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May 5, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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How to Nominate A Trump (Video)

Right-Wing Ralphie is back, this time guiding us through how Donald Trump became Trump the Republican Nominee. Spoiler alert: This has been brewing for a long time. Don’t just blame Indiana.


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The Socialist Alternative

Seattle’s socialist City Council member, Kshama Sawant, has called on Bernie Sanders to break with the Democratic Party and run as an independent. If he refuses, she says, his supporters must build a third party without him.

The Third Way: Share-the-Gains Capitalism

If I were a betting man, I’d bet on a model of capitalism that’s neither no-lose socialism for the rich nor cruel hypercapitalism for the rest, but share-the-gains capitalism for everyone.
A/V Booth

In a segment on “The Real News Network,” Truthdig’s Chris Hedges calls the late Daniel Berrigan a “fine poet” and “prolific writer of radical theology,” and he argues that the Jesuit priest’s “most important contribution was as a writer.”

Unless you earn enough to be able to begin to accumulate wealth, you can’t get ahead. That’s why kids from low-income families start out in life at a huge disadvantage—especially children of color.

Republicans and Democrats Must Work Together to Not Mainstream Donald Trump

The writer Leon Wieseltier suggested a slogan that embodies the appropriate response to Trump’s ascent to the top of the GOP class: “Preserve the shock.”

Edward Snowden Explains What Makes Whistleblowing Permissible

In a piece published by The Intercept, the ex-CIA employee and NSA subcontractor reflects on the risky but necessary act of revealing information not intended to be publicly known.

Greece Bailout Was for EU Banks: Study Confirms That Rescue Loans Didn’t Serve the Greek People

“The only reason why they effected this so-called bailout of Greece was to save their own banks and to present this as solidarity with Greece.”

Hillary Clinton’s Promised ‘Down-ballot Fundraiser’ Leaves Little Money for State Democrats

Clinton says she’s raising big money to help state committees, but they’ve gotten to keep only one percent of the $61 million raised, a Politico investigation found.



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Democratic Sen. Mark Warner Urges the Rich to Challenge Populist Anger (Video)

The Virginia senator called on an audience of business and political elites to respond to active public discontent by lobbying harder for the reduction of corporate taxes and the cutting of public welfare programs such as Social Security.

American Forests Face Major Changes

Researchers create a detailed “cyberforests” picture of the dramatic ways that climate change could alter the types of trees in the forests of Canada and the U.S.

Trouble for Johnson & Johnson After Another  Big Loss in a Talcum Powder-Ovarian Cancer Case

In two court decisions in less than three months, Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay out $127 million. And it faces 1,200 similar lawsuits.

Rest in Peace, Dan Berrigan—Just as You Lived

Daniel J. Berrigan lived his life true to his calling, literally practicing what he preached.

Ordinary Voters Can Now Lobby Superdelegates for Bernie Sanders

A recently created “superdelegate list” urges voters to “hold party officials accountable.” But would that help or hurt the Sanders campaign for the Democratic nomination?



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I Don’t Know What Lies Behind the Door of a Trump Presidency. Do You?

On the other hand, I have two-and-a-half decades worth of reasons to fear a new Clinton administration.

Bill Moyers in Conversation: Eddie Glaude Jr. on America’s Racial ‘Value Gap’

A talk with the scholar and Princeton professor about the tremendous racial inequalities that remain as the final term of America’s first black president draws to a close.

A Win for Trans People as Chicago Schools Pass ‘Equal and Inclusive’ Rules

“At a time when we are seeing attacks on the most vulnerable members of our community, Chicago is taking steps to protect and affirm transgender people.”

Some Republicans Are—Gasp!—Planning to Vote for Hillary Clinton

They argue that the Democratic front-runner is a better choice for president than Donald Trump.

President Obama Calls for Support of TPP; Sanders Calls TPP a ‘Disaster’

Amid the recent hubbub about the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), it’s easy to lose sight of that other international trade deal with two Ts and a P in its abbreviation that’s caused a worldwide backlash in recent months.

Elizabeth Warren: I’ll ‘Fight My Heart Out’ to Ensure Donald Trump ‘Never Reaches the White House’

Arguing that the real estate mogul would be a dangerous choice to lead the U.S., the Massachusetts senator is making her plea to voters and lawmakers across the political spectrum.

Progressive Independent Party Launches a Petition to Unify Support Behind Bernie Sanders

The new political party aims to create a voting bloc of outside voices to propel the Vermont senator into the White House.

Greenpeace: Leaked Documents Show U.S. Attempts to Weaken Environmental and Health Protections

According to the environmental organization, leaked documents from negotiations for the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP—an international trade deal—reveal a legal program that would exchange national sovereignty for rule by corporations.

So Much for #StopTrump: John Kasich to Follow Ted Cruz out of Presidential Race

By all indications, Donald Trump has the Republican presidential nomination sewn up.

Behind the Scenes at ‘Rising Up With Sonali’

Get a glimpse of the two-woman operation behind “Rising Up With Sonali,” the daily radio and television show hosted by Truthdig columnist Sonali Kolhatkar and broadcast online and on KPFK.

Bank of North Dakota Soars Despite Oil Bust: A Blueprint for California?

Despite North Dakota’s collapsing oil market, its state-owned bank continues to report record profits. With 50 times North Dakota’s population, California could do the same.