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BNC welcomes Amnesty International position on Right to BDS April 24, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

No mafia-like threat from anyone will “thwart” BDS activists from advocating for freedom, justice and equality for the entire Palestinian people, in our homeland and in exile.

“EU complicit in Israeli war crimes”, says leadership of global BDS Movement March 28, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Germany: Do not collaborate in Israel’s Cultural Crimes in regards to the Looted Palestinian Dead Sea Scrolls and respect international law March 27, 2016 by Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)

Israel’s legal warfare on BDS fosters repression and McCarthyism across the world March 17, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

Palestinian Women’s Call for Worldwide Women’s Endorsement of BDS March 8, 2016 by Palestinian Women Coalition

Palestinian civil society coalition urges McGill students to uphold support of divestment February 25, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee



New UN database of companies complicit in Israel’s occupation May 5, 2016 by Ingrid Jaradat

Finally, after years of toothless UN condemnations of settlements – which are a flagrant violation of international law and a major obstacle to justice and peace in the region – there will be an official UN list that names and exposes businesses that have for decades enabled and profited from Israel’s theft of Palestinian land and other human rights abuses.

Just as Boycotts Are Making a Difference for LGBTQ People, Some Lawmakers Want to Shut Them Down May 1, 2016 by Katherine Franke and Michael Ratner

Shifty antisemitism wars April 29, 2016 by Ben White

Anti-BDS legislation violates free speech April 24, 2016 by David Wildman

Dirty Profits report highlights role of Israeli banks in settlement construction February 24, 2016 by Article 1

Israeli arms manufacturers look to cash in on the war in Gaza December 11, 2014 by Dan Cohen at Mondoweiss



Simone de Beauvoir Institute’s Statement of Feminist Solidarity with the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement April 30, 2016 by Simone de Beauvoir Institute

On February 17, 2016, representatives of the Students, Faculty, Staff, Fellows, and Research Associates of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute (SdBI) voted in unanimous support of the following resolution on the Palestinian call for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement:


University of Chile’s Law Faculty students vote “yes” for BDS April 27, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

64% of the Law students at the University of Chile voted for cutting the university's ties with Israeli universities involved in violating Palestinian human rights


Petition: civil liberties in Europe under threat with government attacks on BDS April 24, 2016 by ECCP

In order to support the call from the Palestinian BDS National Committee and in solidarity with BDS activists in European countries and all over the world ECCP is launching a PETITION to the European Commission.


Alliance of Baptists Divests from Companies Profiting from Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Land April 24, 2016 by Alliance of Baptists

During their National Gathering on April 8-10 in St. Louis, the Alliance of Baptists affirmed the use of nonviolent boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) strategies and comprehensive education and advocacy programs to end the 49-year Israeli military occupation of Palestinian land.

UNOPS becomes third UN agency in Jordan to drop G4S following campaign April 18, 2016 by BNC

News comes as BDS movement marks Palestinian political prisoners day with protest actions against G4S in several countries Campaign pressure against G4S set to continue until it completes sale of Israeli business The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) … Continue reading 


After wins abroad, BDS conference in West Bank sees local traction April 13, 2016 by Mondoweiss

Report from the fifth conference of the Palestinian BDS National Committee in Ramallah.


Twenty-two Literary Figures Explain Why They Signed Letter Calling on PEN American Center to Reject Israeli Government Sponsorship of Festival April 13, 2016 by Adalah-NY

140 Writers Have Signed the Letter, Including 70 PEN Members and World Voices Festival Participants

mekorot faixa bahia

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot April 11, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

The Brazilian state of Bahia decided on April 2 to end its cooperation agreement with Israeli water company Mekorot

UN Human Rights Council votes to establish database of settlement companies March 24, 2016 by Palestinian BDS National Committee

By mandating the UN to establish this database, this resolution supports the view of the the BDS movement that companies must be held to account for their participation in Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights and international law

EU ambassador to Israel must not speak alongside settler leader Dani Dayan at anti-BDS event March 23, 2016 by BNC

March 23 2016 Dear EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, We offer our sincere condolences and thoughts to the people of Belgium during this difficult time. We are writing to urge the European Union to cancel the participation of Mr. Lars … Continue reading 

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