Jamie Heywood


Fusing discovery development & delivery

Beigetreten März 2009

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  1. Good story and great summation by Biologists Are the Next Rock Star Designers via

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    thank you for your inspiring keynote speech on , it was great to have you back here!

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  3. Thought provoking visit to & spectacular view from room. Great visit with &

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    .'s phone

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    At fabulous affair event with and 700 of his glamorous friends

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    A world without trials? It's feasible says . leadership is needed for that:

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    Cost is not the issue in healthcare. It's not measuring value that is.

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    "Health is perhaps the most important thing there is. Why would we want to spend less on it?"

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  10. Love it

  11. I know I am late to seeing this but love it TY Value of an idea.....

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    11. Okt.

    ., cofounder of , kicks off with how to enable patients to take charge of their medical condition.

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  13. Excited to share and our patient's dreams for a learning health system Oct 11

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    presents data from ALS Therapy Development Institute

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    “I don’t want to run any more trials” instead we should be studying patients in the real world

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    : it's the mirror of what you don't know. Amazing.

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    Us, the patient in the room, the patient to come

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    “It’s more than the patient & physician, it’s about the future similar patient to come"

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    And the congregation says "Amen!" Thanks Jamie Heywood

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  20. Jamie Heywood folgt jetzt , , und 11 andere
    • @nearfuturenow

      The Near Future Summit will convene 250 highly curated vanguards in an intimate setting, leading to scale solutions.

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