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Plant nitrogen fixation

Global study of nitrogen-fixing plants.
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  • News Feature: Liquid sunlight
    Recent findings suggest that fuels created by artificial photosynthesis are getting much closer to reality. Image courtesy of Dave Cutler.

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  • Racial bias, pain assessment, and treatment recommendations
    Many white laypeople, medical students, and medical residents who participated in a study endorsed false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites that were associated with racial bias in pain perception and treatment recommendations.
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  • Ancient arthropod brooding behavior
    A fossil of an ancient arthropod with 10 other small arthropods attached by individual threads that was discovered in England likely represents a brooding strategy in which juveniles latched onto adults, according to a study.
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  1. Human symbionts inject and neutralize antibacterial toxins to persist in the gut
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  3. From the Cover: Cozzarelli Prize Winner: Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife among white non-Hispanic Americans in the 21st century
  4. Parallel computation with molecular-motor-propelled agents in nanofabricated networks
  5. News Feature: Genetic mutations you want

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