Potential students please guidance in the left hand column. 
When ready, Create A WISC Membership to make browsing courses easier.
If you have problems enrolling contact [email protected]

If you have enrolled in the past, you will need to sign in to that account.

Potential Partner Organizations, and Potential Faculty,
please consult our General Policies to find out more about WISC,
and then write us for answers to specific questions or to sign up!

World Institute for Social Change (WISC)
is an online school for developing and sharing ideas, skills, vision, and strategy within and across progressive constituencies. WISC is a partnership project. Diverse partner organizations plus its faculty constitute its hosts.

WISC offers courses four times a year in eight week sessions after each of which there is a month off for entering new enrollments, adding new courses, and refining features. The sessions are in April/May, July/August, October/November, and January/February.

The backbone software of WISC is Moodle. The structure of WISC is:

  • Courses are sponsored by a WISC partner. That is, to teach a WISC course one must get sponsorship from a partner.
  • Faculty determine course content. 
  • Enrollees take courses, engaging as much or little as they choose in course discussions, assignments, etc. 
  • Enrollees pay a sliding scale for full fee enrollment, low income enrollment, or observer status. 
  • Revenues go 50% to course faculty, 25% to partner course sponsor, and 25% to WISC for maintaining the whole operation. 

Below are a few links for overarching WISC features - but the vast bulk of content and action is in courses themselves, of course.

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