Category: Mideast

Edward S. Herman: King of Chaos

If Hillary Clinton was Queen of Chaos, Obama is surely King. Iraq, Libya, and Syria have been reduced to a chaotic state, and Obama has a heavy responsibility for these developments. There was also Obama’s widening use of drone warfare and declared right and intention to bomb any perceived threat to U.S. “national security” anyplace on earth.

Walden Bello: The Big Blowback

When the late Chalmers Johnson introduced the word “blowback” to the analysis of Washington’s relations with the rest of the world…he saw as the most dangerous blowback the destabilization of American democratic processes by the multiple consequences of Washington’s adventures abroad.

Nizar Visram: EU’s Military Strategy to deepen Mediterranean Tragedies

More than 800 migrants died on April 19 this year when their overcrowded boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off the Libyan coast. The tragedy sent soaring this year’s Mediterranean death toll which was by then around 1,500

Ramzy Baroud: Obama’s Admission On Middle East Violence

Not only does the conventional wisdom in U.S. media blame the bloody exploits of IS on the region itself, as if the U.S. and western interventionism are not, in any way, factors at least worth pondering

Ramzy Baroud: Five Reasons Why 2014 Was a Game Changer in Palestine

In terms of losses in human lives, 2014 has been a horrific year for Palestinians, but there are some very good signs that things are changing

Christopher Fisher: Making Iraq Safe for American Rice

Betsy Ward, president and CEO of the USA Rice Federation, was fuming recently when the Iraqi Grain Board (IGB) neglected, once again, to purchase American rice from corporate behemoth Archer Daniels Midland and opted instead for more expensive varieties from Brazil, Uruguay, and Thailand.

Erica Weiland: You Have Already Been Drafted

Rich and powerful people will always find a way to profit from, rather than pay in any manner for, wars. Furthermore, I want to point out that we are already making great sacrifices for our current war. We have already been drafted and we are already paying war taxes. According to the War Resisters League, for the 2015 fiscal year, approximately 45 percent of every income tax dollar paid to the U.S. government will end up being spent on war

Edward S. Herman: Double Standards and/or Hypocrisy?

The mainstream media’s treatment of two cases of alleged aggression illustrates perfectly the propaganda role and service of the dominant media

Ajamu Baraka: ISIS, Double Standards, and the Fight for Kobani

The difference and the reason why the Kurds of Kobani are to be sacrificed stems from the fact that they are the wrong kind of Kurds

Ramzy Baroud: Another Failed War to Rearrange the Middle East

The logic for intervention that preceded the latest U.S. bombing campaign of IS targets is similar to what took place in Libya over three years ago.

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