The object of the Growth Portfolio is to achieve capital appreciation and dividend returns, above and beyond the performance of the All Ordinaries 'Accumulation Index'.

Investors get exposure to active management of a concentrated portfolio of well-researched Australian equities. The investment approach is buying and holding shares with market prices at material discounts to their estimated value. Investments will be sold if they move to a material premium to their estimated value.


Style: A portfolio of Australian listed equities and cash
Benchmark: All Ordinaries Accumulation Index
Objective: To outperform the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index by +1% per annum over rolling 3 year periods
Risk Rating: High
Income Potential: Low
Growth Potential: High
Suggested Timeframe: 3 years +
Investment Fee (inc. GST): 0.67% - 0.97%
(depending on amount invested)
Minimum Investment: $5,000
Asset Class Allocation
Cash 4.54%
Australian Equities 94.95%

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Latest Report

November 2015 Performance Update - Intelligent Investor Growth Portfolio

30 Nov 2015

After the sharp falls in August, the sharemarket continued to bump along the bottom in November, as investors continued to di…

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News & Updates

OzForex downgraded

4 Mar 2016 | Intelligent Investor | by James Carlisle

A small bounce from recent lows has taken the online currency transfer business beyond our Buy price.

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Our Performance

Diversified Portfolios
Inception *
PDS Latest
International Equities Model 9.32% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Intelligent Investor - II Growth Model 5.62% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Growth Model 4.95% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Intelligent Investor - II Equity Income Model 4.80% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
High Growth Model 4.60% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Conservative Model 2.72% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Income Model 2.07% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Balanced Model 2.04% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Fixed Income Model 0.24% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report
Property Model -0.29% Download the prospectus for this fund Download latest report

* Returns since inception as at 31 Jan 2016

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