- published: 14 Apr 2016
- views: 884
Sliven (Bulgarian: Сливен) is the eighth-largest city in Bulgaria and the administrative and industrial centre of Sliven Province and municipality.
Sliven is famous for its Bulgarian Haiduts who fought against the Ottoman Turks in the 19th century and is known as the "City of the 100 Voyvodi", a Voyvoda being a leader of Haiduts.
The famous rocky massif Sinite Kamani (Сините камъни, "The Blue Rocks") and the associated national park, the fresh air and the mineral springs offer diverse opportunities for leisure and tourism. Investors are exploring the opportunity to use the famous local wind (Bora) for the production of electricity.
Another point of interest and a major symbol of the city as featured on the coat of arms, is over thousand-year-old Stariyat Briast (Старият Бряст, "The Old Elm"), a huge Smooth-leaved Elm in the center of the city. In times of the Ottoman rule Turkish officials used to hang Bulgarian revolutionaries on it. Today the city is helping the tree live on by frequent evaluations and reinforcing its base. It was elected Bulgarian tree of the year in 2013. On 19th of March 2014 the results of online poll were revealed at a ceremony in the European Parliament. The Old Elm was voted European tree of the year 2014.
Roads: Sliven Bulgaria
Sliven, Bulgaria www.bluemaxbg.com
romi ot sliven
Mihaela i Denis svatba sliven 2016 Zvonko Demirovic Mustafa Sabanovic i Marko Markovic
Class FWD Drag Racing Sliven 2016
Bahar sliven
Orhanin bali sliven 5
pape sava jana 1 sliven
Сливен от www.bluemaxbg.com Sliven, Bulgaria www.bluemaxbg.com
This race took place in Sliven, Bulgaria on 13-14 June 2015. It was the second race of the Bulgarian dragster championship of the year 2015. For videos of the first race check here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGO2uuIznbGaDCsOBWWKRKljH-LxIg1a9 On this class, appearing: Audi S2 (Nikolay Kolev) Audi S2 Drag power (Asen Serafiev) Audi S2 Drag power (Konstanin Dinev) VW Golf MK3 121 Performance (Emanuil Dragomanov) VW Polo R33 Turbo TST Racing (Miro Buchvarov) VW Scirocco GT-R Heed-Auto (Martin Nikolov) During this race, a new TRAP SPEED RECORD was made: https://youtu.be/fdB3HPUeO0M Also a new record for the DIESEL CLASS was achieved: https://youtu.be/3MsmCRqmCMk If you like our videos and want to support us, subscribe to our channel and leave your comment. Thank you. Autokinisi...
pape sava jana 1 sliven
Получить бесплатную консультацию и полную информацию по недвижимости в Болгарии на сайте: http://domumorya.com/ Контактные телефоны: +7 (499) 748-15-88 Квартиры и дома в Болгарии, как недвижимость в Болгарии у моря, так и недвижимость в Болгарии в горах, -- успешное вложение средств и прекрасная инвестиция в свое будущее, а также возможность жить и отдыхать в экологически чистой зоне среди живописной природы и климата. Сливен -- это небольшой городок, расположенный с восточной стороны подножья гор Стара планина. Расстояние до Софии составляет 279 км. Софии, до Ямбола -- 28 км, до Бургаса -- 114 км. Три реки, протекающие через город, делят его на три части. К северу расположен природный парк «Синие камни». Чтобы полюбоваться видом его чудесных скал, которые при специфическом освещении ...
En film på ca 12 minuter, ihopklippt på det material jag hade från resan. Hade inte alltför mycket att använda mig av, men jag tog vad jag hade. Hoppas ni gillar't :)
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Gardens, under the light. Seasons, change overnight. I've been out searching for you. Mister, have a nice day, but quickly get out of the way, because I miss you something awful. To beg and plead to thee, to cut my roped hands free, I'd be in debt to you forever. Sundrops, spill through the clouds and show us what's left all around and I'll be out searching for you. Cherie, all your mistakes barely keep me awake, because I miss you something awful. To beg and plead to thee, to cut my roped hands free, I'd be in debt to you forever. Gardens, under the light. Seasons, change overnight.