Category: Africa

Baher Kamal: Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk

“No continent will be struck as severely by the impacts of climate change as Africa”

Paul Street: Kagame Goes to Harvard

A recent event at the pinnacle of “liberal” academia offers a depressing epitome of the cold moral obliviousness and imperial complicity that marks U.S. higher education

Juan Cole: Thousands protest Gov’t in Egypt over Saudi Hegemony

Thousands of Egyptians came into the streets Friday in the first major demonstrations in 2 and a half years, to protest the bestowal of the islands of Tiran and Sanafir on Saudi Arabia

Kristian Laubjerg: Combating HIV/AIDS in Africa – The Hypocrisy Approach

According to the most recent data released by UNAIDS, 36.9 million people globally were living with HIV in 2014, with 70 % of them living in sub-Saharan Africa

Patrick Bond: Austerity Gathers Pace in Volatile South Africa

A wedge is being quickly driven through Pretoria’s political elite

Amrita Pande: The Politics of Openings, the Politics of Closures State, Nation and Universities in India and Africa

A critical encounter between higher education, student protests and movements, broader society and polity has been playing itself out

Gilbert Achcar: What happened to the Arab spring?

A talk on the Arab uprising

Emma Tobin: What is the Value of a Woman?

How do we adapt whole cultures and religious interpretations to see how archaic their treatment of 49.6% of the population is?

Ramzy Baroud: Why BDS Cannot Lose: A Moral Threshold to Combat Racism in Israel

BDS has, thus far, been the most successful strategy and tactic to support Palestinian Resistance

Kola Ibrahim: Nigeria’s Economic Crunch

Radical programs needed to end capitalism-induced crisis

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