Technique for instant completion by Nithyananda
In today's morning Satsang,
Paramahamsa Nithyananda gifts us with a new, profound sacred secret for practicing completion. He tells us that the very cognition we carry about ourselves and the world can be altered! It is not something that is fixed like computer hardware. Cognition is like computer software, changeable and reprogrammable. All completions and incompletions we carry are just a
function of our cognition that is used to either bind us or liberate us. Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives us the straight technique in which we can create our own new cognition that will directly lead us into a continuous, automatic thought process of completion in every moment!
I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
Today, I will expand on "
Instant Process for
Please understand, you need to receive it from the space of listening. Instant process for completion. If you listen intensely, end of the satsangh you will be complete.
First, please listen, please come to the space of listening. I wanted to define 'Cognition'. I will give you few definitions then I will expand on the process of instant completion. First understand what is 'Cognition'? Cognition is receiving information, the process where we receive information through our five senses, process that information internally, relate with it based on your root-patterns, and respond to life from the understandings of your patterns derived from means understanding from your, responding from your pattern, is known as Cognition.
Listen I am repeating, the process where we receive information through five senses, internalize with our patterns, respond based on our patterns, is 'Cognition'. Normally, this is Cognition. Now
I want you just to understand the second statement I want to make. Please understand, there is no connection between the first statement now I made and the second statement I am making. I defined Cognition now
I am going to define '
Authenticity'. It is like I am preparing items for cooking
. In the end, I will put everything together and cook and give you the food. I am just preparing the ingredients for cooking. First I cut carrot then I cut brinjal. You can't say, '
What is this you cut carrot and without even putting that into the oven, you are cutting brinjal.'No, first I will prepare then I will give you the final understanding. Listen now, cognition understand the truth about cognition. Receiving information through five senses and internalizing with your root-pattern, responding based on your pattern, is Cognition.
Understand Authenticity I am giving you little deeper definition.
'Authenticity' is nothing but being sincere to the four aspects of you:
What you feel as you -- inner image;
What you project you to others -- outer image;
What you think about others and life -- others' image, image about others; and
What others hold you as -- others' expectation.
Mamakara-inner image, Ahankara-outer image, Swa Anyakaara-image about others, Anyakaara-others' expectation about you, what others hold you for; in all these four being sincere. Please listen, being sincere in all these four.
Means what?
Having best inner image;
Having best outer image;
Having best idea about others and life; and
Being very sincere about what others hold you for.
I tell you please listen, spend few minutes to sit and define:
What you want to feel about you, what kind of feeling about you will be the best for you, what you think is best you? Define.
What do you think as best outer image for you, what's the best way you wanted to project you?
What's the best image you wanted to have about others and life?
What is the best sincere way you want to take responsibility about what others hold you for?
Define all these four anything which disturbs in any one of this is an incompletion. Understand, anything which disturbs any one of these is an incompletion?
All of you understand Authenticity? Listen I am creating separate, separate ingredients, so that in the end, I will give you the complete understanding.
It's one of the powerful revelations I had yesterday night in the
Samadhi, because last two days we are having the
College of Peethadheeshwars, the meeting of all sannyasis and
Nastika Brahmacharis, Krama Brahmacharis, other than gurukul kids who don't need this meeting.
We are having a meeting, and where they are discussing and trying to help each other to hold ourself in the highest context and I am personally sitting and spending as much time as I can and helping, enriching. So this was one of of biggest problem many were expressing in the discussion, some for themselves, some when we teach, when we help others, how can we handle this, holding ourself and others in the highest context, in the best possible space? So yesterday whole night, I was sitting with that mood that there should be some clear understanding, experiential solution for this. I think Kaala Bhairava brought this kind of disciples to me so that I will continue to find