3 Mindset Blocks That Are Keeping Creative Entrepreneurs Broke

Edit Huffington Post 16 Feb 2016
Over the years, I've struggled with so many mindset blocks, I can't even count. They kept me stuck, broke and, most importantly, unhappy and unable to enjoy my work ... There are lots of mindset blocks out there, but I've found the following three to be the ones that gave me and my clients the hardest time ... BLOCK #1 ... A good book that I recommend is "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" by Nathaniel Branden - it literally changed my life! ... etc ... ....

It's all in the mind

Edit Deccan Herald 16 Jan 2016
The power within. I am an upbeat and enthusiastic person. But sadly, only on rare occasions! There are moments when I am highly enthused and energised. Again, such moments are few and far in-between ... We exist without living ... Nathaniel Branden, the CanadianAmerican psychotherapist and writer known for his work in the psychology of self-esteem, says that we need to have a commitment to action, in order to stay motivated in life....


Edit Huffington Post 08 Jan 2016
Nonagenarian author Babette Hughes has pretty much seen it all in her 93 plus years on the planet. During the turbulent 60's she worked as a liason to the women's movement in Hubert Humphrey's Presidential campaign staff, and was a keen student of the upheaval and change in that tumultuous decade ... ________________________________________________________________________ ... We think we are kind. Then why do we do it? ... Nathaniel Branden ... Beck ... ....

Are You a Knower or a Learner? (4.3)

Edit Huffington Post 14 Aug 2015
"If we are wise enough to base our self-esteem not on being "right" but on being rational--on being conscious--and on having integrity, then we recognize that acknowledgment and correction of an error is not an abyss into which we have fallen but a height we can take pride in having climbed.". -- Nathaniel Branden. You and I see the world differently ... Knowers claim to know how things are, how they ought to be, and what needs to be done....

Are you psychologically mature?

Edit The Oklahoman 08 Aug 2015
In this edition of LIFEadvice, Coach Kim talks about how to become more psychologically mature and eliminate emotional reactions. (Pixabay). Question.. I am, admittedly, a drama queen. I overreact to things and am even prone to temper tantrum-like behavior. I get offended easily and am almost always mad, sad or upset about something ... Answer. ... Nathaniel Branden wrote an amazing book in 1969 called "The Psychology of Self-Esteem." ... ....

An Invitation to Live Consciously In Business

Edit Huffington Post 01 Jul 2015
"Living consciously is a state of being mentally active rather than passive. It is the ability to look at the world through fresh eyes. It is intelligence taking joy in its own function. Living consciously is seeking to be aware of everything that bears on our interests, actions, values, purposes and goals. It is the willingness to confront facts, pleasant or unpleasant ... - Nathaniel Branden ... That's why you need a science of nutrition ... 1.0....

The 9 Life-Altering Things That Happened When I Stopped Dating the Wrong Guy

Edit Huffington Post 15 Jun 2015
A toxic man can squelch your Bad-Assery. You are a Badass. You just know you are. You have at least 10 jets that propel you through your badass life. The problem is, when you date a toxic guy, he can drain your jets. So instead of having all 10 of your jets at your disposal, trying to change and control your toxic guy can use up the energy from each and every one of those jets ... (back in the day) ... LIST ONE ... -- Nathaniel Branden, psychologist....

Healthy tips to help you jump into spring

Edit The Examiner 30 Mar 2015
Spring is upon us and with that households are starting their spring cleaning. Garages are being swept, lawns are being raked and closets are being rummaged through to void it of the unused. Not only are homes being cleaned but so should our bodies. Spring is God’s way of saying, ‘One more time!' -Robert Orben. Living in a northern state many people are getting out into the fresh air and walking outside once again ... Dr ... - Nathaniel Branden....

A psychologist argues that America's fixation with 'self esteem' could raise kids to be bullies and narcissists

Edit Business Insider 26 Feb 2015
Adam Berry / Getty. See Also. In 1969, Canadian psychologist Nathaniel Branden published "." ... Today, self-esteem is everywhere ... As Matter , Branden himself has said Baumeister's research relied on "specious reasoning," arguing that a violent person doesn't abuse others because of high self-esteem, but rather a fragile self-conception that needs to be constantly bolstered by dominating others ... In 1969, Canadian psychologist Nathaniel... ... ....

A psychologist argues that America's fixation with 'self esteem' could raise kids to be bullies ...

Edit Seattle Post 26 Feb 2015
In 1969, Canadian psychologist Nathaniel Branden published "The Psychology of Self-Esteem." ... Today, self-esteem is everywhere ... In 1996 Baumeister ... As Matter notes, Branden himself has said Baumeister's research relied on "specious reasoning," arguing that a violent person doesn't abuse others because of high self-esteem, but rather a fragile self-conception that needs to be constantly bolstered by dominating others.  ... NOW WATCH....

4 Hacks to lift your mood

Edit The Times of India 09 Jan 2015
A new study has recently revealed that people use facial expression to help recall an emotion ... BE A 5 PER CENT SOMEONE. Overwhelmed by deadlines and the pressure of sticking to resolutions in the new year? Instead of letting yourself get down in the dumps and forgetting to those things that you actually like, attempt this `5 per cent' trick suggested by Psychotherapist Dr Nathaniel Branden, author of The Six Pillars of Self Esteem ... ....

>America's Smartest Shopper Saves You Money on Unlock Your Wealth Radio

Edit Seattle Post 01 Jan 2015
Heather Wagenhals, Executive Producer and host of UnlockYourWealthRadio.com, Libsyn's Popular Money Show "Start Anew with Season 22" interviews Author of "Shop Smart, Save More" and CEO of TheGroceryGame.com, Teri Gault ... Harv Eker author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Nathaniel Branden the Father of Self-Esteem, NASCAR’s Stephen Leicht, Chicken Soup magnate Mark Victor Hansen, plus NFL and coaching greats....

Nathaniel Branden: Disciple and lover of the libertarian Ayn Rand until they split tempestuously, who ...

Edit The Independent 16 Dec 2014
Nathaniel Branden became a chief disciple and lover of the writer and libertarian lodestar Ayn Rand until a turbulent falling out led to his new career as a best-selling writer of books on self-esteem ... He changed his name from Nathan Blumenthal to Nathaniel Branden, incorporating "Rand" into his new surname ... In 1958 Branden launched the Nathaniel Branden Institute, which presented seminars on Rand's ideas around the world....