- published: 25 Dec 2015
- views: 476
Dismissal (referred to informally as firing or sacking) is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the employee. Though such a decision can be made by an employer for a variety of reasons, ranging from an economic downturn to performance-related problems on the part of the employee, being fired has a strong stigma in many cultures. To be fired, as opposed to quitting voluntarily (or being laid off), is often perceived as being the employee's fault, and is therefore considered to be disgraceful and a sign of failure. Finding new employment may often be difficult after being fired, particularly if there is a history of being fired from previous jobs, if the reason for firing is for some serious infraction, or the employee did not hold the job very long. Job seekers will often not mention jobs that they were fired from on their resumes; accordingly, unexplained gaps in employment are often regarded as a red flag.
"Firing" is a common colloquial term in the English language (particularly used in the U.S.) for termination. It is also often known as being "sacked", "canned", "axed", "given walking papers", or "boned".
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Cierro los ojos
Y empiezo a imaginar
Secretos que se esconden
Dentro de mi
Burbujas que encienden
Deseos y ansiedad
Mi dulce tentación se quiebra en dos
Tus brazos me piden que hoy no tenga fin
Los sueños se transforman en realidad
Mis pocas esperanzas han vuelto a renacer
Esta noche el mundo solo gira para ti
Una señal en medio de esta confusión
Poder inventar mi nueva realidad
Te sientes tan vacía
Te sientes tan real
En un abrir y cerrar
Y todo vuelve a comenzar
Millones de promesas resbalan por tu piel
Tus frases dominan mi voluntad
Mariposas que en silencio
Bailan dentro de mi
No me dejes esta noches así
Mirando tu figura
Comienza esta locura
El lienzo que dibuja tu palpitar
Las horas golpean
El silencio de tu mirar
Deja que te vea por ultima vez
Una señal en medio de esta confusión
Poder inventar mi nueva realidad
Una señal en medio de esta confusión
Poder inventar mi nueva realidad
Te sientes tan vacía
Te sientes tan real
En un abrir y cerrar
Y todo vuelve a comenzar