The It
Energy Drink is available on March 5th to customers and distributors.
Find out in this 20 minute exclusive with Dr. Verhulst why It
Energy is the best natural energy drink on the market!
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Potent antioxidant with rich polyphenols. -
Polyphenols. - Polyphenols.
I'll work on that one.
Packed with vitamin B to support brain
function, a proprietary energy blend, and it helps support the body's ability to sustain energy. Now, what I get excited about is that when we've tested this product, you know, we take it, it tastes amazing, it smells amazing, it gives you some great energy, but what's behind that? So, let's dig in a little bit to the benefits.
Help me understand that word that I may not pronounce all that well. What are phytonutrients and why do we need them? - Phytonutrients are just simply things that are found in good foods, real God-made foods, that are not particularly vitamin and minerals. Some of which we may not even have isolated yet. We know they're in there. We don't know exactly what they are or what they do, but they're added things that will really bring benefit to the body. So, phytonutrients are all the stuff you get from foods that you can't really get anywhere else. - So, I love it. But, anywhere else, you can get them in
It Works! Energy. - That's right. - That's what I love. So, we take this to the next step. Those potent antioxidants. We know what antioxidants are, but they're antioxidant-rich polyphenols. What does this mean? What are polyphenols? What are they good for? - They are super anti-aging. By that I mean free radial damage causes aging, and really enhances and promotes and facilitates all the diseases of aging, whether it be cancer, heart disease, diabetes, right down the list. Every disease process goes faster when there's more free radical damage. Now, what has been designed to combat free radical damage is antioxidants. Now, these antioxidants, some of which are phytonutrients, some of the most powerful ones on the planet are the polyphenols, which we loaded in the It Works! Energy in the form of the green tea extract.
It's where those polyphenols are coming from. - Oh, so green tea extract.
Let's go off script a little bit.
Green tea extract, you know, I drink green tea and I love green tea. So, that extract's actually in It Works! Energy? -
Yes it is. - I like that. - In fact, that's the caffeine source and that's where we're getting our natural energy. What we tried to do, and accomplished with It Works! Energy, is work with the body's natural energy producing facility. There are normal ways to produce energy that work with the physiology of the body. There are also other ways done with excitotoxins, chemical ways to stimulate your brain.
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 1197