Seoul's foreign ministry open to inter-Korean meeting on sidelines of security forum
외교부, 동북아협력대화에서 남북간 자연스러운 만남 있을 수
Officials from all six nations involved in the long-stalled six-party talks
... have gathered for security talks in
South Korea has NOT ruled out separate talks with
North Korea on the sidelines of the event,... but the
U.S. insists it's not meeting one-on-one with the
Kwon Soa tells us more.
Dubbed the "mini-six-party talks,"... the annual
Northeast Asia Cooperation
Dialogue brings together officials and scholars from all six countries -- South Korea, the
United States,
China, Japan,
Russia... AND North Korea.
Attention is focused on the level of the North's participation,... as it's the first time
Pyongyang has sent a delegation since
2012... and the talks are coming five months after the regime's fourth nuclear test.
Seoul's foreign ministry hasn't ruled out making contact with the
North Korean delegation,... represented by Choe Son-hui , the deputy director for
North American affairs.
South Korea's delegation is headed by six-party talks vice negotiator Kim Kun.
"A casual bilateral meeting with North Korea could happen on site."
The U.S. made clear Monday that
Sung Kim,... its special representative for North Korea
Policy,... has no plans to meet with North Korean officials.
While Seoul's foreign ministry isn't making any predictions on what the North's intentions in Beijing are,...
... experts say Pyongyang wants to show the international community it's not a troublemaker and that it's open to dialogue,... though not when it comes to denuclearization.
It's likely that North Korea will use the venue as a means to promote its intention to continue its policy of simultaneous economic and nuclear development."
On the other hand, Seoul sees the forum as an opportunity to emphasize the futility of the North's nuclear program.
"In line with that,... the government released a list of 130 items that could be linked to the North's nuclear or missile development,... as part of South Korea's unilateral sanctions on the regime.
Kwon Soa,
Arirang News."
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