Police investigate kill threats against Councillor Stephen Jolly

Bianca Hall -Aug 2, 2015

Yarra Councillor Stephen Jolly is taking the threats seriously.

Yarra Councillor Stephen Jolly is taking the threats seriously. Photo: Pat Scala

Police will patrol Yarra councillor Stephen Jolly's house after threats to kill him were posted on social media.

The man whose name is attached to the threats, Neil Erikson, said the messages were written by anonymous online trolls and not written by him, but declined to condemn the threat against Cr Jolly.

Despite Mr Erikson's denials, Cr Jolly is taking the threat seriously.

He said: "This is the ugly face of racism ... the confidence these people have to stalk and threaten violence against an elected councillor is breath taking. This needs to be nipped in the bud."

Mr Erikson is an administrator of the United Patriots Front, who last year pleaded guilty in the Melbourne Magistrates Court to stalking, after he abused a Melbourne rabbi in a series of anti-Semitic phone calls.

The group has been engaged in a bitter war of words with Cr Jolly, who has co-organised anti-racist rallies to counter the anti-Islam protests held by the United Patriots Front and others. The United Patriots Front held a rally outside Richmond Town Hall to "bring down" Cr Jolly in May.

A man sent screen grabs of what appear to be a series of messages between himself and Mr Erikson to left-wing activists, saying "i reckon hes up to something shifty nd i didnt sign up for all this illegal shit (sic)".

In the screen grab, the post attributed to Mr Erikson states: "don't worry, Jolly won't always be a jolly c---... Have faith we have plans and we've got it covered."

Asked what the plans were, the message states: "can't really say but we've been tracking his moves, we know everything he does. What time he goes to work, what time he has lunch and what time he comes home ... manual removal if necessary."

Asked to respond to the messages, Mr Erikson replied: "any press that is going to run a story on an individual based on fake screen shots, being spread around by online bullies and slander groups, had best be prepared for legal action."

The United Patriots Front, which is associated with neo-Nazis, is a splinter group of Reclaim Australia.

One of the members of the group tried to take a pistol to the group's protest against Islam at Parliament House. Police confiscated the firearm after searching NSW members of the group as they prepared to board a bus for the Melbourne rally.

Police have told Cr Jolly they will patrol his house and investigate the threats.


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