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Opinion & Analysis

Social movements mobilize outside the National Assembly in Caracas as they deliver their legislative proposal for same sex civil

"The Struggle isn't Over": Venezuela Moves Towards Marriage Equality

VA's Jeanette Charles speaks to María Helena Ramírez Hernández of the Sex and Gender Revolutionary Diversity Alliance on the Supreme Court's recent decision to declare Article 44 of the Civil Code unconstitutional - giving the judicial green light to same sex civil marriage in Venezuela.

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The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez: An Interview with Eva Golinger
The Fight for Justice, Truth and Peace in Venezuela
Venezuela’s Supreme Court Strikes a Blow to the Impunity of Liberal Terror

Venezuela in images

May Day Sees Venezuelans Rally for Revolution and Workers' Control - VA brings you a selection of photos from May Day 2016 in Caracas. 

Photo caption: Luis Durán shares his personal testimony with the guarimbas that took his son's life. (Paola Martucci)

The Fight for Justice, Truth and Peace in Venezuela

The Committee of Victims of the Guarimba and Ongoing Coup internationally denounces the Venezuelan opposition’s terror campaign and attempts to silence victims’ families through the Amnesty Law.


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Economic Indicators

Chart graphic

This CEPR has written various reports on the situation of the venezuelan economy. Read them here