Category: Ecology

Pete Dolack: No Planet for Optimism

When it comes to global warming, what else don’t we know? What science does know, and what it can infer from studying archeological records, already makes anybody who thinks the long-term habitability of Earth is more important than short-term profits very worried.

Abby Cuniff: How New England students are taking fossil fuel divestment a step further

We cannot remain silent, on or off campus. Complicity allows for climate destruction and upholds the legacy of colonial violence in the Northeast and abroad

Thom Mitchell: Sketching The Fight: Bill McKibben On How To Save The Planet

“We’d won the argument in 1990. The science was crystal clear on what was going on. We were not in an argument, we were in a fight, and the fight – as fights always are – was about money and power”

Roberto Savio: Destruction of Our Planet

The environment and the future – economic misdirection…

Baher Kamal: Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk

“No continent will be struck as severely by the impacts of climate change as Africa”

Koide Hiroaki: “The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is a Serious Crime”

Interview with an influential voice and a central figure in the anti-nuclear movement since the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi of March 11, 2011

Nika Knight: As Dems Debate Fossil Fuels, New Report Shows Fracking Worse Than Thought

New data shows fracking’s effects on public health, wildlife, economies, and communities, adding context as Dems debate fracking on national stage

Pete Dolack: There’s no place for clean water under ‘free trade’

That last ruling provides the essence of “free trade” agreements — the accumulation of corporate power to override all democratic controls over health, safety, environmental or labor safeguards

Pete Dolack: No planet for optimists: Coastal flooding may come sooner than we fear

There is no alternative to a massive change to industrial activity — no amount of re-forestation can come close to canceling out the effect of industrial activity

Naomi Klein: The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Her Corporate Cash. It’s Her Corporate Worldview

If we’re to have any hope of avoiding catastrophe, action needs to be unprecedented in its speed and scope

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