Category: Venezuela

Bolivarian Circle of New York “Alberto Lovera”: Statement on the Neoliberal Offensive Against the Bolivarian Revolution

Statement on the Neoliberal Offensive Against the Bolivarian Revolutionzco

Eric Draitser: Venezuela’s Opposition: Attacking Its Own People

The corporate media would have you believe that Venezuela is a dictatorship on the verge of political and economic collapse. But that is not the case

Eva María: Chavismo From Below

Why some Venezuelan socialists have broken with President Nicolás Maduro

Lucas Koerner: Venezuelan Social Movements Rally Against Open-Pit Mining in the Orinoco Arc

The demonstration is part of a week of action organized by popular movements against a series of agreements signed by the Venezuelan government with Canadian mining firm Gold Reserve

Mark Weisbrot: Venezuela: Dismantling a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Unifying the exchange rate is the first and most important step toward economic recovery

George Ciccariello-Maher: Venezuela: ¡Comuna o Nada!

The only possible saviors of the Bolivarian process are those who have saved it on every other occasion—and who today coalesce around the horizon of the commune

Mark Weisbrot: Venezuela: Dismantling a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Unifying the exchange rate is the first and most important step toward economic recovery

Francisco Dominguez: Venezuela’s Right Wing Confesses to 17 years of Political Delinquency: The Amnesty Bill

The Amnesty Bill is not at all a mechanism for reconciliation as claimed by the Bill but it is actually an impunity law

Francisco Dominguez: Venezuelans Back Maduro’s Vision of a Socialist Future

The declared intention is to drastically reduce the country’s dependency on oil and reduce as much as possible the importation of both manufactured and agricultural goods

Stuart Piper: Venezuela: a turning point for Latin America?

Whichever route is taken, the ability, or failure, to regenerate mobilization, participation and hope will be decisive. And the key to that is regenerating popular power

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