting, funereal package of unglamorous black and white. Hopefully, this will keep the impressionable, young, and faint-of-heart unintrigued and at a distance, while those who appreciate a touch of the gallows in their humor can enjoy an uncomfortable chuckle or two before the merciless thumb of oblivion grinds us all into less than dust. HO! further cements Brunettis reputation as the contemporary king of the gag cartoon, a sentiment echoed by noted comedian Patton Oswalt (The King of Queens, Comedians of Comedy) in his introduction. 112-page black & white 6" x 6" hardcover ISBN: 978-1-60699-142-8 In stock: Late Feb. 2009 In stores: Mid-March 2009 www.fantagraphics.com

Misery Loves Comedy by Ivan Brunetti - video preview
Misery Loves Comedy by Ivan Brunetti - video preview
2nd Printing - www.fantagraphics.com

cult book review: misery loves comedy
cult book review: misery loves comedy
a graphic novel by ivan brunetti.

Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure (2011) - Official Trailer [HD]
Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure (2011) - Official Trailer [HD]
When two friends tape-recorded the fights of their violently noisy neighbors, they accidentally created one of the world's first 'viral' pop-culture sensations, the "Shut up little man!" meme. Coming to theatres on August 25, 2011 Starring: Ivan Brunetti, Daniel Clowes, Mitch Deprey, Peter Haskett, Raymond Huffman, Mike Mitchell

Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery video tour
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery video tour
A quick look around the Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, located at 1201 S. Vale St. in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, WA. Gallery exhibit by Ivan Brunetti. Music by the Action Suits.

Hooked On Comix Volume 2
Hooked On Comix Volume 2
HOOKED ON COMIX Volume 2 (2002) offers a rare glimpse at six cutting-edge cartoonists talking about their lives, their work, and the alternative comics scene. HOOKED ON COMIX takes an over the shoulder look into the back breaking, sometimes mysterious world of alternative cartooning, where one persons vision comes to life on paper. It features Chris Ware (Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth, Acme Novelty Library), Ivan Brunetti (Schizo), Charise Mericle (Eye Spy), Archer Prewitt (Sof' Boy), Jessica Abel (Artbabe), and Terry LaBan (Eno & Plum, Unsupervised Existence). Archer Prewitt and Chris Ware offer up some music samplings too! Go to: www.createspace.com for info.

God Hates Cartoons Trailer
God Hates Cartoons Trailer
This is the Trailer for "God Hates Cartoons," a DVD animation compilation by some of the best known alternative cartoonists. The first ever collection of its kind, "God Hates Cartoons" brings together a stellar lineup including Jim Woodring (Frank, The Book of Jim), Tony Millionaire (Maakies, Sock Monkey), Kaz (Underworld), Sam Henderson (The Magic Whistle, Humor Can Be Funny), Ivan Brunetti (Schizo, Haw!), Mark Newgarden (Garbage Pail Kids, B. Happy), Walt Holcombe (Poot, King of Persia), Tim Maloney (Underwear Girl) and Lance Myers (The Astronomer).

Vegas Drunk dot com
Vegas Drunk dot com
Executive Producers: Michael Ogilvie, Sean Russell, & Michael Todoran. Sponsored by: Double Down Saloon & Frankie's Tiki Room. Featured at the 2009 Vegas Valley Book Festival and Atomic Todd. Artists: Jay Bailey, Chris Bauder, Ivan Brunetti, Chad Brown, Mark Burns, Kim Deitch, Evan Dent, Daryl Depry, Noelle Garcia, Brian Hockersmith, Sue Kay Lee, Laurenn McCubbin, Tori Morris, Ogilvie Michael, Jim Pink, Ivera Pennant, Norman F. Pettingill, Patrick 'Q' Quilao, Sean Russell, Michael Sarich, Aaron Shepard, Rachel Sparrow, Erin Stellmon, Andrew F. Taylor, Michael Todoran

Director Matthew Bate talks 'Shut Up Little Man!"
Director Matthew Bate talks 'Shut Up Little Man!"
Director Matthew Bate talks 'Shut Up Little Man!' at the 2011 Sundance International Film Festival. Watch more at makingof.com

Hello Vampire
Hello Vampire
Assignment: Draw a character four times in the style of Ivan Brunetti and color it it. From Lynda Barry's "What It Is" Class at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, based on an exercise from Ivan Brunetti's "Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice"

"The Synthesized Times of Sam Klemke", # 1; Mag illustration
"The Synthesized Times of Sam Klemke", # 1; Mag illustration
Let's peek in on a typical night at home with Sam and Kathlynne as they fire up their creative juices. Sam has been asked by a glossy lifestyle Magazine to do an illustration for an article about existential Identity... "Who Am I?" exclaims the author as he contemplates his lot in life after making his millions. "Should I play golf, or go to the Bahamas...?" -a tough call indeed. This assignment throws Sam into his own existential quandary about the absurdity of existence, until Kathlynne comes to the rescue with Music, sensation and nouvelle cuisine. It all culminates in a savory stew of Art, Beauty, Dance, Food and Love. The magazine arrives on the stands a month later as S and K are working at the Mall for the Christmas season, drawing caricatures of the holiday shoppers. Won't you join them and enjoy all the sumptuous details of daily life this culture has to offer in modern America? (...such as esteemed alternative cartoonists, Seth, Ivan Brunetti, Daniel Clowes and Chris Ware, and the breathtaking caricatures of Sebastian Kruger, Daniel Adel, Jan Op De Beeck and the great Chris Wahl) Sam; caricaturist, cartoonist and bon vivant www.ultimessence.com

Shield - A strange song
Shield - A strange song
Taken from their fantastic album "Vampiresongs". Comic by Ivan Brunetti.

Shut Up Little Man (2011) Featurette
Shut Up Little Man (2011) Featurette
In 1987, Eddie and Mitch moved into a low-rent apartment in San Francisco where, through paper-thin walls, they were informally introduced to their middle-aged alcoholic neighbors, Raymond (a raging homophobe) and Peter (a flamboyant gay man). For 18 months, they hung a microphone from their kitchen window to chronicle the bizarre relationship between their borderline-insane neighbors, accidentally creating one of the world's first "viral" counter-culture sensations on the underground tape market. Revisiting these events through interviews and reenactments with the key players in the phenomenon's development, director Matthew Bate has concocted a darkly comic exploration into the blurred boundaries between art and exploitation. Genre: DocumentaryOfficial Site: www.shutuplittlemanfilm.com Director: Matthew Bate Cast: Eddie Lee Sausage, Mitchell D, Raymond Huffman, Peter Haskett, Tony Newton, Daniel Clowes, Ivan Brunetti, Henry S. Rosenthal, Mike Mithchell, Gregg Gibbs, Mark Gunderson

Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure - HD Trailer (2011)
Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure - HD Trailer (2011)
Director: Matthew Bate Stars: Ivan Brunetti, Daniel Clowes and Mitch Deprey When two friends tape-recorded the fights of their violently noisy neighbors, they accidentally created one of the world's first 'viral' pop-culture sensations.

Shut Up Little Man - OFFICIAL TRAILER US - YouTube.flv
Shut Up Little Man - OFFICIAL TRAILER US - YouTube.flv
Shut Up Little Man tinyurl.com The ABCs of Death (2012) Movie trailShut Up Little Man Full HD Movie 1080p Part 1/15 Download online Director : Matthew Bat Stars : Eddie Lee Sausage, Mitchell D, Raymond Huffman, Peter Haskett, Tony Newton, Daniel Clowes, Ivan Brunetti, Henry S. Rosenthal, Mike Mithchell, Gregg Gibbs, Mark Gunderson Genre : Documentary Plot : In 1987, Eddie and Mitch moved into a low-rent apartment in San Francisco where, through paper-thin walls, they were informally introduced to their middle-aged alcoholic neighbors, Raymond (a raging homophobe) and Peter (a flamboyant gay man). For 18 months, they hung a microphone from their kitchen window to chronicle the bizarre relationship between their borderline-insane neighbors, accidentally creating one of the world's first "viral" counter-culture sensations on the underground tape market. Revisiting these events through interviews and reenactments with the key players in the phenomenon's development, director Matthew Bate has concocted a darkly comic exploration into the blurred boundaries between art and exploitation. In theaters: August 26th, 2011

Shut Up Little Man.mp4
Shut Up Little Man.mp4
Director : Matthew Bat Stars : Eddie Lee Sausage, Mitchell D, Raymond Huffman, Peter Haskett, Tony Newton, Daniel Clowes, Ivan Brunetti, Henry S. Rosenthal, Mike Mithchell, Gregg Gibbs, Mark Gunderson Genre : Documentary Plot : In 1987, Eddie and Mitch moved into a low-rent apartment in San Francisco where, through paper-thin walls, they were informally introduced to their middle-aged alcoholic neighbors, Raymond (a raging homophobe) and Peter (a flamboyant gay man). For 18 months, they hung a microphone from their kitchen window to chronicle the bizarre relationship between their borderline-insane neighbors, accidentally creating one of the world's first "viral" counter-culture sensations on the underground tape market. Revisiting these events through interviews and reenactments with the key players in the phenomenon's development, director Matthew Bate has concocted a darkly comic exploration into the blurred boundaries between art and exploitation. In theaters: August 26th, 2011 www.mrshiv.com

Official Website: www.shutuplittlemanfilm.com Facebook www.facebook.com In 1987, Eddie and Mitch moved into a low-rent apartment in San Francisco where, through paper-thin walls, they were informally introduced to their middle-aged alcoholic neighbors, Raymond (a raging homophobe) and Peter (a flamboyant gay man). For 18 months, they hung a microphone from their kitchen window to chronicle the bizarre relationship between their borderline-insane neighbors, accidentally creating one of the world's first "viral" counter-culture sensations on the underground tape market. Revisiting these events through interviews and reenactments with the key players in the phenomenon's development, director Matthew Bate has concocted a darkly comic exploration into the blurred boundaries between art and exploitation.

Yvan Brunetti - Kussen kan geen kwaad
Yvan Brunetti - Kussen kan geen kwaad
Optreden tijdens Walter's Verjaardagshow

Shut Up Little Man (2011) Official HD Trailer
Shut Up Little Man (2011) Official HD Trailer
In 1987, Eddie and Mitch moved into a low-rent apartment in San Francisco where, through paper-thin walls, they were informally introduced to their middle-aged alcoholic neighbors, Raymond (a raging homophobe) and Peter (a flamboyant gay man). For 18 months, they hung a microphone from their kitchen window to chronicle the bizarre relationship between their borderline-insane neighbors, accidentally creating one of the world's first "viral" counter-culture sensations on the underground tape market. Revisiting these events through interviews and reenactments with the key players in the phenomenon's development, director Matthew Bate has concocted a darkly comic exploration into the blurred boundaries between art and exploitation.