Recent ZNet
Working people on both sides of the Atlantic will be the losers if the TTIP passes, and that is underscored by the secrecy surrounding it
Interview on the driving force behind the social mobilization and the inclusiveness of the movement
We have millions of people who are dying at ages much, much younger than they should
I dreaded that rich, corrupt Palestinians in Ramallah are utilizing the image of Mandela to acquire badly-needed political capital
If the Green Party in Georgia is able to get one percent of the presidential vote this year and field 16 electors, then we will have a spot on the ballot for 2018
I spent about nine months in an isolated cell behind a one-way mirror. It was cruel, degrading and inhumane
From Moscow’s point of view, the U.S. is continuing to spread its network of anti-missile systems in Europe and Asia, which the Russians see as a threat
With Hillary Clinton and Wall Street working hand in hand with their right wing proxies in Latin America, Washington looks to reassert its control
In May 2014, Senator Elizabeth Warren talked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. From what I hear, Wall Street, pharmaceuticals, telecom, big polluters and outsourcers are all salivating at the chance to rig the deal in the upcoming trade talks. So the question is: Why are the trade talks secret? You’ll love this answer. Boy, Read more…
What if we defined ourselves – to the movement, the public, and the courts – not as criminals but as law-enforcers trying to halt governments and corporations from committing the greatest crime in human history?
“The degree of civilization in a society,” wrote the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, “can be judged by entering its prisons.” As a frequent visitor to Nevada in recent years, I have often been surprised by the cultural diversity and spiritual richness that can be found in Las Vegas. Still, I think that Dostoyevsky was right. Read more…
Thousands of Flint citizens were poisoned with hundreds of children facing a life-time of medical and intellectual challenges
France’s Nuit Debout movement is mobilizing anger at austerity outside of traditional channels
Washington has absolutely nothing to offer to nations across Asia, Africa and Latin America – to the whole Global South for that matter
Aluf Benn’s proposal for Israel’s left to establish a base of domestic support for its positions is hopeless considering the brainwashing and increasing extremism of our society
The reality is that under present conditions low-wage production for export is simply not an effective way for most countries to develop their economies.
Why Demands to Endorse Hillary Must Be Rejected A growing chorus of voices is declaring the Democratic Primary over, and calling on Sandernistas to dutifully line up behind Hillary. Unfortunately, the pundits are right about the mathematics. Sanders would need more than 64% of remaining delegates to take the lead. It would require a political Read more…
If you thought technology was politically neutral, think again
Prince Mohammed bin Salman is naively opting for the sort of radical economic reform that will be impossible to implement and will de-stabilise his country
A massive repression of the most militant but peaceful peasant movement–the Anjman Mozareen Punjab (AMP)–is underway
Statement on the Neoliberal Offensive Against the Bolivarian Revolutionzco
Like the Occupy Wall Street encampments, Nuit Debout’s central gathering point acts as an incubator for protests
We must reject the suggestion that subversion of the democratic process might be needed to save democracy
Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
The disintegration of the ruling political parties, along with the discrediting of the established political and economic elites, presage radical change
What Trumps the Horrors of a Hellscape? The Donald!
Documents reveal how years of accidents and neglect have polluted local land and water with hazardous chemicals including arsenic, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos and dioxin
Before the Democrats lock in their choice for President, they might want to know if Hillary Clinton broke the law with her unsecure emails and may be indicted
I am going to keep pushing the U.S. war machine forward in every possible way, and the consequences be damned
In the long term, the mutation of schools into joyless exam factories won’t be halted by resistance alone, we also need to make a proper account of what education is for
Baghdad unrest signals disintegration of a political system established in wake of US invasion
It was a joy for me to join eighty people from around the World meeting in Rome ll/12th April, 2016
Syriza’s capitulation to the troika has made the plight of refugees even worse
Bernie’s campaign took the Occupy movement, which was localized, and he elevated it to the national level. I don’t know what will come next. I doubt anyone knows. But it’s exhilarating to be part of it.
Rosa Luxemburg on the roots of May Day
There’s only one way to make sure no more young girls are body-slammed by uniformed officers
When you go back 75 years to find a justification for the institution of war, the biggest public project of the United States for each of the past 75 years, you’re going back to a different world
Thank you, Dan. May we all take heart from your astonishing peacemaking life, and carry on the work to abolish war, poverty and nuclear weapons.
Before the spotlight moves on, he needs to use the enthusiastic political capital he and his colleagues have amassed to lay the foundation for fundamental progressive change rooted within the local communities of America
The real meaning of May Day has been obscured by the designing propaganda of the American and Soviet governments. The truth is totally different
The word “socialism” no longer has a deeply negative connotation
Washington shouldn’t fool itself that “taking X out” is an equally good option, or that targeted assassinations will do more than call forth more resistance to an unbearable and unjust status quo
Employees at Burgerville offer an alternative model for organizing low-wage workers
The United States is experiencing its fifth relapse in five years
If Bernie Sanders is reluctant to make the jump to running as a Green, he needs to be pushed by his supporters
The French demonstrators in the Nuit Debout movement (Up All Night) hope that a convergence of struggles will enable them to extend their appeal beyond the young and university-educated, and become part of an international dynamic. One of their campaign issues — the rejection of free trade treaties (1) — may help those objectives. The intricacies Read more…
If people would stop speaking in the first person about the crimes of their country’s military, and start identifying with all of humanity, we might achieve peace
We must evolve our model to be more flexible to allow people anywhere to organize
Clinton left a rhetorical door open for Sanders to connect Wall Street and race, but he didn’t do it
The Bush administration presided over the installation of an Iraqi spoils system more rowdy and rapacious than anything Andrew Jackson ever imagined