Category: Europe

Yanis Varoufakis: Massive IMF Bailouts are “Ponzi Austerity” Scheme

Negotiations between Greece and international creditors hit an impasse over the bankers’ demands for extra austerity measures

Jonah Birch: A French Spring

Popular protests have erupted against efforts to dismantle France’s labor code

Derek Royden: “Yes We Can!” From Spain to Britain to America, a Revitalized Left Is Emerging

In Europe and North America alike, movements battling neo-liberalism and authoritarian xenophobia will need to become more than the sum of their leaders

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe’s “Hot Spot” Refugee Registration Centers are “Concentration Camps”

Interview on the refugee crisis in Europe, and so-called hot spots that are registration centers for refugees in his country

Dan Kovalik: The Rise and Fall of Liberation Theology in Latin America

The retreat of Liberation Theology due to American policies and the Vatican has been a great loss to the world. I do hope that this spirit and vision will be reclaimed

Robert Fisk: When we mourn the passing of Prince but not 500 migrants, we have to ask: have we lost all sense of perspective?

Has something gone adrift within the moral compass of our ‘news’ reporting?  In the past week, 64 Afghans have been killed in the largest bomb to have exploded in Kabul in 15 years.  At least 340 were wounded.  The Taliban set off their explosives at the very wall of the ‘elite’ security force – watch Read more…

Ken Butigan: Historic Vatican conference calls for nonviolence and ‘just peace’

The “Nonviolence and Just Peace Conference” was an astonishing experience, and we hope that it will bear great fruit in the Catholic Church and the larger world

Nikolay Savov: The Klinika squat: revitalizing anti-capitalism in Prague

An autonomous social center in Prague that revitalized the city’s anti-capitalist politics and culture has come under attack from the establishment

Jack Rasmus: The IMF and Troika Have Greece in Their Crosshairs — Again!

WikiLeaks reveals new austerity measures are planned for the southern European nation.

Erica Chenoweth: Did the Vatican Just Throw Out Its Just War Doctrine?

Among the arguments Pope Francis used to encourage the conference participants was the dramatic rise in the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance over the past century

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