- published: 06 Jan 2016
- views: 278
Introgression, also known as introgressive hybridization, in genetics is the movement of a gene (gene flow) from one species into the gene pool of another by the repeated backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid with one of its parent species. Purposeful introgression is a long-term process; it may take many hybrid generations before the backcrossing occurs.
Introgression differs from simple hybridization. Introgression results in a complex mixture of parental genes, while simple hybridization results in a more uniform mixture, which in the first generation will be an even mix of two parental species. Natural introgression does not have human direct interference while the exotic introgression is induced intentionally (as for instance genetically modified organisms) or not (human activities affecting local races of crops or human disturbances such as by introducing weeds).
Introgression (or "introgressive hybridization") describes the incorporation (usually via hybridization and backcrossing) of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
Nature live : Hybrid zones, speciation and introgression
Beck’s – Hybrid Corn Breeding – Trait Introgression – Hybrid Corn Development – Greenhouse
Kelley Harris, The genetic cost of Neanderthal introgression
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The history of divergence and secondary introgression(...)
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Brandvain: How the mode of genetic transmission impacts introgression
Introgression, also known as introgressive hybridization, in genetics is the movement of a gene from one species into the gene pool of another by the repeated backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid with one of its parent species.Purposeful introgression is a long-term process; it may take many hybrid generations before the backcrossing occurs.Introgression differs from simple hybridization.Introgression results in a complex mixture of parental genes, while simple hybridization results in a more uniform mixture, which in the first generation will be an even mix of two parental species. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in ...
When you look at a bag of Beck’s seed corn, there are really two packages – a genetic package and a trait package. The genetic package is the engine to the race car, it’s key to the performance of a corn plant. The trait package protects a corn plant from pests or gives farmers the ability to spray a certain herbicide. Join Kevin Colbert, greenhouse manager at Beck’s, as he explains how trait introgression not only speeds up the conversion process, but most importantly, helps farmers succeed.
On February 29, 2016, Dr. Harris delivered this talk at the annual CEHG symposium on Stanford campus. CEHG is Stanford's Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics.
Introgression Introgression beschreibt die Bewegung eines Gens, Chromosoms, Chromosomsegments oder Genoms von einer Art auf eine andere.Dies kann „zufällig“ durch eine historische, natürlich vorkommende Verpaarung eines Individuums einer Population mit Individuen einer anderen Population erfolgen.Das Prinzip wird als ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Evolution von im Wasser lebenden Arten, wie z.B.bei Süßwasserfischen, diskutiert. ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
I Internatonal Symposium on Advances in Marine Mussel Research - The history of divergence and secondary introgression in the Mytilus edulis complex of species Conference This symposium aims to highlight the latest research on marine mussels (Mytilus sp.) from a multdisciplinary perspective, including studies from the fields of genomics, proteomics, immunology, physiology, ecology and aquaculture among others. Marine mussels represent an excellent study system in evolutionary biology, ecology, ecotoxicology, climate change and more importantly, they are a key species in aquaculture, being commercialised worldwide. Vídeo disponible en: http://tv.uvigo.es/matterhorn/31946
South India film director
Yaniv Brandvain, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities How the mode of genetic transmission impacts introgression SSE Spotlight - Genetic transmission at the population level