- published: 04 Dec 2010
- views: 1983
In Islamic jurisprudence, qiyās (Arabic: قياس) is the process of deductive analogy in which the teachings of the Hadith are compared and contrasted with those of the Qur'an, in order to apply a known injunction (nass) to a new circumstance and create a new injunction. Here the ruling of the Sunnah and the Qur'an may be used as a means to solve or provide a response to a new problem that may arise. This, however, is only the case providing that the set precedent or paradigm and the new problem that has come about will share operative causes (عِلّة, ʿillah). The ʿillah is the specific set of circumstances that trigger a certain law into action. An example of the use of qiyās is the case of the ban on selling or buying of goods after the last call for Friday prayers until the end of the prayer stated in the Quran 62:9. By analogy this prohibition is extended to other transactions and activities such as agricultural work and administration.
Late and modern Sunni jurisprudence regards analogical reason as a fourth source of Islamic law, following the Qur'an, prophetic tradition and binding consensus. While Muslim scholarship in the later period traditionally claimed that analogy had existed in Islamic law since their religion's inception, modern scholarship generally points to Muslim scholar Abu Hanifa as the first to incorporate analogical reason as a source of law. Since its inception, analogical reason has been the subject of extensive study in regard to both its proper place in Islamic law and its proper application.
Azeri YakışıkLı Şarkıcı ve Oyuncu"Qiyas Ykla"Juriyi Şook Etdi.O ses türkiye (Ağliyorsam Kime Ne)
Ustaz Fadlan Othman - Qiyas Sebagai Sumber Hukum
Qiyas İbrahimin anası AzadlıqRadiosuna danışır
Qiyas Or Ijma Kise Keht he, Qiyas Or Ijma Kab Kar Sakte he |Maulana Makki
"Heykəldən üzr istəyin, buraxaq sizi"
Qiyas Ykla __Agliyorsam Kime Ne __ 2016
Qiyas Ykla- (Toydan )- 2017
Is it good to use qiyas - Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Salah
Qiyas İbrahimovun anası Şura xanımdan eksklüziv reportaj
Insdagram- https://www.instagram.com/qiyas.ykla.official/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/qiyasyklaqiyasykla Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=qiyas+ykla O ses türkiyede juriyi şok etdi o ses turkiye azerbaycanli o ses turkiye azerbaycan juri ayakta alkisladi Şok şok şok mühteşem ses Güzel if her kesin aradigi muzik her kes sokta gokanin supriz videosu abone olun kanala abone olun Qiyas Əsgərov ,Qiyas Ykla O ses turkiye Gökhan / Qiyas Esgerov O ses ,o ses turkiye mukemmel bir ses Mühtiş Harika bir ses Helal olsun
USTAZ (PROF. MADYA) DR. FADLAN BIN MOHD OTHMAN Kitab Ar-Risalah tulisan Imam Muhammad bin Idris As-Syafi'i rahimahullah - Siri 4 - Bab 1 (Penjelasan) TARIKH : Ahad (16 Muharram 1436H / 9 November 2014) Video Penuh : http://www.ilmusalaf.com/2014/11/ustaz-fadlan-othman-ar-risalah-siri-4/ SEGMEN PILIHAN - Tegur dengan Hikmah Bukan Bermaksud Berdiam Diri Sahaja : http://www.ilmusalaf.com/2014/11/ustaz-fadlan-othman-tegur-dengan-hikmah-bukan-bermaksud-berdiam-diri-sahaja/ - Kenapa Banyak Ayat Sama Diulang-ulang dalam Al-Quran? : http://www.ilmusalaf.com/2014/11/ustaz-fadlan-othman-kenapa-banyak-ayat-sama-diulang-ulang-dalam-al-quran/ - Taat Rasulullah Bererti Taat Allah, Bukan Syirik Seperti Dakwaan Anti-Hadis : http://www.ilmusalaf.com/2014/11/ustaz-fadlan-othman-taat-rasulullah-bererti...
Mərhum prezident Heydər Əliyevin heykəlinə "Qul bayramına yox" yazdıqdan sonra narkotik ittihamı ilə saxlanılan gənc fəal Qiyas İbrahimin anası Şura Əmiraslanova AzadlıqRadiosuna evində polisin apardığı axtarışdan, övladından həbsindən danışıb. Originally published at - http://www.azadliq.org/media/video/dedim-ki-narkotiki-sehven-menim-yatagima-qoydun/27743656.html
Ahsanuluuloom Whatsapp Group Ahsanululoom Channlel specially for short Bayans Maulana Makki https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfcf7ihhlU5NgXC1ya-_OOA https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=QTY0AXeQyPU https://youtu.be/T_XvFGOQeTM https://youtu.be/QTY0AXeQyPU https://youtu.be/GaCEXhwKtgY https://youtu.be/gtrul6qGR-s https://youtu.be/03xqwhBOnUM https://youtu.be/xju9k0ka-zo https://youtu.be/YO_Rfafzygk https://youtu.be/IwoGSbfzAEE https://youtu.be/E1IiVe_MNXs https://youtu.be/B13_DsAtM38 https://youtu.be/tCSr9-b2a7Y https://youtu.be/nv_mP6OdQOk https://youtu.be/Kg1J86u8QFg https://youtu.be/h4cp9Tl3384 https://youtu.be/J3mnTxi6sKU https://youtu.be/HxrdUDv_NTw https://youtu.be/DqoDuvqS91E https://youtu.be/hBvukkq22AM https://youtu.be/3Qbp1aqoiBo https://youtu.be/HxrdU...
Eks prezident Heydər Əliyevin büstünün üzərinə "Qul bayramınız mübarək" yazdığı ehtimal edilən gənclər bu gün məhkəmə qarşısına çıxarılıb. Xətai Rayon Məhkəməsində proses qapalı keçirilib. Bayram Məmmədov və Qiyas İbrahimova qarşı vvəlcədən əlbir olan bir qrup şəxsin satış məqsədilə külli miqdarda narkotik vasitəni saxlama və gəzdirmə maddəsi ilə cinayət işi açılıb. Bayramın yaxınları onun siqaret belə çəkmədiyini deyirlər: "Narkotiki boyunlarına qoydular. Özbaşına, zorla evə soxuldular.Ev nümayəndələrindən heç kim orada iştirak etmədi. Özləri də basdılar içəriyə. Uşağın ümumiyyətlə narkotikdən xəbəri yoxdur." Bayram Məmmədovun və Qiyas İbrahimovun barəsində 4 ay həbs- qətimkan tədbiri seçilib. Vəkil Elçin Sadıqov bildirib ki, Bayram Məmmədov məhkəmədəki ifadəsində onlara qoyulan narkoti...
Well, my name it is a number it's on a piece of plastic film
And I've been growin' funny flowers outside on my little window sill
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
You know, my wife still respects me even though I really misuse her
I am having an affair with the Random computer
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin' like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin' seeing all the thing's you'd done
Spacin' out havin' fun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin' like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin' seeing all the thing's you'd done
Spacin' out havin' fun
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Understand me, understand me, understand me
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man