Category: Vision/Strategy

James Anderson: The Evolution of Union Co-ops and the Historical Development of Workplace Democracy

The challenges unionized co-ops historically faced, however, continue to affect the evolution of real-life alternatives to traditional capitalist business

Various Contributors: The Leap Manifesto: A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another

We start from the premise that Canada is facing the deepest crisis in recent memory

Marina Sitrin: From Paris with Love and Lessons

Paris is alive with democracy

Gilbert Mercier: Nuit Debout: Dawn of a Revolution?

Nuit Debout envisions an era of social justice and ecological responsibility

Michael Albert: We Need New Priorities

What is now needed are articles and talks and whatever else that seek to arrive at shared program, vision, organizational wisdom and commitments, and tactical insights

Kshama Sawant: On Trump, Bernie and Building Socialism in the US

Interview on building socialism in a capitalist country, her critical support for the Sanders campaign, and why she believes change will ultimately have to come from outside the Democratic party

Bill Fletcher: What Wins

Looking into the future, the benefits of attaining inspiring program will make each new hour applied to seeking change far more effective

Many Authors: Possible Ideas for Going Forward

Seventy Five Authors offer possible ideas for program for left activists…

Levi Gahman: Dismantling neoliberal education: a lesson from the Zapatistas

The non-hierarchical education of the Zapatistas cries dignity and suggests that the suffering of the neoliberal university can be withstood and overcome

Noam Chomsky: Organizing for a next system

The Great Depression was objectively much worse than today, much more severe. Subjectively, it was much better. It was a period of hopefulness

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