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나는 소치밀코를 찾았다. 밤에 뱃놀이를 하며 멕시코의 전통공연을 보는 곳이다. 다소 선선한 날씨에도 많은 사람들이 배에 올랐다. 멀리서 들려오는 소리. 마림바 연주가 경쾌하다. 실로폰 소리를 내는 마림바는 본래 아프리카 전통악기지만, 멕시코에서 큰 인기를 얻고 있다. 다음에 갈 곳이 궁금해졌다. 맛있게 먹는 음식은 토르티아에 치즈와 야채를 넣은 퓨전 요리다. 식사시간에도 음악은 쉬지 않는다. 멕시코 전통 복장을 한 악사들이 즐겁게 기타를 튕기며 노래를 부른다. 멕시코 음악은 독특한 흥겨움이 있다. 민속가수인 9명의 마리아치가 트럼펫과 기타, 바이올린을 연주하며 밤하늘을 울린다. 멕시코 전통음악은 장르도 다양하다. 스페인 문화와 마야의 전통이 합쳐져 특유의 형태와 색깔을 내는 곳. 칸쿤은 즐거운 가락으로 천국을 향한 사람들의 마음을 두드린다.
Google Translator]
I found
Xochimilco. Boating at night and a place to see the traditional performances in
Mexico. Even some weather conditions were pretty many people climbed into the boat.
Hear sounds from a distance. It is playful marimba playing.
Marimba, xylophone sound but that the original African traditional instruments, has gained great popularity in Mexico. The next place to go to become curious.
Eating delicious food is fusion cuisine into a tortilla with cheese and vegetables. Even meal times music does not cease.
Mexican traditional costumes entertained by musicians said they bounce the guitar sing.
Mexican music has the unique heunggyeoum.
Folk singer has nine mariachi trumpet and guitar, playing the violin and the sounds of the night sky. There are also varieties of traditional Mexican music genre.
Spanish culture and traditions of the
Maya that combine to place a distinctive shape and color.
Cancun knocks people's hearts toward heaven with joyful melodies.
Spanish: Google Translator]
I found Xochimilco. Boating at night and a place to see the traditional performances in Mexico. Even some weather conditions were pretty many people climbed into the boat. Hear sounds from a distance. It is playful marimba playing. Marimba, xylophone sound but that the original African traditional instruments, has gained great popularity in Mexico. The next place to go to become curious. Eating delicious food is fusion cuisine into a tortilla with cheese and vegetables. Even meal times music does not cease. Mexican traditional costumes entertained by musicians said they bounce the guitar sing. Mexican music has the unique heunggyeoum. Folk singer has nine mariachi trumpet and guitar, playing the violin and the sounds of the night sky. There are also varieties of traditional Mexican music genre. Spanish culture and traditions of the Maya that combine to place a distinctive shape and color. Cancun knocks people's hearts toward heaven with joyful melodies.
■클립명: 남미002-멕시코07-15 전통공연을 보며 즐기는 뱃놀이/Xochimilco/Boating at
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤진영 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing:
KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 1월 January
2015,1월 January,소치밀코,Xochimilco
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 129