- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 2768
Shymkent (Kazakh: Шымкент / Şımkent), known until 1993 as Chimkent (Uzbek: 'Чимкент', Russian: Чимкент), is the capital city of South Kazakhstan Region, the most densely populated region in Kazakhstan. It is the third most populous city in Kazakhstan behind Almaty and Astana with an estimated population of 629,600 in 2011. A major railroad junction on the Turkestan-Siberia Railway, the city is also a notable cultural centre, with an international airport. Shymkent is situated 690 kilometres (430 mi) west of Almaty and 120 kilometres (75 mi) to the north of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 603,499 (2009 Census results);423,902 (1999 Census results).
Shymkent was founded in the twelfth century as a caravanserai to protect the Silk Road town of Sayram, 10 km to the east. Shymkent grew as a market center for trade between Turkic nomads and the settled Sogdians. It was destroyed several times: by Genghis Khan, soldiers from the southern Khanates, and by nomad attacks. In the early 19th century it became part of the khanate of Kokand. It was captured by the Russians in 1864. It was renamed Chernyaev in 1914 and renamed Shymkent in 1924. Following the Russian conquest, Shymkent was a city of trade between nomadic Turks and sedentary Turks, and was famous for its kumis.
Мой маленький Чимкент ❤️ My small Chimkent
Chimkent Juzhnyj gorod
ummon chimkent
Afisha - Ummon - Chimkent shahrida 9-may kuni konsert beradi 2016
Ummon Konsert Chimkent. Ona 14.02.2014 ( HD VIDEO)
Kladbishe Chimkent - 2
Mirjon Ashapov Chimkent To'y+998946380777
Ummon Konsert Chimkent 14.02.2014 ( HD VIDEO)
Girrachi joja...nokdaunt..mayskiy..2.01.2017 Chimkent
Путешествовать в города, где есть кинотеатр, магазины и просто уютная обстановка - бесценно:)
some pics from the Internet, to show you the city I was born in.
shurik jackson
Хурматли юртдошлар энг янги приколлар жамланган каналимизга хуш келибсиз!!! Видеоларимиз сизлар учун, куриб кайфиятингизни кутаринг ва марокли хордик чикаринг. Дусталрингизга хам бу канал хакида тавсия килинг ва дусталрингизни кайфиятини кутаринг. Бизни каналга аъзо булинг. Агар сизда кайсидир видео га этирозингиз булса, мана шу манзилга ► talkenclash@gmail.com мурожаат килинг! ЭТИБОРИНГИЗ УЧУН РАХМАТ Все авторские права принадлежат их законным владельцам. Если Вы являетесь автором фрагмента из выпуска и его распространение ущемляет Ваши авторские права просим связаться с нами ► talkenclash@gmail.com All Copyrights belongs to their rightful owners. If you are the author of the fragment video and distribute it infringes your copyright please contact us ► talkenclash@gmail.com
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Mirjon Ashrapov chimkent to'yida fayzni olmoqda ! Bunaqasi Bo'lmagan ! Murojaat uchun +998946380777 ; +998977008778 !
Shurik jackson